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ETF投資,美股投資,臺股ETF投資,西洋情歌,西洋音樂,閱讀與興趣 [ラブソング, песня любви][ETF inversión, ETF投資します, ETF инвестиции], all investment and interesting stuff I touched, experienced;
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More Than 1000 Love Songs From Web.2 Radio
It is really a cheer up age for most of people interesting with music and love songs, most people who familiar with HTML, Javascript can easier to add most of web2।0 radio to his blog plus with chatting message box, it will become a smaller personal social network; it will induce a lot of big inference to music and web advertisement business model, for most of new artist must familiar how to use internet to start up her music interesting business and understand how to build a web which can collect and attract moer than 10 millien fan to the web and download pay to highest quality music she perform, it means the copy right of music release to artist to play, she/he can select which business model is a best model to the artist; but it also means all artist must understand all of key element that consumer and fan want to pay their moeny to buy your CD, that means a support to your creatitive;
The idea of a blog collects more than 1000 love songs I like from web 2.0 tool is coming from my study work on internet digital music and what is interesting feature after broadband wireless portable device become feasible for all users, it means music streaming will become a trend to most of poeple in next five years thansk to broadband wireless, mobile become more easier and feasible to access for all devices, that also means new higher standard for digital music is also needed due to if the broadband in local wireless and mobile any where become more feassible, MP3 music is every-where, purchase the highest quality music become very important to make most of fan like me, I offen collect CDs like quality, MP3 quality is not good enough during my enjoyment sometime;
From the study, I summerize the trend and induced question below which make inference to the full world of music:Frankly speaking,
If I am music fan by collect many CDs and DVD, I cannot accept to pay more on same quality as streaming radio like MP3 format music; so if music industrial want to encourage people to pay, highest quality of download music is needed, otherwise, all fan and users only want to pay a little to streaming radio music, it will become a big impact this industrial; may be, you may be don't believe me, it is obvious my feeling from who own more than 200 CDs of love song I adore;
Introduce To My Blogger Radio
There are 5 portion of music radios such as MY LASTFM, MY BLOGGER RADIO (Sweet Country), MY BlOGGER RADIO (Romantic, Pop, Latin), MY BLOGGER RADIO and MY JANGO RADIO; MY LASTFM contains 200 similiar songs, MY BLOGGER RADIO (Sweet Country) contains 300 sweet country songs, MY BlOGGER RADIO (Romantic, Pop, Latin) contains 630 romatic love songs, MY BLOGGER RADIO contains 250 songs, MY JANGO RADIO contains 80 songs from 18 Artists;
The best way to enjoy the radio is select "random playing", you will not bore with music;
If you want to attach a in side bar of Blogger, you can use the HTML code below and past to your side bar;
如果妳想在妳的部落格 (BLOG)貼上一個 的播放器妳可以把下面的 HTML 碼貼在部落格 (BLOG) side bar;
It is a HTML div of embedded FLASH PLAYER, you can past the code into your blogger side bar;
基本上這部落格 (BLOG) 含五個 WBE2.0 網路音樂電台如 MY LASTFM, MY BLOGGER RADIO (Sweet Country), MY BlOGGER RADIO (Romantic, Pop, Latin), MY BLOGGER RADIO 及 MY JANGO RADIO; MY LASTFM 含20位歌星 200 類似歌聲, MY BLOGGER RADIO (Sweet Country) 含我喜歡的鄉村歌星 300 歌曲, MY BlOGGER RADIO (Romantic, Pop, Latin) 含我喜歡的流行與拉丁歌星 630 歌曲, MY BLOGGER RADIO 含我喜歡的流行,鄉村,拉丁歌星250 歌曲, MY JANGO RADIO 含18位歌星 80 歌曲.
最後感謝相關網站提供之 網路串流音樂 (Streaming music) 資源, 有興趣收藏這些音樂請至 iTune, Amazon 及 博客來網路書店購買.
現代許多新女歌星起步都開始透過 Officer Web Site 與音樂社交網站, 在LastFm音樂社交網站, 我就找到加入LastFM之 Lisa Theunissen, 她來至London, United Kingdom, 再連接到Lisa's Officer Web Site, 註冊成為她的網友, 試聽她 CD 的歌聲, Email 交談, 世界變小了, 就這樣我又成為她的Fan.
Lisa 在Officer Web Site說:
Without you Lisa Theunissen would not be here. You are her sole inspiration, and your belief is her driving force. Keep the faith rolling - thank you, thank you, thank you! 我喜歡她的歌聲!
聽聽她的 Playlist, 蠻好的! 有 Lisa Theunissen, Michael Buble, Nelly Furtado, Rihanna, 等歌聲; 值得大家品嚐!
Lisa Theunissen Offer Web Site; ( Herstory ........ is there, wait for your taste, like her CD )
Lisa Theunissen's Playlist;
Lisa Theunissen's MySpace;
I will try to create a Artist Star Maps relative to her paylist as a fan club.
COMO UN NIÑO (Spanish) EROS RAMAZZOTTI - COMO UN NIÑO (Video) Cuantos pensamientos mientras miro el mar Que en el tiempo hacía atrás me llevarán Cuando en las nubes me gustaba estar Y en los cuentos yo creía sin dudar Sueños y deseos se volvían realidad En un libro de la fantasía Era ese momento de la vida en que no hay melancolía Ahora que la inquietud y confusión Han robado espacio a nuestra ilusión Quiero más que nunca mantener la ingenuidad Y una esperanza dentro en mí Para como entonces no dejar de preguntar siempre por que Y dibujo como quiero El mundo alrededor Como un niño que sabe siempre mantener Su gran curiosidad El instinto hoy me da las ganas de volar Como un niño que no se rendirá jamás Busca la felicidad Respirando el aire que me sabe a sal Solo acompañado por mi soledad Este sitio lo recuerdo mítico De pequeño parecía mágico Como entonces busco la respuesta que no sé Si existe hoy o la soñé Quedo en silencio caminando yo quizás encontraré Y dibujo como quiero El mundo alrededor Como un niño que sabe siempre mantener Su gran curiosidad El instinto hoy me da las ganas de volar Como un niño que no se rendirá jamás Y busca la felicidad Y por siempre invisible sincera Una parte de mi quedará Y dibujo como quiero El mundo alrededor Como un niño que no se rendirá jamás Busca la felicidad | ||