2013 第二季社交網路登錄趨勢
Janrain 率先解決了這些挑戰網站,技術都面臨收購時,用戶在線通過傳統的登記流程。隨著網絡用戶,我們不喜歡從頭開始填寫登記表格。我們也不享受我們經常訪問的每個網站上維持幾十個不同的用戶名和密碼。( If you’re like 87% of people, you have likely come across the option to register at a website using one of your existing social network or email identities. This is known as
social login, a technology that Janrain pioneered to solve the challenge websites have faced when acquiring users online via traditional registration processes. As web users, we don’t like filling out registration forms from scratch. Nor do we enjoy maintaining dozens of distinct
usernames and passwords on each site that we frequently visit. )
Facebook 來與朋友和家人互動,Twitter 的跟隨我們的專業網絡的影響力和份額意見,LinkedIn,Gmail 時,雅虎或
Hotmail 的直接溝通,我們的重要社群接點結合在一起超過2.5億用戶,我們維持這些服務的賬戶,並登錄解決社交使其能夠使用這些身份可以輕鬆地註冊並登錄在整個網絡的網站上登記的挑戰。( The advent of
social media has emboldened us to foster personas for ourselves online. But the social media landscape is fragmented. We tend to use Facebook to interact with friends and family,
Twitter to follow influencers and share opinions,
LinkedIn as our professional network, and
Yahoo! or Hotmail to communicate directly with our important contacts. Combined, more than 2.5 billion of us maintain accounts with these services, and social login solves the registration challenge by making it possible to use those identities to easily sign up and log in on sites across the web. )
但身份提供商是最流行的選擇嗎?每個季度,我們尋求社交登錄網上消費者的喜好,在所有網站使用 Janrain 通過分析來回答這個問題。為什麼這些趨勢數字營銷的問題呢?社交登錄喜好提供各種在線身份的消費者親和力的一個很好的跡象。( But which identity providers are the most popular choices? Each quarter, we seek to answer this question by analyzing social login preferences for online consumers across all websites using Janrain. Why do these trends matter for digital marketer? Social login preferences provide a good indication of consumer affinity in their various online identities. )
當它涉及到社交的登陸,人們希望的選擇。 Facebook目前導致社會登錄作為目前最流行的身份提供者。在第二季度,Facebook的舉行服務於46%的市場份額,出於適度它已經歷了前兩個季度連續下降。
谷歌已經逐漸縮小的差距在Facebook上第二個最流行的選擇,並在第二季度,其份額增加了百分之零點幾。儘管仍然在增加的方向趨勢,其增長放緩,儘管 Janrain 登錄在4月推出的Google+。
我們相信谷歌社交網路 ( Google+ ) 的增長將影響到未來的趨勢。最近的一項研究由 Searchmetrics 預測,谷歌可能於2016年會超過 Facebook 的如果目前每月增長率維持,社交共享活動。
儘管可能的看法,這是一個雙馬比賽,關鍵是要注意消費者的喜好的多樣性,不同類型的網站。 例如,LinkedIn 的網站上,以迎合向商務人士享有大量的人氣。為什麼呢?我們大多數人寧願保持我們的專業網絡 LinkedIn 上的身份和項目為自己的人物角色進行交互時,在 B2B 網站上。當使用這種身份 B2B 網站上註冊,消費者可以選擇到他們的LinkedIn個人資料信息,包括驗證的電子郵件地址,第一個和最後一個名稱,公司名稱,職位和行業授予的網站訪問。該網站就可以使用這個信息,可以方便地預先填充符號的形式,為消費者省去填寫表格,從頭開始進入很多對自己的的冗餘專業細節。
( Despite the possible perception that this is a two-horse race, it is critical to note the diversity of consumer preferences on different types of sites. LinkedIn, for example, enjoys substantial popularity on sites that cater toward business professionals. Why? A majority of us maintain our professional
online identity on LinkedIn and would prefer to project that persona for ourselves when interacting on B2B websites. When using this identity to register on B2B sites, consumers can choose to grant the website access to their
LinkedIn profile information, including a verified email address, first and last name, company name, job title and industry. The site can then use this information to conveniently pre-populate a sign-up form, which eliminates the need for consumers to fill out the form from scratch or enter lots of redundant professional details about themselves. )
For Digital Marketers:
Social login helps solve the challenge of how to collect more accurate data on your users while increasing registration conversion rates at the same time. Social login shortens the registration process to a single click and gives you instant permission-based access to rich demographic, psychographic and social graph data on your users. This social profile data can be leveraged for content personalization or product recommendations and more tailored segmentation and targeting.
Social Login Trends Across the Web for Q2 2013
2013年 Facebook 的移動廣告收入跳增 333%( Facebook's mobile ad revenue to jump by 333% in 2013 )[ Facebookのモバイル広告収入は2013年の333%増加する ]
在2011年,Facebook 沒有移動廣告收入。今年,世界上最大的社交網絡將超過 200億美元營收,根據來自eMarketer的一份新報告。換算,同比增長超過333%,在2013年的網絡營銷研究公司的分析師。是的,你讀正確的:333%在兩年內。( In 2011, Facebook didn't have mobile ad revenue. This year, the world's largest social network is expected to rake in just over $2 billion, according to a new report from eMarketer. Analysts from the internet marketing research firm translated that to an increase of more than 333 percent in 2013.Yes, you read that correctly: 333 percent in two years. )
儘管如此,谷歌仍然是王,因為它去年吃下了在移動互聯網廣告約為46.1億收入 - 三倍於2011年之盈利。( Nevertheless, Google is still king, as it earned approximately $4.61 billion in mobile internet ad revenues last year — triple its earnings from 2011.)
For 2013, eMarketer is projecting a 92.1 percent increase to $8.85 billion in revenue.
Researchers predicted in the report that mobile ad spending (and revenue) will follow the pattern of overall online ad spend — meaning that it will be consolidated among a few top tech giants.
While Apple and Pandora, among others, are certainly still in the mix, analysts hinted that the other major player that could end up rounding out the top three is Twitter.
雖然它仍然坐在下面Pandora和YP(黃頁)在全球榜上,eMarketer的指出,這些公司都看到他們的全球股票下跌與微博巨頭的增長。Twitter 希望看到全球移動廣告支出的份額繼續上升,今年全球市場的2%左右,在美國和至少3.6%。( While it still sits below Pandora and YP (Yellow Pages) in the global standings, eMarketer noted that these companies are seeing their global shares slip versus the microblogging giant's growth.Twitter is expected to see its worldwide mobile ad spending share continue to rise this year to roughly 2 percent of the global market and at least 3.6 percent in the United States. )
註:這趨勢代表人們使用 smart phone 及 tablet 上網及購物成長大,品牌公司願意增加移動廣告支出;