2013年10月20日 星期日

無線通訊技術將持續成長 - 無線傳輸速度紀錄創下 100Gps ( wireless communication breakthrough to 100Gps speed )


這項由Ingmar Kallfass教授指導的Millilink計畫結合了光子與電子技術,在237.5GHz的頻率下,於實驗室中以20米的距離進行每秒100Gb的資料傳輸。

德國理工大學Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(KIT)的一群科學家在本周宣稱創下了以每秒100Gb的速度進行無線傳輸的新紀錄,該研究結果已刊登在最新一期的Nature Photonics雜誌中。

這項由該校教授Ingmar Kallfass指導的Millilink計畫是在237.5GHz的頻率下,於實驗室中以20米的距離進行每秒100Gb的資料傳輸,這群科學家結合了光子與電子技術,所使用的訊號發射器是以光子來產生無線電訊號,並透過基於電子集成電路的接收器來接受訊號。


另一名專研光子的教授Jurg Leuthold則說明,讓光纖系統的資料串能夠直接轉成高頻的無線電訊號為光子的主要優勢,該優勢讓無線電中繼鏈結整合到光纖系統變得容易也更有彈性。



    In communications, the frequency range 0.1–30 THz is essentially terra incognita. Recently, research has focused on this terahertz gap, because the high carrier frequencies promise unprecedented channel capacities1. Indeed, data rates of 100 Gbit s−1 were predicted2 for 2015. Here, we present, for the first time, a single-input and single-output wireless communication system at 237.5 GHz for transmitting data over 20 m at a data rate of 100 Gbit s−1. This breakthrough results from combining terahertz photonics and electronics, whereby a narrow-band terahertz carrier is photonically generated by mixing comb lines of a mode-locked laser in a uni-travelling-carrier photodiode. 

    The uni-travelling-carrier photodiode output is then radiated over a beam-focusing antenna. The signal is received by a millimetre-wave monolithic integrated circuit comprising novel terahertz mixers and amplifiers. We believe that this approach provides a path to scale wireless communications to Tbit s−1 rates over distances of 1 km.


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