Meet Jimmy, Intel's 3D-printed robot for consumers
Meet Jimmy. He's the friendly walking robot that Intel is designing for consumers, and he can do all the things you might require of a robotic pal, including singing, translating languages, sending tweets on your behalf and even serving you beer.
Intel describes Jimmy as a research robot, but a less sophisticated version of the adorable droid will go on sale later this year for $1,600 (£957). The caveat is that you will have to 3D print your Jimmy. The 3D printing blueprints will be available without charge, but to construct the robot you will also need to purchase a kit from Intel that will contain all the parts of Jimmy that aren't printable, including motors and an Intel Edison processor.
If you manage to get your hands on a Jimmy and you're the tech savvy sort, you'll be able to get your robot to perform unique tasks and share your discoveries with other users. The robot was created by Intel's resident futurist Brian David Johnson, who compares Jimmy to a smartphone with customisable apps.
"What's so exciting about the open source model is the public gets involved in developing this first generation of crowdsourced, consumer robots. We all get a say in what they do, and together we will come up with far more ideas, more innovation, and more creativity," he is quoted as saying in an Intel blog post. ... 持續閱讀
英特爾出招 讓機器人在家列印
英特爾昨天並發表會走路、會講話的機器人,特別的是,這個機器人零件是由3D列印而成。這個機器人名叫做吉米(Jimmy),英特爾執行長科再奇(Brian Krzanich)在它陪伴下走上加州蘭喬帕洛斯維第斯(Rancho Palos Verdes)的程式碼大會(Code Conference )舞台。
英特爾說,吉米是研究型機器人,將不收費提供消費者比較低階的 3D列印機器人方案,合作夥伴則出售非 3D列印的零件組,例如引擎與一個英特爾艾迪生電腦處理器。使用者可以透過電腦程式讓吉米唱歌、翻譯語言、發送推特推文,甚至為主人拿罐冰涼的啤酒。
英特爾說,「Jimmy」這個會走路、會講話的機器人,零件是由3D列印而成,並透過其 Edison 晶片模組驅動,用戶只要有 3D印表機,購買工具組後,就能自行打造機器人。
英特爾表示,機器人套件針對一般消費市場版本售價約1,600美元,並希望未來五年內降至1,000美元 ... 持續閱讀
Imagine Your Robot Today Design One Tomorrow
Did you know according to predictions by the International Federation of Robotics, by the end of 2011, the world’s population of service robots could exceed 17 million units? Intel’s 21st Century Robot program aims to increase the growth rate, diversity, and utility of robots by giving anyone the ability to create their own robot—just as Intel Researcher Brian Johnson did by creating his robot, Jimmy—with its own unique purpose.
Imagine if you could create your own robot. What would it look like? What would it do? Would it remind you to take medication? Feed your pets? Set the table? According to Intel’s resident futurist, Brian David Johnson, that’s pretty much up to you. Working with a team of Intel researchers and engineers through Intel’s 21st Century Robot initiative, Johnson has created files for an open source robot that can be printed on a 3-D printer and programmed to do whatever you might like.
Johnson’s team has already shared the template for a pilot robot, Jimmy, with 10 teams at various universities, to download, print, and program their own smart mascots.
