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2015年1月25日 星期日

微軟 HoloLens:科幻虛擬實境裝置將啟動3D全像投影贏Google Glass成為下一代很重要穿載電腦 ( Microsoft HoloLens: A science fiction virtual reality device with 3D holographic projection will win Google Glass has become the next generation wearable computer )

微軟 HoloLens:超科幻的虛擬實境裝置

這個 HoloLens 是一個功能頗有未來感的虛擬實境裝置,它除了能在現實的場景投射各種虛擬

HoloLens 是微軟首款虛擬實境裝置,它完全不需要其他配件、外接線路即可獨立運。HoloLens 主要是以 Windows 10 為基礎,並搭配微軟的 Windows Holographic 技術,同時也內建強大的處裡器、繪圖晶片、多種感應器、全像高解析度鏡頭和全像處理單元 HPU ( Holographic Processing Unit),不僅可即時偵測使用者的動作和周圍環境,同時也會即時處理從感應器即時接收到百萬位元組資料,進而讓使用者可直接和和虛擬物件互動,不僅可讓設計師可更直覺的去檢視、修改自己的產品,也能運用在家庭娛樂或是科學研究等多種領域上。

雖然已經發表了 HoloLens,但微軟並不打算藏私,而是選擇和其他虛擬實境裝置的製造商一起分享 Windows Holographic 相關技術。微軟表示所有 Windows 10 系統中都將內建 Holograms API,同時微軟也發表了用來製作 Holograms 內容的 HoloStudio 軟體,讓你可透過虛擬、可互動的工具軟體,自由設計出各種可互動的虛擬實境介面或物體,甚至還可支援把你設計出來的物體,透過 3D 列印技術直接列印出來。

微軟在Windows 10消費端應用說明活動中,同時揭曉可獨立運作頭戴式裝置HoloLens,藉此示範結合自然人機操作介面、虛擬實境顯示與Windows 10等應用模式,並且讓合作廠商也能以此設計不同形式裝置。而在會後接受訪談中,微軟Xbox部門負責人Phil Spencer表示HoloLens定位並非用於對抗Oculus、Sony或三星旗下推出虛擬顯示頭戴裝置,強調雖然HoloLens具備相同或類似功能,但重心還是放在其可獨立運作用於各類領域的使用特性。
在接受訪談中,微軟Xbox部門負責人Phil Spencer表示HoloLens的產品定位,並非用於對抗Oculus、Sony或三星旗下推出虛擬顯示頭戴裝置。雖然HoloLens本身也具備連接或串流源自Windows或Xbox One的影像內容,並且也支援虛擬實境影像顯示,但其重心依然著重可獨立運作用於各類領域的使用特性,並非僅只是定位在單一顯示設備配件。
HoloLens是微軟以前瞻性思維所打造產品,本身除整合虛擬實境顯示、對應手勢及語音等人機操作模式,以及提供TB等級的即時運算量等特性,同時也呈現Windows 10於穿戴裝置應用的可能性,微軟也表示目前此項產品仍為前期發展階段,未來將持續拓展實際可應用領域。

在HoloLens設計部分,微軟將採取獨立運作、沒有任何連接線,甚至在處理器、繪圖器等運作元件外,更額外加入負責全息影像處理的HPU (Holographic Processing Unit),以及Windows Holographic技術,同時支援Universal Windows Apps。

Google Glass 原理及功能定義越來越清楚 - 但要停產?

Google表示,現在開發人員可將其他服務的語音命令添加到主要選單中,最先示範的兩項語音命令是張貼更新(Post an update)與作筆記(Take a note),前者目前支援社交程式Path,後者支援Evernote。Glass用戶必須先說出「Ok,Glass」以啟用語音命令功能,張貼更新與作筆記只是個開始,未來Google將會允許Glass用戶利用語音來執行各種服務。

此次Google也改善了Glass平台上的重點服務─Google Now,Google Now標榜能在對的時間與地點展示對的資訊,有各種類別的卡片,諸如交通、天氣與運動賽事的即時成績等,現在則新增電影、活動與緊急通知卡片,可顯示附近電影院正上映的影片,亦可提醒使用者音樂會或有訂位的晚餐時間快到了,或是在天災發生時進行緊急通知。


Google期望Google Glass可於今年正式上市,目前估計約有數千人正使用測試版的Google Glass Explorer,測試版售價為1500美元。

Google Glass 團隊宣稱「畢業了」下週開始停產停售?

