2013年11月1日 星期五

Google 加上摩托羅拉 = 開源碼, DIY, 開放硬體智能手機平台 ( Google + Moto = Open source + DIY + Open hardware block Smart phone platform )




摩托羅拉移動的DIY智能手機將採用其母公司谷歌的 Android 手機平台,該平台免費向各大廠商開放,並且允許廠商進行定製。相比於蘋果公司的iOS系統,Android 還為用戶提供了更多功能上的自主權。

摩托羅拉移動表示,該公司的 Ara 項目已經啟動一年多時間,最近剛剛與開源項目 Phonebloks 展開了合作,后者也在創建模組化的智能手機零部件,方便用戶替換。

摩托羅拉移動今年早些時候剛剛推出了 Moto X 智能手機,允許用戶自主選擇前后蓋和按鈕的色。

在 Phonebloks 的官方網站上,該公司設想了未來的場景:用戶可以通過在商店了解智能手機零部件的各種評論,然后購買新模組或二手模組,並且定製手機。



Motorola's 'Project Ara' modular smartphone setup switches out hardware like apps

We were intrigued by the Phonebloks concept phone that teased the ability to switch out a handset's components the way most users change ringtones, and now Motorola is putting its resources behind it. In what Motorola calls Project Ara, the advanced Technology and Products group is working with Phonebloks creator Dave Hakkens on an "endoskeleton (endo) and modules." Announced this evening on the company blog by Paul Eremenko, the company says it's already "done deep technical work" and is opening the process up to the community and volunteers (aka Ara Scouts, sign up here) to begin designing hardware modules. Its stated goal is to do for hardware what it says Android has done for software: create a vibrant third-party developer ecosystem, lower the barriers to entry, increase the pace of innovation, and substantially compress development timelines."

Suggestions for modules include the phone's CPU, display, extra battery, external sensors or anything else one can think of. The timeline currently points to a Module Developer's Kit (MDK) release this winter, while those volunteers can expect an exclusive discount when the product launches and the 100 most active are getting free phones. Hakkens has described his design as a "phone worth keeping" -- with the ability to upgrade piece by piece and (hopefully) never experience obsolescence again we'd call this idea a phone definitely worth building.

Phonebloks: a utopian world where smartphones are a bit more like Legos

    We hate to open too negatively here, but let's just say that this seems like one of those ideas that's just too good to be true. But heck, much stranger things have happened in the world of consumer electronics, and certainly the maker and crowdfunding communities have gone a ways toward helping us rethink our devices.

    What about a smartphone that could score a 10 every time iFixit teared it down? A simple, modular handset that you could configure and reconfigure it to your heart's content and upgrade simply instead of throwing it all away? Phoneblok is still firmly in the chipper YouTube video concept phase, but its creators are hoping that, with enough social push at the same time, the company will be able to attract some big names to its big idea. Crazy? Sure. But crazier things have happened.


  • 台 PC 廠商須相當注意 Google Android 戰略,只要 Google + Moto 這一戰略成功,智能手機產業將只變成模組、元件產業;
  • Google 加上摩托羅拉 = 開源碼, DIY, 開放硬體智能手機平台,致少 Google Android 發展、創新速度將更快,Microsoft Win8 及 Apple inc., iOS 都將難以對抗;
  • 以目前技術,開放硬體智能手機平台,成本不見得是最低的,但使用者可隨時升級;
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2013年10月27日 星期日

中國高鐵外交的影響 - 大陸將緊拉東協資源與經濟、台商往東協投資將加速










中國「高鐵外交」 媲美「乒乓熊貓外交」




  • 中國高鐵外交的影響將加速台商往東協投資、大陸更將緊拉東協資源與經濟;
  • 台灣與東協 FTA 速度太慢,更將逼台商往東協投資,馬總統將服貿放在東協 FTA 之前是錯誤的策略,應該將服貿協定修正為服貿金融協定,讓較無爭議之服貿金融相關協定先通過,其他行業服貿協定延後;任何協定要高度彈性來因應民間及企業需求,政府應加快建立網路公民論訴網站,讓許多法案加速由有登記之合法公民論訴協調,加速台灣真正直接民主才能得民心;
  • 中國高鐵外交的影響將加強東協國家提出之投資優惠,更能吸引台商往東協跑,東協地產也將受激勵;
  • 後 ECFA 時期,除了金融業還有利益,其他行業難找到 ECFA 利益情況將持續發生,服貿協定就發生金融業有利益其他行業難為之窘境,ECFA後台商外移嚴重,回台投資的台商也不如台商遷移至其他新興國家,台灣GDP超過 54%都是靠內需、金融及房產,可以預見兩黨政策須改變台灣才持續成長,政府舊的龐大浪費體系將讓台灣滅亡,政府是否腐敗及有效率的數字要以『政府經常性花費/政府歲出』、『政府經常性花費/上市公司總營收』來衡量,依馬政府歲出看這兩項指標都創歷任總統新高,可確認馬總統是無效率及腐敗的,須改變成小政府,政府才有足夠財力鼓勵、拉住廠商,該學學大陸如何拉住台商之策略,否則,未來台灣 GDP 成長率難超過 3.3%,馬總統也將創下歷任總統平均經濟成長率表現最差一位,若考慮未來幾年東協持續成長台灣持續持緩,馬總統任內平均經濟成長率也將是亞洲後幾名,而且2014後再也找不到任何理由搪塞了,2014 年 68%東協國家經濟成長率都將超過台灣,連菲律賓、越南經濟成長率都將超過台灣;
  • 希望要台灣人民記取15年來選這四任總統所患下嚴重錯誤:1. 沒有用政府支出來評估總統的能力、2. 沒有嚴格的檢驗總統候選人之誠實、3. 沒有嚴格的檢驗總統一生財富及成就是否大都靠自已誠實努力得來;而且,勿再選好做秀的總統候選人,自已想想你是否喜歡雇用『好做秀的幹部』嗎?通常『好做秀的幹部』易虛假。
  • 台灣開放要有競爭力之條件:政府要有足夠財力鼓勵、拉住廠商、吸引外資投資,台灣工資已經比週遭許多國家低,員工效率也高,真正阻礙勞工就業機會反而是政府競爭力。
  • 我親自經歷的例子:大陸各省各市可以為一台商投資5000萬能創造300個工作機會親臨拜訪討論投資及相關優惠,而台灣一個外商要投資卻要等政府相關單位,還要外商做一堆報告,這政府效率之低落令人驚訝! 養公務員目的就是要能振興經濟、創造企業投資及就業率,不是養一推人事債啊,不及格公務員及政府單位該刪了,要學李明博直接讓 65% 政府單位民營化,讓各單位自已推民眾需要的服務,民眾需要自然願意付費,服務民眾不需要自然淘汰人員,這樣的政府才有效率不會腐敗;


