2009年8月29日 星期六

Vicky & Pinky 單車楓葉情 - 值得一遊


Vicky 去過地方 我找到在 Panoramio 照片,閱讀與旅遊能讓自己增加一些生活情趣。等 H1N1 消失下來時,是尋找旅遊好時期開始,去加拿大超過十次,沒有像 Vicky 這樣單車旅遊過。

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9 則留言:

Cubic 提到...

I just red one news about them, Vicky and Pinky.

This time they traveled to Asia countries, looks much fun.:)

Knowledge Teaching And Reading 提到...

9/26 歡迎參加VP《亞洲慢慢來》新書台北首簽會
Dear All:

9/19 VP《亞洲慢慢來》新書台中首簽會 圓滿成�


台北場: 9/26(六)下午2:30-4:30 蛙.咖啡 Frog.Cafe
地址:台北市松江路69巷5號(近伊通公園) Tel: 02-25061716

台北場: 10/9(五)晚上7:00-8:00 台北紀伊國屋微風廣場店
台北市復興南路一段39號B區5F TEL:02-2721-2304

◎2009/9/20 TVBS新聞報導Vicky&Pinky協力車環中國海Youtube

2009/9/20 聯合報.B2版.大台中綜合新聞.記者洪敬浤/台中市報導
郵輪加兩輪 慢遊中國海

She announce the new book

Cubic 提到...

Wow~they are famous now! But I haven't seen them on TV, that's weird!

I do appreciate them two, you know, especially for female, it's very tough job to travel like them. At least, I know I can't achieve that.

It'll hurt while riding bicycle fr too long a time!haha

But Japan is nice, safe place for female. I had nice experience over there.:)

Knowledge Teaching And Reading 提到...

hope you like her book, you can join their new book announcement.

Cubic 提到...

Thanks, I'll consider about that, but I am very shy~

You are their fan, you should go.:) You bought their new book already?

Cubic 提到...

Now I make sure I can't go....had better not move the hurt ankle too much...:(

Knowledge Teaching And Reading 提到...

you need to be careful, don't work too hard or do the dangerous things

Cubic 提到...

Oh well...yes I see, I shouldn't have run on the street..but with the tablet from doctor now I am feeling better.:)

By the way, it has nothing to do with my work...and I don't think I am working too hard.:) I can still make some fun at my own time.

Cubic 提到...

I see...please don't blame me too much...:) I'll pay more attention on that.

Thank you for praying for me, it's nice of you to do that, wish I could pray something for you~:)