下週一開始,也就是 1/19 進行 2 年的 Google Glass Explorer 計劃將停止,Google Glass 將停售停產不再接受訂單。


好啦,都不是。在 Google Glass 的官方 Google+ 帳號上,他們宣布「我們從『Google 的 X 實驗室』畢業了!」並感謝每個幫助他們嘗試、試驗 Google Glass 功能的先驅者們。

沒錯,Google Glass 將停止銷售給一般消費者(合作業者還是會繼續),並且從 Google X 實驗室旗下搬出,移交智慧家庭部門 Nest Labs 執行長 Tony Fadell 督導 。

Google 也澄清雖然目前看來一切暫停,但他們並沒有要放棄 Google Glass,反之他們還要致力於推出能讓一般消費者適用的 Google Glass;只是時間還不確定。而 Google 的這項舉動被多數媒體認為代表著「Google Glass 長大了」下一步就是商業化。

不管如何,很期待下次再出現的 Google Glass 會長怎樣?是不是克服了一直以來大家詬病的隱私、安全、設計、成本等問題?

  • Google Glass 到目前仍是過於耗電,售價與功能不成吸引力因子,相較之下微軟 HoloLens 功能比Google Glass 更實用,而且,只要加上一個相機就可包含Google Glass 功能,再來就看微軟 HoloLens售價。
  • 微軟 HoloLens 也將面臨耗電問題,因為所需要之耗電全像處理單元 HPU ( Holographic Processing Unit)將比 Google Glass 更耗電。

2014年5月2日 星期五

微軟 office365 雲端軟體及 Xbox大賣,配低價筆電 Surface 2 機種將使 Microsoft 市場占率增加,微軟需要“Think Different”策略 ( Microsoft Office356 And Xbox Business Continue To Grow, Combine With Microsoft Lower Price Tablet Will Surge Up Microsoft Market )

微軟office365 在外辦公創意多、跨平台沒問題


微軟推出 office 365 ,這與你過去使用的office系列可是大有不同!因應行動工作者對雲端服務的需求,Office 365專業增強版、家用版、個人版,提供完整的Office Word、Excel、 PowerPoint 、OneNote、Outlook、Publisher 和 Access,且全都可在PC、Mac、平板電腦等,使用觸控筆等工具操作,搭配 OneDrive 等雲端空間,使用者不論在哪裡,就算換了台電腦,也能隨時編輯文件,跨平台也可有一致性。

根據調查,有部分使用者會用平板來編輯文件,而偏愛用微軟Office的有82%。微軟於3月底正式推出Office for iPad,使用者只要有Office365 企業版、家用版、個人版,就可以用Office for iPad來編輯文件,Office foriPad推出後,不僅連續三周蟬聯App Store免費下載排行榜前三名,推出的前一周,下載人次就超過1200萬。

台灣微軟自2013年推出Office 365企業版,就開始針對企業不同型態需求、人數多寡,提供中小型及大型企業彈性選擇最適合的雲端服務。並完整結合Exchange Online 、Lync Online、SharePoint Online及Yammer的雲端服務,企業可以擁有高安全性的企業級電子郵件外,還可進行多人視訊會議、語音和即時通訊,使用者無論身在何處都能夠維持最佳的溝通效果。

