2015年1月30日 星期五

歐元區早晚要踢走希臘 - 希臘對歐洲根本毫無價值?台灣退休制度呢? ( Europe will kick out Greece due to the country will not bring any value to Europe, Taiwan Gov. face the same situation as Greece relative to the expense of Gov. people? )


歐洲中央銀行(ECB)執委會委員科瑞(Benoit Coeure)在今天(26日)刊出的報紙專訪中表示,歐洲央行不會接受任何希臘的債務減免方案。


希臘債務危機期間,歐洲央行購置了大量的希臘債券,目前還有部分記在帳上;減債就等於所謂的貨幣融通(monetary financing),也就是印鈔票來助一國政府脫離債務,這是歐央行嚴格禁止的作法。

希臘25日舉行國會大選,根據97.6%的開票結果,反撙節的希臘「激進左派聯盟」(Syriza)囊括36.4%的選票,大勝總理薩瑪拉斯(Antonis Samaras)所屬「新民主黨」(New Democracy Party)的27.8%得票率。



歐洲QE仍救不了 歐豬5國?

根據對部份開出選票的估算,激進左派聯盟料將贏得36.5%的選票,領先總理薩瑪拉斯(Antonis Samaras)旗下中間偏右新民主黨(New Democracy)的27.7%得票。官方計票顯示,有7個政黨將跨越3%得票門檻,躋身國會,而前總理巴本德里歐(George Papandreou)領導的新政黨,則未能跨過此門檻。極右金色黎明黨(Golden Dawn),以6.3%的得票位居第3,中間派親歐盟新政黨「河流」(To Potami)和KKE共產黨,依序以5.9%和5.6%得票,位居第4、第5。



澳盛集團(ANZ)外匯分析師塔克(Sam Tuck)說 :「未來的日子將不平靜。希臘目前的處境依然艱難。希臘要留在歐元區,勢必做出更大讓步,但歐洲其他各 國會將如何協助希臘脫困,依然有待協商。」








QE大戰 ECB與德國衝突將愈演愈烈

在歐洲央行與德國的 QE 大戰,在上週四宣佈量化寬鬆後,ECB 看似是贏了。但 QE 是否代表 ECB 的勝利?或者央行和德國的角力賽仍會持續?情況應該很明顯。以法國和義大利為首,失業高漲和債臺高築的歐元區南方國家,一直在等待機會反擊德國的撙節措施。ECB 的 QE 就是週邊國家勝利的一刻,希臘大選結果則是再次反擊德國。

德國總理梅克爾一直對負債偏高的歐元區國家提出警告,她憂心央行創造流動性、降低各國的債務負擔,會令許多週邊國家放緩改革的速度。她重申,ECB 不應該放鬆對歐元區國家結構性改革的壓力。

ECB 和德國的爭論,究竟誰有理?《CNBC》認為,就許多方面來說,德國的態度並沒有錯。ECB 以量化寬鬆解決通縮,其實是搞錯原因了。歐元區 12 月通膨陷入負值,完全是因為能源價格下跌 6.3% 所致,扣除能源後,12 月通膨其實上升 0.6%,幾乎和 2014 下半年完全相同。但服務業通膨則是 1.2%,而且先前六個月一直維持穩定。此外,歐元區的薪資也在成長,預估去年增幅為 2%,推升單位勞動成本 1.5%。
德國憂心,ECB 的量化寬鬆對推升通膨並沒有什麼幫助,反而會令歐元區南部成員國放慢改革的腳步,因為便宜的公共債務融資,讓政府不需要進行任何財政整合就可以降低赤字。
歐洲QE購債方式只能救歐洲經濟不再沉淪,仍救不了 歐豬5國

此外,德國的觀察家認為,ECB 所創造的流動性恐怕不會進入歐元區的企業和家庭,這樣的觀點也沒錯。顯然在通縮的大環境下,歐元區的銀行業不會急著放款,因為這會累積壞帳的風險。以美國為例,Fed 三波量化寬鬆後,美國銀行業才在去年第一季開始增加放款。



