2013年2月2日 星期六

互聯網連接的汽車將是未來趨勢 ( Internet-connected cars is a future trend )

Internet-connected cars soon to become the norm ( 互聯網連接的汽車很快將成為常態 )

Worldwide internet-enabled car sales to rise from 5 million to 50 million by 2017. 全球互聯網功能的汽車銷量到2017年從500萬上升到5000萬.

Connected cars with features like internet-enabled navigation and streaming media will soon be the norm, with a predicted 50 million being sold every year by 2017. So say the research wonks at ABI Research, and who are we to argue. 關連汽車與互聯網功能的導航和流媒體功能,如將很快成為常態,到2017年每年有5000萬出售。所以說,ABI Research公司的研究人員為此爭論。

Vice President and practice director Dominique Bonte reckons, "Infotainment remains a strong driver for the connected car market with both connected navigation and multimedia streaming about to become standard features, especially in the US market. In Europe the TomTom-powered embedded Renault Carminat Live solution has seen stellar success." 副總裁兼執行總監 Dominique Bonte 估計,娛樂仍然是一個強有力的驅動器​​所連接的汽車市場,同時連接的導航和多媒體流成為標準功能,尤其是在美國市場。在歐洲的 TomTom 供電的嵌入式雷諾Carminat Live 解決方案看到恆星似地成功。

ABI also highlights convergence with smartphones as another major trend, picking up on the recent HondaLink announcement as well as Mirrorlink, all of which you can read about here on TechRadar. ABI也強調融合與智能手機的另一主要趨勢,最近的 HondaLink 公告以及Mirrorlink,所有這些都可以在這裡閱讀有關 TechRadar。

Things are going open source, too, with BMW announcing its adoption of GENIVI software in 2013 for some of its low-end models – a major departure for a company that has, to date, invested heavily in proprietary systems. Renault's Android-based R-Link is another example. 這些是開源碼的,寶馬宣布其在 2013 年的 GENIVI 軟件採用一些低端機型 - 主要離開公司,到今天為止,投入了大量的專有系統。雷諾車隊的基於 Android 系統的 R-Link 是另一個例子。

Put it all together and you have ABI's prediction that shipments of connected cars will rise from 5.7 million in 2012 to 50.9 million in 2017. It's music to our infotainment-converted ears of course, and confirms the trends we think are driving the most dramatic innovations in car tech right now. The next five years are going to be very exciting indeed. Put simply, stay tuned to TechRadar for more! 把它們放在一起,你有ABI的預測,即連接汽車的出貨量在2017年將2012年的50.9萬上升至570萬美元。它的音樂當然我們的信息娛樂系統轉換的耳朵,並確認趨勢,我們認為駕駛汽車技術中最引人注目的創新,現在。未來五年將是非常令人興奮的,確實。簡單地說,敬請期待 TechRadar 更多!

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