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2013年7月27日 星期六

臉書上季行動廣告營收激增53%、LinkedIn 收入大增 - Google 新競爭對手都將來自社群網站 ( Facebook mobile advertising revenue last quarter surged 53%, LinkedIn revenues surge - Google new competitors will come from social networking sites )


社群網站facebook(臉書)第2季行動廣告業績大爆發,帶動上季財報超越預期,激勵周四股價大漲近30%,創上市來單日最大漲幅,創辦人兼執行長薩克柏(Mark Zuckerberg)身家,一夕暴增38億美元(約1140億元台幣)至168億美元(約5040億元台幣),躍居彭博全球富豪榜第42大富豪。


據彭博億萬富豪指數(Bloomberg Billionaires Index)最新統計數據顯示,現年29歲的薩克柏身家攀升至168億美元,較去年同期增長37%,一舉超越包括57歲的微軟(Microsoft)執行長鮑默(Steve Ballmer)、48歲的PC大廠戴爾(DELL)戴爾創辦人兼執行長麥可?戴爾(Michael Dell)等科技業大老。


他僅落後微軟創辦人兼董事長比爾蓋茲( Bill Gates )、 甲骨文( Oracle )執行長艾利森( Larry Ellison )、亞馬遜(Amazon.com)創辦人貝佐斯( Jeff Bezos ),以及Google執行長佩吉( Larry Page )、創辦人布林( Sergey Brin )。
彭博全球富豪榜龍頭榜首仍為比爾蓋茲,身家高達722億美元(約2.17兆元台幣);73歲墨西哥電信大亨史林(Carlos Slim)以667億美元(約2兆元台幣)居次;82歲股神巴菲特(Warren Buffett)身家598億美元(約1.79兆元台幣)居第3。

Linkedin 收入大增

薩克柏身價水漲船高,投身慈善事業也不落人後,2012年底即捐出約5億美元(約150億元台幣)給Silicon Valley Community Foundation慈善組織,薩克柏和他的愛妻當時表示,2年前就已簽署同意捐款書,且是跟隨比爾蓋茲與巴菲特的腳步投入慈善。
臉書上季行動廣告業績搶眼,一掃先前市場認為成長走疲疑慮,周四股價收盤大漲29.6%,創2012年5月IPO(Initial Public Offering,首度公開上市)以來單日最大漲幅紀錄,收盤股價34.36美元,則僅次於IPO當日的38.23美元,為歷來第2高收盤價。


臉書周三美股盤後公布上季財報,行動廣告營收激增,佔廣告總營收比重突破4成,帶動總營收激增53%至18.1億美元(約543億元台幣),稅後純益激增65%至4.88億美元(約146.4億元台幣),或EPS(Earnings Per Share,每股純益)0.19美元,雙雙優於市場預期。

谷歌社交網路 ( Google+ ) 的增長將影響到未來的趨勢

最近的一項研究由 Searchmetrics 預測,谷歌可能於2016年會超過 Facebook 的如果目前每月增長率維持,社交共享活動。
Social network growth is obvious

儘管可能的看法,這是一個雙馬比賽,關鍵是要注意消費者的喜好的多樣性,不同類型的網站。 例如,LinkedIn 的網站上,以迎合向商務人士享有大量的人氣。為什麼呢?我們大多數人寧願保持我們的專業網絡 LinkedIn 上的身份和項目為自己的人物角色進行交互時,在 B2B 網站上。當使用這種身份 B2B 網站上註冊,消費者可以選擇到他們的LinkedIn個人資料信息,包括驗證的電子郵件地址,第一個和最後一個名稱,公司名稱,職位和行業授予的網站訪問。該網站就可以使用這個信息,可以方便地預先填充符號的形式,為消費者省去填寫表格,從頭開始進入很多對自己的的冗餘專業細節。