就投資人的角度來看,歐元區和美國一樣,央行創造的龐大流動性都需要時間才能讓銀行開始放款給私人部門。QE 對歐元區的立即幫助應該是出口產品對其他國家來說變得更便宜,特別是使用美元的國家。量化寬鬆也會透過降低債務與赤字的負擔,而放鬆歐元區的財政政策。顯然,流動性增加會推升歐元區的股市,但 ECB 和德國之間幾乎已經形成了永遠與系統性政策衝突,這使得單一貨幣聯盟的未來蒙上一層陰影。

希臘問題沒有速效藥 德財長:希臘不想要新的紓困就算了

希臘債務將於月底到期,先前以新債換舊債和反撙節的提議,顯然不被北歐國家所接受。德國財長Wolfgang Schäuble週二仍明確的表示,希臘債務危機沒有任何迅速的解決方法,只有遵守現有協議才是解決之道。



同時,希臘政府也傳出不同的暗示。一方面希臘堅決反對撙節政策,且對「三巨頭」(歐盟、歐洲央行及國際貨幣基金) 採取強硬的立場。但另一方面,根據《華爾街日報》的報導,希臘撤消部分先前的要求,包括減債。此外,希臘也打算繼續將國營的比雷埃夫斯港私有化,這是希臘的債權人的要求。希臘財長Yanis Varoufakis也於週一向國會表示,會遵守目前紓困方案約70%的改革要求。


  • 希臘激進左翼聯盟黨(Syriza)贏了大選。許多主流經濟學家和政策制定者對希臘經濟狀況感到非常擔憂,因此他們開始贊同激進左翼聯盟黨的觀點,即唯一的解決辦法是大幅削減希臘國家債務: 希臘國家債務與其國內生產總值(GDP)的比例達到175%。希臘違約也將對德國政治局勢造成不利影響。歐洲的極左翼政黨也在為希臘的激進左翼聯盟黨歡呼。輕易就能賴賬和結束緊縮措施的想法,必定對西班牙、葡萄牙、愛爾蘭和義大利等債務壓力巨大的國家具有極大的誘惑力。但歐元區各國(尤其是在義大利或西班牙)普遍債務違約的前景將讓市場感到恐慌,並加大再次爆發金融危機的風險。
  • 希臘倒債問題是全球金融今年風暴,歐元區早晚要踢走希臘,希臘對歐洲根本毫無價值。觀查歐元區風暴須注意
  • 台灣退休制度也一樣,比希臘公務員還誇張,而這種誇張卻是政府支出苛待勞工換來的全世界沒有一國家可實施95退休俸制度,既使希臘都低於65%,以整個台灣稅收支出看,83%都是經常性支出,怎有可能支持這種制度?2012 從主計處資料就預估退撫基金將倒閉軍公教經常性支出大增,台灣加速希臘化,還在上班軍公教須自已去將已退休拿過多福利的先砍了,降低退休俸比重才不致倒閉。
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2015年1月25日 星期日

微軟 HoloLens:科幻虛擬實境裝置將啟動3D全像投影贏Google Glass成為下一代很重要穿載電腦 ( Microsoft HoloLens: A science fiction virtual reality device with 3D holographic projection will win Google Glass has become the next generation wearable computer )

微軟 HoloLens:超科幻的虛擬實境裝置

這個 HoloLens 是一個功能頗有未來感的虛擬實境裝置,它除了能在現實的場景投射各種虛擬

HoloLens 是微軟首款虛擬實境裝置,它完全不需要其他配件、外接線路即可獨立運。HoloLens 主要是以 Windows 10 為基礎,並搭配微軟的 Windows Holographic 技術,同時也內建強大的處裡器、繪圖晶片、多種感應器、全像高解析度鏡頭和全像處理單元 HPU ( Holographic Processing Unit),不僅可即時偵測使用者的動作和周圍環境,同時也會即時處理從感應器即時接收到百萬位元組資料,進而讓使用者可直接和和虛擬物件互動,不僅可讓設計師可更直覺的去檢視、修改自己的產品,也能運用在家庭娛樂或是科學研究等多種領域上。

