- 長短倉,即同時買入及沽空股票,可以是淨長倉或淨短倉;
- 運用國際匯率長短倉,同時運用股票趨勢及壓力區,結合選擇權進行套利;
- 市場中性,即同時買入股價偏低及沽出股價偏高的股票;
- 相對價值策略:如可換股公司債套利,即買入價格偏低的可換股債券,同時沽空正股,反之亦然;或如市場中立策略
- 全球宏觀,即由上至下分析各地經濟金融體系,按政經事件及主要趨勢買賣;
- 管理期貨,即持有各種衍生工具長短倉。
- 利用經濟大國政策:國際匯率、原物料供需、能源供需、利率、景氣指標之多空長短倉:
- 如利用中國去產能過剩之政策造成之PMI下滑,來空人民幣及原物料、能源、股票,再運用指數 ETF 支撐持短多。
- 利用美國聯儲升息造成之資金流動趨勢,來空亞幣、能源。
- 利用選擇權在漲跌區間及長時間振盪區間後必表態之金融市場特性,建立買入多空部位,等待表態後賺取槓桿倍數超越時間價值成本損失之獲利。
- 運用併購、增資趨勢,將未來新增與現在股票價差進行套利配息。
全球投入ETF及避險基金都達到3兆美元 ( ETFs One-Up Hedge Funds As Investor Assets Hit $3 Trillion )
xchange traded funds have achieved the most phenomenal milestone since they debuted on the stock market in 1993. The total amount of money invested in ETFs globally have hit a whopping $3 trillion, according to Markit. ETFs have one-upped the more mature, 66-year-old hedge fund industry with $2.939 trillion in investor assets, according to London-based ETFGI.
“2015 ETF inflows are on track to match last year’s $300 billion record,” Markit wrote in a report Thursday night. “The two funds leading inflows this year have seen assets grow over 600 fold since 2012. Funds listed outside of North America have seen over $100 billion of inflows in the last 29 months.”
ETFs are skyrocketing in popularity as investor appetite for hedge funds wane. California Public Employees’ Retirement System — the largest U.S. pension plan — dumped its hedge funds last year because of sky-high fees and complexity. Hedge funds typically charge a 2% annual management fee and 20% of profits compared with 0.31% on average for ETFs.
Hedge Fund Under-performance
Investors prefer ETFs because they are very liquid, fully transparent, cover numerous asset classes and are cheaper than most other investment products, including futures, said Deborah Fuhr, managing partner at ETFGI. Hedge funds have underperformed the S&P 500 index each of the past four years, lack liquidity and lack transparency, said Fuhr.
The HFRX Equity Hedge Index, tracking the average hedge fund, returned 3.4% year to date, through May 6, according to Hedge Fund Research. It gained only 1.4% in 2014, 11.1% in 2013 and 4.8% in 2012. By contrast, SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) returned 2% year to date. It added 13.5% in 2014, a phenomenal 32.3% in 2013 and 16.0% in 2012.
U.S. ETF Asset Flows
Total assets in U.S. ETFs and ETPs reached a new record of $2.132 trillion at April’s end, ETFGI announced Friday. ETFs had net inflows of $14.6 billion in April. Year to date through the end of April 2015, ETFs had a record level of net inflows of $72.1 billion — more than double the prior record of $34.9 billion in the year-ago period. Equity ETFs attracted the largest net inflows year to date with $41.3 billion, followed by fixed-income ETFs with $21.8 billion, and commodity ETFs with $3.2 billion in net inflows, ETFGI reported.
iShares, the largest U.S. ETF provider, saw the greatest net inflows in April at $7.7 billion. Vanguard followed with $7.2 billion in net inflows, Deutsche $4.7 billion, WisdomTree $4.0 billion and First Trust $1.9 billion.
Ky Trang Ho is the founder of Key Financial Media LLC, which produces content and thought leadership for financial advisors and investment strategists.
2015 避險基金之績效( Harvard club members delivering positive hedge funds performance in 2015 )
Highfields Capital Management, the $12 billion fund that has been closed to new investors in 2015, reported 3.3 percent performance in February after a negative January, according to a report in Bloomberg Briefs.
The much-watch Harvard University Management Company alumni Jonathon Jacobson co-founded the hedge fund in 1998 with a reported $1.5 billion initial investment from the Ivy League school. The value investors posted low single digit returns last year, as value metrics didn’t discover much in the way of value. The fund has profited in every year since its founding, with the exception of two years.

Another Harvard club member with positive 2015 performance is high yield bond hedge fund Regiment Capital Advisors, which Bloomberg reported was up 2.1 percent in February, coming off a 0.5 percent loss in January. The fund lost 8.8 percent in 2014, hurt by exposure in oil and various transportation-related debt offerings.
