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顯示具有 女明星 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2013年9月21日 星期六

伊麗莎白·班克斯照片 ( Elizabeth Banks 照片with love songs from Miley Cyrus、Christina Aguilera、The band perry、Debbie gibson、kaci brown)

    Elizabeth Banks was born Elizabeth Mitchell in Pittsfield, a small city in the Berkshires in western Massachusetts near the New York border, on February 10, 1974. She describes herself as having been seen as a "goody two-shoes" in her youth who was nominated for the local Harvest Queen. [ 伊麗莎白·班克斯(伊麗莎白艾琳·米切爾出生;1974年2月10日)是美國女演員,製片人和導演。班克斯她在低預算的獨立電影做了電影處女作投降多蘿西(1998)。她最出名的是她的角色在電影中奔騰年代(2003年)]

    Banks made her film debut in the low-budget independent film Surrender Dorothy (1998). She is best known for her roles in the films Seabiscuit (2003), The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005), Invincible (2006), Definitely, Maybe (2008), Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008), W. (2008), Role Models (2008), The Uninvited (2009), The Next Three Days (2010), The Hunger Games (2012), People Like Us (2012), Man on a Ledge (2012), and Pitch Perfect (2012).

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2013年8月21日 星期三

潔西卡·瑪麗·艾芭照片及 Zac Brown Band 歌聲 ( Jessica Alba Most Desirable Women and Zac Brown Band songs )

Jessica Alba at the Fantastic Four: Rise of th...
Jessica Alba at the Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer premiere in London. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Jessica Marie Alba is an American television and film actress and model. She began her television and movie appearances at age 13 in Camp Nowhere and The Secret World of Alex Mack. 潔西卡·瑪麗·艾芭(Jessica Marie Alba,1981年4月28日-)她13歲開始演藝生涯,參演電影《Camp Nowhere》和美劇《The Secret World of Alex Mack》(1994)。艾芭通過出演美劇《末世黑天使》(2000–2002)開始嶄露頭角成為知名女演員,之後擴大其演藝版圖進軍大銀幕,多數出演動作片和喜劇片。近年出演的電影包括《Honey》(2003)、《萬惡城市》(2005)、《驚奇4超人 (電影)》(2005)、《Into the Blue》(2005)、《驚奇4超人:銀色衝浪手現身》(2007)以及《倒數第二個男朋友》(2007)。

艾芭經常出現在Maxim雜誌的"Hot 100"欄目中,也曾被AskMen.com網站票選為2006年"99位男人最想得到的女人"排行榜第一名,同時也被《男人幫》雜誌評為2007年「世上最性感的女性」。

Alba has been called a sex symbol. She appears on the "Hot 100" section of Maxim and was voted number one on AskMen.com's list of "99 Most Desirable Women" in 2006, as well as "Sexiest Woman in the World" by FHM in 2007.

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