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2017年2月20日 星期一

Amazon Go 至全聯攜手IBM,將啟動人工智惠型通路與購物服務,更將導至未來「無人商店」( Amazon Go, will launch artificial intelligence and shopping services, will lead to future "unmanned stores" )


亞馬遜(Amazon)對實體通路攻城掠地,讓通路界人心惶惶,2016 年 12 月宣布 2017 年將於西雅圖開張無人實體便利商店 Amazon Go,則成了實體通路心理上的轉捩點,所有先前還對新科技有所抵抗的實體通路,聽到  Amazon Go 的消息後,都不得不積極面對。這股趨勢顯現在 2017 年 1 月美國國家通路聯盟(National Retail Federation)2017 年大展(BIG Show 2017)上,各種實體店面的物聯網、虛擬實境等技術大行其道。

通路物聯網技術公司 Everseen 執行長艾倫‧歐赫里希(Alan O’Herlihy)表示,Amazon Go 雖然只是單點測試的概念商店,但是對實體通路業者來說,卻有如當頭棒喝,紛紛感到「糟了,非得做什麼不可」。

事實上,早在此之前,實體通路就已經面臨相當大的壓力,傳統實體通路來店人潮已經連續 4 年萎縮,而美國經濟可是處於復甦期,實體通路龍頭梅西百貨(Macy’s)與勞氏(Lowe’s)業績不振宣布裁員數千人;相對地,亞馬遜營收卻大幅增長,還要增僱 10 萬員工。據萬事達卡(MasterCard)通路趨勢報告 SpendingPulse,2016 年底聖誕購物季,美國通路總營收增長 4%,但增長主要來自線上通路,線上營收增加了 19%。

傳統通路先前就已經感受到亞馬遜的強大壓迫,Amazon Go 的推出可說只是壓垮駱駝的最後一根稻草,但這根稻草造成通路心態絕大的改變。

通路攝影追蹤技術公司明日通路(RetailNext)行銷長瑞‧哈特仁(Ray Hartjen)證言 Amazon Go 造成的變化,表示 Amazon Go 讓許多通路業者頓時明白,物聯網科技通路時代確實已經來臨,不再只是紙上談兵。先前通路受到亞馬遜壓力時,認為只要也建個網站,弄個線上商店就行了,現在它們覺悟到:真正需要科技化改變的,是它們的店面。在這樣的情緒下,未來通路引進新科技到實體店面的速度將大為增加。

相關科技廠商磨刀霍霍,積極搶食這股龐大商機,美國國家通路聯盟 2017 年大展上,通路科技百花齊放,Autonomous 展示遠端通訊機器人,可代替員工巡視店面,員工只要坐在辦公室,就能一次監控多數機器人,在店內以更高的密度提供顧客所需的服務,包括用遠端操控提供資訊,以及回答問題等,這樣的技術可望減少人事成本、減輕人員勞動程度,卻能提供更好的服務。

IT 大廠也不會放過這樣的潮流,Google 發表擴增實境(AR)手機 App,讓消費者可以在虛擬模特兒上試穿衣服,或是在家中模擬顯示想買的家具放在家中的樣子,類似台廠宅妝(iStaging)所提供的服務;英特爾(Intel)則發表藍牙、影像及 Wi-Fi 感測器,讓店主能在店內追蹤消費者的行為,更了解消費者的購物習慣,目前英特爾的此項感測器已經安裝於 100 家實體店面,合作對象包括 Levi’s 與 Thomas Pink 等。

英特爾物聯網通路部門表示,看到許多通路開始動起來,且急著行動,尤其 Amazon Go 推出後,通路業者心中的急迫性更是大增。英特爾已經看準了這個商機,打算投入 1 億美元開發物聯網通路平台「反應通路平台」(Responsive Retail Platform,RRP),串聯店內所有物聯網軟硬體

Amazon Go 是否能大展鴻圖,或是是否很快展店到全球,還在未定之天,不過,可以肯定的是,在 Amazon Go 的刺激下,實體通路與物聯網科技廠商積極攜手合作,全球的實體通路店面,很快就會大有不同。





