2010年1月7日 星期四

瀏覽器大戰 Chrome浮上來 - 分析與評論

web-browser-ballot-rm-engImage by nDevilTV via Flickr

根據市調機構 Net Applications 在2009年12月時的研究結果顯示,微軟的IE市佔往下掉至62.69%,而其他瀏覽器則逐漸提升,火狐市佔達24.61%,蘋果Safari達4.46%,而 Google Chrome 此次調查中則是提升至4.63%,壓過 Safari 而竄至第3名排行。

去年Google發狠地在軟硬體上進行猛攻,不斷地更新推出旗下應用服務,也推出自家品牌的手機及小筆電,更傳出即有可能再推出平板電腦 (以對抗蘋果?)。

那麼,來回顧一下當時也是引起眾人注目的Google瀏覽器「Chrome」目前的市佔。根據市調機構Net Applications在2009年12月時的研究結果顯示,微軟的IE市佔往下掉至62.69%,而其他瀏覽器則逐漸提升,Firefox 市佔達24.61%,蘋果Safari達4.46%,而 Google Chrome 此次調查中則是提升至4.63%,壓過 Safari 而竄至第3名排行。

今年相信Google的大動作應該也不會太少,除了逐漸將市場分佈擴及到各個領域之外,應該也會陸續將其下應用服務功能逐一提升,看看 Chrome 是否真的如先前所說,將成為 Browser 的明日之星!


  • Google direction is quite clear, Google wants everything done on browser and their grid computing application software.
  • So the major force Google want to do is to make their grid computing service can extend to all browser and his browser Chrome can extend to all OS.
  • They want to extend Google business from Ad. to content and software business, but business model will be different from Youtube start to make money, Android start to flight in smart handheld, their target seems a step by step to approach.

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4 則留言:

Cubic 提到...

Actually, I feel Chrome is a nice tool, less problem than IE.

It's a pity that now I can only use Chrome at home by my own laptop. The official tool at my company is IE, so our MIS removed the Chrome from my company laptop....

Knowledge Teaching And Reading 提到...

Chrome new version has a lot of new extension, it will be same as Firefox, I used it to understand Google direction

Cubic 提到...

Is Firefox easy to use?? I'm curious....

Knowledge Teaching And Reading 提到...

Firefox is also easier to use, I use Chrome for several reasons, one of reason is I used it to check Google browser technology with Google web software application platform status.

Google used browser technology to implement its cloud computing, but Microsoft used another kind of technology.

Apple use the new technology on its device combine with its web content and multi-media technology;

so Google, Apple and Microsoft use different technology to provide its service to world wide user.

Taiwan companies needs to do its best to surge into this field, need to be careful on Samsung due to US companies select a team work with Taiwan companies, but Samsung select a bleeding war with Taiwan companies.