顯示具有 人生態度 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章
顯示具有 人生態度 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2017年10月16日 星期一


Succeeding as a woman in business can sometimes feel like an uphill battle.

If you look closely at upper management in corporate America, you’ll notice there’s a distinct lack of women in leadership roles at the highest ranks.

Not only do women have to deal with gender balance issues in the workplace, but they also face internal struggles in their rise to success.

To be competitive, women don’t have to give up who they are – nor should they – but they do have to change their approach. The key to success is understanding how your male counterparts think so you can succeed and win at work!
為了具有競爭力,婦女不必放棄自己是誰 - 也不應該放棄,但他們必須改變自己的方法。 成功的關鍵是了解你的男同志如何思考,以便在工作中取得成功並贏得勝利!

Follow These Rules to Get Ahead at the Office

To that end, here are 10 rules to help women play the business game smarter, stronger, and more successfully:

規則1:願意承擔風險 ( Be Willing to Take Risks )

你知道他們說什麼 - 沒有風險,沒有獎勵。 業務也是如此。 如果你想得到這個促銷活動,你必須要大膽,然後去做。

Rule 2: Speak Up ( 規則2:說出來 )

It can be intimidating to share your big idea in a room full of men in suits.  In 2012, Heath, Flynn, and Holt conducted a study in which they found that men looked down upon their female colleagues during meetings, saying they spoke too softly, were easily interrupted, and were too apologetic.
在一個充滿男人的房間里分享你的大想法可能是嚇人的。 2012年,希思,弗林和霍爾特進行了一次研究,發現男人在會議期間低頭看著女同事,說得太軟,容易中斷,太過分了。

Women need to own the room by standing up, speaking their ideas with conviction, and commanding
respect.  Go into the meeting armed with your expertise and ready to contribute on key discussion points. 婦女需要擁有房間,站起來,堅定地表達自己的想法,指望尊重。 進入具有專業知識的會議,並準備為關鍵討論點做出貢獻。

Rule 3: Ditch the Drama ( 深思自已要演的 )

Male leaders often view female emotion as a sign of being weak, so it’s important that you are aware of the way you present your ideas. 男性領導人經常將女性情緒視為弱勢的標誌,因此,您必須了解自己的想法。

When you feel emotionally overloaded, take time to step back and cool down so you can choose to respond rather than react. By owning your power and speaking calmly and authoritatively while conveying confidence, you’ll get the respect you desire. I use a “Curtain Down, Curtain Up” process. 當你感到情緒超載時,要花時間退後冷卻,所以你可以選擇回應而不是反應。 擁有你的力量,坦率地,權威地說話,同時傳達信心,你會得到你所期望的尊重。 我使用“窗簾向下”窗簾過程。

So, before losing my cool I visualize myself on a stage and a curtain coming down, giving me just the thoughts. Then, it’s curtain up again and I’m able to speak with full control and confidence. 所以,在失去我的酷前,我可以看到自己在一個舞台和窗簾下來,給我正確的時間來收集我的想法。 然後,它再次起來,我能夠充分控制和自信地說話。
right amount of time to gather my

Rule 4: Take a Chill Pill ( 極度冷靜 )

As women we can be emotional. When a colleague treats you negatively, we spend a lot of time trying to figure it out, and sometimes that leads to getting really worked up and stewing about things. 作為女性,我們可以感到情緒化。 當一個同事對待你時,我們花費很多時間來弄清楚,有時候會導致真正的工作和燉東西。

Let it go.  Don’t stress.  Stay focused and in the moment. The sooner you can put the matter behind you, the sooner you’ll be onto the next big thing. Much of the time it has nothing to do with you at all – it’s something going on with them and you can’t change that. 讓它去吧。 別壓力 保持專注,在這一刻。 你可以越早把事情背後,你越快到下一件大事情。 很多時候它與你無關 - 這是與他們有關的事情,你不能改變。

Rule 5: Don’t Compare Yourself to Others ( 規則5:不要自己與他人比較 )

Is there a woman in the office that you admire, copy, or envy?  Stop comparing yourself to others and focus on your own unique qualities and capabilities. 辦公室裡有一位女士羨慕,羨慕還是羨慕?

