微軟推出 office 365 ,這與你過去使用的office系列可是大有不同!因應行動工作者對雲端服務的需求,Office 365專業增強版、家用版、個人版,提供完整的Office Word、Excel、 PowerPoint 、OneNote、Outlook、Publisher 和 Access,且全都可在PC、Mac、平板電腦等,使用觸控筆等工具操作,搭配 OneDrive 等雲端空間,使用者不論在哪裡,就算換了台電腦,也能隨時編輯文件,跨平台也可有一致性。
根據調查,有部分使用者會用平板來編輯文件,而偏愛用微軟Office的有82%。微軟於3月底正式推出Office for iPad,使用者只要有Office365 企業版、家用版、個人版,就可以用Office for iPad來編輯文件,Office foriPad推出後,不僅連續三周蟬聯App Store免費下載排行榜前三名,推出的前一周,下載人次就超過1200萬。
台灣微軟自2013年推出Office 365企業版,就開始針對企業不同型態需求、人數多寡,提供中小型及大型企業彈性選擇最適合的雲端服務。並完整結合Exchange Online 、Lync Online、SharePoint Online及Yammer的雲端服務,企業可以擁有高安全性的企業級電子郵件外,還可進行多人視訊會議、語音和即時通訊,使用者無論身在何處都能夠維持最佳的溝通效果。
另外「Office 365 專業增強版」讓企業用戶每一位使用者可以安裝在5台PC或Mac及5台iPad及Windows平板,同時藉由Office on Demand的功能,可透過任何可以上網的電腦,以串流的方式執行完整的Office應用程式,讓使用者隨時隨地都可以存取、編輯Office文件,協同合作提升企業更高的生產力。
如果是你是企業家,請與員工一起嘗試Lync online!Lync online可讓使用者在線上進行會議,且不論是用筆電、平板或手機,都能夠進行面對面的交流,HD高畫質讓所有人都能清楚看到使用者,能清楚展示手上的藝術品。另外,Exchange Online也具有統整並方便操作電子郵件、行事曆與聯絡人的功能,且提升安全保護層級,相當適合上班族與企業管理者。
對於長時間在外移動的上班族或是SOHO族來說,有一套能跨平台操作的office,想必能讓工作更方便。如果你是SOHO族,購買個人版再送20 GB OneDrive空間,只要將資料存在OneDrive隨時可使用office 365編輯文件。且只要連上網路即可自動更新,隨時使用最新版本。想要給家人用也可買家用版,可安裝於5台PC或Mac,及5台iPad或平板電腦,且每個使用者再加送20GB的OneDrive!
Microsoft's Q2: record $24.52 billion revenue and 3.9 million Xbox One sales
Microsoft has published its Q2 2014 earnings report, and the company has made $6.56 billion in net income on $24.52 billion in revenue. Revenue has increased by 14 percent from the same period last year, and net income increased by 2.8 percent.
For consumer-related revenues, all eyes are on four parts of Microsoft’s business: Windows, Office consumer subscriptions, Surface, and Xbox. A decline in PC sales continues to impact Windows, with OEM revenue for Windows declining by 3 percent this quarter. Nokia reported 8.2 million Lumia sales during its latest quarter earlier today, and Microsoft's numbers reflect an improvement on the Windows Phone side. Windows Phone revenue increased by 50 percent, with higher sales of licenses and what Microsoft calls an "increase in mobile phone patent licensing revenue." Microsoft's Office 365 Home Premium subscriber growth looks encouraging too. Subscribers doubled to 2 million in just six months previously, but Microsoft is revealing today that the figure has risen to 3.5 million subscribers in the latest quarter.
On the hardware side, Microsoft launched its Xbox One console during the recent quarter, and it has sold 3.9 million units to retail channels, more than the 3 million figure Microsoft previously disclosed had been sold to customers. Microsoft also managed to sell 3.5 million Xbox 360 consoles during the latest quarter. Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2 also launched in Q2, but Microsoft still isn’t offering up any specific guidance on sales figures for its tablets other than that "units more than doubled sequentially with improved Surface RT sales." Instead, it notes that revenue for Q2 was $893 million. Microsoft previously revealed its total Surface revenue from the RT launch in October 2012 through to the end of its financial year in June 2013 was $853 million. This quarter's Surface revenue was higher than all of the revenue in 2013.