全聯福利中心總經理蔡篤昌表示,全聯為完全的本土品牌,為了朝向全球性超市發展,才開啟與百年企業的台灣IBM攜手,在制度及系統上轉型及提升。乾貨部分將強化庫存管理,並提升與台灣農業的結合,像是QR Core可以掃瞄出農產履歷,第三是全聯有750萬會員,幾乎家戶都是全聯會員,期望透過會員的資料分析,進一步達到滿足個人消費。雙方合作首要任務就是提升全聯IT系統,並在未來五年逐步實現資訊轉型。





全聯IBM結盟 啟動科技流通革命


徐重仁在13日的記者會中,將2014年定位為全聯的「革新元年」。他表示,盼此次合作有助落實2017年展店數達1千家,2020年營收破2千億的願景。全聯總經理蔡篤昌說,全聯將借重台灣IBM在資訊端的技術,建立涵括從門市、網購、APP 到 Email 的全通路購物平台,讓消費者能及時取得所需的購物訊息;基於食安考量,也將建立食品溯源的雲端平台,結合產地履歷和QR Code技術,讓生鮮食品管理透明化。


台灣IBM總經理黃慧珠舉例說明,像她在下班後回家要燒菜, 80幾歲的婆婆早在冰箱中放滿從全聯買來的生鮮,對婆婆來說,「全聯已經取代傳統市場的地位」;就連去礁溪泡湯,也是從當地全聯買水和毛巾,顯示全聯在台灣人生活中已經佔有重要地位。


RETAIL Intel To Invest More Than $100M In Retail IoT

Semiconductor giant Intel has committed to invest more than $100 million over the course of the next five years in the retail industry to connect the physical and virtual components of retail operations.

In a blog post, Intel said it’s launching the new Intel Responsive Retail Platform, which reinforces its effort to integrate the Internet of Things and other technologies into the retail industry. The platform is aimed at helping change how people shop and how shops serve customers.

“Every technology provider knows customers can derive savings and increase manageability and security of client PCs via remote management solutions. In retail, though, the advantages are especially profound. Retail businesses require the highest level of productivity from POS client machines to maximize profitability and deliver exceptional customer service,” Intel wrote.

What’s more, Intel said the security environment is particularly demanding in the retail market, with POS systems constantly at risk of being attacked by sophisticated bad guys. Intel pointed to research from Gartner and CompuCom that found 70 percent of all retail breaches happen at the point of sale. “Technology providers and MSPs working in the retail sector can deliver immediate gains in efficiency, manageability and security with solutions made possible by Intel® Active Management Technology (AMT),” Intel said. “This is built into all new 7th Generation Intel Core vPro processor family platforms.”

While Intel is announcing a new $100 million investment, it has long been a player in the IoT market. In 2015, Intel debuted technology designed for “smart” vending machines — the first gateway specifically geared to that industry. ....

  • Amazon Go  將帶動物聯網、人工智慧、大數據、智慧感應、自動化庫存管理、自動化店面許多新應用。
  • 這是 computing is every-where 及 AI on everything 開始發酵的結果。
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2014年9月26日 星期五

Yahoo 收購行動團隊為廣告流量佈局( Yahoo, Marissa Mayer, Next Acquisitions For Mobile Revenue And Business )

Yahoo Makes One of Its Biggest Acquisitions Under Marissa Mayer: Flurry

Yahoo has agreed to buy Flurry, a mobile app analytic service, the two companies announced late Monday. Terms of the deal were not disclosed, but an earlier report in Re/code said the price tag would likely be in the "hundreds of millions" of dollars. If true, that would make this one of Yahoo's biggest acquisitions under CEO Marissa Mayer.

Flurry was founded in 2005 and works with developers and marketers to "optimize the mobile experience through better apps and more personalized ads." It has received more than $60 million in funding to date and works with more than 500,000 apps.

"Our combined offerings will enable more effective mobile advertising solutions for brands seeking to reach their audiences and gain unique insights across desktop and mobile," Scott Burke, SVP of advertising technology at Yahoo, wrote in a post announcing the deal. "Our users will benefit from app experiences that are more personalized and inspiring."

Flurry will continue to operate as a standalone service with Yahoo's backing.

"We have accomplished a lot on our own, but joined with Yahoo we are in an even better position to achieve our goals," Simon Khalaf, CEO of Flurry, wrote in a separate post.

