2013年3月23日 星期六

2013 智慧型手機出貨量將超越功能性手機,那些市場資料要注意? ( Smartphones Expected to Outship Feature Phones for First Time in 2013 )

Smartphones Expected to Outship Feature Phones for First Time in 2013, According to IDC

FRAMINGHAM, Mass. March 4, 2013 – More smartphones are forecast to be shipped globally than feature phones in 2013, the first such occurrence in the mobile phone market on an annual basis. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, vendors will ship 918.6 million smartphones this year, or 50.1% of the total mobile phone shipments worldwide. 首次出現在手機市場上一年度的基礎上智能手機預計會在2013年超越功能手機全球出貨量。據國際數據公司(IDC)全球季度手機跟踪,供應商將出貨9.186億部智能手機,今年,或佔全部手機的全球出貨量的 50.1%。

Smartphone prices have fallen globally, the smartphone strata are wider than ever, and the roll-out of data-centric fourth-generation (4G) wireless networks are three factors that have made these “do-it-all” devices an increasingly attractive option for users. By the end of 2017, IDC forecasts 1.5 billion smartphones will be shipped worldwide, which equates to just over two-thirds of the total mobile phone forecast for the year due to these primary factors. 在全球智能手機的價格已經下降,智能手機的階層比以往任何時候都更廣泛,轉出的數據為中心的第四代(4G)無線網絡三個方面的因素,都使得這些“做它,所有的”設備越來越具有吸引力的選擇供用戶使用。到2017年底,IDC預測15億的智能手機將出貨至世界各地,相當於剛剛超過三分之二的手機總預測今年以來,由於這些主要因素。

To date, much of the world’s smartphone shipments were a direct result of demand in mature economies such as the U.S. The balance of smartphone demand is gradually shifting, however, to emerging markets where smartphone user bases are still relatively small and economic prospects are considerably higher. Smartphone shipments to China, Brazil, and India will comprise a growing percentage of the device type’s volume in each forecast year. Smartphone demand is burgeoning in these large, populous nations as their respective economies have grown; this has made for a larger middle class that is prepared to buy smartphones. China, which supplanted the U.S. last year as the global leader in smartphone shipments, is at the forefront of this shift. 至目前

“While we don’t expect China’s smartphone growth to maintain the pace of a runaway train as it has over the last two years, there continue to be big drivers to keep the market growing as it leads the way to ever- lower smartphone prices and the country’s transition to 4G networks is only just beginning,” said Melissa Chau, Senior Research Manager, IDC Asia/Pacific. “Even as China starts to mature, there remains enormous untapped potential in other emerging markets like India, where we expect less than half of all phones shipped there to be smartphones by 2017, and yet it will weigh in as the world’s third largest market.” “雖然我們不指望中國的智能手機的增長,在過去兩年保持的步伐,因為它有一個失控的火車,繼續有大的驅動程序,以保持市場的增長,因為它導致的方式來不斷降低智能手機價格該國過渡到4G網絡才剛剛開始,說:“梅麗莎洲,高級研究經理,IDC亞洲/太平洋。 “即使中國開始走向成熟,有仍然是巨大的尚未開發的潛力在其他新興市場,如印度,在那裡我們預期少超過一半的所有手機出貨有到是智能手機,到2017年,和但它會權衡在作為世界第三大市場。 “

Brazil is another market where smartphone growth will remain high over the course of the forecast as its economic fortunes improve. “Brazilians have yet to turn in their feature phones for smartphones on a wholesale basis,” said Bruno Freitas, Consumer Devices Research Manager, IDC Brazil. “The smartphone tide is turning in Brazil though, as wireless service providers and the government have laid the groundwork for a strong smartphone foundation that mobile phone manufacturers can build upon.” 巴西是另一個市場,智能手機的增長將保持高過預測的過程中,提高其經濟命運。 “巴西人還沒有把他們的功能手機,智能手機在批發的基礎上,說:”消費性電子設備,IDC研究經理布魯諾·塔斯,巴西。 “智能手機的潮流正在轉向在巴西,但為無線服務供應商和政府強大的智能手機,手機製造商可以建立在基礎奠定了基礎。”


