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我們能克服衰老嗎? |
矛盾的是,隨著醫療科技的發達,人類壽命只會愈來愈長,愈活愈老,根據資料顯示,自 1960 年以來,亞洲人平均壽命已經從 44 歲提高到 70 歲,2006 年全球更有近五億人口超過 65 歲,到 2030 年時,這個數字將會倍增。老化的人口增加,也帶動一塊新的抗老需求興起。
反觀台灣的高齡人口約 200 萬,亦已進入高齡化社會,老年人口還在急速增加當中,男性平均壽命為 72 歲,女性為 78 歲,隨著壽命愈長、年齡愈增,人們將會更願意花錢來保持年輕,國外有調查指出,2008 年在美國有 9,100 多萬人,曾嘗試抗老化產品和美容整形手術,其中一半的人年齡在 40 歲以下。時至今日,抗老化運動已成為一項年齡層頻頻下探的無底限全民革命了,而伴隨老化恐慌的而來的需求,則是一塊大到不可探底的商機版圖。
壓力/ 肥胖 讓人老的快
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2025 台灣有 20% 老人,我們 39歲就要開始保健 |
胖就老、老就病 健康說 Bye Bye
根據研究,肥胖與疾病、老化幾乎是同步進行,肥胖者大腦退化的程度比體重標準者老了 16 年、患高血壓的機會是一般人的 2 倍、缺血性心臟病是一般人的 3 倍、腦中風則是一般人的4倍。此外,肥胖的人罹患與老化相關之退化性關節炎、痛風、糖尿病、膽結石、癌症等比例,也比正常人高出許多!
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智能防老、智能保健預防未來疾病成趨勢 |
Nu Skin 獲利創新高
Improved Second Quarter Results Outlook ( 第二季度業績大幅成長 )
Nu Skin expects to generate second quarter revenues of around $680 million, up 14.6% on the year before, despite currency headwinds which shave off 3% of total revenues. The strong revenue guidance came in far ahead of Nu Skin's prior guidance of second quarter revenues of $570 to $580 million. ( NU SKIN 預計第二季將產生的總收入約為680億美元,比去年增長14.6% )
Earnings per share are expected to come in around $1.20 per share, implying that net earnings will come in around $70 million. ( 每股盈利預計將在每股1.20美元左右,這意味著淨盈利將約為7,000萬元。)
Previously, Nu Skin guided for second quarter earnings per share of $0.91-$0.95 per share, which compares to last year's earnings of $0.94 per share. ( 先前,第二季度每股收益預估為$0.91每股0.95美元,比去年的每股0.94元的盈利低。)
CEO Truman Hunt commented on the very solid developments during the quarter, "Our second-quarter results reflect the strong momentum of our business. After a record 2012 that included impressive ageLOC product launches in the second quarter, we continue to generate healthy gains throughout our global business, particularly in the Greater China, North Asia and Americas regions."
And A Strong Outlook For The Remainder Of The Year
Based on the very strong developments during the quarter, Nu Skin is raising its full-year revenue outlook by $320 million to $2.83-$2.86 billion. This is despite intensifying currency headwinds which are estimated to shave off 5% of total revenues.
Full-year earnings per share are expected to come in between $4.85 and $5.00 per share. ( 全年每股盈利預計將在$4.85和$5.00每股之間 ).
Nu Skin ended its first quarter of 2013 with $325.7 million in cash and equivalents. The company operates with $195.3 million in total debt, for a net cash position of around $130 million. The company generated annual revenues of $2.17 billion for 2012, up 24.4% on the year before. Net income advanced by 44.6% to $221.7 million in the meantime.
Factoring in the almost 20% gains on Tuesday, the market values Nu Skin at $4.6 billion. Excluding the net cash position, operating assets are valued around $4.5 billion. This values operating assets of the firm at 2.1 times annual revenues and 20 times annual earnings. Nu Skin currently pays a quarterly dividend of $0.30 per share, for an annual dividend yield of 1.5%.
Some Historical Perspective
Shareholders in Nu Skin have seen spectacular returns over the past decade, but they had to wait quite a while for those returns to materialize. Shares fell from levels around $25 in 2004 to lows of $10 in 2009.
From that point in time, shares have gradually risen to highs of $60 during spring of 2012. After witnessing a correction towards $40 per share later that year, shares have doubled ever since, currently setting fresh all-time highs around $80 per share.
Underlying the returns is the strong growth in operations, with revenues increasing by 63% between 2009 and 2012. Earnings rose by 147% in the meantime.
PROVO, Utah, Aug. 1, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE: NUS) today announced that its board of directors has authorized a $400 million extension to the company's existing stock repurchase authorization. ( NU SKIN如新企業集團(NYSE:NUS)今天宣布,其董事會已批准了一項價值4億美元公司股票回購授權。)
"As we build on another record quarter and ramp up for the global roll out of our ageLOC TR90 weight management system, we are increasingly optimistic about the future of our business," said Ritch Wood, chief financial officer. "We are confident in the company's ability to continue to generate strong cash flow and plan to use our financial strength to repurchase shares to create shareholder value." ( “我們有信心在公司的繼續產生強勁的現金流,並計劃使用我們購回股份的資金實力,為股東創造價值的能力。” )
The board last increased the stock repurchase authorization by $250 million in May 2012.