Don’t be a second-rate version of someone else when you can be the best version of yourself.  The more you authentically lean into your strengths, the easier success will come to you. 當你可以成為自己最好的版本時,不要成為別人的二等檔案。 你真正傾向於你的優勢越多,你會越容易成功。

Rule 6: Radiate Confidence ( 規則6:放射信心 )

You’ve probably heard a famous quote by Henry Ford that said “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.”  Develop a strong, positive self-image.  When you respect yourself, believe in your abilities, and put yourself out there, people take notice. 你可能聽過亨利·福特(Henry Ford)的一個引人注目的報導,他說:“你是否認為你能做到,或者你不能,你是對的。”發展一個強大而積極的自我形象。 當你尊重自己時,相信你的能力,把自己放在那裡,人們就會注意到。

Keep a list of your wins. Collect a file of “atta girl”s you can review as needed. Be unstoppable. 保存您的勝利的列表。 收集“atta girl”的檔案,您可以根據需要進行審核。 不可阻擋

There’s no keeping down a determined woman who believes in herself and takes the right action steps to be her best. Say to the world, “Sure I can – just watch me!” 沒有一個確定的女人,相信自己,採取正確的行動步驟,使她最好。 對世界說,“當然可以 - 只是看著我!”

Rule 7: Forget Being Popular – Command Respect (規則7:忘記受歡迎 - 指揮尊重)

Women leaders in business can’t expect to be best friends with every staff member or colleague. Being liked is nice – but it’s not the goal. Strive to keep the professional distance needed to win at work. 女企業領袖不能期望與每位員工或同事成為最好的朋友。 被喜歡是好的 - 但這不是目標。 努力保持在工作中贏得專業的距離。

Walk the talk and you will earn respect for your actions and results. 走走談話,你將獲得尊重你的行動和結果。

Rule 8: Be Decisive (規則8:果斷)

Being strong enough to make a tough call earns you respect. Being afraid, unsure, and indecisive shows weakness and won’t get you far in business.  堅強到強勢的電話贏得你的尊重。 害怕,不確定和優柔寡斷的表現出弱點,不會讓你的業務遠遠的。

When asked for your opinion or recommendation, don’t “qualify” your words by capitulating or telling people what others have said or done, or about an article you read that said you should do
things a certain way. They only care what you think. Commit to being more decisive and taking action. 當被問及您的意見或建議時,請勿通過投標或告訴人們其他人的說法或做法,或者是您閱讀的文章說您應該以某種方式做事情來“限定”您的言辭。 他們只關心你的想法。 承諾更果斷,採取行動。

Take a stance and have the grit necessary to deal with the consequences of your decisions, whether good or bad. Be ready to give the facts, get buy-in, and take a stand. 採取一種立場,必須有必要的處理你的決定的後果,無論是好還是壞。 準備提供事實,買入,站立。

Rule 9: Be Competitive ( 規則9:競爭力 )

Bring your “A” game.  Identify a strategic mindset and maintain your competitive edge. Keep your eyes on the prize. Don’t be afraid to be aggressive and assertive to get what you want. And I do not mean that being ruthless is a virtue – it’s not. And neither is being a doormat. 帶上你的“A”遊戲。 確定戰略心態,保持競爭優勢。 關注獎勵。 不要害怕要獲得你想要的積極性和自信。 而我並不是說無情是一種美德 - 不是。 也不是一個門衛。

Rule 10: Nurture Your Network ( 規則10:醞育你的網絡 )

Ask any man what his most precious business asset is, and most, if not all, will say his network.  Develop a network of successful professional men and women who can help you learn how to think and act like a leader. 問任何一個人,他最珍貴的業務資產是什麼,大多數,雖不是全部,會說他的網絡。 建立一個成功的職業男女網絡,幫助您學習如何思考和行動,如領導者。

  • 專注價值、目標,抓住 Rule of Success
  • 專業、熱情、行動、競爭力
  • 遠大的目標
  • 努力追求目標及完美。
  • 做自已、果斷決定。
  • 相信自已
  • 真正的好運是來自於「受歡迎」形成支持,吸引益友、夥伴、團隊成員。( 最珍貴的業務資產是「受歡迎」形成支持人脈網路 ).
  • 讓今天更有完美,讓追求目標更接近。

