世界人口的21%左右 - 有沒有可靠地電力。在一些國家,電力網無法跟上人口的增長,這意味著人數沒有可靠的電力將繼續增長。)
GravityLight is our solution! ( GravityLight是我們的電力解決方案!)

It can be used over and over again with no running costs. ( 它可用於一遍又一遍,沒有運行成本。)

In November 2012 GravityLight was at risk of being shelved unless funding could be found to support a trial: the tooling, manufacture and distribution of at least 1000 gravity powered lights. The plan was to gift the lights in both Africa and India to use regularly and use their feedback to develop a more efficient second version for eventual high volume production. ( 在2012年11月中,GravityLight 是在,的被擱置的除非有經費支付找到可用於支持一個試用版:的工裝,至少為1000重力供電的燈的製造及分銷的風險。該計劃是在非洲和印度的禮品: 燈,定期使用,並使用他們的反饋意見,以制定一個更有效的第二個版本的最終大批量生產。)
British industrial designer Martin Riddiford has created a pineapple-size lamp powered by a 25-pound weight that falls about six feet in a half-hour. That may not sound like much, but it’s enough to drive a silent motor at thousands of rotations per minute. The GravityLight, which shines slightly brighter than most kerosene lamps, requires a certain amount of elbow grease: Once the weight reaches bottom, it must be manually lifted to repeat the process. ( 英國工業設計師 Martin Riddiford 創造了一個菠蘿大小的燈,搭載了25磅的體重,在一個半小時下降大約六英尺。這聽起來好像不多,但是這是不夠的一種無聲的電機驅動數以千計的每分鐘旋轉。該GravityLight,眼前一亮稍微比大多數煤油燈明亮,需要一定量的苦勞:一旦重量達到底部,必須手動取消重複上述過程。)