Article in The Economist today on the trends in Smartphones:

Prices are now on a downward spiral, says Ben Wood of CCS Insight, a research firm. Several other handset-makers are already offering cheap smart-phone-like devices. Android allows cut-price Chinese firms such as Huawei and ZTE to enter the smart-phone market, which they had previously stayed out of for lack of the necessary software. Last month T-Mobile, a mobile operator, gave a taste of things to come. Its British subsidiary started selling the Pulse, an Android-powered smart-phone made by Huawei, for only £180. (The cheapest iPhone model sells for £340 in Britain if bought without a contract.)

If you take this trend and extrapolate according to Moore's Law, in about 9-10 years time (depending on your inflation assumptions) you get a sub £10 device that is as powerful as today's
iPhone. (See chart above) What happens globally then, when the poorest of people can afford comms and computing like this. And what does £300 buy then - a 30x more powerful device at the same size, a device as powerful as today's at 1/30th the size. What opportunities does this drive? What happens as RFID prices lso fall and we can integrate to penny-price "Internet of Things" devices. 如果這一趨勢,並根據摩爾定律推斷,在9-10年左右的時間(根據您的通貨膨脹率假設的),你會得到一個子£10台設備,是今天的iPhone一樣強大。 (見上圖),會發生什麼情況全球範圍內,最貧窮的人能夠負擔得起這樣的通訊科及計算。什麼£300買入 - 30倍的更強大的設備在相同的大小,一個強大的設備,為今天的三十分之一的大小。該驅動器什麼樣的機會?會發生什麼事,我們可以把

Answers are unclear, but one thing is for certain - as The Economist notes:

All this reflects a broader trend in the industry, where value is migrating from firms that run networks and make hardware to those that make software and offer services (see article). 所有這一切都反映了更廣泛的行業趨勢,從企業運行的網絡和硬件,使軟件和提供服務(見文章)的遷移值。

Interesting times are set to continue for another 10 years at least.


正當外界聚焦在三星要價數百美元的最新旗艦高階手機 Galaxy S4 之時,三星卻早已在新興市場低調備妥多款「百美元智慧手機」火力強大武器,準備以低階機海戰術,攻進諾基亞主戰場,並為未來十年在新興市場的高階智慧手機發展鋪路。

《華爾街日報》報導,今年截至目前為止,三星一共推出八款手機,其中僅 S4 為高階手機,其餘低階手機售價不到一百美元,主要銷售市場包括印尼、印度。

不同於蘋果只專注在高階手機市場,三星也透過推出低價手機在全球市場上衝量,並逐步蠶食諾基亞與黑莓的市占率。2012 年是三星豐收的一年,根據調研機構 Strategy Analytics 的統計,智慧手機市場三星以市占率 30.4% 取得領先,同時就整體手機出貨量而論,三星踢掉諾基亞以 25.1% 的占有率拔得頭籌。

三星共同執行長申宗均(J.K. Shin)指出,三星在低階智慧市場相當活躍,未來也將繼續競逐這塊市場。在印尼,消費者一批批揚棄功能手機轉向智慧手機,因此低階智慧手機市場正快速地蓬勃發展。

低階手機蝕獲利 三星不正面回應,只稱有利可圖!


香港 Sanford Bernstein 投資分析師 Mark Newman 預估,三星低階智慧手機營利率約 12%,高階智慧手機營利率 28%,功能手機營利率 2% 至 3%。

《華爾街日報》報導,在印尼雅加達,過去購物中心販售手機樓面隨處可見黑莓機的招牌,如今卻是被三星藍色圖騰淹沒,蘋果 iPhone 的廣告招牌不多,店主告訴記者,店內最熱賣的手機品牌就是三星。根據 Canalys 統計,在印尼,iPhone 市占率不到 1%,可怕的是,三星在「智慧手機」市場占有率卻從 2010 年的 2% 暴增至上季的近五成。三星成功的秘訣,就是能提供不同價格帶的商品,品項齊全,從最低的數十美元的功能手機到 600 美元的智慧手機都有賣。