另外「Office 365 專業增強版」讓企業用戶每一位使用者可以安裝在5台PC或Mac及5台iPad及Windows平板,同時藉由Office on Demand的功能,可透過任何可以上網的電腦,以串流的方式執行完整的Office應用程式,讓使用者隨時隨地都可以存取、編輯Office文件,協同合作提升企業更高的生產力。

如果是你是企業家,請與員工一起嘗試Lync online!Lync online可讓使用者在線上進行會議,且不論是用筆電、平板或手機,都能夠進行面對面的交流,HD高畫質讓所有人都能清楚看到使用者,能清楚展示手上的藝術品。另外,Exchange Online也具有統整並方便操作電子郵件、行事曆與聯絡人的功能,且提升安全保護層級,相當適合上班族與企業管理者。

對於長時間在外移動的上班族或是SOHO族來說,有一套能跨平台操作的office,想必能讓工作更方便。如果你是SOHO族,購買個人版再送20 GB OneDrive空間,只要將資料存在OneDrive隨時可使用office 365編輯文件。且只要連上網路即可自動更新,隨時使用最新版本。想要給家人用也可買家用版,可安裝於5台PC或Mac,及5台iPad或平板電腦,且每個使用者再加送20GB的OneDrive!

Microsoft's Q2: record $24.52 billion revenue and 3.9 million Xbox One sales

Microsoft has published its Q2 2014 earnings report, and the company has made $6.56 billion in net income on $24.52 billion in revenue. Revenue has increased by 14 percent from the same period last year, and net income increased by 2.8 percent.

For consumer-related revenues, all eyes are on four parts of Microsoft’s business: Windows, Office consumer subscriptions, Surface, and Xbox. A decline in PC sales continues to impact Windows, with OEM revenue for Windows declining by 3 percent this quarter. Nokia reported 8.2 million Lumia sales during its latest quarter earlier today, and Microsoft's numbers reflect an improvement on the Windows Phone side. Windows Phone revenue increased by 50 percent, with higher sales of licenses and what Microsoft calls an "increase in mobile phone patent licensing revenue." Microsoft's Office 365 Home Premium subscriber growth looks encouraging too. Subscribers doubled to 2 million in just six months previously, but Microsoft is revealing today that the figure has risen to 3.5 million subscribers in the latest quarter.

On the hardware side, Microsoft launched its Xbox One console during the recent quarter, and it has sold 3.9 million units to retail channels, more than the 3 million figure Microsoft previously disclosed had been sold to customers. Microsoft also managed to sell 3.5 million Xbox 360 consoles during the latest quarter. Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2 also launched in Q2, but Microsoft still isn’t offering up any specific guidance on sales figures for its tablets other than that "units more than doubled sequentially with improved Surface RT sales." Instead, it notes that revenue for Q2 was $893 million. Microsoft previously revealed its total Surface revenue from the RT launch in October 2012 through to the end of its financial year in June 2013 was $853 million. This quarter's Surface revenue was higher than all of the revenue in 2013.

While the company didn’t provide exact revenue figures for Surface in the same quarter last year, the previous quarter amounted to $400 million. Surface revenue may have increased quarter-on-quarter to $893 million and year-over-year, but Microsoft also notes the Surface cost of revenue was $932 million in the latest quarter. In other words, Microsoft lost $39 million on Surface during its latest quarter.

Microsoft's commercial businesses are still growing strongly. The software maker notes that Office 365 seats and Azure customers both grew over 100 percent in the latest quarter. Overall, commercial licensing revenue was up 7 percent to $9.59 billion thanks primarily to server, Office, and, CAL licenses.

Apple to Microsoft: Better late than never for Office on iPad

Apple CEO Tim Cook thinks Microsoft could have benefitted from bringing the Office suite to iPads earlier, but it was better late than never.

Microsoft introduced the collection of Office apps for the iPad in late March, and within nine days, downloads of the productivity apps totaled 12 million.

“If it had been done earlier, it would’ve been better for Microsoft,” Cook said during a second-quarter earnings call on Wednesday.