雖然已經發表了 HoloLens,但微軟並不打算藏私,而是選擇和其他虛擬實境裝置的製造商一起分享 Windows Holographic 相關技術。微軟表示所有 Windows 10 系統中都將內建 Holograms API,同時微軟也發表了用來製作 Holograms 內容的 HoloStudio 軟體,讓你可透過虛擬、可互動的工具軟體,自由設計出各種可互動的虛擬實境介面或物體,甚至還可支援把你設計出來的物體,透過 3D 列印技術直接列印出來。

微軟在Windows 10消費端應用說明活動中,同時揭曉可獨立運作頭戴式裝置HoloLens,藉此示範結合自然人機操作介面、虛擬實境顯示與Windows 10等應用模式,並且讓合作廠商也能以此設計不同形式裝置。而在會後接受訪談中,微軟Xbox部門負責人Phil Spencer表示HoloLens定位並非用於對抗Oculus、Sony或三星旗下推出虛擬顯示頭戴裝置,強調雖然HoloLens具備相同或類似功能,但重心還是放在其可獨立運作用於各類領域的使用特性。
在接受訪談中,微軟Xbox部門負責人Phil Spencer表示HoloLens的產品定位,並非用於對抗Oculus、Sony或三星旗下推出虛擬顯示頭戴裝置。雖然HoloLens本身也具備連接或串流源自Windows或Xbox One的影像內容,並且也支援虛擬實境影像顯示,但其重心依然著重可獨立運作用於各類領域的使用特性,並非僅只是定位在單一顯示設備配件。
HoloLens是微軟以前瞻性思維所打造產品,本身除整合虛擬實境顯示、對應手勢及語音等人機操作模式,以及提供TB等級的即時運算量等特性,同時也呈現Windows 10於穿戴裝置應用的可能性,微軟也表示目前此項產品仍為前期發展階段,未來將持續拓展實際可應用領域。

在HoloLens設計部分,微軟將採取獨立運作、沒有任何連接線,甚至在處理器、繪圖器等運作元件外,更額外加入負責全息影像處理的HPU (Holographic Processing Unit),以及Windows Holographic技術,同時支援Universal Windows Apps。

Google Glass 原理及功能定義越來越清楚 - 但要停產?

Google表示,現在開發人員可將其他服務的語音命令添加到主要選單中,最先示範的兩項語音命令是張貼更新(Post an update)與作筆記(Take a note),前者目前支援社交程式Path,後者支援Evernote。Glass用戶必須先說出「Ok,Glass」以啟用語音命令功能,張貼更新與作筆記只是個開始,未來Google將會允許Glass用戶利用語音來執行各種服務。

此次Google也改善了Glass平台上的重點服務─Google Now,Google Now標榜能在對的時間與地點展示對的資訊,有各種類別的卡片,諸如交通、天氣與運動賽事的即時成績等,現在則新增電影、活動與緊急通知卡片,可顯示附近電影院正上映的影片,亦可提醒使用者音樂會或有訂位的晚餐時間快到了,或是在天災發生時進行緊急通知。


Google期望Google Glass可於今年正式上市,目前估計約有數千人正使用測試版的Google Glass Explorer,測試版售價為1500美元。

Google Glass 團隊宣稱「畢業了」下週開始停產停售?

