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2013年10月21日 星期一

Google 營收獲利強勁超過預期 - 由 Google 關鍵字搜尋看出什麼事 ( Google’s strong Q3 2013: $14.9B in revenue and higher earnings than expected )

Google獲利依然強勁 正式納入Motorola營收

Google revenue source 2013
Google稍早公布2013年第三季財報,顯示獲利將達美金148.9億元,依然維持強勁市場獲利,並且也在此次財報中正式加入Motorola Mobility營收計算。除了網路服務等產品持續獲利,Google也說明未來將持續致力發展簡單、美好的科技體驗發展。


主要獲利部分依然源自於Google旗下網路服務產品,其中Google Sites獲利為美金93.9億元,網路服務部分則是美金31.5億元,而其餘獲利部分則是美金12.3億元。另外,Google從美國境外取得獲利為美金76.7億元,佔比約為56%。


現行Google全職員工數量總計為 46421人,其中Motorola Mobility佔 4259人 (今年9月底之前),而上一季 (今年6月底)全職員工總計為44777人,而Motorola Mobility則佔4599人。

針對未來發展方向,Google執行長Larry Page表示將持續致力簡單、美好的科技體驗,例如無人駕駛車、Google Fiber、Project Loon氣球計畫,或是近期發展的穿戴式裝置等。

Google’s strong Q3 2013: $14.9B in revenue and higher earnings than expected

Google revenues are up, slightly, from last quarter, and up about $1.5 billion from last year’s Q3 as the search engine, mobile juggernaut, and social network reported its third-quarter earnings today.

The company reported $14.9 billion in income — higher than analysts predicted — with earnings per share of $10.74, also higher than the expected $10.36. That translates to profit of $2.97 billion, up from $2.18 billion in Q3 2012. In addition, net cash flow from operations jumped to $5.08 billion from $4 billion a year ago.
Google now has cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities totaling $56.52 billion.

“Google had another strong quarter with $14.9 billion in revenue and great product progress,” said Google CEO Larry Page. “We are closing in on our goal of a beautiful, simple, and intuitive experience regardless of your device.”

Last quarter Google earned $14 billion, with almost all of it — $13.1 billion — coming from ad revenue. That was 19 percent growth, year-over-year, and added $4 billion in profit to Google’s overflowing coffers. This quarter’s growth was only 12 percent, but still strong.

Some highlights from this quarter:

  • paid clicks increased approximately 26 percent
  • cost-per-click dipped approximately 8 percent
  • traffic acquisition costs jumped $200 million, but dipped as a percentage of income
  • Motorola contributed  $1.18 billion, or eight percent of Google’s revenue

International income continued its ongoing growth for Google, with its international share of revenue topping 56 percent, up from 55 percent last quarter, and also up from 53 percent in the year-ago equivalent quarter.

The company says it will continue to invest in three major areas: ads ( search and display advertising ), high-growth businesses ( YouTube, Android, and Chrome ), and new businesses ( social, commerce, and enterprise ).

Phablet - 一個的混合智能手機及平板電腦的裝置。這些設備中,通常從5英寸到7英寸不等,結合的智能手機的通信功能與片劑的處理功率。由三星銀河注意在發射過程中,Phablet命名,可能是在移動通信行業經常使用的一個詞。 Phablet – a hybrid smartphone cum tablet could definitely be it. These devices, usually varying from 5 inches to 7 inches, combine the communication capabilities of smartphones with the processing power of tablets. Named by Samsung during the launch of Galaxy Note, Phablet may be a word frequently used in the mobile industry.

顯示器的公司,如索尼,華為在2013年的CES強調,Phablet的可能只是2013年的設備。根據 phablets 可能會迎來我們的下一代技術。華為的6.1英寸屏蔽登高的配對設備,這是令人印象深刻的薄,有勝於任何智能手機的屏幕在比賽中。同樣的,索尼的XperiaŽ,一個5英寸的顯示屏,值得注意的是在市場上令人印象深刻的防水。The displays by companies like Sony, Huawei at the CES 2013 have highlighted that Phablet may just be the device of the year 2013. As per the predictions at CES 2013, phablets along with wearable electronics may usher us into the next generation of technology. Huawei’s 6.1 inch screened Ascend Mate device, which is impressively thin, has a screen which outruns any smartphone in the race. Similarly, Sony Xperia Z, with a 5-inch display, is notable in the marketplace for being impressively waterproof.