In the time Microsoft lost, Apple’s iWork and other productivity suites filled the gap. But Microsoft’s Office is critical software for the iPad, especially in enterprises, and customers are responding well, Cook said.

“I do see that Office is a very key franchise in the enterprise,” Cook said. “I wholeheartedly welcome Microsoft to the App Store.”
If MSFT can acquire Tableau Software and combine with Office356,
MSFT will become most strongly cloud data and tool company

It was a moment of rare Apple praise for Microsoft, which is going through a transition period after Satya Nadella became the company’s new CEO in February. Right after this appointment, Nadella outlined a “mobile first, cloud first” strategy revolving around a cohesive set of applications in the cloud that can work across devices.During the second fiscal quarter ended March 29, iPad shipments totaled 16.35 million units, falling from 19.48 million units in the same quarter the previous year. But the company remains upbeat on the iPad, with new products in the pipeline, Cook said.

“That doesn’t mean every quarter ... [there’s] going to be a number that everyone’s thrilled with,” Cook said.

Cook also said that iPad shipments will overtake PCs in the coming years. Apple has sold 210 million iPads since the tablet’s launch in 2010. That’s twice as many units as the iPhone sold in its first four years, and seven times the figure for iPods.

梁次震:微軟249美元低價機種拉貨帶動 Q2市況優預期





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2014年2月4日 星期二

從Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon 營收獲利方向看,微軟如何增加市場占有率及利潤?( How can Microsoft increase its market share and business from revenue and profit comparison? )

Where does Microsoft make money? (Updated 2013)


As in past years, all information in this report is taken from Microsoft’s publicly available 2013 10-K filing. Numbers may vary from past reports. When Microsoft moves products between revenue categories, they retroactively adjust the totals for past years so that year-to-year comparisons are accurate. This article uses 2011 and 2012 values as calculated in the 2013 report. All values are in USD.

If you’ve read my past reports, feel free to skip down to the charts. If this is your first time here, let me provide a quick explanation of how Microsoft breaks down its earnings.

microsoft 2013 earnings

Microsoft remained highly profitable in 2013, with solid year-over-year growth in both revenue and operating income.

The Business (Office) division brings in significantly more money than the Windows division (+30% revenue, +70% profit). In fact, nearly half of Microsoft’s 2013 profits came from the Business division alone.

For the first time ever (to my knowledge), the Windows division was actually 3rd in revenue in 2013, behind both Business and Server/Tools. If trends from the past four years continue in 2014, Server and Tools will pass Windows in not just revenue, but profitability as well.

Regardless of division, the vast majority of Microsoft’s profits come from business and OEM sales. Consumer-centric divisions (including XBox, Windows Phone, Bing) are largely irrelevant from a profit standpoint.

Just for fun: in 2012, Apple pulled in double the revenue of Microsoft ($156 billion USD and $74 billion, respectively). Source 1, Source 2.


Microsoft is unique among tech companies for reporting detailed information by product line. Their competitors do not provide such a detailed breakdown; Apple, most notably, is organized around “functional” divisions rather than “product” divisions, making direct financial comparisons between Apple product lines and Microsoft product lines difficult.

This year, Microsoft announced a company-wide reorganization plan that would bring them closer to Apple’s structure. Many (myself included) have doubts about this resulting in meaningful changes to Microsoft’s overall structure and performance, but there is one area the reorganization is almost certain to impact: financial reporting. Sadly, this means that 2013 may be the last year I am able to provide detailed earnings charts by product division.

There are many theoretical benefits to organizing a company by “function” instead of “products.” One benefit is reduced infighting between product groups, a known problem for Microsoft. Another benefit is the ability to hide losses due to underperforming products. Microsoft had its share of those in the past year, most notably its billion-dollar loss on the Surface RT line of tablets, the impact of which can be seen in the charts below.

microsoft total revenue and operating income (june 2012 – june 2013)

Total Revenue: $77,849,000,000
Operating Income: $26,764,000,000

Total Revenue is the total amount of money Microsoft takes in from normal business operations.

