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2014年5月9日 星期五

2014 ~ 2015 Intel 及 ARM, TSMC 的決戰,處理器及平板市場的新局面,將影響台灣未來5年的經濟 ( Intel, ARM And TSMC Competition Will Go Into Next Race )


過去幾年,Intel製造的微型處理器占據眾數據中心和機器,但最近幾個月局勢出現變化, Intel 除了在智慧型手機晶片市占一直落後 ARM,現在矽谷大批晶片製造商更開始推出以ARM架構為基礎的處理器挑戰 Intel,過往的晶片帝國正面臨來勢洶洶的ARM軍團,預示著一場全新的晶片大戰就要展開。


ARM的嵌入式處理器有低成本、高效能、低耗電的特性,是發展最快速的業務,光在去年就暴增25%,在第三季其他產品的業務成長幅度更超過手機,ARM執行長伊斯特(Warren East)認為,這方面的收入未來會持續上升。
ARM server system start to migrate low cost server market




Intel VS. ARM


研究員山卡拉林罕(Karu Sankaralingam)表示,ARM 和Intel晶片最根本的不同就在於其指令集,經過測試後發現兩家公司的指令集在效率方面的表現旗鼓相當

研究團隊測試ARM微處理器Cortex-A8與Cortex A9的晶片,Intel Atom晶片和Intel Core i7晶片,當研究員讓ARM和Intel Atom晶片執行伺服器程度的工作負載時,兩廠牌都展現類似的耗電量,而i7晶片本來就是為了桌上及筆記型電腦設計,自然耗電量較大但相對效能也高


Intel 'Bay Trail' Atom compared to Snapdragon 800 and Tegra 4

Exactly a month ago, we first got our hands on Intel's new 'Bay Trail'  Atom processors. These chips are based on the x86-architecture and have an important advantage over their competition: they're compatible with a full-fledged version of Microsoft's Windows operating system. Nevertheless, the Z3000-series also targets tablets, where the chips will have to comepte with Qualcomm's Snapdragon 800 and Nvidia's Tegra 4, among others.

Engadget has now had the opportunity to run some benchmarks on three reference tablets, equipped with respectively an Intel 'Bay Trail', Nvidia Tegra 4 and Snapdragon 800 chip. It turns out that performance-wise, Intel's latest creation matches the fastest ARM-chip available at this time: the Snapdragon 800. The graphics chip of the 2.39 GHz quad-core Intel Atom Z3770 is clocked at 311 MHz, but is outperformed by both the Adreno 330, found in the Qualcomm SoC, and the video chip of Nvidia's Tegra 4.

The benchmarks do show that Intel is ready to compete in the ARM-market. If the power consumption is comparable as well, this could mark the breakthrough of x86-architecture on mobile devices.

Intel 將於 2014 年開始代工生產 ARM 處理器

在行動運算裝置崛起,傳統個人電腦高成長不再下,這自然也衝擊了電腦處理器的主要供應商英特爾(Intel),由於英特爾擁有最先進的晶圓設備與產能,先前外界也不斷傳出英持爾有意善用些資源,擴大代工範圍到行動裝置廣泛使用的 ARM 核心處理器,而呼聲最高的莫過於蘋果的 A 系列處理器,不過都從未成真。

不過這樣的光景可能即將來到,根據 Forbes 的報導,英特爾的合作夥伴 Altera 在 ARM developers’ conference 中對外表示,英特爾這家全球最大的半導體廠商,將決定在 2014 年開始對外代工 ARM 核心的處理器,這勢將衝擊現有的半導體代工產業。

也就是說英特爾即將與台積電(TSMC)、聯電(UMC)、GlobalFoundries、三星、IBM、中芯國際(SMIC)等一同競爭來自蘋果、Nvidia、Qualcomm 的訂單,由於英特爾擁有最佳的製程技術,對其他各廠可說是深具威脅。

看來英特爾在自家的產品難以與 ARM 處理器在市場中競爭下,打算以代工扳回部分業績,至少如此一來才不致於在行動運算中缺席。這下子或許在未來我們有機會在行動裝置中見到來自英特爾代工的 ARM 處理器了。

ARM tests: Intel flops on Android compatibility, Windows power
Intel Chip is not so compatible? 

ARM has rolled out a battery of test results that fire two shots across the bow of Intel's x86 dreadnought now sailing into Android waters.

