2008年3月29日 星期六

Tourism Among The Painting Artist Blogs ( 逛畫廊型式也變了? )

逛我喜歡之畫廊 一

I think I am a person interesting much with painting, I offen take a walk to several art galleries, it seems it change a lot when the internet and blogger become popular and encourage a lot of artist put their art in web, I begin to browse around the blogs to look for their painting.

I think it is quite important change that peopel begin to take a walk among many blogs of personal painting artist, it is a big change to me when I feel it is also very sweet walk around those blog just under my click;

Below is a Gil Adram's painting blog, I can feel he is a very good painter, but Google Blogger has one of disadvantage that we cannot link their painting jpeg file to promote their stuff, that is bad; only blogger can promote other blog's product can make thing better.

Gil Adram painting express a color of warm from heart, this is why I like to browse to his blog.
Hope You like all of this traveling among paintings; If you like those painting, you can contact with those artist;
Another painter I visited is James Neil Hollingsworth, I introduce his blog site, quite enjoyable site to make everyone feel happy and a sense of light that painting art still make our life and heart feel better.

This is James Neil Hollingsworth painting blog site, may be you can take a browse to enjoy the feeling of color to heart.
I believe people need the color of art to make us feel the touch of warm from art.

All Artist's Blog:


   多人可能不知道,在亞洲除了日本以外台灣是最重要的溫泉區 (Hot spring Area )。隨著馬蕭總統大選勝利,由天母至北投、陽明山房地產價值將增加許多,當地許多人已經感覺這種熱度,一位房地產先知說: 現在這些都已成為古蹟,不變的是愛泡湯 (Hot spring shower) 的觀光客與人們,和臺灣那種獨特的人情味,「那些觀光客、婆婆和媽媽,將來一定會常常來這邊泡湯,而且當地常客還會主動告訴你該怎麼泡,會跟你說應該泡完溫泉再洗頭,不然泡湯是會出汗的。會教你用粗粗的菜瓜布刷完身體再泡,皮膚才會光滑。」

物以稀為貴,隨著大陸個體戶有錢人增加至2500萬人,整個亞洲有錢人增加至6000萬人以上,溫泉資源 (the resource of hot spring) 是非常有限的; 供需不平衡的情況因為大陸有錢人增加很明顯將造成一波價格漲勢。《今周刊》518期也提到北投跟陽明山但是忽略天母,其實,這是一個高級住宅與觀光業有錢人子女移民,就讀美國、歐洲、日本學校 (Taipei American, Europe and Japan school) 好機會因為在臺灣就讀美國、歐洲、日本學校遠比大陸上海便宜,臺灣當局一定要制定新的有錢人子女移民法把握臺灣物以稀為貴的特性,好好讓經濟大幅成長。




既將消失五十塊溫泉 情意取代華麗裝潢

遇到有孕婦來洗,老阿媽們還會幫著照顧,要懷孕的人不可以泡太久,不能泡全身只能泡腳。 這樣的記憶一直留在陳睦婷心中,到了台北念書,她好像又在陽明山的公共浴池找到兒時回憶。
鄰近陽明山公共浴池的草山教師研習中心,在日據時代被稱為「眾樂園」,裡面曾有一個八角形大浴池,是很美的溫泉公共浴場。 這些五十塊溫泉,也將因為稀為貴的特性逐漸消失。

憶童年 公共湯文化的雛形



談療效 治病痛更舒緩心靈
北投特殊的青磺泉和鐵磺泉,對肌肉酸痛和風溼等疾病有很好的舒緩效果。雖然老湯不見得有用漂亮的觀音石砌出來的浴池,也沒有柔軟的大毛巾或浴袍伺候泡湯客,但天然純粹的老湯給旅人的,是最質樸實在的泡湯享受。 這個冬天,就跟著達人來這裡泡個老湯吧!讓暖流帶走你的壓力,也讓你忘記一切無名的煩惱!