Operating Income is calculated as “Operating RevenueOperating Expenses”. In other words, Operating Income is the profit made from normal business operations. (A more detailed definition is available from Investopedia: “Operating income would not include items such as investments in other firms, taxes or interest expenses. In addition, nonrecurring items such as cash paid for a lawsuit settlement are often not included. Operating income is required to calculate operating margin, which describes a company’s operating efficiency.”)

Operating Income is particularly important when looking at a company like Microsoft. Certain Microsoft divisions take in a great deal of money, but they also require much higher costs to operate. Thus it is relevant to look at not just how much money a certain division brings in, but at how efficiently that division generates its revenue.

microsoft revenue and operating income by division (june 2012 – 2013)

Microsoft products (and earnings) are divided into five divisions: Windows, Microsoft Business, Server and Tools, Entertainment and Devices, and Online Services. The types of products and services provided by each segment are as follows.

  • Windows – Windows operating system, Windows-related web services (including Outlook.com and SkyDrive), Surface RT and Pro devices, and Microsoft PC hardware products. 65% of Windows Division revenue comes from OEM sales of Windows.
  • Microsoft Business – Microsoft Office (including Office Web Apps and Office 365), Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Lync, Yammer (newly acquired in 2012), Microsoft Office Project and Office Visio, and Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM. As you’d expect, 85% of Microsoft Business revenue comes from businesses.
  • Server and Tools – Windows Server operating system, Windows Azure, Microsoft SQL Server, Windows Intune, Windows Embedded, Visual Studio, System Center products, Microsoft Consulting Services, and Premier product support services. 80% of Server and Tools revenue comes from direct product sales via volume licensing, OEMs, and retail packaged products.
  • Entertainment and Devices – Xbox 360 console, games, and accessories (e.g. Kinect), Xbox LIVE, Windows Phone, and Skype.
  • Online Services – Bing, Bing Ads, and MSN.
  • (Note: these divisions are pretty much identical to 2012, with the exception of Microsoft’s $1.2 billion purchase of Yammer and its corresponding addition to the Microsoft Business division.)

Xbox、雲端軟體銷售佳 激勵營收創歷史新高


在Xbox One及網路軟體 Azure 和 Office 365 銷售帶動下,微軟上季營運表現優於市場分析師預估營收目標237億美元、每股純益0.69美元。


微軟財務長胡德(Amy Hood)表示,微軟對上季業績感到滿意,業務中需要改進的領域已經逐漸起色。胡德指的領域,主要是Surface平板電腦銷售。微軟未公布Surface實際銷量,僅表示上季銷售額8.93億美元(約272億元台幣),季增1倍,連2季成長。微軟硬體銷售除Surface平板電腦銷售亮眼外,電玩遊戲機Xbox系列更在聖誕銷售旺季創下佳績。微軟公布,上季Xbox遊戲機銷量達740萬台,其中Xbox One銷量約390萬台、Xbox 360銷量約360萬台。儘管個人電腦(Personal Computer,PC)市場下滑仍小幅衝擊微軟上季業績。微軟表示,針對PC的Windows系統銷售上季減少3%。



微軟執行長鮑默(Steve Ballmer)表示,「微軟企業部門持續有優良表現,設備與消費者產品在聖誕銷售旺季期間銷售也有好表現。微軟不斷給用戶帶來高品質體驗的設備與服務方面投資,這讓微軟未來營運更具成長潛力。」微軟儘管端出亮麗業績報告,卻仍然對於鮑默繼任者隻字未提,這也引發市場疑慮。鮑默去年8月宣布,將在12個月內退休。

Google第四季獲利漲三倍,Google 與 Microsoft 收入是不同的


Google 30日公布,去年第4季營收較一年前成長17%至168.6億美元,優於分析師預期的167.5億美元,淨利則從28.9億美元增至33.8億美元,不計股利等項目的每股盈餘為12.01美元,但不如外界預期的12.2美元。



Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon 營收獲利方向不同

Ed Bott at ZDNet.com wrote a post with the title: Microsoft, Apple, and Google: where does the money come from? He looked at the quarterly reports of these companies (links to sources in the article) and displayed a pie-chart of the revenue mix for each of them. Inspired by that, I added a fourth company – Amazon (source: 10-K for 2011) – and aggregated those pie-charts into one graphic.