The first set of results addresses the fact that when running native apps that haven't been recompiled to run on Intel-based Android devices, those apps need to be emulated using "binary translation," which converts native ARM code into native Intel x86 code.

Intel says that users shouldn't worry – its binary translator will "just work" with "very minimal power implications" and "unnoticeable performance impact for most applications." ARM – as you might expect – would beg to differ.

ARM low power performance is still better than Intel Atom

"Binary translation – despite what you may have read or despite what you may hear – does have a huge impact to the user and to the performance of the system," ARM senior technical marketing engineer Rod Watt told attendees at his company's 2014 Tech Day this week in Austin, Texas.
Efficiency of ARM is also better than Intel Atom

科技報報/微軟將舉行小型發布會 或推7.5英寸平板


36氪據The Verge報導,這可能意味著參加此次活動人數不多,但是在微軟不斷更新Surface全尺寸產品線的背景下,這看起來更像是在暗示微軟即將推出的設備。去年九月就有報導稱今年早些時候微軟會發布7.5英寸的Surface Mini。

據稱,新的小尺寸Surface為7.5英寸螢幕,1440 x 1080解析度,4:3的長寬比,這個比例更像是iPad,而不是微軟現有的更適合看電影的 Surface平板電腦。有傳言稱,Surface Mini 將搭載高通處理器,運行Windows RT系統,而不是Windows 8。這也就意味著它會像Surface RT和Surface 2一樣,無法直接使用桌面端的軟體。
Refer to http://www.hitekpals.com/

雖然微軟官方沒有證實 Surface Mini 的存在,但據多家美國媒體報導,微軟的開發工具中最近增加了專門為小尺寸螢幕設計的模式。7寸的小平板此前被認為是遊戲設備,但是這已經是微軟兩年前的想法了



8.5吋迷你款Surface 傳Computex 2014亮相

微軟先前已經傳出將推8.5吋迷你款Surface消息,同時也有消息指出將在今年Computex 2014期間公布。就近期 Build 2014 期間宣布將針對 9吋 以下裝置免費授權 Windows 作業系統,或許意味微軟將以迷你款Surface作為硬體設計範本,讓OEM合作廠商可做參考。
引用: 【台灣工程師的矽谷故事】如果你可以擁有一間公司,

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2014年4月18日 星期五

群眾募資年增率將高達62%募集資金達到60億 - 台灣該思考如何振興新創企業( Crowd-funding Platforms Raised Almost $6B in ’11, Up 62% Y-O-Y )



台灣最大群眾募資公司是 flyingV,2012年4月開始營運。總集資案件390件,其中185件成功,總集資金額約 6,800萬元.

Crowdfunding Will Make 2013 The Year Of The Gold Rush 2013年是群眾募資的淘金熱
群眾募資增率很高 ( Crowd-funding growth rate is much higher )

While 2012 was an amazing year for crowdfunding, 2013 should outdo it. Here are my half dozen predictions for the year – and why this new form of capital formation will continue to soar. ( 儘管2012是一個了不起的一年crowdfunding , 2013應該超越它。這裡是我的半打預測年度 - 為什麼這個新的資本形成形式將繼續飆升。)

1. The Global Crowdfunding will double in annual revenue to $6 billion in 2013 ( 2013, 全球Crowdfunding 將在年籌資翻倍至60億 )

Crowdfunding was exploding quietly in 2012 for the non-believers and loudly for the embracers between March 8, 2012 and President’s Obama signing of the JOBS Act into law on April 5, 2012. Some of the largest sites in the world for rewards and donations – Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Grow VC and Rockethub – saw their daily traffic and donation amounts double within a few months. Kickstarter has had its issuers raise a cumulative $200+ million in sales 2008-2011 to reach an addition $145+ million to a total of $345+ million by year end 2012. To give you an example, LendingClub reached $75+ million per month in debt lending as a crowd funding platform in November 2012.  It is the largest U.S. peer-to-peer lender and will hit an additional $1 billion in loans 2013 vis-a-vis the cumulative $1 billion it lent since inception 2007.
2011 群眾募資增率99%, 捐獻占48.2%

The global predictions in 2013 for the debt crowdfunding industry are strong. LendingClub will add almost $1 billion in 2013 to the total of $3 billion reached in 2012. There are 34 additional debt crowdfunding firms growing globally, including Zopa ($400 million since inception) and Prosper ($250 million). The balance of the $1.25 billion will come from donations and rewards-based crowdfunding, which will provide the bulk of growth in 2013 and 2014.