2 月,三星推出中階智慧手機 Galaxy Young 與 Galaxy Fame,上述系列智慧手機螢幕較小、記憶體容量較小、相機鏡頭像素較弱。2 月底,三星又推出四款 REX 系列功能手機,每台售價在 50 美元至 100 美元之間,主要銷售市場為印度、中東、東歐、以及南美。20 日,三星也在香港推出 GALAXY Express 中低階 4G LTE 手機。

三星申宗均指出,REX 功能手機銷售奇佳,但這款手機不計劃在美上市。


低階手機市場競爭激烈,諾基亞在去年夏天推出不到 100 美元的觸控螢幕功能手機 Asha,手機許多功能也直逼智慧手機,也擁有社群應用程式如推特,因此頗受歡迎,在部份新興市場的業績表現優於搭載 Android 作業系統的低階手機如三星 Galaxy Mini 與 Galaxy Y。

諾基亞之後又再推出售價 20 美元(不含稅與電信商補貼)的低階手機 Nokia 105。而為迎戰諾基亞,三星還會再推出更多的低階手機,希望能打動新興市場消費者的心、建立消費者與品牌的關係、同時打穩通路。往後消費者要換智慧手機,三星較能輕鬆獲得青睞,為未來十年在新興市場的銷售鋪路。

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2013年3月22日 星期五

Apple 將正式進入 Smart TV 市場? ( Apple Inc., will migrate into iTV smart TV market in 2013 )

郭董金蛇出洞 直指iTV訂單

Apple Smart TV is ready


     一直以來,蘋果iTV「只聞樓梯響,不見人下來」,原本市場預期蘋果將在3月召開與iTV相關的大會,並於9月或10月份正式發售,但外傳因蘋果的液晶面板供應商LG Display Co.(LGD)、夏普,截至目前為止,都還無法達到良率目標,上市日期恐將延至明年,連帶也給了競爭者最佳切入時機。




Smart content, connected and recognition become a trend in smart TV
47 inch smart TV in 699 USD in Amazon

     日本媒體Mynavi News去年12月曾引述華爾街日報報導指出,美國蘋果正在與亞洲零組件供應商共同研發大尺寸電視,文中直接點名所謂的亞洲零組件供應商,指的就是台灣鴻海與日本夏普,但因日前爆出三星入股夏普案,引「三星」入關的夏普,會否因此丟掉iTV大單,又成為市場焦點。


:Apple smart iTV 出現將搶走 15% ~ 20% smart TV 市場,也就是 iPod、iPhone、iPad 使用者市場;

USA: LCD TV panel manufacturers are planning less aggressive business strategies for 2013 as LCD TV demand growth slows, according to the latest NPD DisplaySearch Quarterly LCD TV Value Chain Report.

Panel makers are moving to avoid an oversupply of LCD TV panels. This involves a drastic change in business models, which includes developing strategic alliances, making capacity allocation improvements, and expanding product portfolios to include a larger variety of panel sizes. LCD TV panel manufacturers hope that by moving to larger screen sizes, they can decrease unit shipments while increasing total area shipped, thus boosting their bottom lines.

“Consumers are focused on TV prices, while brands have been focused on TV features. This disconnect has resulted in reduced demand and profits for TV supply chain participants in 2012,” said Deborah Yang, NPD DisplaySearch Research director.

“A misalignment in panel size portfolios between buyers and sellers could result in supply constraints. Panel makers and TV brands are trying to strengthen their business portfolios and enhance their bargaining power with supply chain participants in order to improve profitability and gain a competitive edge.”

Taking these factors into account, along with the aggressive TV shipment plans of some TV brands (in particular the top two Korean TV brands and Chinese TV makers), NPD DisplaySearch forecasts 4 percent Y/Y growth in LCD TV panel shipments for 2013 and 11 percent Y/Y growth in TV shipments planned by surveyed TV brands. Samsung and LG, for example, are working with Sharp to increase panel supply in 2013, mostly for 32” panels.