Best of all, this technology is already here. In May 2014, Johnson’s 21st Century Robot event will unveil new robots created by 10 university teams–the first open source robotics demonstration of its kind. Soon after, you’ll be able to download the files and create your own customizable robot, likely for under $1000 ... 持續閱讀
ETF投資,美股投資,臺股ETF投資,西洋情歌,西洋音樂,閱讀與興趣 [ラブソング, песня любви][ETF inversión, ETF投資します, ETF инвестиции], all investment and interesting stuff I touched, experienced;
2014年5月30日 星期五
2014年5月9日 星期五
2014 ~ 2015 Intel 及 ARM, TSMC 的決戰,處理器及平板市場的新局面,將影響台灣未來5年的經濟 ( Intel, ARM And TSMC Competition Will Go Into Next Race )
過去幾年,Intel製造的微型處理器占據眾數據中心和機器,但最近幾個月局勢出現變化, Intel 除了在智慧型手機晶片市占一直落後 ARM,現在矽谷大批晶片製造商更開始推出以ARM架構為基礎的處理器挑戰 Intel,過往的晶片帝國正面臨來勢洶洶的ARM軍團,預示著一場全新的晶片大戰就要展開。
ARM的嵌入式處理器有低成本、高效能、低耗電的特性,是發展最快速的業務,光在去年就暴增25%,在第三季其他產品的業務成長幅度更超過手機,ARM執行長伊斯特(Warren East)認為,這方面的收入未來會持續上升。
Intel VS. ARM
研究員山卡拉林罕(Karu Sankaralingam)表示,ARM 和Intel晶片最根本的不同就在於其指令集,經過測試後發現兩家公司的指令集在效率方面的表現旗鼓相當。
研究團隊測試ARM微處理器Cortex-A8與Cortex A9的晶片,Intel Atom晶片和Intel Core i7晶片,當研究員讓ARM和Intel Atom晶片執行伺服器程度的工作負載時,兩廠牌都展現類似的耗電量,而i7晶片本來就是為了桌上及筆記型電腦設計,自然耗電量較大但相對效能也高。
Intel 'Bay Trail' Atom compared to Snapdragon 800 and Tegra 4
Exactly a month ago, we first got our hands on Intel's new 'Bay Trail' Atom processors. These chips are based on the x86-architecture and have an important advantage over their competition: they're compatible with a full-fledged version of Microsoft's Windows operating system. Nevertheless, the Z3000-series also targets tablets, where the chips will have to comepte with Qualcomm's Snapdragon 800 and Nvidia's Tegra 4, among others.
Engadget has now had the opportunity to run some benchmarks on three reference tablets, equipped with respectively an Intel 'Bay Trail', Nvidia Tegra 4 and Snapdragon 800 chip. It turns out that performance-wise, Intel's latest creation matches the fastest ARM-chip available at this time: the Snapdragon 800. The graphics chip of the 2.39 GHz quad-core Intel Atom Z3770 is clocked at 311 MHz, but is outperformed by both the Adreno 330, found in the Qualcomm SoC, and the video chip of Nvidia's Tegra 4.
The benchmarks do show that Intel is ready to compete in the ARM-market. If the power consumption is comparable as well, this could mark the breakthrough of x86-architecture on mobile devices.
Intel 將於 2014 年開始代工生產 ARM 處理器
在行動運算裝置崛起,傳統個人電腦高成長不再下,這自然也衝擊了電腦處理器的主要供應商英特爾(Intel),由於英特爾擁有最先進的晶圓設備與產能,先前外界也不斷傳出英持爾有意善用些資源,擴大代工範圍到行動裝置廣泛使用的 ARM 核心處理器,而呼聲最高的莫過於蘋果的 A 系列處理器,不過都從未成真。
不過這樣的光景可能即將來到,根據 Forbes 的報導,英特爾的合作夥伴 Altera 在 ARM developers’ conference 中對外表示,英特爾這家全球最大的半導體廠商,將決定在 2014 年開始對外代工 ARM 核心的處理器,這勢將衝擊現有的半導體代工產業。
也就是說英特爾即將與台積電(TSMC)、聯電(UMC)、GlobalFoundries、三星、IBM、中芯國際(SMIC)等一同競爭來自蘋果、Nvidia、Qualcomm 的訂單,由於英特爾擁有最佳的製程技術,對其他各廠可說是深具威脅。
看來英特爾在自家的產品難以與 ARM 處理器在市場中競爭下,打算以代工扳回部分業績,至少如此一來才不致於在行動運算中缺席。這下子或許在未來我們有機會在行動裝置中見到來自英特爾代工的 ARM 處理器了。
ARM tests: Intel flops on Android compatibility, Windows power
ARM has rolled out a battery of test results that fire two shots across the bow of Intel's x86 dreadnought now sailing into Android waters.
The first set of results addresses the fact that when running native apps that haven't been recompiled to run on Intel-based Android devices, those apps need to be emulated using "binary translation," which converts native ARM code into native Intel x86 code.