2. The EU will embrace crowdfunding laws ( 歐盟將出來 CrowdFunding 法律 )

Led by the Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry, the EU Commission will have a couple more workshops Q1-3 2013 and create a proposal towards making crowdfunding for equity a legal option by Q4 2013. It will take EU 1,000 days to make such a law legal from the day a proposal is created. My prediction is that the EU is lethargic in pan-European law implementations.

3. Crowdfunding platforms will turn into a commodity ( Crowdfunding 平台將變成商品 )

The 700+ crowd funding sites today will increase to 1,500 by Q2 2013 and quietly contract under the hood to 200 well-financed and revenue-generating sites by Q1 2014. Sites like Crowd Valley with 300 plus private label crowd funding platforms offered free to organizations will start charging for these services. These private label extensions will lead to the growth of more community sites CrowdTilt which allows any site to start group charging and collecting money from several projects and thousands of donors.
using crowd funding but the back end technology will be run by a few dozen leading platforms. In parallel we will see 1,000 more sites using crowd funding with free API technology from firms like

4. MA will not fuel Crowd Funding in 2013, but international expansion will ( 2013年併購並不會刺激人群的資金,群眾募資將往國際擴張 )

群眾募資增率很高, 消費性、IT服務、生技健康、軟體類就占66%
Crowdfunding firms are poorly funded, with few assets to be purchased. The lack of standardized valuations for crowdfunding sites makes 2013 a year where we see growth but M&A will mature to grow fastest in 2014. M&A in 2013 will probably kick up little dust, just as it failed to do in 2012. We have seen some acquisitions but those are more of acquiring the liabilities of running sites and spending more money to drive traffic. Crowdfunding platform assets will not mature in 2013. Crowdfunding has one inherent challenge – a bottomless pit cost requirement to drive traffic to your site. Next year will see a the gold rush: International expansion firms will grab market share and organically grow with innovation being the discernible advantage. Kickstarter launches in the UK, Indiegogo is already in Germany and several other countries. We will see more international expansion by US companies in the field. Meanwhile, more leading international firms, like Crowd Valley and Give2Gether, will push into the US, while Kickstarter and Indiegogo get as much as 30% of their revenue from abroad.

5. Broker-dealers will lead the “Rich Man’s Crowd Funding” strategy ( 經紀交易商將帶領“富人群眾籌資”戰略 )

The smallest broker dealers will consist of crowdfunding for equity players licensed with FINRA that use “Rich Man’s Crowd Funding.”

What’s that? Currently you raise private capital mainly through SEC exemptions. Most common is Regulation D, 506 which allows you to have only 35 non-accredited investors and an unlimited amount of “rich people” allowed to invest.  To be accredited you have to have earned $200,000 ($300k for married couples) the last 2 years or have a net worth over $1 million (and you must exclude the value of your home). Reg D, 506 as we call it, stood for $900 Billion in capital raised in 2011.

The large distribution online promised by crowd funding technology will empower broker dealers to differentiate and use the crowdfunding as a tool for their clients. It was presented to the National Investment Banker Association Spring 2012 and today we have seen recent movements of SoMoLend and CrowdFunder, which signed up with the leading broker dealer Gate Technology whose back end crowd funding platform is run by visionary CEO Vince Molinari. We will see the two to three dozen crowdfunding-for-equity pure plays partner up with broker dealers in Q1 2013 and start pursuing SEC broker-dealer transactions under the Rich Man’s Crowd Funding option, as everyone waits for crowdfunding to become legal.

We predict Crowd Funding for Equities will not become a legal SEC / FINRA regulated program in 2013 but rather by January 2014 because of the byzantine processes required for the SEC and FINRA to interpret the JOBS Act and implement the law. See Obama’s 10 Steps with SEC & FINRA to Legalize US Equity Crowd Funding.

