2015年9月19日 星期六

從美、日、歐印鈔至中國大幅貨幣寬鬆,卻帶來全球通縮 - 中國大泡沫及全球需求不足之衝擊 (China economic drop impact to world wide economic is the deflation spreading)


World wide fall into deflation due to China over supply and over production ? if it is true, China will be a bubble

以電子業為例,今年上半年,金仁寶、三星加快撤離步伐,偉創利遠赴美國設廠,富士康大舉進軍印度,曾經風靡全球的中國電子產業走上了下坡路。若觀察數家最具代表性的電子企業7月財報,如鴻海、廣達、仁寶、和碩、華碩、宏碁、英業達、友達、群創、光寶科、緯創、台達電等,可以發現營收較 6 月份全線下跌,是中國電子行業由盛轉衰的強烈信號。依此趨勢看,下半年中國電子業下降10%-20%並非不可能。


China M1 growth rate from 2008 is about 120%, it is a crazy growth in human history but it cannot drive economic
after 2015 due to China domestic consumption and need relative to GDP is too small %







服裝業行業則內外交困,一方面內需斷崖式下跌,大批服裝老闆拖欠工資跑路。另一方面,大量外單流向東南亞等人工成本低廉的國家。優衣庫、無印良品、青山商事、利豐、東京 STYLE、Honeys 都在加快向東南亞轉移訂單。












中國引發的全球股災似乎完結,但真的沒事了嗎? 剛好相反,暗潮正洶湧。 現在是人類史上,無前例可循、人人不知所措的處境:全世界都陷進通貨緊縮的巨大流沙裡。
US money supply M1 growth rate from 2008 is about 110%, also cannot overcome deflation effect from China

US retail sales also drop down in 2015






當強國不強 更令人害怕

world wide trading in USD will be less than WTO prediction due to deflation, so it mean GDP growth of export
country like China, Taiwan, Korea, Germany will be slump


Due to deflation of world wide will impact to trade total value in USD, crisis trends will happen



China’s Crude Oil Storage Outlook

Over the past few months, with oil prices at historical lows, China imported more oil than it needed, putting extra capacity into storage and boosting monthly imports to a high of 7.2 million barrels per day in December. According to price reporting agency Platts, around 300,000 barrels per day were likely earmarked for commercial storage and strategic petroleum reserves (SPR). But analysts disagree over how long China’s import streak can continue in the face of rising stockpiles.

While an import boost may have provided a floor for oil prices, the country doesn’t look poised for a massive increase in crude imports unless private companies boost storage capacity faster than anticipated. Analysts say that while importing crude at $50 per barrel is cheaper than a significant portion of domestic production, demand for oil in China is currently tepid.
China import from Russia increase but decrease from other countries,
it is obvious a strategy against US and Europe 

Over a longer period, a new government policy and action by private companies could boost storage capacity and incremental imports. In the short term, analysts warn that storage projects are likely to take a year to come online, meaning any project not in the pipeline now will have minimal impact this year. Most analysts expect imports will slowly begin to align with actual demand as storage capacity is tapped out. But others are more bullish; in a research note, Bernstein wrote that it expects “stronger demand” in 2015, especially as fuel switching from natural gas to oil occurs.

Government Policies

A new policy issued late last month requires Chinese refiners to hold between 10 days of processing capacity when crude oil prices are above $130 per barrel and 15 days when they are lower. With more than 14 million barrels per day of refining capacity, Bloomberg estimates that threshold requires refineries to hold between 211 – 141 million barrels. But Suresh Sivanandam, an analyst at oil consultancy Wood Mackenzie, thinks this is unlikely to significantly impact storage levels. “We think they already meet this demand for 15 days,” said Sivanandam.

Analysts say China wants 90 days of crude oil coverage – the recommended amount by the IEA – but it’s unclear if that is just the strategic petroleum reserve (SPR) or if includes private stockpiles as well. According to Sivanandam at Wood Mackenzie, 90 day holdings of imported oil use – China imports around 6 million barrels a day – equates to around 600 million barrels of oil storage capacity. By 2020, that number rises to 700 million barrels.

But SPR is only around 140 million barrels. “If you look at the plans, there’s a large gap,” said Sivanandam.  It’s also what is driving the investment in private storage. Phase two of SPR should be finalized by 2020. In a research note, Bernstein estimates that China can add another 100 million barrels to storage over the coming year.

If China is cagey about its SPR figures, getting a handle on commercial inventories is even more difficult. Wood Mackenzie estimates that CNPC has around 3.7 million barrels of storage. Listed CNPC subsidiary PetroChina didn’t respond to inquiries about their storage capacity. An industry publication put out by the state news agency Xinhua said the country had around 244.6 million barrels of commercial crude stockpiles at the end of 2014.

Complicating matters further is that significant storage volumes are not held by the state or state-owned companies, but instead in private hands. Tracking capacity in China is exceedingly difficult, according to analysts, but according to Sivanandam “our gut feel is [private actors] dominate the capacity in terms of the private storage space.”
Major import country in the world will be China due to US produce
more crude oil from 2014

But storage held by non-state actors might have big impacts on the market. “Independent storage companies are boosting their tank capacity in the hope of making a profit by selling the oil when prices rise,” said industry expert Philip Andrews-Speed.

As more private companies get into the business of storing oil, hoarding is likely to become a problem. Earlier this month, the government’s top economic body sent investigators to Zhengzhou, in Henan province to investigate gasoline hoarding before an announced price hike (in China, retail prices are set by the government, meaning an announced increase in retail prices can lead to hoarding).

Still, with maturing fields and some domestic production likely to shut-in because of high costs, Chinese production growth is likely to slip by 1%, according to a note by Bernstein Research, meaning China will need to bump up imports.

From China stock price peak point and oil price peak point, we suspect that oil price of world wide did not touch
its lower point of price due to China is on the over import of oil than before, not the real need of import
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