From Journal Of Life On Pictures |
ETF投資,美股投資,臺股ETF投資,西洋情歌,西洋音樂,閱讀與興趣 [ラブソング, песня любви][ETF inversión, ETF投資します, ETF инвестиции], all investment and interesting stuff I touched, experienced;
2008年12月31日 星期三
"Fool's Gold" With Latin Love Songs
2008年12月29日 星期一
2008年12月28日 星期日
亞洲是網路流量大幅成長,2015 全球每月將達到 80 Exabytes ( 10^18 bytes ) ( Asia is the substantial growth of network traffic in 2015 will reach 80 Exabytes per month worldwide )
(中央社華盛頓30日法新電)今天1項研究顯示,在行動網路裝置和平板電腦數量大幅成長的助長下,網路流量在2016年之前將成長4倍。思科視訊網路指數(Cisco Visual Networking Index)顯示,全球網路流量在2016年前將達到1.3ZB。1ZB是1兆GB。
根據思科,這項數據是2011年網路流量的4倍,來自平板電腦、智慧型手機和其他上網裝置的數量成長。思科副總裁謝蒂(Suraj Shetty)表示:「因為我們隨時連線的生活型態,每個人透過多種設備上網的情況也日益增加。」2011年全球網路連線數為103億個,這項預測估計,到2016年前全球網路連線將成長至將近189億個,或每人近2.5個。
stronger internet Intra-Asia Bandwidth Growth |
根據Intel近期所公佈財報內容,在非通用會計準則 (Non-GAAP)統計的第2季總營收高達美金131億元,營業利益則為美金42億元,其中淨利則為美金32億元。若根據通用會計準則 (GAAP)統計下,總營收為美金130億元,營業利益為39億美元,淨利則為30億美元。
Intel總裁暨執行長Paul Otelli表示,官方在第2季內的營收成長主要源自於業界對於Intel旗下產品技術需求,以及目前行動裝置發展上的硬體技術需求 (例如Intel今年主推的Fanless技術與新款Atom處理器的發展),另外在網路流量大幅成長下,各類雲端資料中心的硬體建構與新興市場的快速發展都讓Intel旗下技術產品得以發揮,因此能在第2季內創下收成長高達23%的亮眼成績。同時,Paul Otelli也透露將有信心讓整年度的營收成長突破20%。
而從Intel官方公佈的第2季主要財務報告中,PC用戶端事業群 (PC Client Group)的營收成長相較去年同期成長11%,資料中心事業群 (Data Center Group)則成長15%,顯示新款Sandy Bridge處理器的市場拓展與雲端應用的需求均有成長。
另外包含嵌入式與通訊事業群 (Embedded & Communications Group)的其他營收也比去年同期成長25%,但在旗下Atom處理器 (含晶片組)的營收則相對降低了15%,主要應該是受平板電腦成長所影響,因而讓多數採用現行Atom處理器的小筆電市場萎縮。至於先前完成併購的McAfee及英飛凌,目前則改名為Intel行動通訊部門 (Intel Mobile Communications)。
全球網際網路流量 ( refer to Cisco Visual Networking index )
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2008年12月26日 星期五
Christmas Songs Touch My Heart, Thanks To Lord.
From Journal Of Life On Pictures |
2008年12月20日 星期六
Reba McEntire, Deana Carter Love Songs Web 2.0 Radio
Reba McEntire is an American country music singer, performer and actress. She is known for her lively stage-shows and pop-tinged ballads. She has issued 31 albums, with over 55 million records sold in world wide. Her singing is pretty good called classical country song, I like her voice much, so I select many songs from her album combine with Deana Carter's to form an amazing country radio thanks to web 2.0 music technology.
Deana Kay Carter is an American country music artist who broke through in 1996 with the release of debut album "Did I Shave My Legs for This?", which was certified 5× Multi-Platinum in the United States for sales of over five million. I love her song of "Strawberry Wine", "We Danced Anyway", and "How Do I Get There", so I combine both classical country female selection songs into a web 2.0 music for everyone share same tune with me;
I love Reba McEntire and Deana Carter, miss her song and voice.