對沖基金的規模、排名與績效 ( 引用齊老師文章 )
2006年底對沖基金規模1.3兆美元,1.2萬多檔。最好與最壞的前三名對沖基金如下:( 註:2015年底對沖基金已達3.0兆美元,好壞排名不知 )
- Atticus Capital:120億資產,以紐約為總部,近日以合併題材大力支援Phelps Dodge(世界第一大銅礦公司)聞名。擁有10%的Phelps Dodge股票,11/20日Phelps Dodge因合併案上漲27%,同時間Atticus European fund在12月上漲35%,Atticus Global fund上漲30%。
- Greenlight Capital:40億資產,經營者David Einhorn是第一位與巴菲特競標吃午餐的人。至11底2006年獲利超過20%,10年前開始運用,每年的平均報酬為24%。
- Citadel Investment Group:130億資產,以芝加哥為總部。千日紅基金Amaranth結束,就是由這個基金接手。自1998年開始,每年的平均報酬超過20%。
- Amaranth Advisors:年初資產90億,因操作天然氣能源相關投資,九月份單月虧損60億。基金結束。
- Vega Asset Management:數年前操作績效好而快數成長,而達到120億資產。連續三年操作績效不佳,至11底2006年虧損超過15%,造成投資人贖回超過60億資產。
- Ritchie Capital Management:足球明星Thane Ritchie成立於1998年。,至11底2006年虧損超過1.51%,2005年虧損2.5%。
【2006/05/29】根據對沖基金業內雜誌─Alpha指出,排名前26名年薪最高的對沖基金經理人,全年收入平均數為3.63億美元,年薪逾10億美元的更大有人在,現職文藝復興科技公司(Renaissance Technologies)對沖基金經理西蒙斯(James Simons),去年全年荷包進帳15億美元,高居同業之冠。這26位頂尖的對沖基金經理人,年薪之高遠遠超過華爾街投資銀行家;華爾街證券商收入最高的行政總裁是高盛的保爾森(Henry Paulson),根據富比士(Forbes)報導,去年也只賺取3,830萬美元。對沖基金經理人可以賺大錢,投資人也是眉開眼笑,根據行規,一般對沖基金管理費約5%,基金經理人還可以依績效表現抽取績效費。以西蒙斯為例,他管理的王牌基金Medallion Fund,資產總值已來到53億美元,扣除5%管理費、44%績效費後,這檔基金還有高達29.5%的報酬率。西蒙斯藝高人膽大,績效才會如此卓著。
2015 ~ 2016 全球金融之最大變局
- 美聯儲 QE結束,啟動升息;
- 要注意:美股及美元關係;
- 中國大陸持續經濟衰退遲緩,能源需求進口減少,啟動去槓桿、降低產能政策;
- 人民幣下跌,預估2月~4月暫時穩住,中國大陸資金仍持續外流;
- 要注意:中國金融市場類似風暴狀況是否將來臨,可以檢驗匯率趨勢、BDI指數、USD/RMB 趨勢、原料 能源趨勢;( USD/RMB chart、USD/HKD chart、USD/TWD chart);
- 近年來香港的銀行向大陸發放貸款數量從無到有,2013就激增至4,300億美元,相當於香港GDP的165%,但大陸方面最近經濟出現下滑的跡象,並且信貸違約風險升高,這使得香港銀行業神經緊繃。( need to be careful on USD/HKD chart )。
- 今年全球股市大都破了短線長線『量價支撐區』、也跌破5年上升趨勢線,預估只能做壓力區避險、海外避險基金、優良私募併購套息、高息保險、定存;跌至周KD低檔區又遠離壓力區,才可考慮價值投資,不能急;
- 全球負利率時代,資金氾濫、消費需求不足、經濟遲緩無力;
- 全球型經濟通縮與衰退來臨,預估貨幣政策刺激將會無效;
- 這次油價近崩盤、BDI破底,原油出口國卻持續增加石油出口,誰將倒閉或誰將減產?
- 全球避險基金投入資金持續增加,波動將更劇烈之反彈再跌盤,預估將集中於能源、原物料、股市、人民幣、亞幣來回做避險,而且,資金一直流入避險基金,也顯示全球中空結構之趨勢,大資金投資人只能這樣做,這種趨勢仍未改變,當避險基金資金升到某一大金額,市場容易發生突然之大跌;直到避險基金無法從避險得到獲利時或是避險獲利很小時,就會開始產生全球大反彈,那時會是指數ETF、股市基金大時機;
三大債市開年來三度失血,市場避險情緒高漲 ( 引用摩根資管 )
美國升息變數衝擊債券買氣,搭配國際油價走勢持續疲弱,投資人恐慌情緒再升級,上周三大債市再度呈現全面失血, 其中,高收益債受累於國際能源價格直直落而賣壓最沉重,上周淨流出20.43億美元;投資級企業債和美債也再分別淨流出4.34億美元和4.12億美元,資金連續淨流出周數來到第九周,惟資金調節幅度已見縮小。值得一提的是,轉出債市的觀望資金並沒轉進貨幣型市場停泊,上周貨幣市場基金再度失血75.03億美元。
摩根策略總報酬基金經理人艾略特(James Elliot)指出,2016年以來金融市場反覆震盪,向來被視為市場恐慌情緒風向球的VIX指數維持高檔水位,儘管市場投資氣氛偏向觀望,但眼見美國本周即將召開FOMC利率會議,市場擔憂美國聯準會升息恐衝擊債市,上周再度遭到國際資金調節,而這也是今年債市第三度全面失血。
即便市場避險情緒高漲,但艾略特(James Elliot)進一步指出,不僅債市未因此漁翁得利,就連觀望資金於風險意識高漲之際,常選擇短暫停泊的貨幣市場也出現失血,顯示市場恐慌情緒已來到高點,因此市場資金選擇完全退場,等待投資氣氛改善再行進場的趨勢鮮明。
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