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2013年7月13日 星期六

2013 第二季社交網路登錄趨勢 - Google+ 將持續成長、許多社群網路公司大幅增加移動廣告獲利 ( Social Login Trends Across the Web for Q2 2013 - Google+ will continue to grow, many social networking companies increased substantially profitable mobile ads income )

2013 第二季社交網路登錄趨勢

如果你像87%的人,你有可能遇到在網站上使用您現有的社交網絡或電子郵件身份註冊的選項。這就是所謂的社交網絡登錄, Janrain 率先解決了這些挑戰網站,技術都面臨收購時,用戶在線通過傳統的登記流程。隨著網絡用戶,我們不喜歡從頭開始填寫登記表格。我們也不享受我們經常訪問的每個網站上維持幾十個不同的用戶名和密碼。( If you’re like 87% of people, you have likely come across the option to register at a website using one of your existing social network or email identities.  This is known as social login, a technology that Janrain pioneered to solve the challenge websites have faced when acquiring users online via traditional registration processes.  As web users, we don’t like filling out registration forms from scratch.  Nor do we enjoy maintaining dozens of distinct usernames and passwords on each site that we frequently visit. )

社交化媒體的到來,使我們在網上為自己培養的有人氣人物角色。但社交化媒體格局分散。我們傾向於使用 Facebook 來與朋友和家人互動,Twitter 的跟隨我們的專業網絡的影響力和份額意見,LinkedIn,Gmail 時,雅虎或 Hotmail 的直接溝通,我們的重要社群接點結合在一起超過2.5億用戶,我們維持這些服務的賬戶,並登錄解決社交使其能夠使用這些身份可以輕鬆地註冊並登錄在整個網絡的網站上登記的挑戰。( The advent of social media has emboldened us to foster personas for ourselves online.  But the social media landscape is fragmented.  We tend to use Facebook to interact with friends and family, Twitter to follow influencers and share opinions, LinkedIn as our professional network, and Gmail, Yahoo! or Hotmail to communicate directly with our important contacts.  Combined, more than 2.5 billion of us maintain accounts with these services, and social login solves the registration challenge by making it possible to use those identities to easily sign up and log in on sites across the web. )

但身份提供商是最流行的選擇嗎?每個季度,我們尋求社交登錄網上消費者的喜好,在所有網站使用 Janrain 通過分析來回答這個問題。為什麼這些趨勢數字營銷的問題呢?社交登錄喜好提供各種在線身份的消費者親和力的一個很好的跡象。( But which identity providers are the most popular choices?  Each quarter, we seek to answer this question by analyzing social login preferences for online consumers across all websites using Janrain.  Why do these trends matter for digital marketer?  Social login preferences provide a good indication of consumer affinity in their various online identities. )

當它涉及到社交的登陸,人們希望的選擇。 Facebook目前導致社會登錄作為目前最流行的身份提供者。在第二季度,Facebook的舉行服務於46%的市場份額,出於適度它已經歷了前兩個季度連續下降。

谷歌已經逐漸縮小的差距在Facebook上第二個最流行的選擇,並在第二季度,其份額增加了百分之零點幾。儘管仍然在增加的方向趨勢,其增長放緩,儘管 Janrain 登錄在4月推出的Google+。

我們相信谷歌社交網路 ( Google+ ) 的增長將影響到未來的趨勢。最近的一項研究由 Searchmetrics 預測,谷歌可能於2016年會超過 Facebook 的如果目前每月增長率維持,社交共享活動