All four are large consumer-oriented technology companies; like millions of customers, I use many of their products and services every day. They each operate with different businesses models:
  • Microsoft: Software
  • Apple: Hardware
  • Google: Advertising
  • Amazon: Retail
Yet as a consumer I rarely think about these differences. All of them use state-of-the-art technologies like cloud-computing and mobile devices to achieve integrated end-to-end experiences geared to increase revenues in personal computing (Microsoft), smart mobile devices (Apple), online search (Google) or shopping (Amazon). And arguably all of them derive major competitive advantage from their software, such as Apple’s iOS which introduced the touch interface.
If Microsoft learn from Steve Jobs about "think different", it will be different and more profitable

Perhaps most surprising is Google’s almost singular reliance on advertising, which makes it a very different business model. They offer all their technology for free – from search to mapping to operating systems and social media – to grow and retain online attention as enabling condition for advertising revenue. For a business this big the near complete dependence on one source of revenue is unusual; perhaps its time for Google’s leadership to seriously consider a diversification strategy? Without it Google is arguably more prone to disruption (such as from Facebook) than the other companies. Speaking of disruption: Apple derives almost 3/4 of its revenue (73%) from iPhone and iPad, neither of which existed 5 years ago. As Ed Bott points out, those two products now drive an astonishing $33.5b revenue per quarter!

To compare the companies by their absolute numbers, here is a bar chart of market capitalization, revenue and profit: (all in billions of Dollars and for Q4 2011, market cap as of 2/3/12)

Market cap of these four companies combined is approaching $ 1 trillion. Much has been written about the differences in market valuations relative to revenue and most importantly profit. The markets undervalue Apple and overvalue Google and Amazon. Let’s compare these dimensions (and number of employees) in the following radar plot:

The plot shows the relative performance of all with the highest in each dimension normalized to 100%. Amazon shows by far the smallest profit in the last quarter. Given it’s retail nature, it’s profit margins have always been smaller; and CEO Jeff Bezos has long emphasized the strategy of investing in future growth at the expense of present profits. Microsoft
The iPhone 5S Is The Latest And The Best Selling, Brand Power Is Important
For Users In Emerging Countries
continues to enjoy very solid profit margins in a large, well diversified business. Google has incredible talent and for now is the undisputed king of online advertising. But Apple leads in all three factors, and it achieves 2x Microsoft’s results with less than half the number of employees! Apple’s profit is 1.5 times that of the other three combined! And it makes more than 60% of the profit with less than 20% of the employees. In fact, Apple’s market capitalization is now higher than $10m per employee! It must feel pretty special to be one of them these days…

  • Microsoft 生意在 server 及 business 部門成長越來越大且獲利持續成長,意味 Win 8 功能不完全符合需求及定價過高;
  • 從獲利持續成長看 Microsoft Windows 並沒有這麼負面,最大問題是 Windows OS 過於龐大、未考慮太多使用者之網路應用之需求、許多功能速度緩慢如檔案搜尋等等;
  • 其實只要讓 Microsoft Office 等產品可建立網路應用之content 庫,直接讓 Skydrive 可以存網路搜尋到之content 庫,Office 等產品可直接用,就可以讓 Office 等產品立於不敗之地;
  • 若 Microsoft 可以思考 Steve Jobs 的 “ Think Different ” 及加強server 及 business 等各部門產品之客戶需求了解,應該可以讓 Microsoft 生意在成長許多,不需要一味模仿 Google 及 Apple Inc., 在 Tablet 及 Smart Phone 策略;
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