2012年11月1日 星期四

2013 全球智慧型手機出貨超越8億支 30% 成長率 ( 2013 world wide smart phone with 30% growth rate and reach 800m shipment )

iPhone dominate Apple Inc., profit.

根據 TrendForce 旗下研究部門 DRAMeXchange 調查,由於各零組件成本下滑,手機製造商紛紛推出中低價位智慧型機種搶攻市場大餅,功能型手機將逐漸退出市場。2012年智慧型手機出貨量預估將達6.50億支以上,相較2011年的4.60億支,整體出貨成長已超過40%。
展望 2013年,在3G基礎硬體建設逐漸完備,以及手機價格迅速貼近市場消費水平兩大條件下,智慧型手機出貨量可望持續攀升,TrendForce預估 2013年智慧型手機出貨量將可達到8.30億支以上,年成長率接近30%。值得注意的是中國品牌手機出貨成長幅度亮眼,預估明年中國品牌出貨量年成長將達50%,超越全球平均成長幅度。

TrendForce指出,目前市面上高價智慧型手機品牌眾多,最受矚目的仍屬蘋果(Apple)與三星(Samsung)。兩大品牌2012年出貨量合計約佔總體智慧型手機的50%,達3.30億支。2012年第三季推出的新產品 iPhone 5 更是創下最高預購量,第四季預估出貨可望來到4,500萬支,今年 iPhone 系列產品總銷量將超過1.20億支。






Apple & Samsung to Exceed 50% Share on Smart Phone

Apple Insider報導,蘋果和三星有可能延長明年的聯合市場份額超過50%的智能手機銷售。這些數字的來源從的 Canaccord GENUITY 分析師邁克爾·沃克利投資者注意。他的分析表明,聯合蘋果 - 三星的市場份額由2013年年底的52.3%,其次是在今年年底,將今天從47.6%增長到49.7%。( Apple Insider reported today that Apple and Samsung are likely to extend their combined market share to more than 50% of smartphone sales next year. The numbers originate from Canaccord Genuity analyst Michael Walkley’s investor note today. His analysis shows that combined Apple – Samsung market share will grow from 47.6% today to 49.7% by the end of the year followed by 52.3% by the end of 2013. )

我已經寫了最近關於 Android 的分化問題,為企業創造的。市場力量可能會設法解決這個問題了。是智能手機市場集中度良好的企業嗎?是的,只要它不是由單一廠商控制的。企業採用的PC大大受益於在Windows平台上的標準化。雖然可能有一些關注市場集中度窒息創新和創造供應商的定價能力,在這一點上,功能三星和蘋果之間的軍備競賽應該保持在海灣的關注。而他們專注於提供消費者的喜愛和可以負擔得起的設備是保持在一個合理的價格性能範圍。 ( I have written recently about the problem Android fragmentation creates for the enterprise. Market forces may be sorting out this issue already. Is smartphone market concentration good for the enterprise? Yes, as long as it’s not controlled by a single vendor. The enterprise adoption of the PC benefited greatly from the standardization on the Windows platform. While there may be some concern about market concentration stifling innovation and creating supplier pricing power, at this point the feature arms race between Samsung and Apple should keep that concern at bay. And their focus on delivering devices that consumers love and can afford is keeping them in a reasonable price-performance range. )

Implication for Enterprise BYOD
Reference From : BI Intelligence

BYOD programs are about balancing employee choice with enterprise needs for standardization, performance and security. Android-based smartphones are differentiating far more on variety and innovation than on standardization and security. This is creating challenges when IT departments want to enable apps on Android and realize that manufacturer customizations don’t allow for a write-once to Android, operate everywhere scenario. This increases development and testing time and directly impacts cost. It also increases security risk. Gone are the days when the IT shop could manage all mobile devices in the same way with a common set of tools provided with the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES).

在 Walkley 分析另一個好消息是確認,蘋果在智能手機市場合法的競爭者。在2013年預計3億智能手機的銷售量,三星將繼續推動 Android 生態系統,並能夠利用智能手機大規模進入一些有意義的競爭為 iPad。蘋果是至高無上的平板電腦發號施令的市場。( The other good news in this analysis by Walkley is the confirmation that Apple has a legitimate competitor in the smartphone market.  At a projected 300 million smartphone sales in 2013, Samsung will continue to drive the Android ecosystem and may be able to leverage smartphone scale into some meaningful competition for the iPad. Apple reigns supreme in tablets and is dictating the market. )

ChangeWave Research commented in a research note today that:

The only other manufacturer that is showing some signs of momentum is Samsung.

