2012年2月3日 星期五

歐債問題不是中國金援買歐債可以解 ( Europe debt crisis cannot solve by China investing EU bond )

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當著梅克爾的面 溫家寶透露中國考慮擴大援歐

中國總理溫家寶周四 (2 日) 表示,中國正在考慮擴大參與歐洲紓困基金,以協助解決該區主權債務問題。不過,他並未提出具體金額承諾。溫家寶與出訪中國的德國總理梅克爾 (Angela Merkel) 舉行會晤後,於聯合記者會上表示,中國政府仍在思考如何提供歐洲更多支援,包括可能透過國際貨幣基金組織 (IMF)。

他補充,中國也正在考慮透過 2 個主要歐洲紓困基金──EFSF (歐洲金融穩定基金) 及 ESM (歐洲穩定機制),來擴大參與解決歐債危機。溫家寶表示,中國政府正在調查及評估如何透過 IMF,來進一步藉 ESM/EFSF 管道參與解決歐債問題。他強調,中方支持穩定歐元及歐元區的各項努力。且北京對歐洲經濟有信心。

《路透社》指出,中國一再強調支持歐元穩定;且根據普遍估計,中國高達 3.2 兆美元的外匯儲備,有 1/4 是歐元資產。但時至今日,北京仍遲不願就參與歐洲紓困基金規模,提出具體承諾。( Angela Merkel visits China and get China president wants to support, but it cannot solve the real issue of EU, EU must force is currency to a lower level o stimulate its economic and Germany needs to increase its inflation and make USD/Euro trend to1.1, this can make the debt/GDP ratio has improvement, so the interesting rate of bond from Spain, Greece and other of high debt EU countries can get improve and be lower, otherwise, how can an EU leader tell me how to do it? EU leader needs to understand to print EU Euro is not a wrong decision, it is an effective approach to stimulate economic and liquidity  )











現在有一種觀點認為歐債危機是因為 “高福利高工資”造成的,這種籠統的說法並不合理。歐洲的高福利政策實行了幾十年都沒事,如今的歐債危機只是導致高福利較難維持而已。


( Major issue of EU is the currency unification did not considerate some countries weak currency change to stronger currency will induce a GDP fall, this already prove from EU process, we can say the EU process and form to turn into a stronger currency is quite wrong direction, it make Germany inflation keep much well and don't understand that is totally wrong and make the EU will fall into an economic disaster, print money is  a correct strategy when EU faces the difficulty in the issue of bond, it will quickly turn Euro drop a lot and make all bond get payment increase its credit and boost economic and GDP growth, major disadvantage is inflation, but EU inflation index is quite lower, if inflation is too high, it also can solve by IMF to form a join currency approach to force people to choose gold as one of currency in trading, there are a lot of countries star to think about use gold as currency in trading to reflect its value of goods in trading, so many people concept is not correct, no matter the country of balance of trade is positive or negative, both countries needs to print money when the expanding of both side trading is increasing, so it is obvious to print money main purpose is coming from expanding of economic growth and international trading )

  • 歐盟結構性失衡是主因。歐盟各國經濟發展水準不一,但又渴望實現共同體的願景。需要有兩種歐元區。
  • 歐盟如只有一種歐元,歐元不能太強。
  • 經濟成長比防止通膨重要。
  • 中國金援買歐債無法解決 歐債問題。
  • 印鈔是資本主義過程中隨外貿出超、舉債建設刺激經濟及經濟成長就會產生,它是必需之過 程。害怕貨幣泡沫是需要IMF去思考,如何用黃金、美元與一藍子貨幣去形成,EU也可以選擇一藍子貨幣,無須獨尊歐元。
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