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2013年10月21日 星期一

Google 營收獲利強勁超過預期 - 由 Google 關鍵字搜尋看出什麼事 ( Google’s strong Q3 2013: $14.9B in revenue and higher earnings than expected )

Google獲利依然強勁 正式納入Motorola營收

Google revenue source 2013
Google稍早公布2013年第三季財報,顯示獲利將達美金148.9億元,依然維持強勁市場獲利,並且也在此次財報中正式加入Motorola Mobility營收計算。除了網路服務等產品持續獲利,Google也說明未來將持續致力發展簡單、美好的科技體驗發展。


主要獲利部分依然源自於Google旗下網路服務產品,其中Google Sites獲利為美金93.9億元,網路服務部分則是美金31.5億元,而其餘獲利部分則是美金12.3億元。另外,Google從美國境外取得獲利為美金76.7億元,佔比約為56%。


現行Google全職員工數量總計為 46421人,其中Motorola Mobility佔 4259人 (今年9月底之前),而上一季 (今年6月底)全職員工總計為44777人,而Motorola Mobility則佔4599人。

針對未來發展方向,Google執行長Larry Page表示將持續致力簡單、美好的科技體驗,例如無人駕駛車、Google Fiber、Project Loon氣球計畫,或是近期發展的穿戴式裝置等。

Google’s strong Q3 2013: $14.9B in revenue and higher earnings than expected

Google revenues are up, slightly, from last quarter, and up about $1.5 billion from last year’s Q3 as the search engine, mobile juggernaut, and social network reported its third-quarter earnings today.

The company reported $14.9 billion in income — higher than analysts predicted — with earnings per share of $10.74, also higher than the expected $10.36. That translates to profit of $2.97 billion, up from $2.18 billion in Q3 2012. In addition, net cash flow from operations jumped to $5.08 billion from $4 billion a year ago.
Google now has cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities totaling $56.52 billion.

“Google had another strong quarter with $14.9 billion in revenue and great product progress,” said Google CEO Larry Page. “We are closing in on our goal of a beautiful, simple, and intuitive experience regardless of your device.”

Last quarter Google earned $14 billion, with almost all of it — $13.1 billion — coming from ad revenue. That was 19 percent growth, year-over-year, and added $4 billion in profit to Google’s overflowing coffers. This quarter’s growth was only 12 percent, but still strong.

Some highlights from this quarter:

  • paid clicks increased approximately 26 percent
  • cost-per-click dipped approximately 8 percent
  • traffic acquisition costs jumped $200 million, but dipped as a percentage of income
  • Motorola contributed  $1.18 billion, or eight percent of Google’s revenue

International income continued its ongoing growth for Google, with its international share of revenue topping 56 percent, up from 55 percent last quarter, and also up from 53 percent in the year-ago equivalent quarter.

The company says it will continue to invest in three major areas: ads ( search and display advertising ), high-growth businesses ( YouTube, Android, and Chrome ), and new businesses ( social, commerce, and enterprise ).

Phablet - 一個的混合智能手機及平板電腦的裝置。這些設備中,通常從5英寸到7英寸不等,結合的智能手機的通信功能與片劑的處理功率。由三星銀河注意在發射過程中,Phablet命名,可能是在移動通信行業經常使用的一個詞。 Phablet – a hybrid smartphone cum tablet could definitely be it. These devices, usually varying from 5 inches to 7 inches, combine the communication capabilities of smartphones with the processing power of tablets. Named by Samsung during the launch of Galaxy Note, Phablet may be a word frequently used in the mobile industry.

顯示器的公司,如索尼,華為在2013年的CES強調,Phablet的可能只是2013年的設備。根據 phablets 可能會迎來我們的下一代技術。華為的6.1英寸屏蔽登高的配對設備,這是令人印象深刻的薄,有勝於任何智能手機的屏幕在比賽中。同樣的,索尼的XperiaŽ,一個5英寸的顯示屏,值得注意的是在市場上令人印象深刻的防水。The displays by companies like Sony, Huawei at the CES 2013 have highlighted that Phablet may just be the device of the year 2013. As per the predictions at CES 2013, phablets along with wearable electronics may usher us into the next generation of technology. Huawei’s 6.1 inch screened Ascend Mate device, which is impressively thin, has a screen which outruns any smartphone in the race. Similarly, Sony Xperia Z, with a 5-inch display, is notable in the marketplace for being impressively waterproof.


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