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市場研究機構 DIGITIMES Research 預期, 2012年第四季全球主要品牌平板電腦總出量將達4,093萬台,較前一季成長72.7%,年成長率則為89.7%。
品牌排名方面,亞馬遜(Amazon)可望重回第二;Google憑Nexus 7與Nexus 10齊發,預期排名第三;微軟(Microsoft)與三星(Samsung)則將排在第四及第五;邦諾(Barnes & Noble)預期緊接在後位於第6,華碩(Asus)、聯想(Lenovo)、宏碁(Acer)分別排在第七、第八與第九。
處理器業者排名將隨品牌業者波動,預期德州儀器儀(TI)將回到第二,NVIDIA則再次位居第三,英特爾(Intel)因 Windows 8 效應也將進榜。
台廠平板電腦預期出貨3,660萬台,較前一季成長82.3%,較2011年同期則成長86.7%,約佔全球品牌平板電腦89%,排名依序為富士康、廣達、和碩、緯創、仁寶。DIGITIMES Research估計 2012全年品牌平板電腦出貨可達1.04億台,預計較 2011年成長64%;其中 iPad 佔比約63%,估計較2011年下降2個百分點, Android 與Windows出貨佔比則均有小幅成長。
DIGITIMES Research指出, 因 iPad mini 與第四代iPad終於量產,預期iPad出貨約2,200萬台,較前一季成長46.7%。iPad 2出貨與前一季相同,仍維持400萬台;第四代iPad出貨約1,000萬台;iPad mini約600萬台。而預期新iPad(第三代)生產200萬台之後將會停產。
Non-iPad 出貨約1,890萬台,較前一季成長117.5%,年成長134.5%。微軟、亞馬遜、邦諾新品均進入量產,Google Nexus 7出貨量亦不減反增。
宏碁 推超低價小筆電
宏碁(2353)不放棄小筆電,昨(13 )日與Google宣布再合作推出新款 Chromebook C7 ,價格下殺到199美元(約新台幣5,770元),比平板電腦還便宜,力拚翻身。
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Chromebook |
Google與三星上月合作推出新一代 Chromebook,宏碁的缺席一度引起市場揣測,原來宏碁並未缺席、只是遲到。宏碁昨天宣布推出新一代C7,搭載 11.6吋螢幕,320GB 硬碟空間,另外宏碁依然採用英特爾的舊款晶片,有別於三星使用自行開發的ARM架構處理器。
值得注意的是,宏碁的C7小筆電再創低價,只要199美元,比三星的 249美元更便宜,也和亞馬遜Kindle Fire、Google Nexus7等低價平板的價格差不多,奮力一搏。
平板電腦能成為新的工作方式嗎?( Are Tablets the New Way to Work? )
蘋果 iPad 推出以來已經2年多一點了,iPad 已經成為贏家。雖然總的平板電腦市場已接近每年1億多台出貨量,蘋果自已銷售1億多台(含所有版本的iPad)。雖然蘋果的 iPad 不是唯一的平板電腦,iOS 系統在移動電話正在發動戰爭劇,也正在爭取在平板市場劇(見圖表)( It’s been a little more than 2 years since the Apple iPad launched and it’s been a winner. While the total tablet market is approaching 100M units shipped annually, Apple is closing in on selling 100M units itself (across all releases of iPad). While Apple’s iPad is not the only game in town, it seems that the Operating System War being waged in the Mobile Phone Theater, is also being fought in the Tablet Theater (see chart) ).
