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顯示具有 女明星 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2013年8月10日 星期六

Emma Watson 小時到大成名照片 ( Emma Watson pictures from child to adult and Jana Kramer songs )

Emma Watson says she always knew what she wanted to do

London: Emma Watson has revealed that she clearly knew what direction she wanted to take having attended a part-time theatre school from the age of six.

The `Harry Potter` star said that she had to be quite persistent about what she wanted to do and where she wanted to be, the Daily Express reported.

She said that this industry expects people to do a certain thing and go a certain way and she had to speak loudly about what she didn`t want to do.

When the Harry Potter franchise finally finished filming, Emma Watson decided to take time out to consider whether she wanted to pursue an acting career as an adult.

Having been cast as Hermione Granger in the fantasy films when she was just nine, Emma has grown up on screen.

However, when the films finally ended, she decided to take careful consideration whether she wanted acting to be her career as an adult.

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2013年5月18日 星期六

莎莉·賽隆(Charlize Theron ) 禮服及性感 With One Direction love songs - Picture 1

莎莉·賽隆 (Charlize Theron,1975年8月7日-),電影、電視女演員。出生於南非德蘭士瓦省的伯諾尼(Benoni)。現今住在美國加利福尼亞州的洛杉磯。第76屆奧斯卡最佳女主角獎得主。

Charlize Theron 曾經是芭蕾舞演員,在《天鵝湖》和《胡桃鉗》中演出過。她去歐洲謀生,後來到了美國,在紐約進入了喬佛瑞芭蕾舞團。但一次膝蓋受傷使她離開了舞蹈界。她也曾從事過模特工作。



著名影評家 Roger Ebert 在2003年12月7日評價影片時指出,她於此片中的演出是世界影視史上最出色的表演。

他還說,如果 Charlize Theron 靠此角色拿不到奧斯卡最佳女主角獎,那此獎就應該取消。Charlize Theron 的演出之所以受到廣泛好評,和她在此片中的扮相有很大關係;除了化妝,她還很用心的特意增胖以便能更貼近此角色,她扮演的殺手和她本人的容貌體形相差巨大,判若兩人。


Charlize Theron 目前是迪奧(Dior)香水的品牌代言人。

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