2013年7月19日 星期五

自行車產業發展新趨勢 - 助力自行車 ( Bike New Trend - pedal-assist bicycles )

   台灣兩家世界指標車廠捷安特、美利達,陸續推出最新車款如捷安特即將推出的Right Ride Fitting量測系統所為她打造的 Envie Advanced 空氣力學公路車外,更把美利達為公路、登山車隊設計的最新車款做一番戰力展示。

   2013「台北國際自行車展(TAIPEI CYCLE)」 受惠環保、節能的國際趨勢,開展國外買主也創下紀錄,共有7,179 名來自107 個國家地區國外買主參觀,較去(2012)年成長11.3% 。今年前10 大買主國(地區)依序為中國大陸(含香港)、日本、美國、韓國、德國、新加坡、泰國、馬來西亞、澳洲、英國。歐洲地區的買主約占2成,美國買主成長25%,來自澳洲的買主亦增加近8%,顯示即便面對歐美地區經濟不景氣,台北國際自行車展對成熟市場買主的吸引力絲毫不減,台灣自行車產業的實力仍受到肯定。

Bosch pedal-assist e-bike ( Bosch 踏板輔助電動自行車 )

There's those who want electric bikes that'll hurtle you down the road at 40mph at the twist of the throttle, and there's those who believe pedaling to be enjoyable enough, but would like a less strenuous bicycling experience. If you find yourself a member of column B, listen up, because Gates, NuVinci, and Bosch have created an e-bike concept that'll satisfy your two-wheeled transportation needs. Gates supplied its Carbon electric belt drive, NuVinci brought its N360 infinitely variable planetary hub, and Bosch threw in a battery and control system to make a bicycle beauty. The power train is set up to give riders pedal-assist with four settings that go from Lance to lazy, depending on your mood. At an estimated cost of €2,600 - €3,200 ($3,680 - $4,530), you'll need a bank account comparable to the seven-time champion of Le Tour should an OEM pick up the design. ( 還有那些誰想要的電動自行車,將你在路上呼嘯而過40英里每小時扭油門,還有那些誰相信蹬踏不夠過癮,但想較少劇烈騎自行車體驗。如果你發現自己 B列中的一員,聽好了,因為 Gates,NuVinci,Bosch 已經創造了一個電動自行車的概念,將滿足您的兩個輪子的運輸需求。Gates 提供碳電動皮帶傳動,NuVinci 帶來了 N360 無級變速行星樞紐,Bosch 提供一個電池和控制系統,使自行車美化。動力總成設置,給車手踏板協助四個去從Lance 至偷懶的,取決於你的心情。估計成本 €2,600 - 3,200($3,680 - 4530美元),您將需要一個銀行賬戶,七屆世界冠軍樂遊相媲美的OEM應該拿起設計。)

註:智能自行車可能因 Bosch 的觀念而產生,讓一般車手也能借由 Bosch 踏板輔助電動自行車感受那世界自行車冠軍車手的感受;