Intel says that users shouldn't worry – its binary translator will "just work" with "very minimal power implications" and "unnoticeable performance impact for most applications." ARM – as you might expect – would beg to differ.
"Binary translation – despite what you may have read or despite what you may hear – does have a huge impact to the user and to the performance of the system," ARM senior technical marketing engineer Rod Watt told attendees at his company's 2014 Tech Day this week in Austin, Texas.
科技報報/微軟將舉行小型發布會 或推7.5英寸平板
36氪據The Verge報導,這可能意味著參加此次活動人數不多,但是在微軟不斷更新Surface全尺寸產品線的背景下,這看起來更像是在暗示微軟即將推出的設備。去年九月就有報導稱今年早些時候微軟會發布7.5英寸的Surface Mini。
據稱,新的小尺寸Surface為7.5英寸螢幕,1440 x 1080解析度,4:3的長寬比,這個比例更像是iPad,而不是微軟現有的更適合看電影的 Surface平板電腦。有傳言稱,Surface Mini 將搭載高通處理器,運行Windows RT系統,而不是Windows 8。這也就意味著它會像Surface RT和Surface 2一樣,無法直接使用桌面端的軟體。
雖然微軟官方沒有證實 Surface Mini 的存在,但據多家美國媒體報導,微軟的開發工具中最近增加了專門為小尺寸螢幕設計的模式。7寸的小平板此前被認為是遊戲設備,但是這已經是微軟兩年前的想法了。
8.5吋迷你款Surface 傳Computex 2014亮相
微軟先前已經傳出將推8.5吋迷你款Surface消息,同時也有消息指出將在今年Computex 2014期間公布。就近期 Build 2014 期間宣布將針對 9吋 以下裝置免費授權 Windows 作業系統,或許意味微軟將以迷你款Surface作為硬體設計範本,讓OEM合作廠商可做參考。
過去幾年,Intel製造的微型處理器占據眾數據中心和機器,但最近幾個月局勢出現變化, Intel 除了在智慧型手機晶片市占一直落後 ARM,現在矽谷大批晶片製造商更開始推出以ARM架構為基礎的處理器挑戰 Intel,過往的晶片帝國正面臨來勢洶洶的ARM軍團,預示著一場全新的晶片大戰就要展開。
ARM的嵌入式處理器有低成本、高效能、低耗電的特性,是發展最快速的業務,光在去年就暴增25%,在第三季其他產品的業務成長幅度更超過手機,ARM執行長伊斯特(Warren East)認為,這方面的收入未來會持續上升。
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ARM server system start to migrate low cost server market |
Intel VS. ARM
研究員山卡拉林罕(Karu Sankaralingam)表示,ARM 和Intel晶片最根本的不同就在於其指令集,經過測試後發現兩家公司的指令集在效率方面的表現旗鼓相當。
研究團隊測試ARM微處理器Cortex-A8與Cortex A9的晶片,Intel Atom晶片和Intel Core i7晶片,當研究員讓ARM和Intel Atom晶片執行伺服器程度的工作負載時,兩廠牌都展現類似的耗電量,而i7晶片本來就是為了桌上及筆記型電腦設計,自然耗電量較大但相對效能也高。
Intel 'Bay Trail' Atom compared to Snapdragon 800 and Tegra 4
Exactly a month ago, we first got our hands on Intel's new 'Bay Trail' Atom processors. These chips are based on the x86-architecture and have an important advantage over their competition: they're compatible with a full-fledged version of Microsoft's Windows operating system. Nevertheless, the Z3000-series also targets tablets, where the chips will have to comepte with Qualcomm's Snapdragon 800 and Nvidia's Tegra 4, among others.
Engadget has now had the opportunity to run some benchmarks on three reference tablets, equipped with respectively an Intel 'Bay Trail', Nvidia Tegra 4 and Snapdragon 800 chip. It turns out that performance-wise, Intel's latest creation matches the fastest ARM-chip available at this time: the Snapdragon 800. The graphics chip of the 2.39 GHz quad-core Intel Atom Z3770 is clocked at 311 MHz, but is outperformed by both the Adreno 330, found in the Qualcomm SoC, and the video chip of Nvidia's Tegra 4.
