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顯示具有 Movie 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2009年6月5日 星期五

Ae Fond Kiss ( 2004 ) - A Good DVD ( 電影 )

    “Ae Fond Movie”是一天主教女和一名穆斯林男子在一個仍然處於社會階層分裂和種族分裂狀態的格拉斯哥之間的愛情故事。 標題產生,因為我相信許多人會知道,從 Robert Burns 的詩,其中詩人感嘆失去自己心愛的,而美好的吻是最後一吻臨別。
    Roisin 和 Casim 之間的愛情是不可能的,因為他的家人希望他結婚巴基斯坦表弟。 結婚 Roisin是不可能的,而且它的前景風險斷絕 Casim 從他的家庭永遠。 Casim 掙扎於 愛Roisin 和愛他的家人之間。

    處理衝突是非常嫻熟的,現實的和深遠的感情。 我們看到了傷心的Casim的家人和心碎年輕的情侶,我們理解。 現場失望的父親打破了窗戶的房子延長為他建造了他的兒子和未來的兒媳是巨大的和現實的描繪。 我們正在破壞我們之間的理解,父親的感情和更大的同情,創造了電影的年輕夫婦。 歸根結底,我們不能承擔公開操縱Casim由他的家人,我們希望Casim將與Roisin各地。

    正如箔的年輕夫婦,我們遇到Hammid ,Casim的朋友,誰是他的基督教生活了7年的女友,但她認為結婚是不可能,誰告訴Casim說,他的家人是比一些女人更重要;他的妹妹Tahara,誰無視她的父母,誰告訴Casim他是一個偽君子; 歸根結底,Casim必須選擇放棄在向他的家屬的意願,並與Roisin 相愛成家 。

引用: www.dailymotion.com


2009年5月3日 星期日

男人百分百 (What Women Want) - A Good Movie

    The movie express several stories that what women want, the actor Nick Marshall got a super nature power to hear women's heart, initially, he is very alergied to this capability, so he look for a female mental doctor to help to cure this bug in his heart, finally, the female tell him to have this gift from God is remarkable talent to own the world, then, he learn how to use this talent in his life and beginn to understand women;

     When he can enjoy this gift to hear the voice of heart from women, he change his personality day by day and become more understood the women's love and heart; feel women women difficulty in life, specially, after he get the command from his new boss Darcy McGuire to brainstorm the ideal of female Ads.; Frankly speaking, I also feel that is so difficulty to women in her life.

    我覺得這是非常好的 Movie DVD,值得珍藏。

引用: Youtube, www.imdb.com

2009年1月3日 星期六

Australia Movie With Elton John Selection Songs

From Journal Of Life On Pictures
    Australia is a movie stated the love story relative to how Australia becomes independent country during world war II, Nicole Kidman act as a very brave lady to travel for her marrage and run a brave story in Australia with Hugh Jackman; I like Nicole her special gift from Lord to brave her love in pure original and wild of north of Australia. Nicole act as a beautiful, brave lady, just like what the movie shows us "if you don't have love,
you are nothing in earth"; I like to watch the movie with an amazing lady like Nicole, it may be the main reason I like to enjoy the movie with life.

但是沒有愛情且無子嗣的婚姻,讓馬廄裡的馬匹成了唯一對她有意義的事物。莎拉因為深信丈夫外遇,不遠千里從倫敦來到澳洲達爾文市,要向丈夫興師問罪,卻發現丈夫遭人殺害,心懷不軌的牧場經理尼爾弗雷契(大衛溫漢飾),與卡尼男爵密謀加速產權轉讓,欲將「遠方之丘」的莊園房產佔為己有。 為了捍衛「遠方之丘」,莎拉心不甘情不願的與粗野無禮的放牧人(休傑克曼飾)踏上一千五百哩的路程,將上百頭牛隻送到碼頭裝船。他們帶著一名土著與白種人混血的孤兒努拉(布蘭登華特斯飾)同行,被當時實行種族隔離政策的社會視為異類。
整部電影深入澳洲北部原始大地,在被稱之為Top End的北領地達爾文、西澳金柏利地區、昆士蘭海岸線及雪梨市郊小鎮等地拍攝,完美呈現澳洲美麗風光,一場2000頭野牛橫越澳大利亞內陸的浩大場面也是影片的賣點之一。看了 AUSTRALIA 這電影還蠻喜歡。

2008年12月31日 星期三

"Fool's Gold" With Latin Love Songs

From Journal Of Life On Pictures

    I like to watch DVD movie and collect a lot of DVD movie to enjoy it everytime I like, one of movie I like is "Fool's Gold", it been translated as 『傻愛成真』in Chinese.

    It is a movie story fill with a lot of adventure, love and wonderful scenery; I think the life is full with adventure, wonderful thing for us to look forward.

    Some music inside movie is also very romantic with dance rhythm, that is why I like it; you can stream the introduction of the DVD below via Youtube video clip;

    I also combine it with latin love song from Reik band and Deigo Torres to tune the mood of your heart to a romantic, dance with adventure beat.