2017年8月26日 星期六

十倍勝,絕不單靠運氣 - 心得 ( How to get 10 times Success ? )


    Great by Choice:Uncertainty,Chaos,and Luck-Why Some Thrive Despite Them All, Jim Collins,中譯「十倍勝,絕不單靠運氣-如何在不確定、動盪不安環境中,依舊表現卓越?」,書中說明這是個變動的時代,未來正不斷向我們拋出意想不到的機會與威脅。 一般人總是希冀在榮景中尋找商機,然而,最好的機會往往出現在最壞的時候。 懂得掌握變動的企業,逆勢而起;只知迴避變化的人,一步步走向衰敗。

    在變動、複雜、高度競爭的動盪時代,唯有建立一個靈活的組織才能勝出。薩爾先以美國的大企業如美國鋼鐵、GM汽車為例,說明自陷於「行動慣性」(active inertia,他在《成功不墜》一書中提出的名詞)的企業容易在風暴來臨時慘遭沒頂,反之,印度米塔爾(Mittal)鋼鐵則因為深諳將「風險視為機會」而日益壯大。

    書中分析許多公司包括安進( Amgen,AMGN )、生邁( Biomet )、Intel( INTC )、微軟( Microsoft )、前進保險( Progressive Insurance,PGR )、西南航空( Southwest Airlines ) 等公司的經營實際案例分析,主要重點及對投資的意義整理如下:


  1. 狂熱的紀律。( 價值觀、目標、績效標準的一致性 )
  2. 以實證為依據的創造力。( 透過實際觀察及實驗做為創新、行動依據 )
  3. 建設性的偏執。( 時時戰戰競競的態度 )
  4. 第五級企圖心。( 不為自己而是更遠大的目標 )
  5. 即使好運臨頭亦不懈怠,遭逢厄運亦不耽溺於絕望情緒中。
  6. 不斷向前推進,努力追求目標。
  1. 公司好運臨頭時會把握難得好機會,並在幾年或幾十年都努力向前推進。
  2. 無論好運或壞運,員工皆深信成功不是靠運氣。
  3. 在混亂中注入秩序,在快速變動中保持一致性。
  1. 先以低成本的諸多實驗,提高碰上可行方案的機率。
  2. 結合實證與創意後,才加注投資發射砲彈,因此不仰賴運氣達到最後的成功。
  1. 避免黑天鵝事件發生時公司因此陣亡消失。
  2. 手中握有更多選項,擴大安全邊際,而不致在厄運降臨時釀成巨災。
5. SMaC (Specific,Methodical and Consistent)配方:
  1. 一家好的企業有具體明確、有條理、有方法,同時又始終如一的可長可久的做法。
  2. SMaC 可將厄運來臨時的失誤降至最低,好運臨頭時,提高完美執行的機率。
  3. 幫助公司或個人不要因意外因素而推翻原本規劃,以及該如何改變。
  4. Apple Inc., 在 Steve Jobs 重新出發的新要點
6. 絕不仰賴運氣:
  • 與其仰賴運氣,寧可追求卓越。
  • 作者將成功公司與經營較差的公司進行重大事件因素比對,成功的公司遇到好運的事不會比較多、遇到的壞事也不會比較少,前述的行為特徵才是成功關鍵。
  • 真正的好運是來自於「找對人的幸運」,找到對的良師、益友、夥伴、團隊成員、領導人才是最重要的幸運。
  • 往往惡運是一家好的企業轉機之突破點,其實 Steve Jobs 正是在 Apple Inc., 最慘時尋找到新轉機之突破點 iPod & iTune ,改變了 AAPL 讓它成為全球明星。


年初時連載了 Jim Collins 最新大作「Great by Choice」的幾篇讀後心得,想不到不久後就在信箱裡收到遠流的來信 — 他們的確即將推出這本書的中文版,並且為求慎重,給了再度挑起大任的齊若蘭女士非常充裕的時間琢磨譯文。插曲是我預言失敗,這次不沿用「 A+」命名,而是從本書研究對象「十倍者 (10Xer)」出發,起了一個更為磅礡的《十倍勝,絕不單靠運氣》。

