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2013年10月21日 星期一

Google 營收獲利強勁超過預期 - 由 Google 關鍵字搜尋看出什麼事 ( Google’s strong Q3 2013: $14.9B in revenue and higher earnings than expected )

Google獲利依然強勁 正式納入Motorola營收

Google revenue source 2013
Google稍早公布2013年第三季財報,顯示獲利將達美金148.9億元,依然維持強勁市場獲利,並且也在此次財報中正式加入Motorola Mobility營收計算。除了網路服務等產品持續獲利,Google也說明未來將持續致力發展簡單、美好的科技體驗發展。


主要獲利部分依然源自於Google旗下網路服務產品,其中Google Sites獲利為美金93.9億元,網路服務部分則是美金31.5億元,而其餘獲利部分則是美金12.3億元。另外,Google從美國境外取得獲利為美金76.7億元,佔比約為56%。


現行Google全職員工數量總計為 46421人,其中Motorola Mobility佔 4259人 (今年9月底之前),而上一季 (今年6月底)全職員工總計為44777人,而Motorola Mobility則佔4599人。

針對未來發展方向,Google執行長Larry Page表示將持續致力簡單、美好的科技體驗,例如無人駕駛車、Google Fiber、Project Loon氣球計畫,或是近期發展的穿戴式裝置等。

Google’s strong Q3 2013: $14.9B in revenue and higher earnings than expected

Google revenues are up, slightly, from last quarter, and up about $1.5 billion from last year’s Q3 as the search engine, mobile juggernaut, and social network reported its third-quarter earnings today.

The company reported $14.9 billion in income — higher than analysts predicted — with earnings per share of $10.74, also higher than the expected $10.36. That translates to profit of $2.97 billion, up from $2.18 billion in Q3 2012. In addition, net cash flow from operations jumped to $5.08 billion from $4 billion a year ago.
Google now has cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities totaling $56.52 billion.

“Google had another strong quarter with $14.9 billion in revenue and great product progress,” said Google CEO Larry Page. “We are closing in on our goal of a beautiful, simple, and intuitive experience regardless of your device.”

Last quarter Google earned $14 billion, with almost all of it — $13.1 billion — coming from ad revenue. That was 19 percent growth, year-over-year, and added $4 billion in profit to Google’s overflowing coffers. This quarter’s growth was only 12 percent, but still strong.

Some highlights from this quarter:

  • paid clicks increased approximately 26 percent
  • cost-per-click dipped approximately 8 percent
  • traffic acquisition costs jumped $200 million, but dipped as a percentage of income
  • Motorola contributed  $1.18 billion, or eight percent of Google’s revenue

International income continued its ongoing growth for Google, with its international share of revenue topping 56 percent, up from 55 percent last quarter, and also up from 53 percent in the year-ago equivalent quarter.

The company says it will continue to invest in three major areas: ads ( search and display advertising ), high-growth businesses ( YouTube, Android, and Chrome ), and new businesses ( social, commerce, and enterprise ).

Phablet - 一個的混合智能手機及平板電腦的裝置。這些設備中,通常從5英寸到7英寸不等,結合的智能手機的通信功能與片劑的處理功率。由三星銀河注意在發射過程中,Phablet命名,可能是在移動通信行業經常使用的一個詞。 Phablet – a hybrid smartphone cum tablet could definitely be it. These devices, usually varying from 5 inches to 7 inches, combine the communication capabilities of smartphones with the processing power of tablets. Named by Samsung during the launch of Galaxy Note, Phablet may be a word frequently used in the mobile industry.

顯示器的公司,如索尼,華為在2013年的CES強調,Phablet的可能只是2013年的設備。根據 phablets 可能會迎來我們的下一代技術。華為的6.1英寸屏蔽登高的配對設備,這是令人印象深刻的薄,有勝於任何智能手機的屏幕在比賽中。同樣的,索尼的XperiaŽ,一個5英寸的顯示屏,值得注意的是在市場上令人印象深刻的防水。The displays by companies like Sony, Huawei at the CES 2013 have highlighted that Phablet may just be the device of the year 2013. As per the predictions at CES 2013, phablets along with wearable electronics may usher us into the next generation of technology. Huawei’s 6.1 inch screened Ascend Mate device, which is impressively thin, has a screen which outruns any smartphone in the race. Similarly, Sony Xperia Z, with a 5-inch display, is notable in the marketplace for being impressively waterproof.


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2012年7月1日 星期日

由每一分鐘的網路世界資訊量及網際網路成長率看市場 ( IT industrial trend from world wide internet traffic point of view )

每一分鐘都在產出大量的資訊 ( 参考 BNEXT, DZNet )

  • 送出2億封 Email
  • 誕生217名新行動網路用戶
  • Google 接收200萬次搜尋要求
  • Facebook 用戶分享684,000 bit的內容
  • Twitter 用戶送出10萬則推文
  • 網路消費金額27萬2千美元
  • 蘋果商店 App下載達4萬7千次
  • 品牌業者在 Facebook 接收3萬4千次讚
  • 微型部落格 Tumblr 出現2萬7千篇文章
  • Instagram 用戶分享3,600張照片
  • Flickr 用戶分享3,125張照片
  • Foursquare 用戶打卡2,000次
  • WordPress 用戶發表350篇文章



  • 全球網際網路流量將倍數成長,達到 966 Exabytes ,幾乎每年成長一個  Zettabyte
  • 連網設備數量將超過150億個,是全球人口數的2倍。去年平均每人擁有一部連網設備,而2015年則是每人平均有2個。
  • 網際網路用戶數將趨近30億,佔全球總人口數的40%。
  • 平均的固定寬頻傳輸速度預計將成長四倍,從2010年的7Mb/s成長到2015年的28 Mb/s。
  • 網際網路上每一秒鐘所傳遞的視訊將達到100萬分鐘──相當於674天的時間。
  • 全球平均IP流量將達到245 TB/s,相當於 200萬人每天同時觀看HD影片串流。
  • 全球行動網際網路的數據流量將比2010年增加26倍,平均每月6.3 Exabytes。
  • 全球網際網路的人數成長,亞洲人數成長占全球將近48%。



全球網際網路流量 ( refer to Cisco Visual Networking index )

Statistic: Number of internet users worldwide from 2005 to 2024 (in millions) | Statista
Find more statistics at Statista

2019年Meeker網路趨勢報告:上網人口超過全球人口數的一半 40 億

 Internet population reach 4 billion, Mobile user reach 6 billion, Social network user also will reach 2 billion )

網路分析天后Mary Meeker在去年離開老東家Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers(KPCB)並創立Bond Capital之後,今年照常發表了2019年的網路趨勢報告《Internet Trends 2019》,指出網路人口數已達38億人,首度超越全球人口數的一半,而亞太地區就佔了53%。






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