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2013年2月19日 星期二


The Best Entrepreneurs Are Older, Have Less Ego
Start up entrepreneurship

創業者需要什麼屬性,使他或她啟動創業蓬勃力量?What attributes does a founder need to make his or her startup thrive?

大量的矽谷的創業神話,頭發燒的年輕的土耳其人如史蒂夫·喬布斯和馬克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)傳說中,你必須在你20多歲剛性的心態和沉重的自我。但是,按照啟動創業孵化進行了廣泛的調查他們是離群。There are plenty of myths floating around Silicon Valley, augmented by the legends of hot-headed young Turks such as Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg, that you need to be in your 20s with a rigid mindset and a hefty ego. But they're the outliers, according to an extensive survey conducted by one startup incubator.

在過去的三年裡,創業科技學會了申請人的性格和能力傾向測試。然後,它跟踪的申請人 - 超過15,000名測試者的,因為他們推出初創公司。目標是:那一個性特徵能匹配的收入增長和市場的牽引。For the last three years, the Founder Institute has had its applicants perform a battery of personality and aptitude tests. Then it tracked those applicants — more than 15,000 test-takers as their startups launched. The goal: see if any personality traits could be matched to revenue growth and market traction.

結果呢?正如你可以看到下面的信息圖表,年輕的土耳其人的事情是一個神話。優秀的企業家是誰的工作先在自己的領域,獲得寶貴的真實世界的知識和經驗,為十年或更長時間。 (從谷歌收購的創業傢伙,我們聽到了完全一樣的東西)。The results? As you can see in the infographic below, the young Turk thing is a myth. The best entrepreneurs are ones who work in their field first, gaining valuable real-world knowledge and experience for a decade or more. (We heard exactly the same thing from Google's startup acquisition guy).

Every year of life improves an entrepreneur's chances up until 40, but they don't diminish thereafter. Take heart, grey-haired founders!

其他外賣似乎有點更加明顯:你需要以開放的態度,靈活的,能夠轉動的心跳。您需要同意(有一些更多的證據,2007年的暢銷書“不混蛋的規則。你不需要智商,因為它是傳統的測量,你需要能夠識別模式。Other takeaways seem a little more obvious: you need to be open-minded, flexible, able to pivot in a heartbeat. You need to be agreeable (there's some more proof for that 2007 bestseller The No Asshole Rule. You don't need IQ as it is traditionally measured; you do need the ability to recognize patterns.

And then there's ego. Clearly, entrepreneurs need some to succeed — but only as much as is required to not have your product be steamrollered. Narcissism is a no-no, as is any kind of emotional instability.

  1. 遠景及理想 Ideation : Vision、pitch an idea for investors ( people、product、process、business model );
  2. Pitching : Think about selling yourself 1st than your product, build the trust; 投出一個值得信任的創業故事
  3. Building a team 好團隊
  4. Getting customers 找到客戶
  5. Online traffic 線上流量
  6. Monetization 將產品及流量產生收入
  7. Business Development 業務發展
  8. Strategy 戰略
  9. Manage a board 管理董事會
  10. Finding balance 尋找收支平衡

  • 堅持自已夢想;
  • 持續尋找合作忠誠夥伴,讓自已夢想創作能達到期望之產品或生意;
  • 打破各種社會規則,持續尋找合作夥伴,產生自已產品或生意;

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瑪丹娜 Madonna 能成為全世界最佳銷量的女歌手 - 產品與品牌觀念相似 ( Music star strategy to success like a brand start up )

    瑪丹娜( Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone ,1958年8月16日-),她因在音樂界裏建立了大眾的形象在Time雜誌評為上世紀中首 25位最有權力的女性。瑪丹娜亦不斷改變自己的音樂風格和形象,在音樂界有一個很高的地位,是全世界任何時候擁有最佳銷量的女歌手,賣出 3億片音樂。

    評論家均表揚她多變化的音樂作品為人們帶來了光明。若仔細研究瑪丹娜 ( Madonna ) 成功的方式,真是與品牌白手起家創業成功相似,由她個人特質看:

  • 強烈野心與無懼;
  • 堅持與決心;
  • 不斷依自已優點尋找合作忠誠夥伴,修正路線達到成功;

瑪丹娜自已提出成功 6 個秘密:Madonna’s 6 Secrets to Personal Branding Mastery:

  1. Stand for something : I stand for freedom of expression, doing what you believe in, and going after your dreams. ~ Madonna; 堅持自已夢想:我主張言論自由,做你相信的事,追求你的夢想。
  2. Always deliver : ”We never had to cancel a show before,” she says in a low, doleful voice. “Never, never, never.” ~ Madonna; 永遠展現演出:“我們從來沒有在表演前取消演前出,她說:”既使在低,寂寞的人潮聲音中。瑪丹娜說  “從來沒有,從來沒有,從來沒有停止演出”
  3. Be clear about what you want : A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That’s why they don’t get what they want. ~Madonna; 要清楚你想要什麼: 很多人都害怕,說出他們想要的東西。這就是為什麼他們沒有得到他們想要的東西。  ~ 瑪丹娜
  4. Be a work in progress : I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art. ~ Madonna; 是一個持續進步的內涵:我是我自己的實驗。我是我自己的藝術作品。 〜瑪丹娜
  5. Don’t be afraid to bloody a few noses : Better to live one year as a tiger than a hundred as a sheep. ~ Madonna; 不要害怕幾個血腥拼鬥:活著像一隻一年老虎遠勝活了一百歲的一隻羊。 〜瑪丹娜
  6. Don’t be afraid to break the rules : I wouldn’t have turned out the way I was if I didn’t have all those old-fashioned values to rebel against. ~ Madonna; 不要害怕打破規則:如果我沒有反抗所有那些老舊式的價值與風格,我也不會變成這樣的我。 〜瑪丹娜

  • 堅持自已夢想;
  • 持續尋找合作忠誠夥伴,讓自已夢想創作能達到她期望之作品;
  • 持續尋找合作夥伴,產生自已新路線之作品,打破各種社會規則;
  • 堅持自已夢想與理想;
  • 持續尋找合作忠誠夥伴,讓產品能達到人們期望之極致;
  • 持續尋找合作夥伴,產生自已品牌路線
  • 打破規則,創造新規則,領先對手;
  • 生意模式最佳化;


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