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2013年10月16日 星期三

Apple Inc., 將走精品行銷路線? 艾倫茲(Angela Ahrendts)將領導蘋果零售事業部 ( Apple Inc., Marketing will be walking into the luxury fashion style? Angela Ahrendts will lead Apple's retail division )

蘋果挖角 英時尚大咖:很榮幸

艾倫茲(Angela Ahrendts)成功擦亮有157年歷史的英國時尚名牌 Burberry,擔任執行長7年來營運成績斐然,她接受蘋果公司邀請,將出任零售與網路商店資深副總裁,轉戰科技界。


  艾倫茲的新職是蘋果新設的職位,她預定明年春天正式走馬上任,主要負責蘋果零售店及網路店的策略方向、擴大及運作,直接向蘋果執行長庫克(Tim Cook)報告。艾倫茲加入Burberry前,曾在時裝品牌Liz Claiborne任職執行副總裁,並擔任Donna Karan International總裁。

  庫克表示,非常高興艾倫茲加入蘋果的團隊,艾倫茲之前的工作已充分顯示,她是一位十分傑出的領導人。艾倫茲說,她選擇Burberry在很好的經營情況下離開,執行長一職將由與她合作多年的Burberry創意總監貝里(Christopher Bailey)接任。


Apple Hires Burberry CEO Angela Ahrendts to Head Retail Efforts
Apple store will change the style ?

Apple said late Monday that it has hired Burberry CEO Angela Ahrendts to serve as head of its retail efforts.Ahrendts, who will join in the spring, will serve as senior VP and will report to CEO Tim Cook. She was among a list of people seen as top candidates for the position.

“I am profoundly honored to join Apple in this newly created position next year, and very much look forward to working with the global teams to further enrich the consumer experience on and offline,” Ahrendts said in a statement. “I have always admired the innovation and impact Apple products and services have on people’s lives and hope in some small way I can help contribute to the company’s continued success and leadership in changing the world.”

Apple has had some key vacancies in its retail operations since Ron Johnson left the company to run J.C. Penney. Johnson was replaced by former Dixons head John Browett, who was ousted by Cook a year ago. Another retail executive, VP Jerry McDougal, resigned in January.

Ahrendts, 53, has been CEO of Burberry since July 2006. From 1998 to 2006, she was an executive VP at Liz Claiborne, and also served at Henri Bendel and Donna Karan International.

Apple and Burberry collaborated in September, with Apple giving the retailer early access to the iPhone 5s to photograph the company’s London runway show.

Burberry 換設計師當家
Apple Inc., think about to join wearable computing market

  英國精品業龍頭Burberry集團(Burberry Group Plc),15日任命貝里(Christopher Bailey)接替艾倫茲(Angela Ahrendts)擔任執行長,讓一位經驗尚淺的設計師率領Burberry度過產業趨緩的難關。Burberry宣布,讓Burberry化身時尚界數位先驅的艾倫茲,將在2014年期間跳槽蘋果公司(Apple Inc.),由現年42歲的貝里接下執行長棒子,兼任他原本創意長的職務。

  倫敦桑福德伯恩斯坦公司(Sanford C. Bernstein)分析師歐特里(Mario Ortelli)說,貝里接棒之際精品業正在極化,他必須決定是要朝更高檔發展,挑戰普拉達(Prada)與路易威登(Louis Vuitton)等品牌,還是以沒那麼貴的產品鎖定更廣的客群。




  這位曾在Donna Karan任職的得獎設計師,將在接任執行長時繼續掌管Burberry的創意部門。身為2009年接下的創意長,他也負責Burberry包括廣告和店面設計的整體形象。

  匯豐(HSBC)分析師蘭姆柏(Erwan Rambourg)表示,雖然貝里已證明是位非凡的設計師,但以執行長之姿經營公司的表現還有待觀察。

  • 艾倫茲(Angela Ahrendts)將領導蘋果零售事業部是 Apple Inc., 很好的佈局;
  • 若能將精品風格結合穿載式裝置、價格策略,會讓 Apple Inc., 走出自已的成長路線;
  • 以 Apple Inc., 產品,iPhone、iPod 、 iPad 、 Mac 、 pple TV box、iCould、Apple store 及 iTune 來看 ,沒有 Apple smart HDTV 將使 Apple Inc., 減少相當多營收,獲利也會減少;
  • 由 Microsoft、Apple、Chrome 搜尋趨勢看,Apple Inc., 只要再多開放一些 iOS 功能且增加 office 常用之軟體,是可以再度增加市場占有率;
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2013年10月12日 星期六

由Google搜尋、美景氣股及銷售趨勢看美國景氣 - 全球仍緩慢復甦,產業結構已改變 ( By Google search and see the U.S. economy trend - the world is still a slow recovery, but the industrial structure has changed )