ChangeWave的平板計劃的採購預測 - 接下來的90天,73%打算買一個iPad和6%,三星Galaxy Tab。 6%,相比之下,只有3%的最後一個季度。壯觀的Galaxy S III推出預售告訴我們,三星有蘋果的規模上進行競爭的能力。要保持發展勢頭,三星將需要,得到審查其客戶很滿意評價從46%今天更好地與新的iPad令人印象深刻的81%。( ChangeWave’s Tablet Plan Purchasing forecast – Next 90 Days shows 73% intend to buy an iPad and 6% a Samsung Galaxy Tab. That 6% compares with only 3% last quarter. The spectacular pre-sales for Galaxy S III launch has shown us that Samsung has the capability to compete on an Apple scale. To maintain momentum, Samsung will need to get its customer reviewed very satisfied rating up from 46% today to better compete with the new iPad’s impressive 81% showing. )

你怎麼想?蘋果和三星是智能手機市場的領導者對企業是一件好事嗎? ( What do you think? Is the emergence of Apple and Samsung as smartphone market leaders a good thing for the enterprise? )

Apple forecast to sell 102M iPads, 194M iPhones in 2013

Canaccord GENUITY的邁克爾·沃克利預測,蘋果將在日曆2013年銷售1.16億台iPad。根據他的模型,這將讓蘋果指揮的平板電腦市場的58.4%。
( Michael Walkley of Canaccord Genuity has forecast that Apple will sell 101.6 million iPads in calendar year 2013. Based on his model, that would give Apple a commanding 58.4 percent of the total tablet market. )

預測後不久,蘋果公司透露,iPad的銷售總額在這個月初越過1億。 2010年3月推出的第一款iPad。( The prediction comes soon after Apple revealed that total iPad sales crossed 100 million earlier this month. The first iPad debuted in March of 2010. )

隨著蘋果再次佔據了平板電腦市場,沃克利認為,亞馬遜在2013年銷售總額1070萬台,而三星預計將銷售840萬台平板電腦。( With Apple again dominating the tablet market, Walkley sees Amazon selling 10.7 million total tablets in 2013, while Samsung is projected to sell 8.4 million tablets. )

沃克利認為超越 iPad、iPhone的銷售在2013年的1.939億台。結合3.036億台來自三星的手機銷量預計,這兩個對手預計將控制超過50%的智能手機市場。 ( Beyond the iPad, Walkley sees the iPhone selling 193.9 million units in 2013. Combined with 303.6 million projected handset sales from Samsung, the two rivals are expected to control more than 50 percent of the smartphone market. )

顯示與競爭對手相比差距在蘋果和三星之間的市場預測,下一個最高的智能手機製造商華為,預測2013年的4790萬智能手機的銷售。 ( Showing the disparity in the market between Apple and Samsung versus the competition, the next highest projected smartphone maker is Huawei, with sales of 47.9 million smartphones forecast for 2013. )

事實上,沃克利估計,在2012年第三季度,蘋果和三星獲得106%的手機行業利潤。他來到這個數字考慮Research in Motion公司,諾基亞,摩托羅拉等公司在9月季度的經營虧損。( In fact, Walkley estimates that Apple and Samsung captured 106 percent of handset industry profits during the third quarter of 2012. He arrived at that number by considering the operating losses seen at companies such as Research in Motion, Nokia and Motorola during the September quarter. )


最近英國一家電信商對超過 2,000 名的智慧型手機用戶進行了一份手機使用度大調查,調查結果顯示,對於大部分的用戶來說,播打電話可能不是手機裡最重要的功能,在他們最常使用的功能排行榜中,打電話只排在第五名。

那麼第一名是什麼呢?答案就是上網,這些受訪者平均每天花 25 分鐘在手機上瀏覽網頁(其中有17.5分在逛社群網站),其次則是聽音樂(15.5分)和玩遊戲(14.5分),而打電話的時間僅有 12 分鐘。

除此之外,調查結果還發現,54% 的用戶會把手機當作鬧鐘來使用、46% 把手機當作手錶、39% 拿手機取代隨身攜帶的照相機、28% 拿手機取代筆電、11% 習慣把手機當成掌上型遊戲機。

銳不可擋!IDC:第3季Android全球市佔躍升至75% 遠勝iOS的14.9%

Android 系統繼續以風馳電擎的速度,在全球智慧型手機市場不斷擴大,研究機構最新數據顯示,今年第 3 季 Android 已囊括 75% 市場,遠遠勝過排名第 2 的 iOS.

IDC 周四(1日)發佈的報告顯示, 6 – 9月全球智慧手機一共出貨 1.8 億支,其中採用Google(GOOG-US) Android 系統的數量為 1.36 億支,佔比高達 75%;採用蘋果(AAPL-US)iOS 系統的出貨比重約 14.9%,排名第 2;而名列第 3 的RIM(RIMM-US)黑莓系統更降到只有 4.3%。該機構行動電話研究經理 Ramon Llamas 在報告中指出,「自從 2008 年問市以來,Android 已經成為帶動智慧手機市場成長的重要引擎之一」,從那時開始 Android 的擴張速度不但超越了整體大餅,也成功拿下競爭者市場。

今年第 3 季全球智慧型手機市場增速為 46.4%,然而 Android 更以近乎兩倍 的速度(91.5%)擴張;其中普及率最高的仍是三星(Samsung)手機。

Llamas 分析 Android 成功之道時指出,作業系統並非獨立的產品,而是整體科技生態系統的關鍵環節,Google提供的豐富且不斷更新的內容正是它的勝出關鍵。

  • 2013 全球智慧型手機出貨超仍以 30% 成長率,建議台廠做 Microsoft Win 8 RT、Android 等tablet 及 smart phone 混合型產品,走 Operator 通路,較易台廠轉型;
  • 如何發展台灣智慧型手機關鍵零組件成為重點;
  • 發展台灣智慧型手機關鍵零組件給 Apple 及 Samsung smart phone 成為台灣產業升級重要策略。

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