6. By July we will see issuers raise $1 million in capital per week ( 到七月,我們將看到發行人每週將籌集到100萬美元資金 )

By year end we will see a total of 104 startups in 2013 having raised a minimum $1 million through crowd funding in 2013. Crowdfunding will be a generally accepted tool to raise capital and the general public explosion will come in 2014 when corporate America officially embraces it. ( 到今年年底,我們將看到一共有104家創業公司在2013年曾在2013年提出並籌得了一個最低百萬美元群眾集資。 Crowdfunding 將是一個公認的籌集資金工具並在2014年爆炸性公眾性的會,美國企業將正式擁抱它。)
Kickstarter 實況 ( Kickstarter status )

Crowdfunding Platforms Raised Almost $1.5B in ’11, Up 72% Y-O-Y

Crowdfunding platforms (CFPs) raised $1.47 billion in 2011, up 72% from $854 million in 2010, and almost tripling the $530 million raised in 2009, finds massolution in a May 2012 report. The study predicts worldwide funding volume to almost double this year to $2.8 billion, driven by a 300% growth in equity-based (for financial return) and reward-based (for non-financial rewards such as tokens) crowdfunding, with lending-based (75%) and donation-based (50%) funding also to experience solid growth.

The report defines lending-based funding as a crowdfunding model in which funders receive fixed periodic income and expect repayment of the original principal investment.

Number of CFPs Booms

Data from the “Crowdfunding Industry Report” indicates that as of April 2012, there were an estimated 452 crowdfunding platforms active worldwide, forecast to grow to 536 by the end of the year, representing a 60% year-over-year increase. The majority of CFPs are based in North America, with a high concentration also seen in Europe.

The reward-based category is the largest in terms of the number of CFPs, while the lending-based category is the smallest. Basing the analysis on a sample of 143 CFPs, the report determines that the donation-based (50%) and lending-based (41%) categories are growing at a relatively similar pace, though both markedly slower than the reward-based category, which boasts a 79% compound annual growth rate (CAGR). The equity-based category sports the fastest growth rate, at 114%.

Other Findings:
  • The total number of crowdfunding campaigns in 2011 reached close to 1.2 million, with almost all occurring in North America (532,000) and Europe (654,000).
  • Equity-based crowdfunding platforms produce the largest amount of funds on a per-project basis. 21% of the funds raised by these platforms in 2011 were for projects that drew $250k or more in funding, compared to just 6% for projects that drew less than $10k in total funding. (Note that this is based on a small sample size of 10 CFPs.)
  • Donation-based and reward-based crowdfunding platforms draw the lowest levels of funding per project. 63% of the funds raised by these platforms were paid out to projects that drew less than $5k in funding. (This data is based on a sample size of 25.)
  • It takes 2.84 weeks on average across all categories (from a sample of 83) to raise the first quarter of the funding goal, and 3.18 weeks on average to raise the last quarter. Lending-based campaigns take about half as much time to complete (4.8 weeks) as equity-based (10 weeks) or donation-based campaigns (10.2 weeks).
  • 42% of CFPs (from a sample of 60) charge a transaction fee based on a percentage commission of funds paid out.
  • About the Data: The Crowdfunding Industry Report is based in part on an industry survey conducted in Q1 2012 by Crowdsourcing.org, with analyses conducted by Crowdsourcing LLC’s research and advisory business, massolution, and significant research conducted via other reliable sources to complete the profiling of the global crowdfunding industry. The survey received over 170 responses from selected participants from Crowdsourcing.org’s Directory of Crowdfunding Sites, which contained 452 active crowdsourcing platforms at the time the survey was conducted. As the basis for the analyses, 135 submissions were selected from CFPs, based on a determination of being both comprehensive and high-integrity.
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2014年1月20日 星期一

馬政府拼經濟的迷失在 ECFA、 服貿、TPP及 RCEP裡,從韓國李明博前總統實例、台灣ECFA經驗、台灣2013GDP結構談起





TPP potential members







就以李明博在首爾市長任內的改革為例,他很清楚認知到首爾乃是個古老都市,自朝鮮時代太祖李成桂起就被定為京城,這種古老都市多年都是因陋就簡自 然而形成,它的格局既乏規劃,都市機能亦不合理。因此他當了市長後就由小到大,力行改革,最早是小的公車改革、街道改革;而後是中型的區域改革,如清溪川整治、都松森林公園開闢;再到大的都市性格重新塑造等。由小到中到大,一步步循序漸進,有思想、有方法、有願景,他的改革當然有成,他自己的「改革信用」 當然愈累積愈大。一旦他當總統,這麼一個有巨大「改革信用」的總統上台,南韓社會的產業、文化及國際地位當然到了改頭換面的時候。

