We review their profie comparison with 5 different world wide based below:
Those companies such as Google, IBM, Microsoft, Apple and Intel are all world wide based but within different business in the world, it is obvious Google still have higher growth than other company; IBM and Microsoft has less revenue and profit growth, so it cannot win higher PE ratio from market investment point view;
Most important signal we need to be careful is all mean average stock price trend of IBM go up, but it is already very close its 8 years highest pressure area, this is a very important signal to the surge wave from Nasdaq 2155.46 to 2422.93 and Dow 11731.6 to 12909.2;
What is the next? if US interesting rate will be their last drop, it shows that all inflation events will force the interesting rate will go higher, so there are two situation we will face in next two weeks; we are stand on the fear of terrible US recession or worst inflation or none of them;
If we looks at technical chart of Google, IBM, Microsoft and Intel, I think everyone will know its result seems not so good as we hate to know;
所有測試 Google Spreadsheet, Google Finance API 與 Google Web computing server 之表格, 屬於 自己投資與Web computing 計劃之參考, 請勿當成投資之參考, 更勿複製也不可用於交易目的或諮詢!