2009年1月31日 星期六

2009 2月份 ETF 投資操作模擬 2 (2009 Feb ETF Investment simulation 2)

    After last week of Jan 2009, we found that only one day surging up on Dow and US stock to reflecte the new events that "Obama's bad bank idea" to secure the finance credit issue in those US banks, this is a terrible situaion, it means the full market focus on jobless rate and economic growth rate relative report with data; so it made me to has some other selection for Feb as back up ETF set 2 to replace some ETF in ETF set 1 already need to put "no investment" in next week to avoid to explore the investment into high risk;

    New selection Feb/2009 ETF set 2 is used to back up Feb/2009 ETF set 1, if some ETF already suggested in "SELL" state, for example, we can replace SZK with DBC in the situation of DBC drop below its support. We refered to both page A and B investmnet stratgey.

    由於美國經濟數據非常差,加上Obama『壞銀行』並無法解決資產下跌與經濟衰退之問題,以『利空持續,利多出盡』一日上漲行情來結束,大家開始關心持續失業率、公司穫利營收及經濟數據,所以,預備數個放空型ETF來操作,以解決DBC, DIG, SKF於“2009 Feb ETF Set 1”賣出狀態,下週操作難度較高,美股多方仍然有企圖心,但DOW 8220 ~ 8162 壓力不輕且趨勢往下,應該仍然屬於振盪走低行情。

    所有測試 Google Spreadsheet, Google Finance API 與 Google Web computing server 之表格, 屬於 自己投資與Web computing 計劃之參考, 請勿當成投資之參考, 更勿複製也不可用於交易目的或諮詢!