美國汽車業9月份銷售量 漲跌互見

福特汽車Ford Motor Co (F.(US-N)) 及克萊斯勒汽車 Chrysler Group LLC 九月份銷售量都優於分析師原先預測;而通用汽車General Motors Co (GM.(US-N))、豐田汽車Toyota Motor Corp (7203-JP) 及日產汽車 Nissan Motor Co (7201-JP) 九月份銷售量則呈現下滑。

福特汽車 9 月份在美國市場的銷售量上升 5.8%,賣出 185146 輛,是 7 年來最佳的 9 月份銷售量。克萊斯勒汽車9 月份銷售量則上升 1%,賣出 143017 輛,是 6 年來最佳的 9 月份銷售量。通用汽車表示,其 9 月份汽車銷售量下滑 11 %,賣出 187197 輛。豐田汽車 9 月份汽車銷售量則下滑 4.3 %,賣出 164457 輛。日產汽車 9 月份汽車銷售量下滑 5.5 %,賣出 86868 輛。全部表現都不如分析師原先的預測。福斯汽車 Volkswagen AG (VOWG_p-DE) 的美國子公司表示,公司旗下 VW 品牌汽車 9 月份汽車銷售量則下滑12.2%,賣出 31920 輛,而 Audi 品牌 9 月份汽車銷售量則下滑 6.3 %,賣出 13065 輛。

現代汽車 Hyundai Motor Co (005380-KS) 9 月份汽車銷售量則下滑 12.2%,賣出 31920 輛。美國今年夏天的汽車銷售量相當亮眼,不過從上個月開始銷售成長就放緩下來。9 月份的逛街日比前一年的 9 月少了 2 天,另外,勞工節週末有部份落在 8 月份。美國聯邦政府部分因政府預算案無法在本周二前通過,而必須部分關閉。這也讓市場擔心,可能會對 10 月份的消費需求產生負面影響。

福斯汽車的美國區營運長 Mark McNabb 表示,關閉時間拖長的話,將會打擊到新車銷售量。有大約 80 萬名的聯邦政府員工可能被逼放無薪假,其影響將在某個時間點顯現出來。McNabb 並表示,福斯汽車在華盛頓特區的經銷人員回報給公司稱,上個周末來看車的客人明顯變少了。福特汽車的首席經濟學家 Jenny Lin 則表示,現在要斷言政府關閉對 10 月份的新車銷售量會有什麼影響,還為之過早。被視為美國經濟風向球的全型卡車(full-size pickup trucks),9 月份的銷售量則呈現互有漲跌的現象。福特賣得最好的 F-Series 系列,銷售量上升了 9.8%,克萊斯勒的 Ram 型卡車,銷售量也上漲了 8.4%,而通用汽車的Chevrolet Silverado 型卡車,銷售量則下跌了 10.8%。

關注汽車產業的分析師預測,9 月份的年度銷售量將介於 1520 萬到 1570 萬輛之間。若只有 1520 萬輛,那將少於8 月份的 1600 萬輛。雖然預測 9 月份的汽車銷售量會下跌 2% 到 5%,可是其表現也已經比整體經濟表現來得好,因為分析師預測,第 4 季的汽車銷售量將會呈現成長,成長趨勢將持續到 2014 年。

主要原因是,驅動需求成長的因素依然存在。分析師指出,消費者信心維持在相對的高點,8 月份失業率也下降到 7.3%,房屋價格及新建房屋申請數量,也都將持續成長。而 9 月份的銷售量下滑,不過是進行曲中的「小小雜音」而已,不足為患。
新汽車及卡車交易價格持續成長,9 月份創下 31854 美元的歷史高價,比 8 月份增加了 602 美元,主要原因是,車商把更多 2014 年款新車送到經銷商那裡,同時減少剩餘的 2013 年款汽車的優惠。

周二上午的紐約股市裡,通用汽車的股價下跌 0.3%,來到 35.86 美元的價位,而福特汽車的股價則上漲 2.2%,來到 17.24 美元的價位。

後QE 美不動產基金可進






亨德森遠見全球地產股票基金經理人Patrick Sumner認為,如果聯準會(Fed)升息是因多項經濟數據顯示經濟呈復甦狀態,租金收益隨經濟復甦而水漲船高,現階段有限的新屋供給、公司財務槓桿偏低,且伴隨較高而上升的股息率和相對合理的股價水平,都會使REITs即便在利率溫和上升環境中,仍有不錯的績效表現。

1. 美國近期經濟數據多數優於預期,2012, 2月零售銷售月增長持續至2013, 8月,顯示美國消費意願提高。從就業數據看,美國消費指數受美國房地產下跌影響太大了,不得不觀察;

