2013年8月17日 星期六

Google Glass 原理及功能定義越來越清楚 - 將啟動各種可穿戴式運算新世界 ( Google Glass principle and functional definition is becoming increasingly clear - will launch a variety of wearable computing World )

Google Glass更新,提供新的語音命令

每月都會定期更新Glass韌體的Google Glass團隊周一(8/12)宣布,已新增2項語音命令,並改善了Google Now與影音播放功能。

Google表示,現在開發人員可將其他服務的語音命令添加到主要選單中,最先示範的兩項語音命令是張貼更新(Post an update)與作筆記(Take a note),前者目前支援社交程式Path,後者支援Evernote。Glass用戶必須先說出「Ok,Glass」以啟用語音命令功能,張貼更新與作筆記只是個開始,未來Google將會允許Glass用戶利用語音來執行各種服務。

此次Google也改善了Glass平台上的重點服務─Google Now,Google Now標榜能在對的時間與地點展示對的資訊,有各種類別的卡片,諸如交通、天氣與運動賽事的即時成績等,現在則新增電影、活動與緊急通知卡片,可顯示附近電影院正上映的影片,亦可提醒使用者音樂會或有訂位的晚餐時間快到了,或是在天災發生時進行緊急通知。


Google期望Google Glass可於今年正式上市,目前估計約有數千人正使用測試版的Google Glass Explorer,測試版售價為1500美元。

Google Glass更新:餐廳訂位、路況回報及第三方語音控制等功能

在Google Glass的XE8最新發表更新中,這次Google Glass搭載的Google Now功能將有新了的內容更新,且可使用第三方語音應用更新和影片播放控制等功能。

Google Glass在Google Now功能更新包括:旅館及餐廳訂位、演唱會門票預訂及提醒、院線電影放映的資訊、緊急災害提醒、交通狀況回報及提醒、天氣預報、隨時查看運動賽事等。

Google Glass在主選單中新增了「第三方語音控制」選項,可支援Path以及Evernote等應用。

此外Google Glass影片播放時,新增了可讓用戶在影片播放時控制影片播放的狀態,暫停、播放、快轉等。

Martin Missfeldt Graphic on How Google Glass Works

Martin Missfeldt is a Berlin-based artist with a sense of humor, known for posting gags like asserting the Google Glass team is working on an X-ray-spec-like application (and that Apple is countering it with asbestos-lined underwear). However, Missfeldt has also released an earnest infographic showing "How Google Glass Works," based on his study of both the patent and several write-ups.

The bulkiest parts are the battery riding on the right ear and the projector, though these things will presumably shrink over time. (On the battery front, have a look at LG Chem's wire-like battery tech and UCLA's developments in supercapacitors.) The image is bounced off of a prism and focused directly onto the wearer's retina. Interestingly, the fine-tuning of the focus is apparently achieved in a primitive way: By physically adjusting the distance of the prism from the eye.

"The biggest challenge for Google will now be to make the Google Glass also usable for people with normal glasses," writes Missfeldt. That's no trivial matter, as by his reckoning that's more than 50% of the population in some countries; by your correspondent's observation, countries like South Korea and cities like Hong Kong have an insanely high percentage of children wearing eyeglasses.

"In this case the Google Glass has to be placed ahead of normal glasses—which doesn't [work well]. Or Google has to manufactor [sic] individual customized prisms, but this would be considerably more expensive than the standard production."

What Google Glass can do for us?

  • It’s surprisingly simple with clock there and any picture you watch;
  • Say “take a picture” to take a picture for any moment you need and keep a record for your life;
  • Record what you see in Hands-free situation, this is pretty amazing;
  • Even share what you see and what you live;
  • Directions right in front of you.
  • Speak to send a message.
  • Ask whatever’s on your mind.
  • Translate your voice.
  • Answers without having to ask.

Ask whatever’s on your mind.
Translate your voice

三星智慧錶 9月亮相

SamMobile.com網站周三報導,三星電子可望在9月4日柏林舉行的新品發表會上,揭開首款智慧型手錶的神祕面紗,其型號為Galaxy Gear(SM-V700)。

     該網站證實,三星當天除了發表最新平板智慧型手機Galaxy Note III之外,外界期盼已久的Galaxy Gear也會一同亮相,將作為Galaxy Note III相互搭配的週邊產品。儘管三星對於手錶外型保密到家,但預料其內建可彎曲螢幕。


Google Glass 拆解圖

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