The benchmarks do show that Intel is ready to compete in the ARM-market. If the power consumption is comparable as well, this could mark the breakthrough of x86-architecture on mobile devices.
Intel 將於 2014 年開始代工生產 ARM 處理器
在行動運算裝置崛起,傳統個人電腦高成長不再下,這自然也衝擊了電腦處理器的主要供應商英特爾(Intel),由於英特爾擁有最先進的晶圓設備與產能,先前外界也不斷傳出英持爾有意善用些資源,擴大代工範圍到行動裝置廣泛使用的 ARM 核心處理器,而呼聲最高的莫過於蘋果的 A 系列處理器,不過都從未成真。
不過這樣的光景可能即將來到,根據 Forbes 的報導,英特爾的合作夥伴 Altera 在 ARM developers’ conference 中對外表示,英特爾這家全球最大的半導體廠商,將決定在 2014 年開始對外代工 ARM 核心的處理器,這勢將衝擊現有的半導體代工產業。
也就是說英特爾即將與台積電(TSMC)、聯電(UMC)、GlobalFoundries、三星、IBM、中芯國際(SMIC)等一同競爭來自蘋果、Nvidia、Qualcomm 的訂單,由於英特爾擁有最佳的製程技術,對其他各廠可說是深具威脅。
看來英特爾在自家的產品難以與 ARM 處理器在市場中競爭下,打算以代工扳回部分業績,至少如此一來才不致於在行動運算中缺席。這下子或許在未來我們有機會在行動裝置中見到來自英特爾代工的 ARM 處理器了。
ARM tests: Intel flops on Android compatibility, Windows power
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Intel Chip is not so compatible? |
ARM has rolled out a battery of test results that fire two shots across the bow of Intel's x86 dreadnought now sailing into Android waters.
The first set of results addresses the fact that when running native apps that haven't been recompiled to run on Intel-based Android devices, those apps need to be emulated using "binary translation," which converts native ARM code into native Intel x86 code.
Intel says that users shouldn't worry – its binary translator will "just work" with "very minimal power implications" and "unnoticeable performance impact for most applications." ARM – as you might expect – would beg to differ.
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ARM low power performance is still better than Intel Atom |
"Binary translation – despite what you may have read or despite what you may hear – does have a huge impact to the user and to the performance of the system," ARM senior technical marketing engineer Rod Watt told attendees at his company's 2014 Tech Day this week in Austin, Texas.
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Efficiency of ARM is also better than Intel Atom |
科技報報/微軟將舉行小型發布會 或推7.5英寸平板
36氪據The Verge報導,這可能意味著參加此次活動人數不多,但是在微軟不斷更新Surface全尺寸產品線的背景下,這看起來更像是在暗示微軟即將推出的設備。去年九月就有報導稱今年早些時候微軟會發布7.5英寸的Surface Mini。
據稱,新的小尺寸Surface為7.5英寸螢幕,1440 x 1080解析度,4:3的長寬比,這個比例更像是iPad,而不是微軟現有的更適合看電影的 Surface平板電腦。有傳言稱,Surface Mini 將搭載高通處理器,運行Windows RT系統,而不是Windows 8。這也就意味著它會像Surface RT和Surface 2一樣,無法直接使用桌面端的軟體。
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Refer to |
雖然微軟官方沒有證實 Surface Mini 的存在,但據多家美國媒體報導,微軟的開發工具中最近增加了專門為小尺寸螢幕設計的模式。7寸的小平板此前被認為是遊戲設備,但是這已經是微軟兩年前的想法了。