我不久前讀了93年諾貝爾經濟獎得主諾施(Douglas North)所寫的《經濟變遷》小冊,諾施即在書中指出,經濟變遷的成敗要看有權者的意向和企圖,以及對知識的掌握能力;吻合這種條件的社會就會向他所希望的方向前進,缺乏這種知識能力的就無法達成目標,甚至造成反效果。這也是最近在演講場合,我會以李明博和諾施為例,認為轉型改革必須:
這服貿協定根本不利台灣中小企業, 該修改?請
  1. 轉型改革不能只是講大話唱口號,而必須是個改革者自我證明的過程,他必須從小改革開始,進而中改革,最後到大改革,替自己一步步累積「改革信用」。一個沒有「改革信用」的人,別人是不會相信他的
  2. 改革是一種願景的顯示,願景不是文宣口號,而取決於品識與知識,一種改革的想法一定要在自己心裡走一次,可以自我說服的才勉強可以一試。硬幹到底的所謂改革,其實是在為難所有的人,包括自己的徒眾和別人。
  1. 在選舉中李明博曾提出「七四七」競選口號,承諾擔任總統後要讓經濟成長率達7%,讓南韓國國民人均所得達到四萬美元,使南韓國成為全球第七大經濟體,以及連結漢江及洛東江的「朝鮮半島大運河」。李明博的領導目標是使「南韓國747」計劃成真。正如李明博指出的,在他的政府領導下,南韓國將會變得「人民富足,社會和諧,國家強大。」為此,他計劃實施一個務實的市場引導策略。李明博作為漢城市市長以重建清溪川工程而聞名,作為一個國家的總統,他將聞名於朝鮮半島大運河的建設。大運河是到目前為止李明博提出的最具野心和最具爭議的項目,它是一系列連接南韓國主要河流與城市的內陸運河,將會把內陸城市變成繁榮的貿易港口。如果成功的話,此計劃將疏浚南韓國的航道,改善南韓國河流的污染情況,為當地帶來巨大的經濟收入。除此以外,它還將創造大量就業機會,推進旅遊業的發展,並且大幅削減運輸費用。如果失敗的話,將對河川生態系造成不可復原性地破壞。大運河建設項目在內部展開了激烈的論戰。
  2. 在經濟政策方面,他力主加速解除管制、降低企業稅負,並通過一個以市場為主導的全面計劃來使過熱的不動產市場降溫
  3. 李明博還希望實現南北韓經濟共同體來減少南北韓的經濟差距並促進朝鮮的經濟革新。為此他尋求同朝鮮進行人員交換,建立一個「和平城市」,帶領朝鮮進入市場經濟,並共同運作非軍事區的農場。李明博計劃訓練 30萬朝鮮人從事金融、經濟和科技工作,並為朝鮮的工程建立一個 400億美元的基金。 關於南韓上屆政府達成的南北韓協議,李明博宣稱將選擇性地付諸實施。為此他的政府將要把南北韓項目按可行性進行劃分。
  4. 李明博的政策影響最大是政府大幅縮減人事、可以代表右派的小政府思想。讓政府歲入大幅可以用在鼓勵企業投資及產業升級,而台灣馬總統是大幅增加政府經常性支出,政府歲出可以用在鼓勵企業投資及產業升級大幅減少,台灣經濟當然遲緩、失業率當然高;( 註:李明博就猛烈批評:“韓國公務員已經到了阻礙時代發展的危險境地。”李明博一上台就開展公務員“整風運動”,目的是建立一支具有 “開放、自律和創意”精神的公務員隊伍,以此打造一個“小而不失效率的政府”。一是給公務員隊伍減肥。就任總統的第三天,新政府就宣布裁減中央政府公務員 3427名,最明顯的是:廢除副總理職務、恢復無任所長官及精簡中央行政機構,大幅節省政府經常性支出。 )
  5. 對日態度 : 自兩國1964年關係正常化以來,韓國和日本都得益於雙方的友好睦鄰關係,日本為韓國提供了一個重要的貿易和投資夥伴。兩國間的民間交流也逐漸活躍起來,韓國的團體遊客大批地前往日本,日本也有大批的遊客來到韓國觀光。韓國的文化商品如電影和電視劇在日本非常流行,而日本小說在韓國也備受歡迎。
( 註:韓國前總統李明博很清楚,貿易對國際雙邊開放需要政府提供更多資金支持企業產業升級,小政府思想省下50%政府經常性支出才有籌碼與資源刺激企業往前,反觀,馬總統開放國際雙邊貿易協議卻無力量激勵企業產業升級,將淪為墨西哥開放國際雙邊貿易協議之結果:經濟持續低靡 )