Since Mayer took over as CEO of Yahoo two years ago, the company has acquired 40 startups, many of which were acqui-hires to help Yahoo bolster its mobile products. Flurry's app data and business relationships could help as Yahoo plays catch up in the mobile and marketing spaces.Yahoo stock was essentially flat in after hours trading following the reports.

Yahoo收購行動團隊發酵,在台推出桌面管理 App「Yahoo Aviate」

Yahoo執行長梅爾的行動收購清單成果開始浮現,被收購的 Summly 先前推出 Yahoo News Digest iPad 版。1月被 Yahoo 收購的 Aviate 團隊,6月在Google Play推出桌面管理應用程式Yahoo Aviate App,24日同時推出繁體、簡體中文版,共計推出14種語言。Yahoo Aviate 與 Yahoo 實驗室的資料學家合作,發現Android手機使用者平均安裝下載95個App,每天使用到的App卻不到35個,於是推出強調簡潔及智慧的Aviate。

Aviate共同創辦人、Yahoo行動部門Aviate研發主管崔威廉(William Choi)指出,「Android的體驗更聰明俐落,市面上產品並沒有特別著重在簡潔和智慧兩大功能的行動產品,行動裝置橫跨Android和iOS系統,智慧型手機的生態系統已經變得愈來愈複雜,希望讓使用者更輕鬆、簡單得到資訊。」





Aviate App的下載量,崔威廉指出不方便透露,只說自6月份推出,每日平均使用者多1倍,來自全球的使用者占50%。目前只提供Android版本,他解釋,由於不同作業系統提供給使用者的經驗不相同。

至於Aviate和Google Now的差別,崔威廉坦言,跟預測相關的功能,確實跟Google Now有重疊之處。不過,Aviate聚焦在主畫面,強調使用者每天生活的習慣,希望帶給使用者驚奇的體驗,把天氣、運動、財經、新聞等等融入至App中。例如,當你出現在餐廳時,在對的時刻把資訊傳送給你,推送菜單及推薦的餐點,或是呈現工作地點附近的餐廳選項。... 持續閱讀

狄阿洛伊西歐17歲創了新閱讀服務 Summly,18歲他主導雅虎關鍵行動產品

17歲的 Summly 創業家,變身雅虎行動團隊產品經理!年僅17歲的狄阿洛伊西歐( Nick D’Aloisio )所創辦的Summly在2013年被雅虎以3000萬美元收購,隨後他加入雅虎團隊當行動團隊產品經理。2014年1月狄阿洛伊西歐發表從 Summly 演算法延伸的行動新產品 Yahoo News Digest ,每天推出8-10則讀者必讀的晨間及晚間新聞,每則新聞只有兩段摘要。

狄阿洛伊西歐在12日正式推出Yahoo News Digest的iPad版本,除了可以自由選擇何時收到晨間及晚間新聞,用七色彩虹作為介面元素,由左到右快速瀏覽,畫面更加簡單、流暢,並強調視覺化體驗,在文章中結合圖片、影片、地圖等資訊,讓使用者全螢幕觀看。最特別的是,美國CBS晚間新聞主播及總編輯凱蒂‧庫瑞克(Katie Couric)自從2013年加入Yahoo新聞團隊當雅虎全球主播,接下來每週日都會替觀眾回顧當週最重要的新聞,影片片段也將在iPad版本看得到。

之前只推出Android版本,iOS版本在6月時贏得蘋果設計大獎。目前,Yahoo News Digest的使用者中,每日活躍用戶是40%,每月活躍用戶超過60%。


問:Summly和News Digest最大的差別在哪裡?
答:Summly蠻簡單的,我才花18個月就完成它,它可以為文章取出摘要,是個美麗的產品,也得到2012年的蘋果直覺觸控最佳App獎,它是專為長文或研究所設計的App。Yahoo News Digest沿用Summly的摘要功能,但它設計成每天提供兩次新聞摘要,為讀者精選必讀的新聞,介面設計更加直覺,又加上更多視覺化的元素進去。

