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2009年1月3日 星期六

Australia Movie With Elton John Selection Songs

From Journal Of Life On Pictures
    Australia is a movie stated the love story relative to how Australia becomes independent country during world war II, Nicole Kidman act as a very brave lady to travel for her marrage and run a brave story in Australia with Hugh Jackman; I like Nicole her special gift from Lord to brave her love in pure original and wild of north of Australia. Nicole act as a beautiful, brave lady, just like what the movie shows us "if you don't have love,
you are nothing in earth"; I like to watch the movie with an amazing lady like Nicole, it may be the main reason I like to enjoy the movie with life.

但是沒有愛情且無子嗣的婚姻,讓馬廄裡的馬匹成了唯一對她有意義的事物。莎拉因為深信丈夫外遇,不遠千里從倫敦來到澳洲達爾文市,要向丈夫興師問罪,卻發現丈夫遭人殺害,心懷不軌的牧場經理尼爾弗雷契(大衛溫漢飾),與卡尼男爵密謀加速產權轉讓,欲將「遠方之丘」的莊園房產佔為己有。 為了捍衛「遠方之丘」,莎拉心不甘情不願的與粗野無禮的放牧人(休傑克曼飾)踏上一千五百哩的路程,將上百頭牛隻送到碼頭裝船。他們帶著一名土著與白種人混血的孤兒努拉(布蘭登華特斯飾)同行,被當時實行種族隔離政策的社會視為異類。
整部電影深入澳洲北部原始大地,在被稱之為Top End的北領地達爾文、西澳金柏利地區、昆士蘭海岸線及雪梨市郊小鎮等地拍攝,完美呈現澳洲美麗風光,一場2000頭野牛橫越澳大利亞內陸的浩大場面也是影片的賣點之一。看了 AUSTRALIA 這電影還蠻喜歡。