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2013年8月24日 星期六

利用地心引力發電 GravityLight - 將照明全世界沒有無穩定電力之 15億人口 ( Use gravity generation GravityLight : enable the light for the world population of 1.5 billion without stable electricity )

Today, over 1.5 billion people - about 21% of the world's population - have no reliable access to mains electricity. In several countries, the grid is failing to keep pace with population growth, which mean the number of people without reliable electricity will continue to grow. These people rely instead on biomass fuels - predominantly kerosene - for light. ( 今天超過1.5億人 - 約
世界人口的21%左右 - 有沒有可靠地電力。在一些國家,電力網無法跟上人口的增長,這意味著人數沒有可靠的電力將繼續增長。)

GravityLight is our solution!  ( GravityLight是我們的電力解決方案!)

GravityLight™ is an innovative device that generates light from gravity. It's an innovative way of generating light and low levels of power from gravity. It takes only 3 seconds to lift the weight that powers GravityLight, creating 25 minutes of light on its descent. ( GravityLight™ 是一個創新的重力產生光的設備。這是一種創新的方式,重力產生低層次的電力。只需3秒鐘舉起的重量,GravityLight其後創造 25分鐘的燈光。)

It can be used over and over again with no running costs. ( 它可用於一遍又一遍,沒有運行成本。)

Sustainability & Climate change: not only does burning kerosene deplete our finite fossil fuel resources, it also has a huge cumulative contribution to CO2 emissions: Used for 4 hours a day, a single kerosene lamp emits over 100kg of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere per year. ( 可持續發展和氣候變化觀點:不僅燒煤油耗盡我們有限的化石燃料資源,它也有一個巨大的累積的二氧化碳排放量:每天4個小時用於一個單一的煤油燈每年超過100公斤的二氧化碳排放到大氣中。)

In November 2012 GravityLight was at risk of being shelved unless funding could be found to support a trial: the tooling, manufacture and distribution of at least 1000 gravity powered lights. The plan was to gift the lights in both Africa and India to use regularly and use their feedback to develop a more efficient second version for eventual high volume production. ( 在2012年11月中,GravityLight 是在,的被擱置的除非有經費支付找到可用於支持一個試用版:的工裝,至少為1000重力供電的燈的製造及分銷的風險。該計劃是在非洲和印度的禮品: 燈,定期使用,並使用他們的反饋意見,以制定一個更有效的第二個版本的最終大批量生產。)

British industrial designer Martin Riddiford has created a pineapple-size lamp powered by a 25-pound weight that falls about six feet in a half-hour. That may not sound like much, but it’s enough to drive a silent motor at thousands of rotations per minute. The GravityLight, which shines slightly brighter than most kerosene lamps, requires a certain amount of elbow grease: Once the weight reaches bottom, it must be manually lifted to repeat the process. ( 英國工業設計師 Martin Riddiford 創造了一個菠蘿大小的燈,搭載了25磅的體重,在一個半小時​​下降大約六英尺。這聽起來好像不多,但是這是不夠的一種無聲的電機驅動數以千計的每分鐘旋轉。該GravityLight,眼前一亮稍微比大多數煤油燈明亮,需要一定量的苦勞:一旦重量達到底部,必須手動取消重複上述過程。)


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2013年8月4日 星期日

ARKYD:大家的太空望遠鏡 - 新創意之創業方式 ( ARKYD: A Space Telescope for Everyone, the new business from most smart science and engineers )


目前ARKYD在 Kickstarter 上啟動了一個眾籌計劃,任何人都可以通過捐獻款項獲得一次遠距離操作太空望遠鏡的機會。操作者隻需要利用自己的電腦、手機等設備就能操作在太空飛行的望遠鏡。該計劃兩天就獲得了50萬美元的資金。

Planetary Resources是一間緻力於開發小行星礦產資源的公司,其制造了一個計劃用於探測小行星資源的小型太空望遠鏡ARKYD。

  目前ARKYD在Kickstarter上啟動了一個眾籌計劃,任何人都可以通過捐獻款項獲得一次遠距離操作太空望遠鏡的機會。操作者隻需要利用自己的電腦、手機 等設備就能操作在太空飛行的望遠鏡。該計劃兩天就獲得了50萬美元的資金。根據Planetary Resources的策劃,任何人隻要參與了這次的眾籌計劃,就可以在特定的時間段內獲得操作ARKYD的權利。







ARKYD Space Telescope project

The first publicly accessible space telescope! Take amazing photos of space or have your photo displayed above the Earth.