【參考《今周刊》518期】 加上自己的分析


5.SOGO,新光三越, 高島屋 天母於士林啟動




2008年3月18日 星期二

Dido Songs And Pictures

DIDO Is An Attractive Artist

DIDO, who is a star of singer in the world, real name is Florian Cloud de Bounevialle O'Malley Armstrong born on 1971/12/25 London, her mother is a poet, her father is was an Irish, publisher and former managing director of Sidgwick & Jackson.

Her 1st break through To Hot

Cheeky Records, to which Dido was signed, was sold to BMG records in 1999. This delayed the release of No Angel in the United Kingdom, but also allowed her to concentrate on promoting the album No Angel United States, including a slot on Sarah McLachlan's Lilith Fair tour. Through touring, both before and after the album was available, Dido's music began to receive more exposure.
in the

The first official single chosen by Dido and her label, "Here with Me", was used as the theme music for the television programme Roswell. Her No Angel ( 1999 ~ 2002) went on to become the top-selling album of 2001 in the United Kingdom, debuting at, and returning to, number one in the official UK albums chart many times throughout the year. "Life for Rent" was released on 29 September 2003 and became one of the fastest selling albums in UK music history, debuting at number one in the UK, Ireland, France, Denmark, Switzerland, South Africa, Australia, Greece, Mexico, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Thailand and in the top five in the USA, Italy, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Germany and Austria. Preceded by the number-two hit single "White Flag". Three further singles—"Life for Rent",
"Don't Leave Home" and "Sand in My Shoes"—were lifted from the album, with Dido embarking on a worldwide tour in support of the album.

"Here With Me" As A heart Tone Inside The Movie Of Bounce
I enjoy DIDO's song very much, you know I enjoy 300 ~ 500 songs a week, but most impressive print in my heart is DIDO's song which came from a heart tone "Here with me" inside the movie of Bounce. This movie of DVD touch my heart and move me to watch it more than 6 times and cry many times. I remember I never have this kind of experience with single artist. Dido, your song inspire me, move me;

Her music video go through my life will be meaningful and always attached with my life, I select it from several them below:

Dido - Here with me
Dido - White Flag
Dido - Dont Leave Home
Dido - Life For Rent
Dido - Thank you
Dido - Hunter
Dido - Sand In My Shoes
Dido Movie Clip Of Bounce

Dido Radio With Similar Artist
Dido MySpace Music Station

Dido 出生於 London, 她本名是 Florian Cloud de Bounevialle O'Malley Armstrong , 像一週品嚐 300 ~ 500 首歌曲的我之所以這麼喜歡 Dido 歌聲, 實在來至電影 DVD Bounce 插曲 Dido's "Here with me" , .... Dido 謝謝妳感動我 激發我的靈感。


"Day Before We Went To War"

All the pictures on the wall
The sand lying on the floor
The bed upstairs still unmade
The dust float in the light
The people just left
All laughter and mess
Forgetting this and that
And rushing back

The front door open
The music still playing in one room
Down the hall
Towels on the floor
And then it's quiet
Just the bees and birds
The summer haze
Of the trees
And the air
Feeds it all
Feeds it all

We can all feel it
Like a light hand on your back
Welcoming you
We can all feel it
Like a light hand on your back
Welcoming you
The day before we went to war
The day before we went to war
We can all feel it

All the parasols and kids at play
The sea so still and calm
Blue as the cloudless sky
Just the gentle hum
Of the summer's goings on
Broken by the sudden rush
Of two planes
Flying low and fast
Into the sun
Into the sun

We can all feel it
Like a light hand on your back
Welcoming you
We can all feel it
Like a light hand on your back
Welcoming you
The day before we went to war
The day before we went to war
We can all feel it

We can all feel it
Like a light hand on your back
Welcoming you
We can all feel it
Like a light hand on your back
Welcoming you
The day before we went to war
The day before we went to war
The day before we went to war

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