Image by Joe Athialy via Flickr
此外,事發當天和阿卜杜勒穆塔拉布乘坐同一架班機的一名乘客當地時間12月28日爆料,阿卜杜勒穆塔拉布并不是單獨行動的,而是還有同謀。科特·哈斯科爾是一名美國律師,他當天和妻子羅莉一起乘坐了遭襲的航班,他表示自己看到阿卜杜勒穆塔拉布在同伴的協助下沒有出示護照就登上飛機。美國當局還沒有對此作出評價,但指出果真如此的話,荷蘭機場方面就存在嚴重的失誤。眼下,各方都正在調查,為什么一位銀行家的兒子居然舍棄了優越的生活,變成了一名恐怖分子 (terrorist)。英國內政大臣阿蘭·約翰遜12月28日表示,他相信阿卜杜勒穆塔拉布屬于某個大規模的恐怖組織。英國安全部門已經在調查其在英國可能存在的同謀。阿卜杜勒穆塔拉布2005年至2008年間在英國倫敦大學就讀。阿卜杜勒穆塔拉布的堂兄稱,他正是在英國留學期間變得比較激進。
- 這世界許多資訊已經開放,二次大戰後美國許多侵略其他國家的事,許多美國高知識分子已經知道,也確認美國已經不能再這樣控制世界,因為這樣做是邪惡的;
- 回教世界逐漸痛恨二次大戰後美國侵略控制中東國家的事,而且越來越激進;
- 2010經濟與股市另一風險 - 恐怖分子大攻擊;
6 則留言:
新的一年 順心 健康 幸福
差不多先生與差不多太太 于2009.12.31
Thanks, 差不多太太與先生!
可以多來發言, 這園地已經有 Cindy, 雲大, Wood, River, 森山, Sisley01, Doris, 多大及許多匿名發言討論, 許多都已經賺錢了, 感謝大家一起參與, 新年快樂!
It's scary to read such an article and realize the reality. I am afraid that more and more similar issues might happen in the future.
By the way, regarding without checking passport then let someone board to airplan, if it happens in Amsterdam, yes, I would agree it could be possilbe, base on my experience in Amsterdam and its airport, hmmm.....
It seems some people living in US with good education become terrorist, the main issue is the thing of US invasion to mid east and the way that US control the world create the problems;
More people think US is a country like to invade other one, as I know know more Europe and no US people think this way.
I guess most Taiwanese still feel relying on US so we won't see US as enemy.
However, in Europe most of them don't like US. They understand how US invade the mid east.I guess none of my european friends are fond of US. Thus that could be a danger for the future.
US has playing 臺灣牌 with China, so US will earn their profit from Taiwan, for south Korea, US invested the force there, this is the main reason that Taiwan debt is higher.