8.5吋迷你款Surface 傳Computex 2014亮相
微軟先前已經傳出將推8.5吋迷你款Surface消息,同時也有消息指出將在今年Computex 2014期間公布。就近期 Build 2014 期間宣布將針對 9吋 以下裝置免費授權 Windows 作業系統,或許意味微軟將以迷你款Surface作為硬體設計範本,讓OEM合作廠商可做參考。
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引用: 【台灣工程師的矽谷故事】如果你可以擁有一間公司, 你想要鴻海還是蘋果? |
- 若 TSMC 半導體技術領先 Intel、ARM、Samsung,TSMC、聯發科、大立光將帶領整個台灣民間投資率上升,台灣薪資才會大幅成長,台灣 GDP 成長率才會超越 5%,成為亞洲最有實力的民主科技島;政府與企業應努力方向:
- 政府應立法讓台灣產業早期的靠分紅配股保留2% ~ 10%,讓許多投入產業年輕人成為科技新貴並留住人才。能吸引人才到台灣,經濟才能振興。
- 台灣現行的創櫃、興櫃市場還很難吸引許多投資人,稅制限制了創櫃、興櫃市場發展,政府應該修正錯誤之創櫃、興櫃稅率,讓台灣民間投資率大幅上升,這才能真正增加台灣競爭力及未來政府稅收之不二法門。
- 台灣應該要對雲端、大數據、物聯網提出好的研發獎勵補助,企業應該要運用 TSMC 半導體技術領先之機運,加速產業升級,才會振興台灣得到全民支持。
- 企業可以產業升級及加強之範圍:
- TSMC、Intel、ARM、Samsung 半導體技術競爭將持續延伸至 2016 年,TSMC 半導體技術一定要大幅領先 Samsung 及 Globalfoundries ,台灣才能大成長,連帶加速聯發科 IC 產品競爭力,必然逼 Samsung 以自已 IC 及整合之 Smart phone 來消化 Samsung 擴增之產能, 這時 Samsung 必須以 Touch screen LCD、Nand flash 及 自已 IC 去降低自已 Tablet 及 Smart Phone 成本及提高 Samsung 競爭力,若輸了則台灣整個產業都將大敗;所以產業升級、匯率策略遠比服貿、TPP、RECP重要;
- 陸扶持 LCD、LED、太陽能及半導體產業,直接與台灣企業競爭,思考如何再一次產業升級來應付這狀況;所以產業升級、匯率策略遠比服貿、TPP、RECP重要是很確認;
- 簽 FTA 我是建議從加速中東國家、墨西哥、日本、東歐、巴西、印度、印尼 FTA,再來美國 FTA,再來才是TPP, RECP ; 就能以時間換取空間,來做產業升級;( 註:台中小企業維持現在ECFA結合香港CEPA及新加坡FTA就很夠用,一樣可以將產品出口至全世界,關稅一樣很低,而與大陸簽任何約都要很小心細節,因為經分析後發現中國大陸一直運用開放市場及特優獎勵補助來吸收台灣資金、人才,弱化台灣同時讓大陸升級,中國高成長結束後,會更需要台灣資金、人才 ).
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英特爾攻穿戴 推超小處理器
今年5月與執行長柯森尼奇(Brian Krzanich)一起銜命受任的總裁詹姆斯(Renee James)在英特爾年度開發商大會上說:「這是英特爾歷來的最小型晶片。」Quark的大小為低階Atom晶片系列的五分之一,耗電量僅十分之一,但價格並未公布。
布萊恩10日在英特爾科技論壇(IDF)發表開幕演說時表示,英特爾本周將推出英特爾針對行動裝置所設計的首款22奈米系統單晶片(SoC),代號Bay Trail,採全新低功耗、高效能Silvermont微架構,可用在各種創新設計的Android與Windows產品,其中最重要的是平板以及二合一裝置。
Intel's 'Quark' lineup targets wearable
Intel announced a line of tiny chips for new markets, including wearable devices, at the company's annual conference in San Francisco on Tuesday.
Called Quark, it is Intel's bid to stay relevant in the era of wearable computing.The new lower-power products will address wearable gadgets, as well as industrial "Internet-of-Things" devices, new Intel CEO Brian Krzanich said during his keynote speech.
It's approximately one-fifth the size of the company's already-small Atom chip and draws one-tenth the power.
Intel will sample circuit board designs based on the first product in this family during the fourth quarter of this year. Initially, it will be aimed at the industrial, energy, and transportation markets.
Krzanich showed a bracelet as an example of a concept product and said the company is pursuing opportunities with partners in this area.