Since the formation of Planetary Resources, our primary goal has been to build technology enabling us to prospect and mine asteroids. We've spent the last year making great leaps in the development of these technologies. These advancements have presented us with the opportunity to engage in another passion of our team:

The ARKYD is a technologically advanced, orbiting space telescope that will be controlled by YOU, the crowd, through your pledges and community involvement! You can even direct your telescope time to non-profit science centers and universities for use in your communities!

Just think about the true impact of this endeavor for a moment.  Together we can provide access to technology that costs tens of millions of dollars into the hands of students, scientists and a new generation of explorers, who will use it in ways we can’t even fathom yet!

The ARKYD 100  Space Telescope A commercial space telescope within reach of the private citizen ( ARKYD100 太空望遠鏡的私人公民商業太空望遠鏡 )

The ARKYD 100 Space Telescope is Planetary Resources’ first Arkyd Series 100 product.  It will provide the company with the core spacecraft technologies necessary for asteroid prospecting while creating the first space telescope within reach of the private citizen. The ARKYD contains the critical structures, avionics, attitude determination and control, and instrumentation that enable low-cost asteroid exploration.

The ARKYD 100 Space Telescope provides spectacular views of the Earth’s surface and deep space, including the rich, virtually unexplored areas between our planet and the Sun. Central to its configuration and functionality is a precision imaging system. With arc-second resolution, the ARKYD 100 spacecraft camera will provide detailed celestial and Earth observations where you want them, and when you want them. The ARKYD 100 is capable of surveying for near-Earth asteroids during one orbit, then be retasked for rain forest observation on the next. The possibilities for utility and engagement are only limited by the imagination of the user.

Planetary Resources is currently developing the ARKYD 100 Space Telescope for spaceflight in the near future, and is proud to have it as its first product offering to the public. If you have interest in the ARKYD 100, or in other Planetary Resources offerings, please contact us.


Adding propulsion capabilities and additional scientific instrumentation to the ARKYD 100 Space Telescope enables an Earth-crossing asteroid Interceptor mission. Several undiscovered asteroids are seen for the first time as they routinely cross through Earth’s neighborhood. By hitching a ride with a launched satellite headed for a geostationary orbit, Interceptor will be well positioned to fly-by and collect data on these new targets of opportunity.

Two or more Interceptors can work together as a team to potentially identify, track and fly-by the asteroids that travel between the Earth and our Moon. The closest encounters may result in a planned spacecraft “intercept,” providing the highest-resolution data, similar to how government efforts first explored the Moon with the Ranger missions (1961-65) and later with the Deep Impact mission at Comet 9P/Tempel (2005).

These Interceptor missions will allow Planetary Resources to quickly acquire data on several near-Earth asteroids. ( 這些攔截衛星任務將允許,快速獲取一些近地小行星上的行星資源數據。)

註:ARKYD 是快速獲取一些近地小行星上的行星資源數據之衛星計劃,將取得近地小行星上的特殊資源數據。
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2013年6月24日 星期一

音樂串流產業大幅轉向社群音樂網路,歐洲興起的 SoundCloud 超越 Pandora ( Stream music industrial has big change to social market with Ellie Goulding music )

蘋果推音樂串流服務 刺激需求

彭博社報導,蘋果(Apple Inc. US AAPL )推出新音樂串流服務,並徹底改造iPhone和iPad作業軟體,希望藉以削弱谷歌(GoogleInc. GOOG )Android行動作業系統的優勢。