“Some TV brands’ 2013 shipment plans reflect their strategy to set higher targets and secure sufficient panel supply, but they may also be too aggressive,” said Yang. “The TV supply chain is evolving, with Taiwanese panel makers leading the development of new panel sizes and ties with TV brands. Meanwhile, panel and set makers are adopting new business models around open cell and backlight-module-systems (BMS) assembly. Other TV manufacturers may be forced to follow suit—changing the TV value chain over the long term.”

World smart TV sales surge

Smart TVs - tellies with internet connectivity - accounted for almost 20 per cent of the televisions that manufacturers shipped in Q1.Almost 30 per cent of them went into Western Europe, but the world's biggest IPTV fans are clearly the Japanese: 46 per cent of the TVs that shipped there were smart devices.

Yet Japanese shipments were low: just under 1m units. More than 2.6m smart TVs shipped into Western Europe, and some 3.2m into China.

Penetration there hit 30 per cent as Chinese buyers snapped up new TVs to help celebrate the Lunar New Year, market watcher NPD DisplaySearch said today.

LG and Samsung may have been promoting their smart TV platforms of late, but in Q1, the number of smart TVs they shipped as a proportion of their total telly shipments were just 26 per cent and 12 per cent, respectively.

Compare that to Sony: more than half of the TVs it shipped in the quarter - 51 per cent - were internet connectable.

Other familiar brands - to Westerners - Philips, Sharp and Panasonic scored 36 per cent, 28 per cent and 21 per cent, respectively, according to DisplaySearch's numbers.

Still, it's impossible to yet say how many of these devices are being used for their connected capabilities. Smart TV functionality remains just one television feature among many. China's high sales, for instance, may say more about the growing conspicuous consumption of the Chinese middle class than the keenness of folk there on net-sourced entertainment.

LCD TV Shipment Growth to Improve in 2012, Driven by 40” and Larger Sizes

SANTA CLARA, Calif., January 3, 2012—Consumer demand for TVs has been softer than expected in 2011, but showing signs of improvement late in the year. However, inventory pressure plagued the industry through much of early 2011 and led to a sharp reduction in shipments to retailers. The result is that global TV unit shipments are expected to rise only 0.1% in 2011. According to the latest forecast released in the NPD DisplaySearch Advanced Quarterly Global TV Shipment and Forecast Report, growth is expected to improve in 2012, rising 2% to 254 million units.

“Global economic conditions have improved in 2011, but more slowly than expected, and consumers in mature TV markets like Europe face continuing uncertainty, which is leading to very cautious spending patterns,” noted Paul Gagnon, Director of North America TV Research for NPD DisplaySearch. Gagnon added, “Because price reductions are not as vigorous as a few years ago, partially due to a mature manufacturing base but also because of transitions to advanced features like LED backlights and 3D, consumers are becoming more willing to wait for peak sale periods to purchase.”
Price drop per year around 10% after 2008

Flat panel TV continues to grow, but at a more gradual pace of 2-4% per year as the rapid transition from CRT to LCD and plasma nears an end. LCD TV continues to be the dominant technology on a unit and revenue basis, and in fact seems likely capture even more market share due to a weaker outlook for plasma TV going forward. As LCD narrows the pricing gap with plasma at many sizes, the demand for plasma has fallen; NPD DisplaySearch expects this to continue and has reduced its forecast for plasma TV.

Large TV sizes also continue to show strong growth, with shipments of 40”+ and larger sets expected to grow 12% in 2012 while larger than 40” sizes decline 3%. A strong contributing factor to the growth of larger sizes, including an 18% increase in shipments of 50”+ sets, is pricing. Sizes up to 50” will have average prices below $1000 in 2012 and even 60” + sizes will fall below $2000 for the first time. During Black Friday holiday sales in the US, many 40-47” sets were below $500, and even 60” sets fell below $1000, prompting robust unit sales as consumers were attracted to the new price points. Many consumers seem to be willing to give up features in favor of larger sizes for a given TV buying budget. Even in China, shipment share of 50” + and larger sizes is growing strongly and may become the only region outside of North America to reach 10% 50”+ mix of unit shipments by 2015.

