彭博社報導,蘋果(Apple Inc. US AAPL )推出新音樂串流服務,並徹底改造iPhone和iPad作業軟體,希望藉以削弱谷歌(GoogleInc. GOOG )Android行動作業系統的優勢。
蘋果指出,ITunes Radio具備200家以上免費電台,由針對部份用戶的廣告贊助。這項網路音樂服務為徹底翻新的行動作業系統iOS 7的一部分,具備更簡潔的使用者介面。
由於智慧型手機共用許多物質特徵和科技特色,製造商因此更加仰賴軟體設計和服務來取得競爭優勢和吸引消費。儘管蘋果推出iTunes Radio服務目的在提升iOS 7魅力,但可能仍不足以將用戶從潘朵拉媒體(PandoraMedia Inc. US-P)和Spotify Ltd.吸引過來。
此外,蘋果以全新處理器和記憶體將其重量最輕筆電MacBook Air升級,能加快操作速度和延長電池壽命,並推出新款Mac Pro桌上型電腦,讓高階用戶感受先進電力和記憶功能。蘋果週一在美股下跌不到1%收438.89美元,潘朵拉上漲2.5%收15.49美元。
SoundCloud 在線音訊分享平臺竟超越 Pandora
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SoundCloud web visiting rating is higher than Pandora, Apple and Google will all join the stream social music, Who will be the final winner? |
2009年,在接受《連線》雜誌的採訪中,創始人之一Alex Ljung說道:
「我們都因為音樂聯繫在一起,所以我兩對和人們在音樂上合作感到真的非常、非常惱火——我指那些簡單的合作:僅僅私下裡把作品給別人,從他們得到一些反饋,並就這段音樂談論幾句。同樣的情況下我們可以用 Flickr 交流照片,還有 Vimeo 交流視頻,可我們沒有那樣一個平臺給我們的音樂。」
SoundCloud’s New “Moving Sounds” Feature Holds Promise For Ads, Viral Content Like Tumblr’s Gifs ( SoundCloud 進入網路廣告生意 )
Audio platform SoundCloud announced changes to its subscription plans today, as well as a new plan aimed at content and brand partners. The company had previously offered five different tiers to its service, making things somewhat confusing for more casual and pro users alike. It’s now dropping its available plans to just three for individual users: free, Pro and Pro Unlimited. There’s also one new beta plan called Pro Partner, which includes an interesting feature SoundCloud calls “Moving Sounds.” This allows for images to run behind SoundCloud’s streaming tracks, and sets up the potential for brands to run advertisements.
The three new plans will replace the previously existing Lite, Solo, Pro and Plus accounts, and for paid users, they’ll now have access to higher upload limits and more comprehensive analytics at lower monthly and yearly rates, the company says. Pro will be available at €3 ($3.90) monthly and €9 ($11.70) monthly for Pro Unlimited. Basically, the new Pro plan is the same as the old Lite plan in terms of cost and storage limits, but offers improved analytics. Meanwhile, the Pro Unlimited plans, as the name implies, allows unlimited storage. Discounts are available to those who subscribe for a year upfront.
註:音樂串流產業大幅轉向社群音樂網路,歐洲興起的 SoundCloud 超越 Pandora,Apple 及 Google 加入是否改變戰局仍不可知;但由網路拜訪率得知音樂串流產業大幅上升。
體驗 SoundCloud Playlist Widget