蘋果指出,ITunes Radio具備200家以上免費電台,由針對部份用戶的廣告贊助。這項網路音樂服務為徹底翻新的行動作業系統iOS 7的一部分,具備更簡潔的使用者介面。

由於智慧型手機共用許多物質特徵和科技特色,製造商因此更加仰賴軟體設計和服務來取得競爭優勢和吸引消費。儘管蘋果推出iTunes Radio服務目的在提升iOS 7魅力,但可能仍不足以將用戶從潘朵拉媒體(PandoraMedia Inc. US-P)和Spotify Ltd.吸引過來。



此外,蘋果以全新處理器和記憶體將其重量最輕筆電MacBook Air升級,能加快操作速度和延長電池壽命,並推出新款Mac Pro桌上型電腦,讓高階用戶感受先進電力和記憶功能。蘋果週一在美股下跌不到1%收438.89美元,潘朵拉上漲2.5%收15.49美元。

SoundCloud 在線音訊分享平臺竟超越 Pandora

SoundCloud web visiting rating is higher than Pandora,
Apple and Google will all join the stream social music,
Who will be the final winner?
SoundCloud是一個在線音訊分享平臺,它允許人們合作、交流和分享原創音訊錄音。它最初建立於瑞典的斯德哥爾摩,2007年8月,由編曲lex Ljung和藝術家Eric Wahlforss於德國柏林正式成立。它的原旨是想讓音樂家們能自由交流各自的錄音,但不久它就徹底轉變成了一個同時也能推廣音樂家曲目的公開平臺。在建成後的幾個月里,SoundCloud 開始挑戰MySpace 的優勢。

2009年,在接受《連線》雜誌的採訪中,創始人之一Alex Ljung說道:

    「我們都因為音樂聯繫在一起,所以我兩對和人們在音樂上合作感到真的非常、非常惱火——我指那些簡單的合作:僅僅私下裡把作品給別人,從他們得到一些反饋,並就這段音樂談論幾句。同樣的情況下我們可以用 Flickr 交流照片,還有 Vimeo 交流視頻,可我們沒有那樣一個平臺給我們的音樂。」

SoundCloud’s New “Moving Sounds” Feature Holds Promise For Ads, Viral Content Like Tumblr’s Gifs ( SoundCloud 進入網路廣告生意 )

Audio platform SoundCloud announced changes to its subscription plans today, as well as a new plan aimed at content and brand partners. The company had previously offered five different tiers to its service, making things somewhat confusing for more casual and pro users alike. It’s now dropping its available plans to just three for individual users: free, Pro and Pro Unlimited. There’s also one new beta plan called Pro Partner, which includes an interesting feature SoundCloud calls “Moving Sounds.” This allows for images to run behind SoundCloud’s streaming tracks, and sets up the potential for brands to run advertisements.

The three new plans will replace the previously existing Lite, Solo, Pro and Plus accounts, and for paid users, they’ll now have access to higher upload limits and more comprehensive analytics at lower monthly and yearly rates, the company says. Pro will be available at €3 ($3.90) monthly and €9 ($11.70) monthly for Pro Unlimited. Basically, the new Pro plan is the same as the old Lite plan in terms of cost and storage limits, but offers improved analytics. Meanwhile, the Pro Unlimited plans, as the name implies, allows unlimited storage. Discounts are available to those who subscribe for a year upfront.

註:音樂串流產業大幅轉向社群音樂網路,歐洲興起的 SoundCloud 超越 Pandora,Apple 及 Google 加入是否改變戰局仍不可知;但由網路拜訪率得知音樂串流產業大幅上升。

體驗 SoundCloud Playlist Widget 

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2013年6月22日 星期六

沒水照樣可以洗澡 - 產生的啟示與發明 ( short of water became an inspiration for new invention )

我在南非的林波波省長大 一個離普馬蘭加省不遠 叫 Motetema 的小鎮 這裡的水電供應 跟天氣一樣很不穩定 我就是在 這種艱困的環境中長大的 17歲那年的冬天,我和幾個朋友 正輕鬆地曬著太陽,做日光浴 林波波省的冬天陽光宜人 正享受著日光浴時 我的好朋友突然問我 欸!為什麼沒有人發明一種東西 可以直接塗在身上,就不用洗澡了? 聽完我馬上坐了起來,心想 酷喔!有的話我一定買!