2.6 Million 4K Ultra HD TVs to Ship in 2013

Still wondering and worrying that 4K (Ultra HD) isn’t going to take off? Check out NPD DisplaySearch‘s latest numbers. The firm just released its latest Quarterly Large Area TFT Panel Shipment Report, which says a whopping 2.6 million 4Kx2K LCD TV panels will ship by the end of 2013. This means the technology, also known as Ultra HD, will grow 40-fold. After all, 2012’s numbers were somewhere around 63,000.

According to the report, TFT LCD panel suppliers will play a pivotal role in 4K×2K LCD TV adoption, via cost-effective solutions and new technologies. NPD DisplaySearch specifically mentions high-transmittance cell designs, high-output driver integrated circuits (ICs), and high-efficiency backlight units and integrated up-scaling circuits for 4K×2K panels.

“To date, Innolux Corp. has been the most aggressive panel manufacturer in this market segment, developing a full line-up of 4K×2K panels in the 39- to 85-inch range,” says David Hsieh, VP of NPD DisplaySearch’s Greater China Market. “Despite this, 4K×2K panel manufacturers’ shipments are primarily focused on 50-, 55/58-, and 65-inch sizes, which are expected to have the highest volume shipments, especially in China.”

Of course, the above data doesn’t necessarily mean everyone is going to rush out and build a home theater around a 4K display. That would be nice, but it seems like these numbers are factoring in the commercial market, which includes digital signage. In fact, panel manufacturers are hoping to strengthen relationships with any and all LCD TV brands, to bring the tech to the masses.

“4K×2K LCD TV is the newest TV technology available, and in order for it to be successful, it will be critical for the supply chain to avoid falling behind when making their purchases, even if content is still scarce,” adds Hsieh. “Some panel makers are also working with design houses to develop circuits built into the panel, to enable up-scaling of HD to 4K×2K content. This will help to drive the 4K×2K LCD TV market and encourage panel makers, especially those that have already started design-in work with TV brands in 2013.”

打造Social TV生態系 Smart TV三大陣營成形

Smart TV雖仍處於起步階段,但2011至2012年的出貨量成長數字預計將十分驚人,而2011年由智慧行動終端所掀起的科技產業典範轉移,終究有一天亦將蔓延到TV。根據拓墣產業研究所預測顯示,全球Smart TV出貨量將有機會從2010年的704萬台成長到2011年的2,518萬台,佔整體TV比重的10.4%;隨著更多TV品牌業者推出新款Smart TV,2012年全球Smart TV出貨量可望增加至5,285萬台,年成長逾100%,佔整體TV比重20%。拓墣產業研究所張乘維經理表示,後PC時代,消費電子產品將持續進化,Smart TV將是最終戰場,其中使用者介面、遊戲、網路瀏覽器、OTT Video、社交網路、搜尋工具等為Smart TV六大關鍵成功要素,殺手級應用則非社交網路莫屬。

TV+Social Smart TV搶攻新世代

拓墣表示,社交網路既然可以進入行動裝置市場,當然也可進入電視市場。觀察各大品牌業者所推出的Smart TV產品,顯示「社群」與「分享」已成為Smart TV的兩大核心要素,包括Samsung、Sony、LG、Sharp、Philips等廠商都在最新的Smart TV中增加了Facebook、Twitter、Google Talk、Skype等社交網站的應用程式。而看電視本來就是社交的一環,譬如美國2011年2月超級盃足球賽期間,每秒產生4,064則Tweets,美國四大電視網ABC、NBC、CBS、FOX也開始針對社交媒體推出各類型節目或服務。

拓墣指出,Smart TV的殺手級應用,應當屬社交功能的出現,讓Smart TV的概念從過去建立在TV導向提供OTT/VoD服務、串流影視、實境秀、Flash影視、TV Apps、3D影視等內容,逐漸趨向社交網路導向的型式發展,吸納更多使用者、影片、社交媒體桌面工具匯集,並融合各種裝置和應用程式集大成。拓墣強調,Social TV應該包含Smart TV、平板機、智慧手機等智慧裝置,和直播電視等影音內容,以及社群軟體,共同打造以社交為中心的生態環境,唯有貫徹Social概念,才能整合TV和Web,催生符合新世代年輕消費者需求的Smart TV,以求產品爆量增長。