雖然平板電腦看起來像,人們需要有最新的小工具,讓我們來看看,如果這是可以用在工作場所的生產力的工具。( While it looks like the latest gadget that people need to have, let’s take a look to see if this is something that can be added to the tools of productivity in the workplace. )
當我寫這篇文章的坐在在 Peets 咖啡廳,環顧四周,我看到有幾個人 click 自己的筆記本電腦和幾個鄉親片的。據我可以告訴大家的手和手指的手勢,人們記筆記,閱讀電子郵件,瀏覽網頁。我看到越來越多的父母在餐廳使用它作為一個保姆,孩子看視頻,玩遊戲,或使用它作為一個電子繪圖板來使他們安靜。在火車,飛機和在火車站和機場,我看到人們從他們的平板電腦觀看瀏覽之內容。雖然相當多的人利用在屏幕上,大概鍵入電子郵件,它實際上更多我最常用的食指的食指運動。即使我看看我是如何用我的平板電腦,我不認為我輸入遠遠超過一個 tweet,或一個網站的URL。( As I write this article sitting in a Peets coffee shop, looking around I see a few people clicking away on their laptops and a few folks with tablets. As far as I can tell by the hand and finger gestures, people are taking notes, reading email, surfing the web. More and more I see parents in restaurants using it as a babysitter, as kids watch videos, play games, or use it as an electronic drawing board to keep them quiet. On trains, planes and in stations and airports, I see people consuming content from their tablets. While I do a fair number of people tapping on the screen, presumably typing out emails, it’s really more of an index finger swiping motion that I most commonly see. Even if I look at how I use my tablets, I don’t think I input much more than a tweet or URL to a website. )
我觀察到的情況,大多是關於休閒活動。雖然我相信一個公平的閱讀文檔和電子郵件的使用量,我堅信,大多數人都瀏覽數據和媒體,而不是自已編輯的。如果我翻譯這給企業來說,這似乎是非常適合這些類型使用群: " Most of the scenarios that I have observed are about being entertained or participating in leisure activities. While I’m sure a fair amount of usage is reading documents and emails, I strongly believe that most people are consuming data and media, rather than generating it. If I translate this to the enterprise, this seems great for these types in an organization: "
- 銷售人員( Sales People ): Giving presentation anywhere and everywhere, particularly when trying to demo complex concepts, animations and the quick instant on features make it a winner.
- 交易(Transactions ): Taking orders that are form-based or Point of Sale systems, such as Square where there are limited items to sell.
- 運用電腦與網站來培訓及學習( Computer Based Training): This is useful for an easy setup and teardown where a trainer can set up and educate materials, without the need to have a permanent computer room or laptop and projector setup
- 現場服務 ( Field Service Functions ): Using it as a reference guide for assemblies, installations, repair and more. The screen real estate is far superior to even the largest smartphone screens.
在上面提到的場景,我不說什麼了大量的用戶生成的內容或數據輸入。這令我奇怪的行為,因為平板電腦背後的想法是,以取代筆和紙記事本!那麼,有什麼問題嗎?不幸的是,其中一個最重要的接口,但忽視的是,鍵盤接口。雖然它可能有一個軟鍵盤,它似乎仍然很不成熟,一個事後的想法。是一個增強的手寫筆的輸入,但不完全適用於所有藥片,但。由於這是一個重要的障礙,我們如何解決這個問題?我還記得,當我有我的第一個Palm Pilot,我學到Grafiti。在幾天之內,我能以最快的速度寫盡我所能,做筆記和我的生活安排。我並不認為它拖累了我的用戶體驗,但令人欣慰的是,它是可預測的和極其精確的。但快進到今天的平板電腦。已經有幾家公司誰,今天,試圖解決這個關鍵問題。一些ISV應對這一挑戰的是:SwiftKey和Swype輸入(由Nuance收購)。這兩家公司都了解,這個小,但重要組成部分,需要進行審查,並大大提高了,如果我們要繼續使用平板,擠出更多的生產力從這種形式的。阻礙了我的能力,輸入或降低用戶體驗到簡單的任務會減少我對平板電腦的需求,我只是等待和求助於我的筆記本電腦。