由 Birmingham 大學 Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council(BBSRC)所資助的科學家發現一種稱為 DAF-16 的基因,強烈影響實驗室蠕蟲秀麗隱桿線蟲(Caenorhabditis elegans,C. elegans)及其演化上親近之表親的老化速率與平均壽命。DAF-16 可在許多其他動物身上發現,包括人類。這項知識可能為人類老化、免疫以及壓力抵抗的改變開啟新的途徑。這項研究發表在今日(四月一日)的 PLoS ONE。
領導這項研究的 Dr Robin May 表示:"老化是種所有生物體均會經歷的過程,不過速率非常不同。我們知道,即使是關係密切的物種,平均壽命都會大不相同。"
"我們想要找出,正常的老化如何受基因統治,以及這些基因對於其他特性,諸如免疫力,有何影響。為了辦到這件事,我們觀察一種涉及老化過程的基因,稱為 DAF-16,看看它如何在不同物種中決定不同的老化速率。"
胰島素管控抗老荷爾蒙 Klotho 的分泌
Carmela Abraham 博士,波士頓大學醫學院(BUSM)一位生物化學與醫學教授,本週在 PNAS 上報告 Klotho(一種抗老化基因,那與囓齒類、人類的壽命延長相關)的新發現。Abraham 博士對於 Klotho 的關注起源於她比較年輕與年老大腦基因表現的研究。
Abraham 博士及其同事觀察 Klotho 在腦中的濃度證實,它會隨著年老而顯著減少。Klotho 與老化之間的關連促使 Abraham 的小組更進一步研究 Klotho 的管控。這些研究致使她們觀察到 Klotho 的分泌受到胰島素(insulin)的調節。
Klotho 蛋白質位於某些細胞的細胞膜,不過亦可在血清及腦脊髓液的循環中發現,這指出它是分泌出來的(secreted)。Klotho 是分泌出來的這項事實則暗示有某種酵素,其作用像剪刀,必涉及將 Klotho 自細胞膜釋出。
Ci-Di Chen 博士,在 Abraham 博士小組中工作的助教授,接著試圖要確認負責將 Klotho 釋出的酵素,並研究其他可能影響活性 Klotho 釋出的因素。
讓她們訝異的是,她們發現胰島素,一種通常與糖尿病相關的荷爾蒙,能顯著增加 Klotho 分泌程度。這項發現之所以重要的緣故,是因為過量的胰島素事先已牽連到一堆與壽命減少及提高氧化壓力相關的生化路徑。
瑞士科學家揭露深藏在粒線體(mitochondria)內部、造成老化的機制 -- 並將抗生素給予年輕的蠕蟲,進而大幅減緩其老化。為何在一個相同物種的同質族群中,某些個體能比其他多活三倍的時間?這個問題已困擾科學家數百年了。
現在,由 Johan Auwerx 所領導的 EPFL(洛桑聯邦理工學院)研究者在 Nature 上報告,老鼠體內的某種機制如何在長壽中扮演一種決定性的角色。而且他們更進一步:在線蟲(nematodes,又稱圓蟲)族群中使用簡單的抗生素,藉此擾亂這種機制,他們能增加其壽命達 1.6 倍。
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Beautiful, healthy and long life is what we want |
接下來,該團隊報告一種線蟲物種,秀麗隱桿線蟲(Caenorhabidtis elegans)中的蛋白質變化。"在這些線蟲的成長階段中,藉由減少這些蛋白的製造,我們顯著增加牠們的壽命," Auwerx 說。
以這種方式操作的線蟲平均壽命,從 19 天增加到 30 天以上,增加了百分之 60。科學家接著進行實驗,排除一般特性,最後確定粒線體核醣體蛋白(mitochondrial ribosomal proteins,MRPs)與長壽密切相關。
研究者下結論表示,在生長中的某個關鍵時刻缺乏 MRP,在粒線體內創造出一種特定的壓力反應,稱為「unfolded protein response(未折疊蛋白反應)」。"這種反應的強度被發現與壽命成正比," Auwerx 表示,"不過,我們注意到,如果這種蛋白質的失衡 -- MRP 減少 -- 發生在年輕的時候,那會更顯著。在成蟲中,類似的刺激並不會影響線蟲的壽命。"
此外,這種效應不需要對蠕蟲進行遺傳操作即可被誘發。"暴露在某些垂手可得的藥物中即可抑制核醣體功能,也因而引發想要的反應," Auwerx 說。換言之,粒線體對於某些抗生素敏感,而這些藥物能用來延壽。
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