ETF投資,美股投資,臺股ETF投資,西洋情歌,西洋音樂,閱讀與興趣 [ラブソング, песня любви][ETF inversión, ETF投資します, ETF инвестиции], all investment and interesting stuff I touched, experienced;
這本書提到當 Jill B. Taylor 左腦中風逐漸失去語言、文字識別、講話立體感、和她這一生有那個『我』人格後的記憶,以致,她回到存右腦感觀之兒童時期心靈,那種天人合一感覺及那重新學習專注情況在 Jill B. Taylor 身心發生巨大震撼,其實,我並不知道學過氣功感覺到身體內流動氣場感覺是否與 Jill B. Taylor 之身體就像一個流體感覺相同,但是確實有類似之處,而且,我認為由聖靈接收異象是來自於右腦。
These stories of insight are based on Dr. Jill's interactions with the thousands of people who have shared their anecdotes from insights learned through her book. Do you practice the 90-Second Rule? How do you take responsibility for the energy you bring into a room? What time of day have you set aside for your whine time? Share your experiences here!
Our ultimate goal is to live life with a balanced brain where we capitalize on the unique gifts of each of our hemispheres. Do you practice yoga or meditate? What different techniques do you use to "Step to the Right" of your left hemisphere brain chatter in order to live a more balanced life?
Warning Signs of Stroke
Dr. Jill created this mnemonic device in order to help people remember the most important signs of stroke. Please commit these to memory and share them with everyone you know! 吉爾博士創造了這個助記符裝置,以幫助人們記住的最重要的中風的徵兆。請提交這些記憶和他們與你認識的每個人都分享!
S = Speech, or problems with language 語音或語言問題
T = Tingling, or numbness in your body 刺痛,或在你的身體麻木
R = Remember, or problems with thinking 突然難以記憶,思考
O = Off-balance, or problems with coordination 突然有身體平衡或協調問題