三大陣營成形 比拼內容質量

社交網路導向的Smart TV產品誕生之後,作業系統平台將驅動Smart TV陣營成形,陣營內各自共享平台上的應用程式內容。以目前趨勢來看,拓墣表示目前擁有近千個應用程式以及1,000萬次下載量的Samsung Smart TV,將自成一大陣營;Sony、Vizio,以及中國大陸彩電品牌海信、TCL與康佳將加入Google Android平台;LG、Sharp、Philips三家廠商則以HTML5、CE-HTML和HbbTV等開發語言為基礎,共同打造Smart TV的軟體開發工具。TV品牌業者除了將研發能量集中開發應用程式之外,影音內容質量則是另一決勝關鍵。

  • 2012 Smart TV 出貨量大幅成長 109%,2013 Smart TV 出貨量大幅成長 66.28%;
  • Apple Smart iTV 一出現,將搶走 15% ~ 20% smart TV 市場,也就是 iPod、iPhone、iPad 使用者市場,這是無可避免的;
  • 預估 Apple Smart iTV 最快 2013 年底出現;

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2013年3月21日 星期四

2013 台灣第一季GDP成長率極可能在低於 1.8%,經濟部、主計處原先預估出口成長率這麼差這麼多?

前2月外銷訂單年增1% 不如預期


經濟部表示,2月外銷訂單290.4億美元,創近二年新低;也較去年同期衰退14.5%, 終結去年9月以來正成長走勢。經濟部統計長林麗貞坦言,內部預估失誤、全球景氣復甦速度放緩,都有影響,今年前兩月接單金額才不如預期。統計處官員不諱言,1月接單情形好,才會那麼樂觀。

展望3月接單,林麗貞說,「最多跟去年持平」,約383.7億美元,年成長幅度預估「持平」;今年首季外銷訂單成長率「不會太高」,保守估計年增率0.7%。受春節因素影響,2月各主要貨品海外接單都比1月減少,觀察1 、2月累計金額,三大接單貨品中,僅有資訊通信產品維持正成長,年增5.3%,面板所屬的精密儀器產品則呈現負成長,中斷從去年8月來成長趨勢。




:經濟部、主計處自2011開始,經濟成長率越來越失準,原預估2013 經濟成長率 3.5%以上,經濟部、主興經計處主管不應該再由公教學者、政黨或公務員出生高層來擔任,這些人長年吃公家飯,怎能為振興經濟付出?遠比我們這些企業經理人預估失準多許多,請参考:

3月外銷訂單年增 恐仍負值



由 2011 ~ 2012 經濟成長模型看,2013 台灣 GDP

在支撐經濟成長的C(消費)、I(投資)、G(政府)、X-M(貿易順差)之中,台灣自2011開始,X-M(貿易順差)含海外營餘占 6.4% + 3.3%、外資投資占14.7%、內需消費含房產建材占54.1%、政府支出占19.2%,公司貿易順差含海外營餘 + 外資投資 + 內需消費含房產建材就占整體 GDP 78.5%;