問:Yahoo News Digest未來可以應用的領域?
答:蘋果才剛發布iWatch,我們也跟蘋果一起合作幾週,設計適合iWatch的Yahoo News Digest,現在蘋果的手錶已經有的Yahoo News Digest的圖示。我們對於穿戴式裝置上的運算非常興奮,因為我們也許可以把新聞摘要弄得更簡短,讓它適合更小的螢幕,除了穿戴式手錶之外,未來在一般的穿戴式裝置也有很多應用的機會。

答:新聞App其實利用傳統紙本媒體的特性,一般的新聞App設計得不好,所有資訊進來不斷推到畫面最下方,雖然嘗試讓資訊更加個人化,但這種方式讓資訊變得不精準和無用。Yahoo News Digest其實比較像報紙,我們有焦點新聞,像傳統媒體一樣,每日為使用者推出兩次精選新聞,我們讓新聞App可以更加清楚,使用更單純。我們是用數位報紙的方式看待Yahoo News Digest,提供精選的資訊和視覺呈現,同時我們提供摘要,它是專門為數位而設計。... 持續閱讀

2014年4月25日 星期五

Facebook推出新服務及併購公司大幅拉高營收、獲利跳升,將逐漸搶 Google 生意?( Facebook launched new services, significantly raised its revenue and do the acquisition, profits jumped, will gradually grab Google ads business? )


Facebook週四發佈了一項名為“附近好友”的功能,允許用戶查看有哪些好友在附近。這也是該公司近一年來首次對核心產品展開重大升級。最近幾個月,Facebook一直將精力著眼於其他品牌,包括流動聊天服務 WhatsApp 和虛擬現實眼罩 Oculus,這兩家公司的收購總價超過 200億美元。該公司還開發了一款名為Paper的新聞閱讀器。

  儘管Facebook正在努力開發其他資產,但仍需吸引接近10億的流動用戶反複使用核心應用。更何況,它還在流動端面臨著 Snapchat 等年輕社交網絡的猛攻。Facebook雖然陸續推出了話題標籤和趨勢話題等小功能,以及能夠直接覆蓋Android手機主屏的啟動器,但用戶並沒有實現迅速增長。



  圍繞地點開發的功能難免遭遇隱私問題。“附近好友”產品經理安德里亞‧瓦卡里(Andrea Vacarri)表示,這項功能會預設關閉,在得到用戶授權前,也只會顯示大概位置。


  這項功能其實源於兩年前,Facebook那時收購了瓦卡里的創業公司Glancee。這家總部位於芝加哥的公司可以幫助用戶通過流動應用尋找周圍有著類似興趣的人。Glancee最終變身為“附近好友”功能。 Facebook 2012年5月收購了Glancee,一個月後又收購了照片分享應用Instagram。幾天后,Facebook便在納斯達克上市。迫於投資者的壓力,Facebook當時正在努力探索流動領域。而如今,Facebook顯然已經掌握了訣竅,該公司上季度有53%的廣告營收來自流動廣告。

Facebook profit soars ( 臉書獲利大增 )

Facebook's growth might be slowing somewhat, but it keeps finding new ways to make money off of its users.The social network reported sales and profits that beat Wall Street's expectations, sending the social network's stock soaring on Wednesday. Shares of Facebook (FB, Fortune 500) were up more than 15% in premarket trading Thursday.

Facebook said its userbase grew to 1.2 billion in the fourth quarter, up 16% from a year earlier. That's still growing, but Facebook is gaining fewer new users than in past quarters. Nevertheless, Facebook reported fourth quarter sales of $2.6 billion, up 63% from the same time last year. Profit at the Menlo Park, Calif., company hit $523 million, up from just $64 million the year prior. Excluding one time items, earnings per share were 31 cents, beating estimates of 27 cents per share, according to analysts polled by Thomson Reuters.

The all-important mobile market was a particular bright spot. The company said 945 million of its 1.2 billion users visit the site via a smartphone or tablet in the fourth quarter. That's up 39% from last year.

As a result, mobile is quickly growing in popularity with advertisers, and Facebook said ad revenue from mobile represented 53% of all ad revenue in the quarter -- up from 23% last year, and up from zero at the time of the company's initial public offering in May of 2011.

"2013 was the year we turned our business into a mobile business," Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said on a conference call with analysts and journalists.