在這裡要謝謝遠流的邀請,我有榮幸為這本巨作寫下導讀。我的文字能為大師 Collins 開場,小部落客的寫作生涯如今了無遺憾,與各位分享。


睽違 4 年,柯林斯回來了。

從 1994 年出版的《基業長青》開始,到 2001 年的《從 A 到 A+》,2009 年的《為什麼 A+ 巨人也會倒下》,以及這次的《十倍勝》,十九年來柯林斯堅持做同一件事情,就是不斷用他的「對照分析法」,以最接近西方科學的研究態度,去拆解「管理」這門錯綜複雜的社會學,試圖從中抽取少數近乎「因果」的正向關係。

既然是用最接近科學實驗的態度,除了柯林斯對照分析裡面必定出現的「實驗」與「對照」兩組企業體之外,還必須給每個實驗適當的限制。《基業長青》研究的對象是存活 40 年以上,更換過數位執行長的偉大企業;《A 到 A+》瞄準了經歷 15 年平凡歲月,接著又出現 15 年超凡表現的蛻變企業;《巨人倒下》反過來研究從優秀突然衰敗的企業;而這次的《十倍勝》,柯林斯對準的則是在「劇烈變遷」環境下還能有十倍於市場表現的企業。

為什麼要研究「劇變的環境」?如果你仔細想想,二次大戰後近乎平滑擴張的「量產革命」與「中產階級崛起」時代,事實上正在進入尾聲。取而代之的,是 90 年代末期開始出現,高頻率且振幅巨大的市場循環。震央通常是全球金融市場,因為開放、因為日益複雜的衍生性商品、因為對沖基金的全球套利等種種因素,直接或間接導致了 97 年的亞洲金融風暴,2000 年的達康股災,2008 年的金融海嘯,與近期的歐債等頻繁的危機,其震盪週期遠遠快過先前的 50 年。


柯林斯最終選出了 7 家有 15 年以上出色表現的十倍企業,對照分析後,得到了一組非常有趣的結論。除了與「A+ 企業」一樣必須有第五級的企圖心之外,這些企業的領導人還有三個共同特質 –「狂熱的紀律」、「以實證為依據的創造力」以及「建設性的偏執」。

所謂的狂熱紀律,並不是狂熱於規矩,嚴格要求公司上下遵守教條的那種紀律。相反的,它指的是絕不大開大闔,每天帶領公司全體朝著目標穩定推進的紀律。柯林斯稱這種行為叫「二十哩行軍」,也就是無論天氣好壞,都以每天二十哩的速度往目標推進的策略 — 從 Intel 的摩爾定律到 Apple 的一年一支 iPhone,都是「二十哩行軍」的好例子。

實證為依據的創造力指的是不為創新而創新,務實處理新產品、新事業創造的態度。柯林斯稱這種行為叫「先射子彈、後射砲彈」,也就是先求小打小贏,等到有足夠把握,再投入大量資源的策略。Bill Gates 用前面十年小規模試驗 Windows 作業系統,等到確認掌握市場需求了,再一口氣以 Windows 95 決勝負就是一個模範。


有了第五級企圖心,有了上述三種領導人的意志,十倍企業還必須貫徹這些精神。根據柯林斯的歸納,他們往往靠所謂的「SMaC 致勝配方」,也就是一套像「憲法」一般的最高指導原則,來明白闡述本公司的種種「做與不做」,好讓企業文化有長期且確實的存在。

到這裡,本書其實可以說是完整了,但柯林斯居然沒有停下來,相反的,他「附贈」了我們一個章節 — 「運氣」,一個西方管理學研究幾乎沒人挑戰過的題目。柯林斯歸納發現,十倍公司與對照組間「運氣事件」發生的機率幾乎是一樣的,也就是說,雙方的「好運」與「厄運」相似。然而真正讓他們表現迥異的,是碰到運氣事件時,領導人能夠抓住機會順勢而上的能力,也就是所謂「運氣報酬率」。




  • 價值觀、目標、績效標準的一致性,抓住 Rule of Success
  • 透過實際觀察及實驗做為創新、行動依據
  • 不為自己而是更遠大的目標
  • 不斷向前推進,努力追求目標。
  • 好的企業有具體明確、有條理、有方法,同時又始終如一的可長可久的做法。
  • 真正的好運是來自於「找對人的幸運」,找到對的良師、益友、夥伴、團隊成員、領導人才是最重要的幸運。
  • 無論好運或壞運,員工皆深信成功不是靠運氣。
  • 讓今天更有價值、重視今天( To Value Today ),管理好每天價值,讓追求目標更接近。

2016年4月2日 星期六

我所體會之富人與窮人在行為、想法之差異 ( What I experienced between rich and poor in his/her thinking and behavior )


10 Major Differences Between Rich and Poor People

I've been rich and I’ve been poor. I know both sides very well.