( In some of the scenarios mentioned above, I don’t mention anything where a lot of user generated content or data entry is required. This strikes me odd behavior since one of the ideas behind a tablet is to replace the pen and paper notepad! So what’s the problem? Unfortunately, one of the most important interfaces, yet overlooked is the keyboard interface. While it is possible to have a soft keyboard, it still seems very immature and an afterthought. The stylus input is an enhancement, but not quite available for all tablets, yet. Since this is a critical barrier, how do we address this? I remember the days when I had my first Palm Pilot and I learnt Grafiti. Within a few days, I was able to write as fast as I could to take notes and organize my life. I didn’t feel that it encumbered my user experience, but gratifying that it was predictable and extremely accurate. But fast forward to today’s tablets. There have been a few companies who, today, are trying to address this key issue. Some ISVs who are tackling this challenge are SwiftKey and Swype (acquired by Nuance). Both companies have understood that this small, but critical part needs to be examined and greatly improved, if we are to continue using tablets and squeeze out more productivity from this form factor. Impeding my ability to type or reducing the user experience to simple tasks will diminish my need for a tablet and I will just wait and resort to my laptop. )
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Smart Phone volume will be higher over Desktop + NB |
平板電腦市場看起來不像將在短期內結束,先不要急著平板電腦用於工作,想想你將如何使用它的工作上。這是一個偉大的電子媒體瀏覽設備,但它讓我感覺到我的筆記本電腦觸覺鍵盤製作電子郵件或文件會感受更好。( While it doesn’t look like the tablet market will end any time soon, before you rush out to get a tablet for work, think about how you will use it for productivity and work. It’s a great media consumption device, but it almost feels that cranking out emails or documents might be better off reaching for my laptop with a tactile keyboard. )
iPad mini將推動7吋平板市場擴張一倍
剛剛發佈的 iPad mini 將在2012和2013年讓7英吋平板電腦(tablets)市場擴張一倍,市調公司 IHS iSuppli 指出,今年全球7英吋平板銷售量較去年成長一倍,從2011年的1,700萬部成長到3,400萬部;2013年預計還能再成長96%,銷售量將達6,700萬部。
“正如蘋果 iPad, iPad 2, new iPad 已經在9.7英吋平板市場居領導地位,預計該公司的新款 iPad mini 也將推動7.x英吋平板市場在2012年和2013年快速增長,”IHS 平板電腦和顯示器研究總監Rhoda Alexander說。在7英吋市場中,已經有著許多極具價格競爭力的產品,因此蘋果勢必要與其他的競爭者展開競爭。不過, IHS預測蘋果的 iPad mini將在該市場獲得良好定位,吸引新加入和對蘋果忠誠的使用者族群,進而推動銷售量快速成長。
IHS iSuppli 統計,7.x 英吋平板在2012年將佔所有平板28%;2011年為24%。而到了2013年,7.x版英吋平板佔有率將上升至33%。Alexander指出,會對 iPad mini 出貨量形成限制的主要因素,包括了市場需求、生產挑戰和潛在的零組件供應等問題。蘋果的新作品再次將產品設計推到了全新的疆界。消息人士指出,蘋果的Lightning連接器和顯示器部份已經出現一些供應問題。如果蘋果能迅速解決,那麼2013年的出貨量將可望超過目前預測。
“IHS表示,市場對7.x英吋產品一直很感興趣,特別是在亞洲,” Alexander說。“如果蘋果供貨充足,能滿足亞洲地區的需求,則2013年的銷售額可能會再創記錄。”
蘋果的平板競爭對手們都採用了 Android 作業系統,截至目前為止,這些 Android 陣營的廠商們已經在9.7英吋的iPad世界以外發現了可供7.x英吋生存的利基市場。而隨著蘋果以iPad mini進軍該領域,這些廠商們也開始尋找8.x英吋和更大尺寸產品的生存空間,希望和蘋果做出區隔。而微軟的 Windows RT 和 Windows 8 作業系統平板電腦則仍可能專注於10英吋及更大尺寸顯示器,不過仍有可能出現一些8.x英吋的較小型產品。
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