While the company didn’t provide exact revenue figures for Surface in the same quarter last year, the previous quarter amounted to $400 million. Surface revenue may have increased quarter-on-quarter to $893 million and year-over-year, but Microsoft also notes the Surface cost of revenue was $932 million in the latest quarter. In other words, Microsoft lost $39 million on Surface during its latest quarter.
Microsoft's commercial businesses are still growing strongly. The software maker notes that Office 365 seats and Azure customers both grew over 100 percent in the latest quarter. Overall, commercial licensing revenue was up 7 percent to $9.59 billion thanks primarily to server, Office, and, CAL licenses.
Apple to Microsoft: Better late than never for Office on iPad
Apple CEO Tim Cook thinks Microsoft could have benefitted from bringing the Office suite to iPads earlier, but it was better late than never.
Microsoft introduced the collection of Office apps for the iPad in late March, and within nine days, downloads of the productivity apps totaled 12 million.
“If it had been done earlier, it would’ve been better for Microsoft,” Cook said during a second-quarter earnings call on Wednesday.
In the time Microsoft lost, Apple’s iWork and other productivity suites filled the gap. But Microsoft’s Office is critical software for the iPad, especially in enterprises, and customers are responding well, Cook said.
“I do see that Office is a very key franchise in the enterprise,” Cook said. “I wholeheartedly welcome Microsoft to the App Store.”
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If MSFT can acquire Tableau Software and combine with Office356, MSFT will become most strongly cloud data and tool company |
It was a moment of rare Apple praise for Microsoft, which is going through a transition period after Satya Nadella became the company’s new CEO in February. Right after this appointment, Nadella outlined a “mobile first, cloud first” strategy revolving around a cohesive set of applications in the cloud that can work across devices.During the second fiscal quarter ended March 29, iPad shipments totaled 16.35 million units, falling from 19.48 million units in the same quarter the previous year. But the company remains upbeat on the iPad, with new products in the pipeline, Cook said.
“That doesn’t mean every quarter ... [there’s] going to be a number that everyone’s thrilled with,” Cook said.
Cook also said that iPad shipments will overtake PCs in the coming years. Apple has sold 210 million iPads since the tablet’s launch in 2010. That’s twice as many units as the iPhone sold in its first four years, and seven times the figure for iPods.
梁次震:微軟249美元低價機種拉貨帶動 Q2市況優預期
- Microsoft 生意在 server 及 business 部門獲利持續成長,微軟加強 office365 雲端軟體是正確之方向,只要讓 Microsoft Office 等產品可建立網路應用之content 庫,直接讓 Skydrive 可以存網路搜尋到之content 庫,Office 等產品可直接用,就可以讓 Office 等產品立於不敗之地;
- 若微軟 office365 雲端軟體可結合Skydrive 可以存網路搜尋到及儲存之content 庫,做雲端數據應用,將使 Microsoft Office356 應用在雲端數據市場變大,人們直接用Microsoft Office356 的 “ Think Different ” 雲端應用將增加;
- 當Microsoft 低價筆電機種達到人們換機的需求點時,將使 Microsoft 市場占率增加,配合微軟 office365 雲端軟體就可以讓人們接受 Microsoft Tablet,既使 Android Tablet 更低價;
- 建議 Microsoft 收購海量資料(Big Data)分析軟體公司 Tableau Software Inc.,讓Microsoft Office356 應用在雲端數據市場變大;
- 若 Microsoft 可以思考 Steve Jobs 的 “ Think Different ” 及加強server 及 business 等各部門產品之客戶需求了解,應該可以讓 Microsoft 生意在成長許多,不需要一味模仿 Google 及 Apple Inc., 在 Tablet 及 Smart Phone 策略;