Growing up poor, I knew that I wanted to be rich. At the age of 24, I earned my first million dollars. I came a long way and studied the subject all of my life. Over time, I have discovered that if you're not living in prosperity, you're living in poverty.

Wealth is a choice that we must all make. Bill Gates once said, "It's not your fault if you were born poor, but it’s your fault if you die poor." There's no reason why you should live in poverty. Wealth is waiting for you, but you have to make up your mind if you want it in your life.

For a long time, I struggled to believe that I could eventually become rich. It wasn't until I observed the differences in thoughts and actions between the "haves" and the "have-nots."

Here are 10 major differences between rich and poor people: ( behavior )
  • 1a. Poor people are skeptical  ( 窮人易懷疑態度 )
    • I distinctly remember a former coworker of mine saying, "Those mechanics are a rip-off! They're always looking for the weak people. They'll charge you when you're not looking!!" He thought that everyone unjustly wanted his money and that everyone is out there to get him. 
  • 1b. Rich people are trusting ( 富人信任人 )
    • Surprisingly, a great deal of rich people leave their car and house doors open. Conversely, in areas of poverty, you'll find that this behavior is highly unlikely to happen. Rich people have the tendency to trust those they meet (within reason) and give others the opportunity to be themselves.
  • 2a. Poor people find fault ( 窮人找錯誤 )
    • People who are poor are always looking for the problems instead of the solutions. They end up blaming their environment, circumstances, jobs, weather, government, and will make an extensive list of excuses as to why they cannot be successful. 
  • 2b. Rich people find success ( 富人尋覓成功之道 )
    • Rich people understand that everything happens for a reason. Rather than letting life happen to them, they take direct action and make big things happen. They put aside all the excuses and eradicate their blame lists because they have to do what must be done. 
Related: 10 Phrases Every Millionaire Avoids
  • 3a. Poor people make assumptions ( 窮人常做假設 )
    • When it comes to knowing the truth, poor people often make assumptions. If they want to reach out to a celebrity, they might say, "They probably don't have time to talk to me." Instead of checking the facts or asking questions, they never make a true attempt when it comes to getting what they want.
  • 3b. Rich people ask questions ( 富人常問問題 )
    • Many rich people ask the question, "What if?" For instance, "What if I wrote an email to the president and he or she answers?" If you begin to ask questions, you will save yourself a lot of hassle. The power is in the hands of those who ask the right questions. They don't answer your questions, question your answers.
  • 4a. Poor people say, "They" and "Them" ( 窮人常說“他們”和“他們” )
    • In the grocery store, the woman at the register said, "They never have enough cashiers. I don't know what's wrong with them." Obviously, this woman did not take any ownership and responsibility over her job. She certainly did separate herself from the job that was paying her. 
  • 4b. Rich people say, "We" ( 富人常說“我們” )
    • At one of my favorite restaurants, the server said, "We take great delight in cooking our steaks in real fire." His sense of pride and ownership stimulated me, which allowed me to give him an honorable tip. Surely, you will be rich when you invest more into what you believe in.  
  • 5a. Poor people want the cheapest way ( 窮人常選擇最便宜的方式 )
    • I was once shopping with a friend who only wanted to buy if they could find the cheapest clothing. They would rush to the clearance rack and pick up clothes that they didn't even want, but ended up buying because of a "deal." Unfortunately, they ended up never wearing it since they only bought the price.
  • 5b. Rich people want the best way  ( 富人常選擇最好的方法 )