下週一開始,也就是 1/19 進行 2 年的 Google Glass Explorer 計劃將停止,Google Glass 將停售停產不再接受訂單。


好啦,都不是。在 Google Glass 的官方 Google+ 帳號上,他們宣布「我們從『Google 的 X 實驗室』畢業了!」並感謝每個幫助他們嘗試、試驗 Google Glass 功能的先驅者們。

沒錯,Google Glass 將停止銷售給一般消費者(合作業者還是會繼續),並且從 Google X 實驗室旗下搬出,移交智慧家庭部門 Nest Labs 執行長 Tony Fadell 督導 。

Google 也澄清雖然目前看來一切暫停,但他們並沒有要放棄 Google Glass,反之他們還要致力於推出能讓一般消費者適用的 Google Glass;只是時間還不確定。而 Google 的這項舉動被多數媒體認為代表著「Google Glass 長大了」下一步就是商業化。

不管如何,很期待下次再出現的 Google Glass 會長怎樣?是不是克服了一直以來大家詬病的隱私、安全、設計、成本等問題?

  • Google Glass 到目前仍是過於耗電,售價與功能不成吸引力因子,相較之下微軟 HoloLens 功能比Google Glass 更實用,而且,只要加上一個相機就可包含Google Glass 功能,再來就看微軟 HoloLens售價。
  • 微軟 HoloLens 也將面臨耗電問題,因為所需要之耗電全像處理單元 HPU ( Holographic Processing Unit)將比 Google Glass 更耗電。

2015年1月21日 星期三


青年失業率攀升 未來恐成「中年貧窮族」





教改造就過多高學歷人口 未來恐成「中年貧窮族」
























 不產花的北市在花謝的冬天種花大舉行銷,正如同法蘭克福學派的擔憂,馬庫思認為,資本主義透過文化工業,提倡一種消費主義的意識形態,造成假需求,成為一種社會控制的機制(頁27,文化消費作為一種操弄,《文化消費與日常生活》John Storey 張君玫譯,巨流2001)。當國家機制耗資135億元推動這場大消費後,花開時美得讓人難忘,但花謝後,社會改變了什麼?有沒有留下博覽會的價值?博覽會的中心思想只是人數嗎?除了行銷還是行銷嗎?是膨風得誇張的各式「經濟效益」數字嗎?



柯文哲嗡嗡嗡 看世大運選手村工程










頂新借款480億擺爛 銀行頭大






  • 花博我看許多次,這樣的建設真的需要仔細監督,因為花博建設真的不應該花到 135億,所以大家仔細看建設花費,那些太貴了,最大問題是沒有讓参與花博建設廠商邀請國際友客,也沒有讓花博建設廠商將賺的錢回饋台北市民,也沒有讓花博建設的錢投資創業基金讓北市補助年輕人創業,廠商結果卻是花博建商錢賺走了花博結束了台北市每年還要支付維護費變成負債, 前郝市長你們設計花博真的沒有長遠考慮實際入市庫僅13億9287萬元,再用總支出135.91億元除以入場人次896萬3666人,一名遊客平均花費1516.23納稅錢,相當於連吃30次50元便當的經費,這還不包括各公務員轉挪來花博上班的人事成本! 經濟效益太差! 創造的台北市民工作機會也太少!
  • 頂新集團借款480億,政府及金融單位低利貸款給了頂新集團,該集團卻沒有在台灣創造超過數千個工作機會,馬政府在這一點做的很差,難怪馬政府的黃金十年變成金光黨十年。
  • 政府知不知道花博、世大運、頂新集團借款全部總金額 815億,一半補助一半創業貸款就可以產生12000個微型創業合作計劃,創造 12萬工作機會,全國失業率降低約1%。
  • 世大運也一樣,沒有讓参與建商將賺的錢回饋台北市民,也沒有讓世大運建設賺的錢投資創業基金讓北市補助年輕人創業,卻像放煙火一樣,世大運結束大部分建設不再有功能,大部分台北市民聽了都搖頭,政府應花錢來創造 3000 個微型創業合作計劃,不要花大錢專搞什麼世大/花博,世大要能產生微型創業 產生工作機會才有意義,世大/花博花了將近335億卻如放煙火,產生的工作機會真的太少,KMT、DPP 都要改善這問題。人民繳的稅不是要政府全部用在政府經常性支出更不希望用在像放煙火一樣的計劃,而是希望結合政府計劃創造許多工作機會,微型創業合作計劃正是給下一代年輕人機會,政府真的很丟臉,台灣去年的青年失業率13.17%,這個數字不僅高於全球平均,也高於許多亞洲國家,大家還不思考如何救台灣下一代的年輕人,為大家下一代創造一個民主繁榮充滿工作機會與希望的家;
  • 政府收入與輸出績效看:台灣政府績效其實是很差,KMT、DPP 都要改善這問題,台灣下一代的年輕人要努力讓政治人物知道期待創造一個民主繁榮充滿希望的家,不是一直讓政府最實質輸出績效如創造之工作機會、FDI、民間投資率這麼低!
    • 政府收入:稅收、國營單位獲利、政府投資獲利
    • 政府最實質輸出績效:工作機會、FDI、民間投資率、治安、社會福利
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2015年1月7日 星期三