2. 美國經濟及就業率主要影響就是兩項重要指標,一個是美國不動產證卷商品是重要景氣觀察指標,另個是美國汽車產業關鑑指數;( The U.S. economy and the employment rate will show on two index, one is the U.S. Real Estate merchandise and the other is the American automobile industry; ),由美國汽車搜尋趨勢看也是持續復甦;

3. 全球網際網路流量將倍數成長,達到 966 Exabytes ,幾乎每年成長一個  Zettabyte 。連網設備數量將超過150億個,是全球人口數的2倍。去年平均每人擁有一部連網設備,而2015年則是每人平均有2個。全球行動網際網路的數據流量將比2010年增加26倍,平均每月6.3 Exabytes。

網際、資訊、網購相關之股票指標及 iPhone 搜尋去看出景氣。再由 Google 搜尋之 house、 car、 stock、 iPhone 看出海量資料 ( Big Data ) 裡景氣復甦趨勢,再由 BDI 指數及美股看,景氣緩慢復甦未停止

註:在 Nate Silver 之精準預測 ( The Signal And Noise, Nate Silver ) 一書,就曾提及運用 Google search 的海量資料 ( Big Data ) 找出 2008 前房市泡沫之預警。2012 年,Nate 出版 The Signal and The Noise 分享他如何處理這些非常不同的領域數據,用正確的模型與哲學去拆解它們,抓住事件發展的趨勢。 The Signal and The Noise ( Nate Silve 隱喻為 The truth and evil ) 一出,立刻在北美熱賣,同時登上紐約時報與 Amazon 的年度暢銷榜。將它結合趨勢預估的統計法則,有利於我們依照『真理』做最佳的決定。
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2013年10月5日 星期六

平板電腦、智能手機衝擊 TV、NB、DSC、DVD 甚劇 - 更延伸蠶食 Microsoft 市場 ( Tablet computers, smart phones impact to TV, NB, DSC, DVD shipment dramatically - and more extended market erode Microsoft market )


拓墣產業研究所於10/2舉行2014年 ICT 產業大預測研討會。針對台灣 ICT 產業發展,拓墣指出,儘管明年台灣包含電視、筆記型電腦、數位相機等主要電子產品代工出貨量均可能較2013年衰退,但平板電腦、手機代工仍將成長。其中,2013年台廠液晶電視出貨量估達4100萬台,明年出貨量估3100萬台、年減估達23%。主要係因為台廠電視代工過去多依賴日本品牌,但SONY決定回收委外代工訂單、9成以上電視改為自製,並且Panasonic、Sharp委外代工訂單也都縮減。







另外,拓墣認為,Tesla崛起也引領資訊化進入汽車產品。汽車電子等各項車用產品,可能會從早期GPS導航、升級到各式各樣應用。對台灣零組件供應商來說,目前Tesla Model S大約12%零組件係來自於台廠包含F-TPK宸鴻(3673)17吋觸控面板、F-貿聯(3665)電池動力線束、高力(8996)馬達硬銲加工、致茂(2360)機電控制模組與測試裝備、和大(1536)變速箱齒輪、六方精機零件機械加工都是受惠廠商。

不僅如此,汽車與智慧型手機結合亦將提供整合式服務新商機。雖然目前手機與汽車連動功能還局限於語音聲控等一些簡單車內功能,例如溫度調控、電話撥打等。但未來若手機能與汽車數據連結並直接讀取車輛參數,將可直接依據路況與車況作出適度調整,或藉由網路連結以APP軟體連動,形成所謂 knowledge Based。


Microsoft threatened as smartphones and tablets rise, Gartner warns

Microsoft faces a slide into irrelevance in the next four years unless it can make progress in the smartphone and tablet markets, because the PC market will continue shrinking, warns the research group Gartner.

It says a huge and disruptive shift is underway, in which more and more people will use a tablet as their main computing device, researchers say.

That will also see shipments of Android devices dwarf those of Windows PCs and phones by 2017. Microsoft-powered device shipments will almost be at parity with those of Apple iPhones and iPads - the latter a situation not seen since the 1980s.

In a new forecast published on Thursday morning, Gartner says that by 2015 shipments of tablets will outstrip those of conventional PCs such as desktops and notebooks, as Android and Apple's iOS become increasingly dominant in the overall operating system picture. Android in particular will be installed on more than a billion devices shipped in 2014, says Carolina Milanesi, the analyst who led the research.

Meanwhile a new category of "ultramobile" devices - such as the Surface Pro and the lighter ultrabook laptops - will become increasingly important as people shift towards more mobile forms of computing.

For Microsoft, this poses an important inflexion point in its history, warns Milanesi. "Winning in the tablet and phone space is critical for them to remain relevant in this shift," she told the Guardian. "We're talking about hardware displacement here - but this shift also has wider implications for operating systems and apps. What happens, for instance, when [Microsoft] Office isn't the best way to be productive in your work?"

For Microsoft, income from Windows and Office licences are key to its revenues: per-PC Windows licences generate about 50% of its profits, and Office licences almost all the rest.

But while it dominates the PC market, it is a distant third in the smartphone and tablet markets. Latest figures suggest that Windows Phone, its smartphone OS, shipped on about 3% of devices in fourth quarter of 2012, compared to 20% for Apple's iPhone and over 70% for Android - of which 50% connected to Google's servers and 20% were "white box" Android phones in China which do not use Google services.

"Android is going to get to volumes that are three times those of Windows," says Milanesi. "From a consumer perspective, the question becomes: what software do you want to have to get the widest reach on your devices? BlackBerry may say that its QNX software [used as the basis of BB10 on its new phones] can go into cars and phones, but Android is already in fridges. That's the challenge."

BlackBerry, which has just released the first of its BB10 devices, is forecast to see a slow decline in shipments through to 2017, shipping 24.1m devices then compared to 34.7m in 2012. That will leave it well behind Windows Phone in the forecast.

Milanesi added: "the interesting thing is that this shift in device preference is coming from a shift in user behaviour. Some people think that it's just like the shift when people moved from desktops to laptops [a process that began in the early 2000s]. But that's wrong. The laptop was more mobile than the desktop, but with the tablet and smartphone, there's a bigger embrace of the cloud for sharing and for access to content. It's also more biased towards consumption of content rather than production.

"All these things will get consumers to look for the OS and apps that can give them all that," Milanesi says.

A key problem for Microsoft is that it is the people who don't yet own PCs - in emerging markets such as Africa and China - who are most likely to have a smartphone and tablet as their first "computer". Milanesi says: "They're starting with a smartphone, not a PC, so when they're looking for something larger, they look at something that's a replacement smartphone experience - which is a tablet or ultramobile device. And Android or [Apple's] iOS are the two that they're looking at."

Microsoft could then face the vicious circle where developers considering which platform to develop apps for look at those with the largest user base - and that that will not be Windows. By 2017, she says, the number of devices being shipped with iOS, both iPhones and iPads, will be close to that with Windows and Windows Phone combined.

"And that's not assuming that Apple launches a low-end iPhone," Milanesi says. "Our numbers for Apple are conservative, because for a low-end phone it would be a guess about what price point it would use, and what the timing would be." A number of observers have suggested that Apple will launch a lower-cost iPhone in the next year to capture a larger market share, especially in the pre-pay (pay-as-you-go) market. But Apple has given no indication of whether it will do that.

2013 全球智慧型手機出貨超越8億支 30% 成長率

根據 TrendForce 旗下研究部門 DRAMeXchange 調查,由於各零組件成本下滑,手機製造商紛紛推出中低價位智慧型機種搶攻市場大餅,功能型手機將逐漸退出市場。2012年智慧型手機出貨量預估將達6.50億支以上,相較2011年的4.60億支,整體出貨成長已超過40%。

展望 2013年,在3G基礎硬體建設逐漸完備,以及手機價格迅速貼近市場消費水平兩大條件下,智慧型手機出貨量可望持續攀升,TrendForce預估 2013年智慧型手機出貨量將可達到8.30億支以上,年成長率接近30%。值得注意的是中國品牌手機出貨成長幅度亮眼,預估明年中國品牌出貨量年成長將達50%,超越全球平均成長幅度。

TrendForce指出,目前市面上高價智慧型手機品牌眾多,最受矚目的仍屬蘋果(Apple)與三星(Samsung)。兩大品牌2012年出貨量合計約佔總體智慧型手機的50%,達3.30億支。2012年第三季推出的新產品 iPhone 5 更是創下最高預購量,第四季預估出貨可望來到4,500萬支,今年 iPhone 系列產品總銷量將超過1.20億支。 ..... 持續閱讀

  • 2013 全球智慧型手機出貨超仍以 30% 成長率,建議台廠做 Microsoft Win 8 RT、Android 等tablet 及 smart phone 混合型產品,走 Operator 通路,較易台廠轉型;
  • 智慧型手機與平板電腦改變了人們之使用習慣趨勢與進而影響 Microsoft 產品市占率,Microsoft 目前還未有利器贏回市場。
  • 智慧型手機與平板電腦內含 DSC 攻能,數位相機今年出貨量降到7800萬台後,2014年可能續減至6600萬台、年減估達16%。
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