Related: What bearish investors are missing about Facebook

Over 90% of Facebook's revenue comes from ad sales, but overall ad revenue also grew sharply, rising 72% from last year. "The results showed a...healthy demand for social-based advertising," analysts at Cantor Fitzgerald wrote in research note. "This was an all around impressive performance."

The company is also building a decent stockplie of cash. Facebook said it had $11.5 billion in cash on hand at the end of the quarter. That's up from $9.3 billion the quarter before, and reflects the proceeds from a big stock sale last month.

In a bid to boost revenue, Facebook said earlier month that video ads will soon begin automatically playing in users' feeds. The company says users tend to more actively engage with videos that are playing. The rollout of this product will be gradual, and it remains to be seen how users will take to it.

The integration of regular ads into news feeds appears to be going well. On the conference call, Facebook CFO David Ebersman said a big reason why ad revenue was up is because the company is getting a higher fee for integrated ads, which tend to attract more interest from consumers.

Last fall the company revealed ads on the popular photo sharing network Instagram, which Facebook bought in 2012. Investors have largely cheered those and other moves, sending Facebook (FB, Fortune 500) stock up nearly 75% over the last year. While overall revenue at the company may still be relatively small, investors feel there is great potential to sell advertising on a platform that reaches one in every six people on the planet.

But the push to offer that targeted advertising has also landed the company in trouble. Earlier this month the Facebook was sued for allegedly mining personal messages sent over the site for information it can sell to advertisers. There have also been lingering questions over whether people are growing bored with the site. Several recent studies have shown that younger audiences are turning away from Facebook, instead using Snapchat and other apps.

行動大獲利 臉書Q1獲利6.42億美元




Despite 19% Revenue Growth, Google Q1 Earnings Disappoint Investors

Hurt once again by falling ad prices on smartphones and tablets, Google GOOG -1.47% disappointed investors with first-quarter earnings that came in slightly under expectations.

Google said in its first-quarter earnings release that it earned $6.27 a share before costs such as the sale of its Motorola Mobility unit on gross revenues of $15.4 billion and net revenues of $12.19 billion after subtracting the commissions paid to partners for acquiring Web traffic (known as “ex-TAC”). Analysts polled by Thomson Reuters had expected a profit before certain costs of $6.33 a share on gross revenues of $15.6 billion, or $12.3 billion in net revenues.
Facebook will become a big mobile digital ads company

Investors initially appeared disappointed in the results. In extended trading shortly after the market close, Google’s shares were falling about 6%. They had risen 3.75% on Wednesday, to $556.54.

Google’s ad business repeated a familiar pattern of the past year or so, with the number of clicks on ads rising–by 26% from a year ago–as the cost per click on the ads fell, this time by 9%, a bit less than the fourth quarter’s 11% drop. In other words, the business is still fundamentally sound, but Google still hasn’t shown when it will deliver on consistent promises it has made, including today on a conference call, that mobile ads eventually will be even more lucrative than its ads shown on desktop computers.








  • 營收達25億美元,較去年同期大幅成長72%。
  • 每股盈餘為0.34美元,高於分析師預期的0.24美元。
  • 獲利達6.42億美元,較去年同期成長193%。
  • 廣告營收達22.7億美元,較去年同期成長82%,佔總營收90%;其中行動廣告營收佔比為59%,較去年同期成長30%。
  • Facebook 行動廣告營業獲利大增,可預見之未來 Facebook 與 Google 將相互競爭;
  • 行動廣告相關於 Apps 活動,因此 Facebook 大幅使用者將有助於它的營收,而許多公司開始經營 Facebook 粉絲團及相關活動也有助於 Facebook 行動廣告營業獲利成長;
  • 『許多社群網站開始賺錢』將是對 Google 廣告產生競爭,這已經確認;日後除了 Google 外將出現第二家可比較國際社群網路 Facebook 其營收大部分來自於廣告收入;
  • 台灣廠商須思考什麼樣的產品與 Facebook 合作能創造更新的價值,產生更創意之差異化加值,可以思考 Facebook 之社群海量資料之應用結合
  • Facebook 可思考可擴充之延伸業務,也可以透過併購擴充業務,例如 :