回到家,我開始做一些研究 發現一些驚人的數據 全世界有超過25億人口 沒有穩定的自來水源 和健全的下水道設施 其中4億5千萬人在非洲 又有5百萬人在南非 在這種環境中 各種疾病肆虐 其中最恐怖的病叫 粒性結膜炎 (又名沙眼) 沙眼是一種因為眼睛進沙 進而感染的疾病 多處感染可能導致永久失明 因為這種病而失明的病患 每年高達800萬人 最諷刺的是,預防沙眼沒什麼訣竅 只要養成洗臉的好習慣 就不用擔心沙眼找上你 不用吃藥也不用打針

看完這些恐怖的數據後 我心想 這樣吧! 就算不是為了實現不洗澡的願望 我也應該來拯救世界(笑聲) 所以,全靠這支神機 諾基亞 6234 因為我沒有筆電,網路也不方便 這邊只有一小時70塊的網咖 我上維基百科和谷歌做功課 找了和乳液、乳霜相關的各種資料 研究它們的成分、溶點和毒性 於是,我用高中自然課學過的概念 寫下了簡易配方 還真像肯德基的獨門辣椒醬配方

我心想,既然都有配方了 應該來實際做做看 時間快轉到四年後 我用手機 寫了一份40頁的商業計畫書 和專利說明書 我成為全國最年輕的專利權人 我的專利就是-再也不用洗澡了! 不解釋(笑聲) "乾洗澡"終於成功了! 世界上第一個 可以代替洗澡水的乳液 只要把它塗在身上,就不用洗澡 

高中時 我用有限的資源研發乾洗澡 上大學後, 我和一些朋友 終於把構想變為現實 乾洗澡也就這樣上市了 為此 我們也學會如何行銷 如何滿足客戶需求 我們發現貧困人家 不會大量購買 而是用多少買多少 Alex的居民不會買整盒香菸來抽 (約翰尼斯堡的貧民區) 即便要花比較多的錢, 他們還是一次買一支 所以我們設計了乾洗澡隨身包 只要對折,就可以擠出來用 更酷的是 一包不到20塊就可以洗一次澡 在建立模式的過程中 我們發現 連郊區那些有錢人家的小孩 都很喜歡乾洗澡,  每個禮拜至少要用一次 總之,他們每少洗一次澡 就可省下8000萬公升的洗澡水, 鄉下孩子們 每天就多兩個小時上課 多兩個小時做功課 多兩個小時享受童年

看到這些國際影響之後 我們歸納出產品的價值和訴求 主打-乾淨方便 乾洗澡不僅可以給有錢人方便 還能救窮人的命

量產後 我們準備把產品賣給跨國企業 再由跨國企業銷往零售市場 我還想問大家一個問題 像我在這種環境長大 每週零用錢不到200塊的年輕人 都能發明乾洗澡 到底還有什麼理由讓你停滯不前? (掌聲) 我還沒講完,我還沒講完 整個過程中 另外一大收穫就是 去年,我被谷歌評選為 世界上最聰明的年輕人之一 我也是目前最優秀的學生企業家 第一位獲獎的非洲人 令人摸不著頭緒的是 這一切都從不想洗澡開始 謝謝

註:各國環境不同,市場需求不同,創新也不同,『沒水照樣可以洗澡』給我們的最大啟示是只要能更深認識各國環境差異與需求許多創新發明會有很大商機,LUDWICK 鼓勵大家要有追求成功、創新的信念,才能脫離貧困

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