儘管可能的看法,這是一個雙馬比賽,關鍵是要注意消費者的喜好的多樣性,不同類型的網站。 例如,LinkedIn 的網站上,以迎合向商務人士享有大量的人氣。為什麼呢?我們大多數人寧願保持我們的專業網絡 LinkedIn 上的身份和項目為自己的人物角色進行交互時,在 B2B 網站上。當使用這種身份 B2B 網站上註冊,消費者可以選擇到他們的LinkedIn個人資料信息,包括驗證的電子郵件地址,第一個和最後一個名稱,公司名稱,職位和行業授予的網站訪問。該網站就可以使用這個信息,可以方便地預先填充符號的形式,為消費者省去填寫表格,從頭開始進入很多對自己的的冗餘專業細節。
( Despite the possible perception that this is a two-horse race, it is critical to note the diversity of consumer preferences on different types of sites.  LinkedIn, for example, enjoys substantial popularity on sites that cater toward business professionals.  Why?  A majority of us maintain our professional online identity on LinkedIn and would prefer to project that persona for ourselves when interacting on B2B websites. When using this identity to register on B2B sites, consumers can choose to grant the website access to their LinkedIn profile information, including a verified email address, first and last name, company name, job title and industry. The site can then use this information to conveniently pre-populate a sign-up form, which eliminates the need for consumers to fill out the form from scratch or enter lots of redundant professional details about themselves.  )

For Digital Marketers:

Social login helps solve the challenge of how to collect more accurate data on your users while increasing registration conversion rates at the same time. Social login shortens the registration process to a single click and gives you instant permission-based access to rich demographic, psychographic and social graph data on your users. This social profile data can be leveraged for content personalization or product recommendations and more tailored segmentation and targeting.

参考:Social Login Trends Across the Web for Q2 2013

2013年 Facebook 的移動廣告收入跳增 333%( Facebook's mobile ad revenue to jump by 333% in 2013 )[ Facebookのモバイル広告収入は2013年の333%増加する ]

在2011年,Facebook 沒有移動廣告收入。今年,世界上最大的社交網絡將超過 200億美元營收,根據來自eMarketer的一份新報告。換算,同比增長超過333%,在2013年的網絡營銷研究公司的分析師。是的,你讀正確的:333%在兩年內。( In 2011, Facebook didn't have mobile ad revenue. This year, the world's largest social network is expected to rake in just over $2 billion, according to a new report from eMarketer. Analysts from the internet marketing research firm translated that to an increase of more than 333 percent in 2013.Yes, you read that correctly: 333 percent in two years. )

儘管如此,谷歌仍然是王,因為它去年吃下了在移動互聯網廣告約為46.1億收入 - 三倍於2011年之盈利。( Nevertheless, Google is still king, as it earned approximately $4.61 billion in mobile internet ad revenues last year — triple its earnings from 2011.)

For 2013, eMarketer is projecting a 92.1 percent increase to $8.85 billion in revenue.

Researchers predicted in the report that mobile ad spending (and revenue) will follow the pattern of overall online ad spend — meaning that it will be consolidated among a few top tech giants.

While Apple and Pandora, among others, are certainly still in the mix, analysts hinted that the other major player that could end up rounding out the top three is Twitter.

雖然它仍然坐在下面Pandora和YP(黃頁)在全球榜上,eMarketer的指出,這些公司都看到他們的全球股票下跌與微博巨頭的增長。Twitter 希望看到全球移動廣告支出的份額繼續上升,今年全球市場的2%左右,在美國和至少3.6%。( While it still sits below Pandora and YP (Yellow Pages) in the global standings, eMarketer noted that these companies are seeing their global shares slip versus the microblogging giant's growth.Twitter is expected to see its worldwide mobile ad spending share continue to rise this year to roughly 2 percent of the global market and at least 3.6 percent in the United States. )

註:這趨勢代表人們使用 smart phone 及 tablet 上網及購物成長大,品牌公司願意增加移動廣告支出;
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2013年7月11日 星期四

社群網路影響力 - 至社群行銷及社群企業 ( Social network influence - to community marketing and community enterprise )