從機器學習到人類社會結構的革命 - 20年內巨型雲端機器人將改變人類社會 ( From machine learning to human social structures Revolution - the giant cloud robot will change human society within 20 years )

It used to be that if you wanted to get a computer to do something new, you would have to program it. Now, programming, for those of you here that haven't done it yourself, requires laying out in excruciating detail every single step that you want the computer to do in order to achieve your goal. Now, if you want to do something that you don't know how to do yourself, then this is going to be a great challenge.

So this was the challenge faced by this man, Arthur Samuel. In 1956, he wanted to get this computer to be able to beat him at checkers. How can you write a program, lay out in excruciating detail, how to be better than you at checkers? So he came up with an idea: he had the computer play against itself thousands of times and learn how to play checkers. And indeed it worked, and in fact, by 1962, this computer had beaten the Connecticut state champion.

So Arthur Samuel was the father of machine learning, and I have a great debt to him, because I am a machine learning practitioner. I was the president of Kaggle, a community of over 200,000 machine learning practictioners. Kaggle puts up competitions to try and get them to solve previously unsolved problems, and it's been successful hundreds of times. So from this vantage point, I was able to find out a lot about what machine learning can do in the past, can do today, and what it could do in the future. Perhaps the first big success of machine learning commercially was Google. Google showed that it is possible to find information by using a computer algorithm, and this algorithm is based on machine learning. Since that time, there have been many commercial successes of machine learning. Companies like Amazon and Netflix use machine learning to suggest products that you might like to buy, movies that you might like to watch. Sometimes, it's almost creepy. Companies like LinkedIn and Facebook sometimes will tell you about who your friends might be and you have no idea how it did it, and this is because it's using the power of machine learning. These are algorithms that have learned how to do this from data rather than being programmed by hand.

This is also how IBM was successful in getting Watson to beat the two world champions at "Jeopardy," answering incredibly subtle and complex questions like this one. ["The ancient 'Lion of Nimrud' went missing from this city's national museum in 2003 (along with a lot of other stuff)"] This is also why we are now able to see the first self-driving cars. If you want to be able to tell the difference between, say, a tree and a pedestrian, well, that's pretty important. We don't know how to write those programs by hand, but with machine learning, this is now possible. And in fact, this car has driven over a million miles without any accidents on regular roads.

So we now know that computers can learn, and computers can learn to do things that we actually sometimes don't know how to do ourselves, or maybe can do them better than us. One of the most amazing examples I've seen of machine learning happened on a project that I ran at Kaggle where a team run by a guy called Geoffrey Hinton from the University of Toronto won a competition for automatic drug discovery. Now, what was extraordinary here is not just that they beat all of the algorithms developed by Merck or the international academic community, but nobody on the team had any background in chemistry or biology or life sciences, and they did it in two weeks. How did they do this? They used an extraordinary algorithm called deep learning. So important was this that in fact the success was covered in The New York Times in a front page article a few weeks later. This is Geoffrey Hinton here on the left-hand side. Deep learning is an algorithm inspired by how the human brain works, and as a result it's an algorithm which has no theoretical limitations on what it can do. The more data you give it and the more computation time you give it, the better it gets.

The New York Times also showed in this article another extraordinary result of deep learning which I'm going to show you now. It shows that computers can listen and understand.

(Video) Richard Rashid: Now, the last step that I want to be able to take in this process is to actually speak to you in Chinese. Now the key thing there is, we've been able to take a large amount of information from many Chinese speakers and produce a text-to-speech system that takes Chinese text and converts it into Chinese language, and then we've taken an hour or so of my own voice and we've used that to modulate the standard text-to-speech system so that it would sound like me. Again, the result's not perfect. There are in fact quite a few errors. (In Chinese) (Applause) There's much work to be done in this area. (In Chinese)

Jeremy Howard: Well, that was at a machine learning conference in China. It's not often, actually, at academic conferences that you do hear spontaneous applause, although of course sometimes at TEDx conferences, feel free. Everything you saw there was happening with deep learning. (Applause) Thank you. The transcription in English was deep learning. The translation to Chinese and the text in the top right, deep learning, and the construction of the voice was deep learning as well.

So deep learning is this extraordinary thing. It's a single algorithm that can seem to do almost anything, and I discovered that a year earlier, it had also learned to see. In this obscure competition from Germany called the German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark, deep learning had learned to recognize traffic signs like this one. Not only could it recognize the traffic signs better than any other algorithm, the leaderboard actually showed it was better than people, about twice as good as people. So by 2011, we had the first example of computers that can see better than people. Since that time, a lot has happened. In 2012, Google announced that they had a deep learning algorithm watch YouTube videos and crunched the data on 16,000 computers for a month, and the computer independently learned about concepts such as people and cats just by watching the videos. This is much like the way that humans learn. Humans don't learn by being told what they see, but by learning for themselves what these things are. Also in 2012, Geoffrey Hinton, who we saw earlier, won the very popular ImageNet competition, looking to try to figure out from one and a half million images what they're pictures of. As of 2014, we're now down to a six percent error rate in image recognition. This is better than people, again.

So machines really are doing an extraordinarily good job of this, and it is now being used in industry. For example, Google announced last year that they had mapped every single location in France in two hours, and the way they did it was that they fed street view images into a deep learning algorithm to recognize and read street numbers. Imagine how long it would have taken before: dozens of people, many years. This is also happening in China. Baidu is kind of the Chinese Google, I guess, and what you see here in the top left is an example of a picture that I uploaded to Baidu's deep learning system, and underneath you can see that the system has understood what that picture is and found similar images. The similar images actually have similar backgrounds, similar directions of the faces, even some with their tongue out. This is not clearly looking at the text of a web page. All I uploaded was an image. So we now have computers which really understand what they see and can therefore search databases of hundreds of millions of images in real time.

So what does it mean now that computers can see? Well, it's not just that computers can see. In fact, deep learning has done more than that. Complex, nuanced sentences like this one are now understandable with deep learning algorithms. As you can see here, this Stanford-based system showing the red dot at the top has figured out that this sentence is expressing negative sentiment. Deep learning now in fact is near human performance at understanding what sentences are about and what it is saying about those things. Also, deep learning has been used to read Chinese, again at about native Chinese speaker level. This algorithm developed out of Switzerland by people, none of whom speak or understand any Chinese. As I say, using deep learning is about the best system in the world for this, even compared to native human understanding.

This is a system that we put together at my company which shows putting all this stuff together. These are pictures which have no text attached, and as I'm typing in here sentences, in real time it's understanding these pictures and figuring out what they're about and finding pictures that are similar to the text that I'm writing. So you can see, it's actually understanding my sentences and actually understanding these pictures. I know that you've seen something like this on Google, where you can type in things and it will show you pictures, but actually what it's doing is it's searching the webpage for the text. This is very different from actually understanding the images. This is something that computers have only been able to do for the first time in the last few months.

So we can see now that computers can not only see but they can also read, and, of course, we've shown that they can understand what they hear. Perhaps not surprising now that I'm going to tell you they can write. Here is some text that I generated using a deep learning algorithm yesterday. And here is some text that an algorithm out of Stanford generated. Each of these sentences was generated by a deep learning algorithm to describe each of those pictures. This algorithm before has never seen a man in a black shirt playing a guitar. It's seen a man before, it's seen black before, it's seen a guitar before, but it has independently generated this novel description of this picture. We're still not quite at human performance here, but we're close. In tests, humans prefer the computer-generated caption one out of four times. Now this system is now only two weeks old, so probably within the next year, the computer algorithm will be well past human performance at the rate things are going. So computers can also write.

So we put all this together and it leads to very exciting opportunities. For example, in medicine, a team in Boston announced that they had discovered dozens of new clinically relevant features of tumors which help doctors make a prognosis of a cancer. Very similarly, in Stanford, a group there announced that, looking at tissues under magnification, they've developed a machine learning-based system which in fact is better than human pathologists at predicting survival rates for cancer sufferers. In both of these cases, not only were the predictions more accurate, but they generated new insightful science. In the radiology case, they were new clinical indicators that humans can understand. In this pathology case, the computer system actually discovered that the cells around the cancer are as important as the cancer cells themselves in making a diagnosis. This is the opposite of what pathologists had been taught for decades. In each of those two cases, they were systems developed by a combination of medical experts and machine learning experts, but as of last year, we're now beyond that too. This is an example of identifying cancerous areas of human tissue under a microscope. The system being shown here can identify those areas more accurately, or about as accurately, as human pathologists, but was built entirely with deep learning using no medical expertise by people who have no background in the field. Similarly, here, this neuron segmentation. We can now segment neurons about as accurately as humans can, but this system was developed with deep learning using people with no previous background in medicine.

So myself, as somebody with no previous background in medicine, I seem to be entirely well qualified to start a new medical company, which I did. I was kind of terrified of doing it, but the theory seemed to suggest that it ought to be possible to do very useful medicine using just these data analytic techniques. And thankfully, the feedback has been fantastic, not just from the media but from the medical community, who have been very supportive. The theory is that we can take the middle part of the medical process and turn that into data analysis as much as possible, leaving doctors to do what they're best at. I want to give you an example. It now takes us about 15 minutes to generate a new medical diagnostic test and I'll show you that in real time now, but I've compressed it down to three minutes by cutting some pieces out. Rather than showing you creating a medical diagnostic test, I'm going to show you a diagnostic test of car images, because that's something we can all understand.

So here we're starting with about 1.5 million car images, and I want to create something that can split them into the angle of the photo that's being taken. So these images are entirely unlabeled, so I have to start from scratch. With our deep learning algorithm, it can automatically identify areas of structure in these images. So the nice thing is that the human and the computer can now work together. So the human, as you can see here, is telling the computer about areas of interest which it wants the computer then to try and use to improve its algorithm. Now, these deep learning systems actually are in 16,000-dimensional space, so you can see here the computer rotating this through that space, trying to find new areas of structure. And when it does so successfully, the human who is driving it can then point out the areas that are interesting. So here, the computer has successfully found areas, for example, angles. So as we go through this process, we're gradually telling the computer more and more about the kinds of structures we're looking for. You can imagine in a diagnostic test this would be a pathologist identifying areas of pathosis, for example, or a radiologist indicating potentially troublesome nodules. And sometimes it can be difficult for the algorithm. In this case, it got kind of confused. The fronts and the backs of the cars are all mixed up. So here we have to be a bit more careful, manually selecting these fronts as opposed to the backs, then telling the computer that this is a type of group that we're interested in.