2008年12月14日 星期日
次貸延伸至金融風暴後世界面臨的通縮與蕭條 ( 美債泡沫 )
這次美次貸延伸金融泡沫進入經濟蕭條時期,各國持續降低利息發行國債, 所以初期、中期以債券基金與避險之ETF為最佳投資標的,等待利息降至不能再降債券基金套利極低時,必須轉移到值優有固定配息之股票與避險之ETF,在這波全世界發債比賽裡,值得注意的是非常多資金流入債券,債券泡沫雛型逐漸形成,將導致流動性危機,美國政府已經把錢借給企業,一旦大家一起贖回時,問題就會跑到企業端。
再看看美股線圖,這麼多美國政府利多支持,怎麼連60MA都沒有越過呢?而失業率持續上升也沒有改善,美股指標卻將進入高點,再仔細看美股月線圖,發現那一次泡沫後月線圖沒有五波下修,每次都有,我怎麼還沒看到? 難道它不屬於泡沫?如果它屬於泡沫表示新災難還會在明年發生。
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2008年12月13日 星期六
- 在1997年10月東南亞金融風暴,由泰國開始,蔓延到全東南亞,接著蔓延到東北亞的日韓,隔年接著蔓延到俄羅斯和巴西阿根廷
- 然後, 量子基金在香港戰役戰敗 (主因是中國支持香港, 次因是整體新興市場貨幣 香港, 東歐, 俄羅斯, 巴西阿根廷 其實是一體的)
- 在2000年年底,網路股泡沫破裂,演被為將近三年的股市空頭
這是我 2007/8/4 寫的 但是自己並沒有在 2008 大崩盤中空單賺到特別多錢, 道是在2008/6計算到 美國會用次貸相關之銀行倒閉來將美國問題分攤給全世界, 那時網友一直討論 連動債安全性 100%保本的合約, 2008/3那時非常懷疑連動債與次貸相關, 因為發行銀行支付這麼高利息之抵押資產是甚麼? 為什麼美國相關銀行一直在2007,2008大量發行100%保本連動債? 合約弱點就是發行銀行倒閉或合併時, 100%保本就沒有了.
2008年11月29日 星期六
Monica Love Songs
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah
Hey, yeah
Oh, yeah
When i think of what i've done, all the pain that i've brought
baby, you should've walked out on me
And when i turned away from you, whenever there were hard times
How could you still be with me
And it was no mistake, when i hurt you that day
And went out with somebody new
But still you forgave me like it was so easy
I should've been BETTER TO you
Baby, it breaks my heart
To think that lovin me is not easy to do
And i dont mean to make it hard
Sorry for all the changes i put you through
And it's hard to believe after everything
You're still here right beside me
Wouldn't trade you for this whole world
Thankful just bein' your girl
Never gave you my heart, cause i never thought
you deserved any of me
I never told you how i felt, when deep inside i knew that
You're really what i need
And i always gave you up whenever i thought
Something better'd come along
And right when i come back, you're waiting for me
And you welcome me home
Baby, it breaks my heart
To think that lovin me's not easy to do
And i don't mean to make it hard
Sorry for all the changes i put you through
And it's hard to believe after everything
You're still here right beside me
Wouldn't trade you for this whole world
Thankful just bein' your girl
And if it takes my whole life
I'll make it up to you
'Cause i've been so cruel
And you've given your love to me in spite of everything
I-I don't deserve you
From this day forward, I'm truly yours
it took me a while to see
That we were meant for one another
Thank you for loving me
Baby, it breaks my heart
To think that lovin' me's not easy to do
And i don't mean to make it hard
Sorry for all the changes i put you through
And it's hard to believe after everything
You're still here right beside me
Wouldn't trade you for this whole world
Thankful just bein' your girl
Baby, it breaks my heart
To think that lovin' me is not so easy to do
And I don't mean to make it hard
Sorry for all the changes I put you through
And it's hard to believe after everything
You're still here right beside me
Wouldn't trade you for this whole world
Thankful just bein' your girl
Oh, I...I...I...
2008年11月22日 星期六
Leona Lewis selective love songs on Web 2.0 Playlist
After enjoyment of romantic, latin and country song, a changing to R&B love song will make me feel more ease of heart; then, I found Leona Lewis has a very amazing female voice in soul and R&B, I like her song much recently;
2008年11月16日 星期日
Jewel, Gareth Gates, Dido Combine Into A Touching Voice On Love Songs Blog
2008年11月2日 星期日
Marc Anthony, Alex Ubago, Ana Torroja and Edurne Love Songs
I see all the reasons why
My life’s worth a thousand skies
You’re the simplest love I’ve known
And the purest one I’ll own
Know you’ll never be alone
My baby you
Are the reason I could fly
And 'cause of you
I don’t have to wonder why
Baby you
There’s no more just getting by
You’re the reason I feel so alive.
Though these words I sing are true
They still fail to capture you
As mere words can only do
How do I explain that smile?