Facebook 的影響力

美國雜誌 Fast Company 最近公布了一些數據顯示 Facebook 在全球所具有的影響力,我們覺得相當有意思。
  • Facebook目前有六億一百零七十三萬六千九百二十個使用者,這等於全世界每11個人就有一個人在Facebook上。
  • 以頁面閱讀總數來計算,Facebook 在美國僅次於Google,位居第二。
  • 每一分鐘,Facebook 使用者送出二十三萬封訊息、更新九萬五千次狀態、在塗鴉牆上貼文八萬次、標註六萬五千張照片、分享五萬個連結、提供五十萬的評論。
  • 65% 的青少年表示和他們的父母是Facebook朋友、其中有16%的表示這是能夠加入Facebook的條件之一、但是有38%的青少年拒絕父母透過Facebook送出的朋友請求。
  • 每個月,每個使用者平均透過Facebook平台產生90件內容、並且使用6個小時2分鐘59秒的時間。
  • Zynga,也是Facebook最大的應用程式研發廠商,一共有19個遊戲並吸引了每個月兩億七千五百萬的使用者。
  • 分析師估計Facebook在2010年賺進了十八億六千萬美金的廣告費,並預計今年會成長118%達到四十億美金。
  • Facebook的虛擬貨幣產品Facebook Credits具有30%的利潤、而在Facebook上的虛擬貨物的交易則佔有預估八億三千五百萬美金的市場。
  • 美國人(24%)是Facebook最多的使用者,接下來是印尼人(6%)、英國人(5%)、以及土耳其人(4%)。
  • 具有最多Facebook粉絲的品牌為: 可口可樂(兩千一百六十萬人)、星巴克(一千九百萬人)、Oreo餅乾(一千六百二十萬人)、迪士尼(一千五百六十萬人)、提神飲料Red Bull(一千四百七十萬人)。
LinkedIn 媒體革命再邁進,雜誌類型頻道上線
Social network making money now

雖然 LinkedIn 大多時候被視為是刊登履歷、以商務目的為主的商務社群網站,不過現在越來越像是真正的「媒體」,最新發表的「頻道」服務,也證實了 LinkedIn 接下來的新進化。


先不論推出這項新服務目的是否為了要提高用戶黏著度,不過這項服務極有可能會成為其它新聞媒體的威脅者,這也是LinkedIn併購Pulse的原因,了解用戶在專業領域的興趣圖譜(interest graph),轉化成為真正有價值的服務。或許LinkedIn並不會打造出龐大的媒體帝國,但毫無疑問地有野心要成為具影響力的社群媒體,特別是當LinkedIn能夠提供用戶真正有興趣的內容,這就是其它媒體缺乏的強大武器。

Nicholas Christakis: 人際關係的潛在影響

每個人都被廣大的人際網路包圍著-朋友、親人、同事等等。古樂朋 (Nicholas Christakis) 追蹤人類行為-從快樂到肥胖-是如何在人與人之間傳播的,以及你在人際網路的位置,對於你生活的潛在影響。

大約15年前 我在芝加哥大學擔任安寧病房醫生 我負責照顧那些瀕臨死亡的人,與他們的家人 就在芝加哥南端 我觀察這些疾病末期的人,與他們家人, 疾病帶給他們的影響 我在實驗室研究守寡效應 這個想法不新穎 150年前就有了 就是大家所知的「心碎而死」 就是,我死了,我妻子的死亡率在第一年 會增加一倍。 當時我照顧一個 失智症的婦人 不像其他病人 她是由她女兒 負責照顧。 為照顧母親,她女兒已心力憔悴 而她女婿 也因為妻子的憔悴 而生病了。 我有天開車回家 接到一通女婿的朋友打來的電話 他說,因為他朋友(女婿)生病 他也心情低落。 這通陌生人的電話 讓我有了這個體驗 原來人與人的影響 不止於親近的人。

我因此意識到兩件很簡單的事情 第一,守寡效應 並不侷限於夫妻 第二,並不侷限於兩個人而已 我開始以全新的視角 來看這世界 人們一對對連結著 然後又有其他個體 與鄰近的這對連結,變成兩對 然後這些人 又被其他關係包圍著 婚姻、夫妻、 友情等等連結 事實上,這些連結很廣 我們每個人之間 都是被這許多的連結連起來的。 我開始用全新的角度看這世界 並為此著迷 我著迷於圍繞著 每個人的人際網路 與它的影響。 人際關係是種美麗亦複雜的東西 它既精密、複雜 卻又普及,事實上, 我們會問,它的功能是什麼? 我們為什麼會處於人際網路中? 它們如何形成?怎麼運作? 是怎麼影響我們的?


