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2009年6月1日 星期一

Billy Gilman - There's A Hero; Lazlo Emmerich's 藝術 ( Blog Lyrics 西洋情歌 )

There's a flower in the smallest garden
Reaching for the light
There's a candle in the darkest corner
Conquering the night
There is amazing strength In a willing hand
There are victories
That you've never planned
There's a hero
In everybody's heart

There's a fire inside of everybody
Burning clear & bright
There's a power in the faintest heartbeat
That cannot be denied
Go on and trust yourself
You can ride the wind
You're gonna take your dreams
Where's they've never been
There's a hero In everybody's heart

Go on and trust yourself
You can ride the wind
You're gonna take your dreams
Where they've never been
There's a hero In everybody's heart (x2)

Lazlo Emmerich 出生不久的德國漢諾威舉行的1940年。 他的父親被打死在第二次世界大戰中,因此他的全家搬到了荷蘭代爾夫特,荷蘭,他在那裡生活和學習是從5歲。
他的繪畫天賦被發現在早期階段。 因此,在他十幾歲,他能夠走上學徒與佛蘭芒畫家奧托指出Van't聖。

儘管有許多分散在 Lazlo Emmerich 的成年早期;書面垮掉詩歌在50年代,煽動革命作為左翼激進在1960和調情大型鋼結構在七十年代,一個成熟和個人風格的繪畫最終出現。 微妙之處,鮮明的圖像,泥土色,油漆表面和悲痛開始標誌著他的工作,並繼續到今天。

Lazlo Emmerich 的含義個人的藝術作品,他是沉默的,只是, “我們都在生存意義上說,單獨的,但我們可以找到純潔和美麗,甚至濃縮在這孤獨不管多麼暗淡或荒涼似乎。 “

引用:www.cmt.com; www.art.com; 


Enhanced by Zemanta

2009年4月10日 星期五

Nature Photography Seminar From National Geographic Travel

 National Geographic : Photography Seminar

引用: National Geographic Travel Web Site

2008年7月6日 星期日

Painting With Female Pop on 1000 love songs blog

Cover of Alanis Morissette
For another day of relax, I came back from a gracious dinner, browse the web to visit art gallery and enjoy the pop songs from back ground; I found that painting with female pop songs is another good taste, so I select several female pop songs from Alanis Morissette , Jewel , Sheryl Crow , Natalie Imbruglia and Dido together with painting for everyone to feel its taste;


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2008年3月29日 星期六

Tourism Among The Painting Artist Blogs ( 逛畫廊型式也變了? )

逛我喜歡之畫廊 一

I think I am a person interesting much with painting, I offen take a walk to several art galleries, it seems it change a lot when the internet and blogger become popular and encourage a lot of artist put their art in web, I begin to browse around the blogs to look for their painting.

I think it is quite important change that peopel begin to take a walk among many blogs of personal painting artist, it is a big change to me when I feel it is also very sweet walk around those blog just under my click;

Below is a Gil Adram's painting blog, I can feel he is a very good painter, but Google Blogger has one of disadvantage that we cannot link their painting jpeg file to promote their stuff, that is bad; only blogger can promote other blog's product can make thing better.

Gil Adram painting express a color of warm from heart, this is why I like to browse to his blog.
Hope You like all of this traveling among paintings; If you like those painting, you can contact with those artist;
Another painter I visited is James Neil Hollingsworth, I introduce his blog site, quite enjoyable site to make everyone feel happy and a sense of light that painting art still make our life and heart feel better.

This is James Neil Hollingsworth painting blog site, may be you can take a browse to enjoy the feeling of color to heart.
I believe people need the color of art to make us feel the touch of warm from art.

All Artist's Blog: