2012年6月17日 星期日

移動數據無線通訊趨勢 - LTE & Wifi with multiple data plan


Verizon公司昨天宣布,新的“分享一切”無線計劃在一個共享的資源池相結合的數據,語音分鐘,短信。 而對於大多數用戶來說,這是一件好事。 集團計劃提供靈活性,讓電力用戶拿起額外的容量時中學計劃成員在利用他或她的帳戶。 不幸的是,新的定價結構不為大家節省錢。 (所有無限數據計劃都沒有了,例如),截至6月28日,所有新老客戶,老客戶,誰想要升級到一個新的手機,將有簽署分享一切帳戶。 沒有如果,可是的任何藉口。( Yesterday Verizon announced new “Share Everything” wireless plans combining data, voice minutes, and text messages in one shared pool of resources. And for most subscribers, this is a good thing. Group plans provide flexibility and let power users pick up extra capacity when a secondary plan member under-utilizes his or her account. Unfortunately, the new pricing structure doesn’t save money for everyone. (All unlimited data plans are gone, for example.) And, as of June 28th, all new customers, and old customers who want to upgrade to a new phone, will have to sign up for a Share Everything account. No ifs, ands, or buts. )

無限的移動寬帶選項正在迅速消失,這意味著它的時間​​來與一些創新的辦法。 幸運的是,一些公司正在嘗試與新的寬帶模型,並創建新的移動接入選擇。 以這三個例子:( Options for unlimited mobile broadband plans are rapidly disappearing, which means it’s time to come up with some innovative alternatives. Luckily, several companies are experimenting with new broadband models, and creating new options for mobile access. Take these three examples: )

1。 捆綁的Wi-Fi -英特爾公司近日宣布,消費者購買其新的Ultrabooks和片劑,將自動獲得數以百萬計的 Devicescape 公司在全球各地提供的 Wi-Fi 熱點 。 這不是移動寬帶,但它是體面的無線網絡覆蓋,它可能會在沒有任何額外的費用。 這也是模仿Wi-Fi接入計劃正在推動由固網寬帶供應商,像Comcast的這一舉動。 至少現在,Wi-Fi的數據帽,要么意味著沒有。( Bundled Wi-Fi - Intel recently announced that consumers buying its new Ultrabooks and tablets would automatically gain access to millions of Wi-Fi hotspots provided by Devicescape around the globe. That’s not cellular broadband, but it is decent wireless coverage, and it may come at no extra cost. It’s also a move that mimics Wi-Fi access plans being promoted now by fixed-line broadband providers like Comcast. And at least for now, Wi-Fi means no data caps either. )

2。 短期寬帶 - 聯想採取了不同的路線與移動接入。 筆記本電腦和平板製造商就在這個星期宣布,它現在提供無合同寬帶計劃 。 如果你能對Wi-Fi的大部分時間,聯想將讓你買的3G移動寬帶,只有當你需要它。 用戶可以拿起“時間通行證”,短短30分鐘,或選擇天通,或每月計劃。 有數據的上限,但如果你只需要偶爾移動寬帶,就可避免巨額經常月租費。 公司支付廣告空間或用戶信息的交換,以提供短期寬帶,我們還可以看到在未來的贊助通行證。

3。 緩存服務 - 然後有創新的應用程序提供商。 流媒體佔用的帶寬,但如果你本地緩存內容,通過Wi-Fi,你能避免以上的移動寬帶連接任何實際流。 我最喜歡的例子是懶鬼音樂服務 ,它可以讓你玩緩存整個電台“關閉空氣。”我經常使用懶鬼,我可以得到小時的音樂,沒有吃任何我的移動數據津貼。 ( Caching Services - And then there are the innovative app providers. Media streaming takes up the most bandwidth, but if you cache content locally over Wi-Fi, you can avoid any actual streaming over a mobile broadband connection. My favorite example of this is the Slacker music service, which lets you cache whole radio stations for playing “off air.” I use Slacker regularly, and I can get hours of music without eating up any of my mobile data allowance. )

有沒有無限移動數據服務的完美替代品,但如果我不能有永遠,那麼我將愉快地採取任何替代品可用。 只要保持數據流動。

Verizon 公司:4G LTE,我們也是在電信高科技

LTE System Architecture
LTE System Architecture (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
週一的移動運營商 Verizon Wireless 展示了幾個新的連接技術,它希望將運行在您的日益智能化車輛-一個新的網絡提供出微妙的幫助。公司的宗旨是硬塞到已經擁擠的領域由通用,福特,微軟,谷歌和其他公司的產品佔據了自己的4G LTE的信息通信技術(翻譯:新一代無線連接為您的愛車)。( Mobile carrier Verizon Wireless on Monday showed off several new connected technologies that it hopes will run on your (increasingly intelligent) vehicle — with a little help from its new network. The company aims to shoehorn its own 4G LTE telematics tech (translation: next-generation wireless connectivity for your car) into an already crowded field occupied by offerings from GM, Ford, Microsoft, Google and others. )

消息:汽車製造商和高科技公司可能有連接汽車各種整齊技術 - 從實時數據到基於位置的服務,安全和信息娛樂 - 但如果你想做到這一點,你需要Verizon的迅速基礎設施。正因為如此,Verizon正在炫耀其產品於2011年在底特律,密歇根州的 Telematics 會議


  • Airbiquity公司 ,遠程信息處理服務公司,管理車載移動應用(天氣,音頻流,當地景點)和他們的車輛內的一體化。 Verizon 的連接:把汽車的V CAST的應用程序。( Airbiquity, a telematics services company that manages in-car mobile applications (weather, streaming audio, local points of interest) and their integration within the vehicle. The Verizon connection: bringing V CAST apps into the car. )
  • Plex,流數字媒體服務,使訪問不同類型的媒體,通過一個單一的開放源碼平台。( Plex, a streaming digital media service that allows access to different types of media through a single open source platform. )
  • MyAssist,1現場代理個人汽車製造商和其他遠程信息處理公司和醫療援助服務。 認為它像一個第三方的OnStar系統。( MyAssist, a live-agent personal (and medical) assistance service for automakers and other telematics companies. Think of it like a third-party OnStar. )
  • TeleCommunication Systems ,它帶來的是移動雲計算服務(導航應用程序,本地搜索,資產跟踪,社會應用等)的汽車。 ( TeleCommunication Systems, which is bringing mobile cloud computing services (apps for navigation, local search, asset tracking, social applications, etc.) to the car. )
字裡行間,未來變得清晰:無線運營商看到作為一個全新的市場快速增長的汽車。 問題:你的新的日產將運行在Verizon、AT&T 公司和 Sprint?

LTE 將在 2013 ~ 2015 高速成長

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