  • 由 Facebook 的影響趨勢看,我們認知到 Social Network (社交網絡) 的價值,從社交網絡交友活動至社群行銷及社群企業都突顯 Facebook 這類型 Social Network (社交網絡)是有價值的;
  • 台灣品牌廠商需要知道如何運用 Social Network (社交網絡) 的價值打亮自已品牌
  • 台灣應該創造像 Line 、Skype 結合品牌行銷及廣告的 social apps 公司及全球知名外觀設計公司,幫台灣品牌廠商打亮品牌產業
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2013年6月2日 星期日

新執行長 Marissa Mayer 大力加速 Yahoo 網路廣告關連未來、新併購 ( New CEO Marissa Mayer vigorously accelerate Yahoo Connected Future Internet advertising, new acquisitions )


Today Yahoo reported its first quarter financial performance, including revenue of $1.14 billion, and earnings per share of $0.35 on a GAAP basis, and $0.38 on a non-GAAP basis. Analysts and the street had expected revenue of $1.1 billion, and earnings per share of $0.25.

For the quarter, Yahoo had display revenue of $455 million, and search revenue of $425 million. Both of those figures are down on a year by year basis. Still, as the company noted in its release, its GAAP income on a yearly basis is up, rising from $169 million in the first quarter of 2012, to $186 million in the past quarter.

For reference, display revenue for the company was $591 million in its last quarter, and search revenue of $482 million.

During the quarter, Yahoo repurchased $775 million of its publicly traded equity, or approximately 38 million shares. The company now has a total of $5.4 billion in cash, equivalents and marketable debt. That figure is down from $6 billion at the end of 2012, reflecting a decline in Yahoo’s total cash position. Yahoo’s true cash accounts are down substantially in the last three months, slipping from $2.67 billion at the end of the year, to a mere $1.17 billion.

Yahoo has a struggle ahead of it. Today’s reported figure of $1.14 billion in revenue is underwater when compared to its Q1 2012 revenue tally of $1.22 billion.

The company has enjoyed a dramatic rise in its stock price since Marissa Mayer, of Google fame, took the reins. The company has revamped its operations, focusing on the mobile space. For a company mostly associated with the desktop portal business, this is not a small shift in strategy.

The company is actively buying companies with strong mobile talent to bolster its development chops. Most recently, Yahoo purchased Summly, a company with a young founder, technology that some questioned regarding its originality, and a price tag – around $30 million – that was perhaps confusing in its size. However, Yahoo appears determined to acquire that which it wants to hire, but cannot.

Marissa Mayer 大力加速 Yahoo 網路廣告關連之新併購

Yahoo 執行長 Marissa Mayer 上任 300 多天,賣掉價值 47 億美元的阿里巴巴持股,然後買了Stamped、OntheAir、Snip.it、Alike、Jybe、Summly、Astrid、GoPollGo、Milewise 和 Loki Studios 等小型新創公司,至少網羅了 22 位創業者。

一年來的併購舉動,在大手筆花 11 億美元買下微網誌 Tumblr 的這一刻來到最高潮,同時間,Mayer 把 Flickr 擴大為免費服務,每一個 User 都有 1 tb 的免費空間。《紐約時報》也引述消息來源說,Mayer 正在與 Foursquare 和 Quora 接觸,打算買下他們廣大的使用者社群。

科技網站《Verge》和《Forbes》都認為,花掉 1/6 的現金部位買下 Tumblr,Mayer 看中的不只是未來的營收可能性,更重要的是 Tumblr 相對年輕的使用者、蓬勃的社交流量,以及最重要的,關連性(relevance)。