"Smartphones and tablets are not the end-state," he said. "The next wave of computing is still being defined. Wearable computers and sophisticated sensors and robotics are only some of the initial applications."Intel appears to be going after rival ARM with Quark, wrote Anand Shimpi of chip site Anandtech.
"ARM's Cortex M and Cortex R processor IP already compete in the spaces that Intel is naming for Quark," he said.Qualcomm also is moving ahead with the Internet-of-things concept, such as the recently.
今年5月與執行長柯森尼奇(Brian Krzanich)一起銜命受任的總裁詹姆斯(Renee James)在英特爾年度開發商大會上說:「這是英特爾歷來的最小型晶片。」Quark的大小為低階Atom晶片系列的五分之一,耗電量僅十分之一,但價格並未公布。
布萊恩10日在英特爾科技論壇(IDF)發表開幕演說時表示,英特爾本周將推出英特爾針對行動裝置所設計的首款22奈米系統單晶片(SoC),代號Bay Trail,採全新低功耗、高效能Silvermont微架構,可用在各種創新設計的Android與Windows產品,其中最重要的是平板以及二合一裝置。
Intel's 'Quark' lineup targets wearable
Intel announced a line of tiny chips for new markets, including wearable devices, at the company's annual conference in San Francisco on Tuesday.
Called Quark, it is Intel's bid to stay relevant in the era of wearable computing.The new lower-power products will address wearable gadgets, as well as industrial "Internet-of-Things" devices, new Intel CEO Brian Krzanich said during his keynote speech.
It's approximately one-fifth the size of the company's already-small Atom chip and draws one-tenth the power.
Intel will sample circuit board designs based on the first product in this family during the fourth quarter of this year. Initially, it will be aimed at the industrial, energy, and transportation markets.
Krzanich showed a bracelet as an example of a concept product and said the company is pursuing opportunities with partners in this area.
"Smartphones and tablets are not the end-state," he said. "The next wave of computing is still being defined. Wearable computers and sophisticated sensors and robotics are only some of the initial applications."Intel appears to be going after rival ARM with Quark, wrote Anand Shimpi of chip site Anandtech.
"ARM's Cortex M and Cortex R processor IP already compete in the spaces that Intel is naming for Quark," he said.Qualcomm also is moving ahead with the Internet-of-things concept, such as the recently.
The 2013 edition of the annual Internet Trends report finds a continued robust online growth. The world now has 2.4 billion Internet users, and this total figure continues to grow apace. A major factor in this increase is mobile usage and it is expanding swiftly, while the mobile advertising opportunity remains largely untapped.
KPCB’s report has reviewed the shifting online landscape, which has become more social and content rich, with expanded use of photos, video and audio. Looking into the future, the report highlights early signs of demand and growth for wearable computing devices, such as the likes of Google glasses, connected wrist bands and watches, also the features and emergence of connected cars, drones and other new platforms.
Teenagers still love Facebook, this isn’t breaking news. Piper Jaffray’s recent study shows 33 percent of the 5,200 teens surveyed choose Facebook as their most important of all social networks. Following closely behind, Twitter has 30 percent of the vote, while 17 percent of teens say that Instagram is the most important social network.
The most notable fact is that interest in Facebook seems to be declining heavily among teens. Even though teens still see Facebook as their most important social network, Piper Jaffray reports that the numbers are down regarding how many teens see Facebook as the most important social media website.
Over the past year, the number of teens who deem Facebook as the most important social media site has dropped from more than 30 percent to just over 20 percent. YouTube may usurp Facebook soon as the most important social media site. As it stands right now, YouTube also has around 22 percent of the vote.
- 由一篇小說看出5年後勞工環境將更嚴峻,工作形態、政府結構將大幅改變;
- 會飛行還懂得團隊合作的機器人
- 未來的工作形態至機器人的世界
- 雲端人工智慧是下一場革命
- 什麼是據有 social 及品牌企業
- 社群網路影響力 - 至社群行銷及社群企業
- Google Glass 原理及功能定義越來越清楚 - 將啟動各種可穿戴式運算新世界
- Google 已經將 Google Translate 及 Google voice 整合成 Youtube 自動字幕服務,下一個將是自然語言雲端
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