    • C(消費) :會因股市上漲轉好,但因油電雙漲而轉弱,以持平微上揚,加上奢侈稅對房市衝擊,台灣 300萬勞工長期在大陸及東南亞,一月、二月份觀光業營收大部分衰退看,消費部份應該還是持平;
    • X-M(貿易順差) : 因第一、二月較 2012 第四季衰退,油進口支出油價上揚而增加,貿易順差會持平;
    • G(政府) :政府支出與投資持平;
    • I(投資) :FDI 外資及台商投資部份,第一季外資及台商投資之金額應該是較重要部分;但第一季真正台商投資及外資之金額仍太小,提振經濟成長幅度不大,加上東協國家、大陸持續提供投資優惠之條件給台商,我不認為稅制結構:營所稅 ( 17% ) + 營餘保留加收稅 ( 10% ) = 27% 配上各人所得最高稅制 (40% ) 能大幅吸引來台投資
    • 由上市公司 2013 獲利率看,整體獲利率仍不易提升,小幅提升可能性較高;台灣電子業占上市公司整體營收 68.82%看,產業升級、品牌能力之提升才有助於GDP之提升,持續降價低獲利之組裝代工、平板電腦、智能手機是不易再增長GDP成長率
    • 由亞洲投資環境優惠稅率看,台灣投資環境優勢不大,這也是為什麼台灣投資率是全世界倒數原因,2013 外資投資率也不易大幅提升,但應該會比2012年好;只有改善台灣投資率,GDP、勞工薪資才能大幅提升,稅收才能增加;馬政府每次都用台灣投資環境改善幫大家洗腦,更說 ECFA 後台灣投資環境改善來吹噓,但實際投資率與金額不管外資或民間在亞洲都是很落後的,因此,再考慮油電續漲、消費信心下滑因素,GDP 成長率修正至1.9% ~ 3.3%;
    • ECFA 進入末段,僅剩少數行業受惠如觀光業,僅占上市總營收不及1%,但 GDP 幫助不大;金融業會受益於人民幣開放增加獲利率,但國內銀行推出之人民幣定存利率不如外商銀行,是否幫助很大是未知數;
    • 觀光業、半導體、通訊較確認會成長,投資率會小幅上升,產業成長區塊僅占GDP約占4.5% ~ 6.5%
2012 台灣外資直接投資是全球倒數
    • 內需消費含房產建材會因開徵證所稅、打壓房市持續萎縮,內需消費不會更好;
    • 因為高油電價格、證所稅及房市成交量萎縮都是直接"內需消費含建材"對GDP正面之成長產生衝擊是非常嚴重的
    • 在大陸、東南亞台灣勞工已經超過300萬人,一年流失之內需消費經濟應該已經超過 8000億,占 GDP 5.78 ~ 5.8%,其實是非常巨大,而由台灣新聞及購物網頁搜尋拜訪率預估得知2013有更多人不在台灣,這經由我實際統計 1 ~ 3 月餐廳生意,普遍是不如預期,更確認第一季內需消費極可能又不如預期;
  • 目前,馬政府經濟成長努力是不夠,台灣若第一季經濟成長率低於 1.8%,全年經濟成長率超過3.3%機率就很低。若第一季、二季經濟成長率 1.8% ~ 2.2%,第三季、四季經濟成長率要超過 5.0% ~ 5.2%,全年經濟成長率才能達成目標。目前影響台灣GDP成長率很重要因素是 TSMC 之投資,若第一季TSMC 之投資金額 3000億啟動,對台灣GDP成長率及民間投資貢獻會很大,那GDP成長率第一季就有機會超過2.5%
  • 台灣GDP成長率要提高,除非外資投資率上升、產業升級、品牌能力、富人移民投資台灣增加、台灣運用之勞工就業比率要增加,否則,以台灣目前 GDP、產業結構、大幅輸出白領勞工情況下,台灣GDP成長率要再提高是不易的;
  • 幫勞工蓋低價國民房遠比打房有效,證所稅是否造成低成交量仍須觀察。
  • 廠商移出將大幅降低賦稅/GDP比率,對 GDP 成長有負效應
  • 台灣目前是四小龍失業率最高,也是四小龍白領勞工最大輸出國,每年流失之內需消費經濟已經很高,還造成勞保健保費收入減少,造成之影響就是稅收大幅減少,勞工薪資長期不漲
  • 台灣兩黨公教學者要再努力一點,因為在大陸、東南亞台灣勞工已經超過300萬人國債也超過40%台灣成為亞洲投資率倒數國家勞工可領勞保退休年齡也被延至65歲,在我們看只要政策一直讓廠商外移、投資率下降,GDP成長率就會一直下降;
  • 台灣第一季GDP成長率要看 3 月份進出口順差、內需消費、外資投資金額,希望大幅增加內需消費、外資及民間投資金額來達成第一季GDP成長率 3.07% 目標。2012 一月、二月、三月貿易餘額(美元)及工業生產年增是 4.2億、28.3億、24億 及 -16.5%、8.4%、-3.4%;2012 一月、二月貿易餘額(美元)及工業生產年增是 5億、9億及19.2%、-11.4%;
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