So we do that for a while, we skip over a little bit, and then we train the machine learning algorithm based on these couple of hundred things, and we hope that it's gotten a lot better. You can see, it's now started to fade some of these pictures out, showing us that it already is recognizing how to understand some of these itself. We can then use this concept of similar images, and using similar images, you can now see, the computer at this point is able to entirely find just the fronts of cars. So at this point, the human can tell the computer, okay, yes, you've done a good job of that.

Sometimes, of course, even at this point it's still difficult to separate out groups. In this case, even after we let the computer try to rotate this for a while, we still find that the left sides and the right sides pictures are all mixed up together. So we can again give the computer some hints, and we say, okay, try and find a projection that separates out the left sides and the right sides as much as possible using this deep learning algorithm. And giving it that hint -- ah, okay, it's been successful. It's managed to find a way of thinking about these objects that's separated out these together.

So you get the idea here. This is a case not where the human is being replaced by a computer, but where they're working together. What we're doing here is we're replacing something that used to take a team of five or six people about seven years and replacing it with something that takes 15 minutes for one person acting alone.

So this process takes about four or five iterations. You can see we now have 62 percent of our 1.5 million images classified correctly. And at this point, we can start to quite quickly grab whole big sections, check through them to make sure that there's no mistakes. Where there are mistakes, we can let the computer know about them. And using this kind of process for each of the different groups, we are now up to an 80 percent success rate in classifying the 1.5 million images. And at this point, it's just a case of finding the small number that aren't classified correctly, and trying to understand why. And using that approach, by 15 minutes we get to 97 percent classification rates.
So this kind of technique could allow us to fix a major problem, which is that there's a lack of medical expertise in the world. The World Economic Forum says that there's between a 10x and a 20x shortage of physicians in the developing world, and it would take about 300 years to train enough people to fix that problem. So imagine if we can help enhance their efficiency using these deep learning approaches?

So I'm very excited about the opportunities. I'm also concerned about the problems. The problem here is that every area in blue on this map is somewhere where services are over 80 percent of employment. What are services? These are services. These are also the exact things that computers have just learned how to do. So 80 percent of the world's employment in the developed world is stuff that computers have just learned how to do. What does that mean? Well, it'll be fine. They'll be replaced by other jobs. For example, there will be more jobs for data scientists. Well, not really. It doesn't take data scientists very long to build these things. For example, these four algorithms were all built by the same guy. So if you think, oh, it's all happened before, we've seen the results in the past of when new things come along and they get replaced by new jobs, what are these new jobs going to be? It's very hard for us to estimate this, because human performance grows at this gradual rate, but we now have a system, deep learning, that we know actually grows in capability exponentially. And we're here. So currently, we see the things around us and we say, "Oh, computers are still pretty dumb." Right? But in five years' time, computers will be off this chart. So we need to be starting to think about this capability right now.

We have seen this once before, of course. In the Industrial Revolution, we saw a step change in capability thanks to engines. The thing is, though, that after a while, things flattened out. There was social disruption, but once engines were used to generate power in all the situations, things really settled down. The Machine Learning Revolution is going to be very different from the Industrial Revolution, because the Machine Learning Revolution, it never settles down. The better computers get at intellectual activities, the more they can build better computers to be better at intellectual capabilities, so this is going to be a kind of change that the world has actually never experienced before, so your previous understanding of what's possible is different.

This is already impacting us. In the last 25 years, as capital productivity has increased, labor productivity has been flat, in fact even a little bit down.

So I want us to start having this discussion now. I know that when I often tell people about this situation, people can be quite dismissive. Well, computers can't really think, they don't emote, they don't understand poetry, we don't really understand how they work. So what? Computers right now can do the things that humans spend most of their time being paid to do, so now's the time to start thinking about how we're going to adjust our social structures and economic structures to be aware of this new reality. Thank you!