ETF投資,美股投資,臺股ETF投資,西洋情歌,西洋音樂,閱讀與興趣 [ラブソング, песня любви][ETF inversión, ETF投資します, ETF инвестиции], all investment and interesting stuff I touched, experienced;
由華碩再轉型為智能裝置、變形平板 3C 品牌公司,今年 EPS 將超越 HTC,因此 PC 公司轉型能力是充滿機會;( From Asus product development and marketing strategy transform into tablet-smart phone、differentiate tablet and its combination segment, Asus EPS surge up over HTC, this show the business opportunities for PC company to transform its product into another segment )
由華擎(3515)、廣達(2382)、華碩(2357)、技嘉(2376)、微星(2377)淨利成長率看, PC 公司逐漸轉型且獲利改善,所以PC 公司因 Ultrabook 、Server、Tablet、IPC 產生轉型獲利改善之機會仍在;
Smart Phone、Tablet、NB、Ultrabook、IPC、Server 之混合型產品仍有許多機會,台廠許多新機會都在創新、品牌通路;( Mixing function of product among Smart Phone、Tablet、NB、Ultrabook will give PC company more oportunities, Taiwan PC companies opportunities will fall in the successful innovation、branding、channel )
Google 眼鏡,簡單地說,內置的計算機到一副眼鏡的框架,它的設備,將增強現實的一部分,我們的日常生活中。半英寸(1.3厘米)顯示器,成為關注的焦點,當你看的權利,用戶將能夠拍攝和分享照片,視頻聊天,約會和訪問地圖和 Web。消費者應該能買到2014年的 Google 眼鏡。( Glass is, simply put, a computer built into the frame of a pair of glasses, and it’s the device that will make augmented reality part of our daily lives. With the half-inch (1.3 cm) display, which comes into focus when you look up and to the right, users will be able to take and share photos, video-chat, check appointments and access maps and the Web. Consumers should be able to buy Google Glass by 2014. )
著名時裝設計師 Diane von Furstenberg 試圖在Google 眼鏡上的第一次,幾個月前在一次會議上說,她參加與謝爾蓋·布林。她立刻喜歡它,他們同意把Google 眼鏡紐約時裝週。黛安創新和輕鬆的設計是一個冠軍,所以這是不足為奇的,玻璃無縫貼合她的生產。在她2013年春季展在紐約的一周,在展會期間,每個人都從黛安自己的設計師和模型用Google 眼鏡捕捉到以前從未見過的畫面的創作過程。這是第一次完全透過Google 眼鏡拍攝的任何視頻已經和我們是如此高興能夠與你分享。( Celebrated fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg tried on Glass for the first time a few months ago at a conference that she attended with Sergey Brin. She immediately loved it and they agreed to bring Glass to New York Fashion Week. Diane is a champion for innovation and effortless design, so it’s unsurprising that Glass fit seamlessly into her production. In the week leading up to her Spring 2013 show in New York, and during the show itself, everyone from stylists and models to Diane herself used Glass to capture never-before-seen footage of the creative process. This is the first time any video has been shot entirely through Glass and we’re so excited to be able to share it with you. )
我們認為 Google 眼鏡可以幫助你分享你的生活,你的生活,從生活中的重要時刻日常經驗。( We think Glass helps you share your life as you’re living it; from life’s big moments to everyday experiences. )
今天,我們啟動我們稱之為Google 眼鏡計劃,在那裡你可以體驗到什麼是喜歡用 Google 眼鏡,而我們構建它,通過一個真實的人的眼睛,在現實生活中。Google 眼鏡第例子如下 Gayno,一個Google員工的妻子,因為她分享她的故事,歡迎新寶寶了,捕捉每一個微笑,和她的整個家庭在法國的每一個“第一次”,通過視頻群聊的。( Today we’re kicking off what we’re calling Glass Sessions, where you can experience what it’s like to use Glass while we build it, through the eyes of a real person, in real life. The first Glass Session follows Laetitia Gayno, the wife of a Googler, as she shares her story of welcoming a new baby, capturing every smile, and showing her entire family back in France every “first” through Hangouts. )
Note: 從我們收集的信息中,我發現,Google 眼鏡年初推出。( From the information we collected, I found that Google glasses may launch early. )