    • Rich people will go the extra mile to find quality material. They don't limit themselves to price and often seek service while they shop. Rich people want organized services and will never settle with items that are worthless and unusable.
  • 6a. Poor people think money is more important than time ( 窮人認為金錢比時間更重要 )
    • Millions of people all over the world are trading their precious time for money. You can always get $500 back, but you can't get 50 hours again. Nonetheless, the majority of people trade time for money and never realize their true potential because of it.
  • 6b. Rich people know that time is more important than money ( 富人認為時間比金錢更重要 )
    • Rich people never trade time for money. Moreover, they seek fulfilling experiences that dramatically alter their lives. Their careers are more focused on doing what they love and helping others, instead of merely clocking in for a meager paycheck.
Related: 5 Secrets to Monetizing Your LinkedIn Experience
  • 7a. Poor people compete ( 窮人只知競爭 )
    • When a poor person sees an opportunity, they find out how others are doing it and emulates them. Most often, they never consider another way of doing it. Instead, they settle in the belief that doing what others are doing is the best thing they can do for themselves.
  • 7b. Rich people create ( 富人創造機會 )
    • My rich neighbors were disgruntled when they found that their Porsche did not come in a specific shade of green, which they deeply wanted. Because of this, they decided to custom build their green Porsche with unprecedented specifications. I've never seen such a thing! 
  • 8a. Poor people complain, condemn, and criticize ( 窮人抱怨,譴責和批判 )
    • Most poor people have learned how to be poor from their predecessors. Their family members have conditioned them to believe that everything is "wrong" instead of right. If you're ever heard someone ask, "What's wrong?" you'll know what I mean.
  • 8b. Rich people praise and enjoy their blessings ( 富人讚揚和感恩他們的祝福 )
    • Rich people know that they have many privileges and they don't take it for granted. Because of their appreciation of gifts, love, and circumstances, they are able to generate more. Many times, what gets praised gets prospered.
  • 9a. Poor people seek amateur advice ( 窮人常尋求非專業意見 )
    • They often listen to the opinions of others and seek approval from acquaintances. They believe almost everything they hear without questioning authority. They accept opinions as facts and prohibit themselves from doing research once satisfied with an answer.
  • 9b. Rich people seek expert advice ( 富人們徵求專家意見 )
    • Those who are rich have learned to think for themselves. If they cannot figure out something, they seek expert advice. Usually, they pay for the advice and are given a wide variety of options. They learn the experts only make suggestions, which means that they aren't particularly confined to a specific action.
  • 10a. Poor people have big television sets ( 窮人喜愛有大電視機 )
    • Poor people take a lot of time to drift off to sporadic images of which they often have little to no control over. They use their free time to avoid the art of thinking (which is the most challenging task) and zone out to what many have conformed to believe is "entertainment." 
  • 10b. Rich people have big libraries ( 富人喜愛有大知識庫 )
    • Wealthy people are educated and read a lot of books. They use their knowledge in a way that benefits them. Instead of drifting off in random activities, they seek to get within their minds to understand themselves, others, and the world in which they live. In fact, as your personal library increase over the years, so will your home. I can attest to this!
To get a true perspective on how to become rich, you must study rich people. After all, you become what you study. If you're currently surrounded by people who aren't yet rich, just do the opposite of what they do. Soon enough, you'll be able to reach your financial dreams!

