Gartner Predicts Infrastructure Services Will Accelerate Cloud Computing Growth ( Gartner預計將加快基礎設施服務雲計算增長 )

From legacy Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, integrating legacy systems of record to cloud-based platforms will accelerate through 2016. I’ve seen this in conversations with resellers and enterprise customers, and this trend is also reflected in Gartner’s latest report on public cloud computing adoption, Forecast Overview: Public Cloud Services, Worldwide, 2011-2016, 4Q12 Update Published: 8 February 2013. Below are the key take-aways from the report: ( 從傳統的企業資源規劃 ERP 到客戶關係管理軟件 CRM,基於雲計算平台的遺留系統的集成還將會加快,這個趨勢在雲服務提供商和企業用戶身上都可以看到,Gartner最新關於公共雲接受度的調查報告也證實了這點,報告鏈接: 2011-2016年公共雲服務綜合預測。)
Global spending on public cloud services is expected to grow 18.6% in 2012 to $110.3B, achieving a CAGR of 17.7% from 2011 through 2016. The total market is expected to grow from $76.9B in 2010 to $210B in 2016. The following is an analysis of the public cloud services market size and annual growth rates: ( 20112年,全球在公有云方面的支出增長了18.6%,達到1103億美元。 Gartner預測2011年到2016年,公有云支出的年復合增長率將達17.7%。此外,公有云總體市場值也將由2010年的769億美元增至2100億美元,下圖 為2010-2016年Gatner對公有云服務市場年增長率預測圖。)
Gartner predicts that Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) will achieve a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 41.3% through 2016, the fastest growing area of public cloud computing the research firm tracks. The following graphic provides insights into relative market size by each public cloud services market segment: ( Gartner預測截至2016年,IaaS(基礎設施即服務)的複合年均增長率將達41.3%,IaaS也是公共雲服務中增長最快的領域。下圖為2010-2016年Gatner對公有云增長率預估 )
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) will achieve a 27.7% CAGR through 2016, with Cloud Management and Security Services attaining 26.7% in the same forecast period. Software-as-a-Service’s CAGR through 2016 is projected to be 19.5%. The following graphic illustrates the differences in CAGR in the forecast period of 2011 – 2016: ( PaaS 平台即服務的複合年均增長率為27.7%緊隨其後,而排在第三的是雲管理和安全服務,複合年均增長率也有26.7%,值得一提的是軟件即服務SaaS的複合年增長率19.5%。)
Gartner is projecting the SaaS market will grow at a steady CAGR of 19.5% through 2016, having increased the forecast slightly (.4%) since its latest published report. Global SaaS spending is projected to grow from $13.5B in 2011 to $32.8B in 2016.
CRM will continue to be the largest global market within SaaS, forecast to grow beyond $5B in 2012 to $9B in 2016, achieving a 16.3% CAGR through 2016. The highest growth segments of the SaaS market continue to be office suites (49.1%), followed by digital content creation (34.0%). The following graphic rank orders CAGRs across all public cloud services segments from the forecast period: ( Gartner 預測截至2016年,SaaS將以16.3%的複合年均增長率穩定增長,全球SaaS預算也將由2011年的135億美元增長到328億美元。 Gartner預計CRM將會繼續成為SaaS領域中最大的市場。 2012年的CRM的營收已達50億美元,而Garyner預測2016年CRM的市場營收將會達到90億美元。然而在SaaS市場上,Office 辦公套件以49.1%的複合年均增長率排在增長榜的榜首,內容創作緊隨其後,複合年均增長率為34%。下圖為Gartner對公共云不同類別服務的複合年均增長率預測,包括SaaS、PaaS和IaaS等領域。)
59% of all new spending on cloud computing services originates from North American enterprises, a trend projected to accelerate through 2016. Western Europe is projected to be 24% of all spending. A graphic comparing total spending by geography and corresponding growth rates is provided below: ( Gartner預測未來五年,59%的雲計算服務的預算支出主要來自北美地區的企業,未來五年這種趨勢將會更加明顯,西歐地區也將爆發,亞太地區雲計算市場將會加快成熟。下圖為2011-2016年各地區雲計算預算支出預測。 )
The following tables provide insights into each category of public cloud computing spending throughout the forecast period. Please click on the tables to expand them for easier reading.
As Dropbox Transforms From Utility To Platform, The Bulls And Bears Emerge
The company — Dropbox — has all the ingredients for the breakout status it has earnestly earned. The founders are from MIT, the initial idea looked so simple (perhaps, only a feature) that some of today’s savviest investors passed early, the company took root inside Y Combinator, perfectly timed its cloud storage offering, differentiated against incumbent solutions on speed and efficacy, fine-tuned and arbitraged a wickedly clever business model against declining storage fees and increasing rates of device obsolescence, famously spurned an acquisition offer by Steve Jobs, a multi-billion dollar valuation, and now, with a feature in WIRED and from 2013 looking ahead, is embarking on a path very few companies get the opportunity to experience: to potentially be a great, independent, standalone technology company...
The Dropbox Bears have valid concerns, especially in the post-Facebook IPO wake which unfortunately marks this current crop of technology startups, for better or worse. Lucky for Dropbox, the revenue streams they enjoy now, combined with nearly $250M+ in venture capital, afford it the rare luxury to invest in making this turn into a platform. The company is able to recruit some of the world’s best engineers because very few emergent companies can offer the top class a chance to work on complex problems at such astronomical scale. Additionally, within the last 12 months, Dropbox has also dipped into the M&A waters by acquiring Snapjoy, buying Audiogalaxy, and most recently, scooping up Mailbox, to help accelerate this transformation, as consumers’ shift in using devices (especially mobile) presents a rare opportunity to bypass legacy solutions.
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