ECFA 對台優勢已逐漸消失只剩金融業

   ECFA 就是一個最明顯的證據 ─ ECFA 到底發展了台灣什麼經濟?一再下修的經濟成長率,難道還不能說明 ECFA 根本無法幫助台灣經濟了?但最大的問題在於一般人─不是財團─成為受害者,倒退十六年的實質薪資所得,以及四小龍最高的失業率,證明ECFA事實上已經嚴重傷害了台灣人民的福祉!

    ECFA 簽了後,大陸對台灣投資也下降了,大部份台灣人搞錯了,今日不是台灣對大陸、美國開放經濟就會好,也不是台灣關起門經濟就會好,而是要搞清楚政府要給什麼棒子與糖果讓台灣資金回流投資、刺激內部資金投資創業,經濟才會好

    不管簽 ECFA及服貿,大陸策略仍在吸收台灣人才、資金、技術,這也是為甚麼台灣最大投資仍是 TSMC、日月光、台化等台廠及歐美外商,陸商在台投資比率非常低,遠遠低於陸商對歐、美、東協投資,大陸對歐、美、東協投資是千億美元為單位,對台灣只有個位數之美元投資相差之大就可知道大陸策略是讓台灣經濟變弱依靠大陸;舉例來說:服貿協定開放台灣金融業去大陸,若造成更多台灣錢借給大陸企業與台商競爭,台灣將會發生金融風暴,因為陸企若打不贏台商而倒閉是台灣金融業損失,若陸企若打贏台商,台商倒閉也是造成台灣損失,所以許多與大陸協定一定要讓北京了解台灣這邊想法;
一,有兩大主因:1. 大陸經濟持緩, 2. 台灣與大陸之產業大量重疊;

ECFA、國債泡沫、房地產泡沫造成台灣產業衝症痛期才開始,國民黨極可能已經失去執政位置 ( 基本上就是台灣中小企業體質承受不了中國企業進住競爭之問題,而台灣中小企業卻照顧 580萬勞工 )


   2013 台灣 GDP 在支撐經濟成長的C(消費)、I(投資)、G(政府)、X-M(貿易順差)之中,請参考表,X-M(貿易順差)含海外營餘占 6.4% + 3.3%、外資投資占14.7%、內需消費含房產建材占54.1%、政府支出占19.2%,公司貿易順差含海外營餘 + 外資投資 + 內需消費含房產建材就占整體 GDP 78.5%;

   2013 台灣GDP 在支撐成長最明顯部份是 TSMC、日月光、台化等公司及外資在台灣之投資,而 ECFA 造成台商資金流向大陸、東協反成為GDP成長之負面教材

   政府支出占GDP太大比率而大部分是經常性支出,政府支出占GDP越大,能抽到稅是不多的,因此賦稅/GDP低,政府支出越大 GDP越高但能抽到稅越低,更不用說18%、退休俸支出是計入政府支出占GDP,稅率卻是0;

    從台灣GDP結構、產業升級、投資率、ECFA經驗、韓國李明博前總統實例、大部分台商在大陸及東協角度看,台灣不是盡快加入 TPP及 RCEP,台灣經濟就能成長,而是台灣如何刪減公務員降低政府支出經常性支出,提高政府可刺激台商、外商投資台灣之籌碼,搭配 TPP及 RCEP 適當開放,才能有台灣經濟大成長,請馬總統自已搞清楚。( 註:馬政府也要搞清楚,自從大陸 2011 年開始調整產業結構,製造出兩岸產業競爭關係,讓台灣及香港都成為亞洲 GDP 成長減速最快地區,可参考下圖台灣由13.11% GDP成長率降低至2.95%,減速達 -10.16% )。

ECFA 簽之前, 台灣之失業人數約49.8萬人, 兩岸簽 ECFA 後陸資投資台灣就業增加人數約 9380人,但台灣之失業人數因TSMC、日月光、台化等公司、外資在台灣之投資及大陸和東協台商創造就業人數約 86000人,所以很確認台商在台灣、大陸和東協創造就業機會才是失業降低之主因。