And how it turns my world around
Keeping my feet on the ground
Repeat Chorus
I will soothe you if you fall
I’l be right there if you call
You’re my greatest love of all
you are the reason I could fly
and 'cause of you
I don't have to wonder why
My baby you
there's no more just getting by
'cause you're the reason I feel so alive
Arianna I feel so alive
2008年11月1日 星期六
James Blunt, Lee Ann Womack and Lucie Silvas Love Songs
2008年10月26日 星期日
Martina McBride With Il Divo
Martina McBride is a most beautiful - amazing female country vocalists, I love her songs much; II DIVO is a most awesome male classical vocalists;
Hayley Westenra and Keith Urban In Classical Tone
Hayley Westenra is an artist singer with celtic rock, Classical Female Voices, contemporary classical opera and punk rock; I like her voices together with Keith Urban's country crying to generate a unexpectedness romantic during the relax-calm period of day;
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La Oreja de Van Gogh Songs On 1000 Love songs blog
La Oreja de Van Gogh is one of my most favorite latin artist, specially, during the moment I need more relax and no one talk to me, so I select several web2.0 players with her song and her samiliar for all of you to taste; I like her songs with my fruit and simple fish breakfast, it is another kind of feeling of taste, may be, you can try it too;
2008年10月22日 星期三
Helene Segara, Whitney Houston .. With Classical Tone On 1000 love songs blog
2008年10月17日 星期五
Lara Fabian, Laura Pausini, Dima Bilan ... selective romantic songs on 1000 love songs blog
When I found some songs is quite amazing, I search its music video for everyone to enjoy the heart of light.
2008年9月24日 星期三
Spreadsheet From Web Software Platforms
EditGrid Example: (currency data automatical loading)
Google Spreadsheet Example:
Two web spreasheet had different features, Editgrid has more powerful function on data loading, collection and can open the spreadsheet in caculator form, it means we don't need to create more comlicated web page design by PHP web programming;
After several weeks testing, the main issue for the Editgrid is their data get from web site is very easy to suspend their, even, Editgrid had more advanced feature in their web spreadsheet;
I will continue to present its advantage over web application domain;
2008年9月20日 星期六
Gareth Gates, Westlife ... songs browse through my heart when ...
I watch you from the dark
I'm every breath I'm every dream
I've known you forever
I've followed you everywhere
I'm every scar I'm who you are
when you think you're alone
when you cry cause someone's unfair
you can rest assured I'm always there
even when you feel like you don't belong
even when you fall and it all goes wrong
you know that I'm with you
that I'm with you all the time
say a little prayer for the restless heart
we shall never ever drift apart
know that I'm with you
know that I'm with you
with you all the time
I'm walking every road I'm laughing when you smile
and when you cry I cry too
I made you a promise
that I shall forever keep
you're on your own but not alone
when you're down and you're rife
and the world tells you no-one cares
you can rest assured im always there
even when you feel like you dont belong
even when you fall and it all goes wrong
you know that I'm with you
that I'm with you all the time
say a little prayer for the restless heart
we shall never ever drift apart
know that I'm with you
know that I'm with you
with you all the time
save a little love for me
you'll see
save a little love for me
you'll see
save a little love for me
you'll see
and you'll see
even when you feel like you dont belong
even when you fall and it all goes wrong
you know that I'm with you
that I'm with you all the time
say a little prayer for the restless heart
we shall never ever drift apart
know that I'm with you
know that I'm with you
with you all the time
you know that I'm with you
that I'm with you all the time
say a little prayer for the restless heart
we shall never ever drift apart
know that im with you
know that im with you
with you all the time
It's time for rain
Final call
You board the train
Heading for tomorrow
I wave goodbye to yesterdays
Wipe the tears, you hide your face
Blinded by the sorrow
How can I be smiling like before
When baby you don't love me anymore?
Say it isn't so
Tell me you're not leaving
Say you've changed your mind now,
That I am only dreaming,
That this is not goodbye,
This is starting over
If you wanna know
I don't wanna let go,
So say it isn't so
Ten to five at least we've tried
We're still alive but hope just died
As they close the door behind you
Whistle blows and tons of steel
Shake the ground beneath the wheels
As I wish I'd never found you, whoa...
How can I be smiling when you're gone
Will I be strong enough to carry on?
Say it isn't so
Tell me you're not leaving
Say you've changed your mind now,
That I am only dreaming,
That this is not goodbye,
This is starting over
Say I'm not wide awake
If you wanna know
I don't wanna let go,
So say it isn't so
Miles and miles to go,
Before I can say, before I can lay
My love for you to sleep
Oh darling oh
I've got miles and miles to go,
Before anyone will ever hear
Me laugh again.
Say it isn't so
Tell me you're not leaving
Say you've changed your mind now,
That I am only dreaming,
That this is not goodbye,
This is starting over
Say I'm not wide awake
If you wanna know
I don't wanna let go
So say it isn't so
Say you've changed your mind now,
That I am only dreaming,
That this is not goodbye,
This is starting over
Say I'm not wide awake
If you wanna know
I don't wanna let go
So say isn't so
If you wanna know
I don't wanna let go
So say it isn't so
Micheal Bolton's "A love so beautiful"
But in my heart I feel the same old afterglow
A love so beautiful in every way
A love so beautiful we let it slip away
We were all too young to understand to ever know
That lovers drift apart and that's the way love goes
A love so beautiful a love so free
A love so beautiful a love for you and me
And when I think of you I fall in love again
A love so beautiful in every way
A love so beautiful we let it slip away
And when I think of you I fall in love again
A love so beautiful we let it slip away
A love so beautiful in every way
A love so beautiful we let it slip away