 買微網誌 Tumblr、擴大相簿 Flickr 免費服務,同時賣掉無名小站

當媒體聚光燈全部打向 Mayer 的購物車時,大家卻忽略 Mayer 讓 Yahoo 重回業界核心的措施中,還有一常串的垃圾桶清單。Upcoming、Yahoo Deals、Yahoo SMS Alerts、Yahoo Kits 等,在這份清單裡,台灣的無名小站名列其中。

:Yahoo 執行長 Marissa Mayer 是一位眼明手快的領導,決策速度之快令人驚訝,將為 Yahoo 帶來新機會與挑戰,勿小看  Marissa Mayer,她是能增加 Yahoo 獲利增加快速決策的人。也建議 Yahoo 主要 Ads solution 可透過 search、mobile apps、blog embedded search 等等之多重管道來增加收入;

Yahoo's Turnaround Not Progressing As Planned but profit increase a jump

Yahoo (YHOO) reported lackluster second-quarter results that showed its turnaround is not progressing as planned. The firm's revenue (excluding traffic acquisition costs-TAC) dropped modestly from the same period a year ago, while non-GAAP income from operations fell 13% (adjusted EBITDA decreased 7%). Earnings in equity interests, which include its 24% stake in China-based Alibaba Group and 35% ownership in Yahoo Japan, advanced nearly 25% (representing one of the few bright spots in the quarter). Non-GAAP net earnings per share jumped 19%, to $0.35, better than the consensus estimate, but the performance was bolstered primarily by a reduced share count. The quarter was a low-quality beat, in our view, and we're particularly discouraged by Yahoo's core top-line performance.

We continue to give CEO Marissa Mayer the benefit of the doubt as she tries to steer the Internet giant back to growth. The firm launched the new Yahoo! News, redesigned Yahoo! search, rolled out a variety of apps (Yahoo! Sports, Yahoo! Weather), and made nine acquisitions during the period (including Tumblr, one of the fastest-growing media networks). Share buybacks and the Tumblr deal drained the firm of $1.65 billion in cash, though the outflows were generally offset by proceeds from its partial Alibaba sale. In terms of freshening up the product suite, we're seeing some tangible progress.

Still, we cannot overlook the decline in Yahoo's core business. Display revenue (ex TAC) fell 11% during the period, while price-per-ad dropped an uncomfortable 12% as a result of stiffer competition. Search revenue (ex TAC) increased 5%, but price-per-click fell 8%. We just can't get comfortable with Yahoo's core business when the firm is experiencing such pricing pressure. Google (GOOG) and Facebook (FB) are much better positioned to capture marketers' budgets, and we're seeing this fierce competition in Yahoo's numbers (despite Mayer's efforts at a turnaround). The trend in global display pricing is particularly concerning (bottom right in image below, green bar), given the strength we witnessed through much of 2012.

In Smart Mobile Side, Yahoo can acquire apps like LINE or migrate into Smart mobile by FireFox OS

Looking ahead, the firm updated its business outlook for 2013. Revenue (ex TAC) is expected in the range of $4.45-$4.55 billion (was $4.5-$4.6 billion), while non-GAAP operating income is anticipated to come in between $900 million and $1 billion for the year (was $1.05-$1.1 billion). Adjusted EBITDA is targeted in the range of $1.55-$1.65 billion (was $1.6-$1.7 billion). Cutting full-year guidance certainly suggests the turnaround is not going as planned at Yahoo.

Valuentum's Take

CEO Marissa Mayer has made some big changes at Yahoo, but the firm's core business continues to decline (while pricing pressures intensify). Though the guidance cut suggests Yahoo's turnaround is not progressing as planned, we're not ready to throw in the towel just yet on Mayer. The firm retains some valuable assets in Alibaba and Yahoo Japan (shown in image below), both of which we'll look for Yahoo to monetize in a cash-rich, tax-efficient way in coming periods. Still, we're not compelled to own shares at current levels.

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