7 Main Differences Between Rich And Poor People

    Most people want to be rich, but most of them are poor, why? There must be some differences between rich people and poor people. If you study carefully, you will find out why rich and successful people are able to produce amazing results in their life, and why some people are living in poverty.
  To be rich and successful, you don’t need to be lucky, extremely hard working or you need to have a college diploma or a university degree.
  What you need, is the right mindset and the right mindset will form the right habit. As a result, the right habit will lead you toward the financial abundance kind of lifestyle that you always desire.
So here are the 7 main differences between rich and poor people…

  1. Rich people believe that they create their lives while poor people believe that life happens to them. 
    • Can you see why rich and successful people are able to create amazing results in their life right now? It is simply because they are in control of their lives. They believe that they are the ones who is responsible for their lives, they are the ones who is creating their future, not the economy or the knowledge or luck. On the other hand, poor people will always give excuses and blame on the circumstances. 
    • When they failed in their business, they will blame the economy, their boss, their family or anything that did not go according to their plan. Whenever you believe that life happens to you, you will lose the power to change and the power to control your future. You must believe that you’re the one who is creating your future, not other people or events.
  2. Rich people play the money game to win but poor people play the money game just not to lose money. 
    • This is a big mindset difference. Have you ever seen people invest in the stock market? Some people are so afraid that they will lose their money and they form a mindset that blocks their creativity. They formed the mindset of ‘investing not to lose the money.’However, rich and successful people know exactly how they need to think in order to win the game of money. 
    • They will think and act from the view of playing the game to win. Unlike poor people, they will never invest just not to lose the money.
  3. Rich people think and focus on opportunities while poor people focus on obstacles. 
    • When you face with problems, what are you focus on? Are you focus on the problems, thinking how bad the situation is going to be? Or are you focusing on the solution and thinking about how you can solve or even turn the situation into opportunity? Think about this carefully. No matter who you are, you will definitely face with all kinds of choices in your life. And when you need to decide to move on, try to notice on you thinking, what do you focus on, the solution, or the problem?
  4. Rich people dare to dream big, poor people think small. 
    • When I tell my parents that I want to make a million dollar, they will tell me, “Why do you need so much money? You can live a very good lifestyle if you got a job that has a good pay. You don’t need to be a millionaire.” I don’t know about you, but this statement happens to me all the time. And I definitely believe that poor people will tend to think small while rich people always think big. 
    • To poor people, they will think that rich people are greedy because they always think big. Is it true that you are being greedy if you think big? I don’t know if I buy this, but to me, I’ll think of it as a waste if you’re not using the resources available (your thinking) to you at full. Don’t you owe it to everyone around you to create a better life for them? Don’t you want your family to live good? So think big and create the abundance lifestyle for these people right now.
  5. Rich people are committed to their dreams, poor people are just dreaming about their dreams. Yes, this is an obvious one. 
    • If you’re not committed to be rich, you can never be rich. How many times have you heard people say that they want to be rich, but they never do anything about it?
    • This is the mentality of poor people. They will just think about how good it is going to be if they are rich, but they will never do anything about their dreams. They know that they cannot afford a luxury car if they have a low pay job. The thing is, they never do anything to change it.
    • On the contrary, rich and successful people are committed toward their dreams. They will do whatever it takes, in the boundary or moral and ethics of course, to achieve their dreams.
  6. Rich people associate with rich and successful people. Poor people will associate with poor people. Do you have any rich friends? Or all of your friends are poor?
    • I’m not suggesting that you need to stop making friends with poor people, what I’m suggesting it, try to get to know more about rich people. The more you mix with them, the more you will think like them. And if you think like them, you will start to create amazing results just like them.
    • If most of your friends are poor and their working salary all are below, $2,000, you will be having the same range of salary most of the time. However, if you associate with rich people who are making $2,000 in just a day, you will start to see the possibility of what you can accomplish in your life.
    • And this will change your thinking of what you can achieve in your life. $2,000 will become a small amount for you once you changed your mindset about money.
  7. Rich people good learners while poor people think that they have learned everything in the world. One of the fastest ways to be financially abundance is to learn directly from people who have already achieved this status.
And if you’re not willing to learn, you will never be able to be successful. If you want to get the best pay, you must be the best. And the only way you can be the best is to learn from the best and learn to be the best.
You now know what are the 7 main differences between rich and poor people. Do what rich people do and try to avoid the adopting the mindset and habits of the poor.
This will guarantee you a financial abundance lifestyle.

  • 看趨勢、對方向比什麼都重要;( Trend )
  • 看遠景、產業趨勢;( Vision )
  • 生意模式、商業模式及創新之價值;( Business model )
  • 重閱讀、知識、人脈,非常多富人有大量知識及閱讀習慣;( Knowledge、Connection )
  • 看重健康,知道感恩 ( healthy & blessing life )
  • 看重執行力、選最好的來運作 ( Execution、do the best )
  • 看重投資及生意模式之財務績效成長率及風險,指數型成長,還是線型成長 ( Profit、Risk model )
  • 足夠的耐心等待時機、足夠的恆心毅力,了解該堅持是什麼 ( Patient、Determination
    • 時間比金錢重要,時機比時間及金錢還重要
    • 時間比金錢重要,重點在於運用人脈、資源去順利達成
  • 一個產業或投資之成長,不是所有行業或方式賺的錢是一樣多的,投資賺錢模式要對 ( What is the key and secret in the great success of business and investment model ? )

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