2016年10月11日 星期二

豆腐乳營養價值高,是最營養配料,可以做豆腐乳雞、豆腐乳燒肉、彩椒豆腐乳鳕魚,控制血壓抗老化 ( High nutritional value of fermented bean curd, is the most nutritious ingredients - anti-aging food )

吃豆腐乳有益消化 豆腐乳的4大好處





  1. 有利控制血壓:比如說,蛋白質變成了更容易消化的多肽和胺基酸,味道也更鮮美了。這些肽當中,還包括一些有利於控制血壓的活性肽,因為有研究發現,它們可以抑制血管緊張素轉換酶(ACE)I的活性
  2. 礦物質更好吸收:鈣、鎂、鐵等礦物質不僅沒有減少,生物利用率還會上升,因為大豆當中原來含有很多植酸,它是非常妨礙礦物質吸收的,但發酵的時候,黴菌已經把它「幹掉」了。
  3. 更容易消化:那些妨礙蛋白質消化的成分,也被黴菌清除了。
  4. 更多B族維生素:從維生素角度來說,發酵會產生相當多的B族維生素,B12、B2含量高。B12含量可比動物肝臟,也就是非常營養。
  5. 高優質蛋白質,含發酵益菌。







鹽多確實易導致高血壓,也易致胃癌。但日本人用白老鼠做過一個實驗,給它注入一些致癌物質,同時給它們喂鹽和相同鹽量的豆醬——像腐乳一樣的大 豆發酵食品。後來發現,喂鹽的老鼠確實患癌,而且血壓也升高了。但喂了同樣鹽料的豆醬的老鼠,不但沒有升高血壓,對癌還有一定的治療作用。而且發酵的時間 越長,癌症的醫治效果越好。加一個老中醫威信號:tcmmeal 每天幫你把把脈!


第一,營養價值比奶酪要好,奶酪作為動物性的發酵蛋白食品所含的脂肪和膽固醇都很高,但大豆尤其是豆腐裡含有優質蛋白,美國等發達國家都認可 ——每天吃25克大豆蛋白,可有效降低血清中的膽固醇,還可保護心血管。食物能達到這種效果的很少。因此,腐乳作為植物性的發酵蛋白食品,被稱作「東方奶 酪」。

第二,大豆的蛋白質分子大,身體不好吸收,但在發酵過程中在微生物的作用下,豆腐乳中蛋白質的分子變小,更有利於人體吸收和消化;由於微生物為它 合成了一般植物性食品所沒有的維生素B12,素食的人經常吃些腐乳,可以預防惡性貧血;在發酵過程中生成大量的低聚肽類,具有抗衰老、防癌症、降血脂等多 種生理保健功能;優質腐乳等好的發酵食品,能起到增加體內有益菌的作用,可增強人體免疫力。( 註:台大醫學院生化學科教授呂鋒洲以細胞實驗發現,以大豆和乳酸菌、酵母菌混合後的發酵液,可抑制腫瘤細胞的生長,濃度高時,還可殺死腫瘤細胞。豆腐乳正有這特性 )。


豆腐乳調配的菜 ( all reference link, please connect to their blog )
「錯誤健康法」,所以健康飲食是需要相互搭配。蔬果類含有豐富的葉酸與維生素 B6,但維生素 B12 卻只存於肉類、魚、牛乳酪等。而素食者體內維他命 B12 普遍不足,素食者血漿同半胱胺酸濃度偏高,根據美國醫學會雜誌 1992 年的報導,估計血液中同半胱胺酸的濃度如果偏高超過 15.8 μmol/L,則其發生心肌梗塞的機率要高出 3 倍左右,豆腐乳剛好補 B12。台大醫學院生化學科教授呂鋒洲以細胞實驗發現,以大豆和乳酸菌、酵母菌混合後的發酵液,可抑制腫瘤細胞的生長,濃度高時,還可殺死腫瘤細胞。
     其異黃酮必須經由微生物發酵轉化成游離型異黃酮,才能為人體所吸收。呂鋒洲嘗試以乳酸菌把大豆反覆發酵,再經殺菌濃縮而成營養液,分別浸入乳癌、肝癌、前列腺癌、腸癌及子宮頸癌等各種癌細胞,觀察其抑癌結果。( Note: 活性肽食物活性肽作用 )。

2016年10月9日 星期日

3D列印技術將至應用成長期,各產業應用將產生革命 ( 3D printing technology will reach high growth on application, the industry will revolutionize by this )







在今年 3 月份的時候,惠普提出要解決 3D 印表機的兩個令人詬病的問題,一是列印速度慢,看著就像等冰融化一樣,第二精度低、品質差。

如今惠普帶來了憋了許久的新技術 Multi Jet Fusion,宣稱可以有十倍的速度提升,且精度更高,列印的顏色比任何一台競爭對手的產品都準,而且要準很多。惠普丟出狠話,打算為整個產業帶來革命,他們這項技術初期應用於企業級客戶,未來不排除也推出消費級產品。

HP 還展示了一個影片,列印出的一個掛鉤可以掛起一輛車,這個掛鉤列印用時不到 30 分鐘,重量 113g,可掛起 4.5 噸重的物體。影片中的車重量 1.1 噸,看起來掛鉤毫不費力,在硬度上令人驚嘆,這有望在製造業受到青睞。

惠普還展示了實機,但是要等到 2016 年才上市。在不久前,惠普宣佈拆分成 HP Enterprise 和 HP Inc. 兩家獨立的上市公司。前者專注於企業級的 IT 解決方案、基礎設施以及軟體和雲端服務。後者將包括惠普傳統的兩大硬體業務,PC 和列印。分拆將在 2015 年 10 月底前完成。

在印表機市場,惠普有著近半數的市場,是產業第一大廠,在商用和消費領域有著很強的口碑。藉助這些口碑和企業客戶關係,推廣 3D 印表機應該不是難事。現在主要看企業的需求,目前較為成熟的市場是工業設計、結構設計以及教育市場,部分製造業也有 3D 印表機的應用。

HP wants to drive the "next industrial revolution" and spark a change in the way products are manufactured with its new 3D printers.

The company's first 3D printers will ship later this year, said Cathie Lesjak, chief financial officer for HP, speaking at the Morgan Stanley Technology, Media and Telecom Conference this week.

HP first announced 3D printers in 2014, and is now preparing for the big launch. HP is looking to hire materials experts, mechanical engineers, managers and sales people for its push into 3D printing.
HP has a rich history in printing and is entering a 3D printing market that, over the past 20-plus years, has been marred by support and technology problems. HP wants to make 3D printing quicker, cheaper and faster for businesses.

3D printing PCB
"We're really not terribly interested in consumer 3D [printing], we're interested in commercial," Lesjak said.

The technology offers several advantages for businesses. Instead of using multiple machines to make a product, businesses will be able to use a single 3D printer to make parts, Lesjak said.

Companies will be able to cut manufacturing costs by making products in-house. With the ability to print parts when needed, companies don't have to worry about holding excess inventory, she said.

The HP printer will support advanced inks and materials. It will also use design rules and precision production methods typically applied to integrated circuit manufacturing.

HP's 3D printing technology has its basis in the company's PageWide commercial printing technology. PageWide uses special inks for faster document printing, and will likely expand to include new ink and material for 3D printing.

The excitement around 3D printing peaked in 2014, but has since died down. The stock prices of companies like Stratasys - which owns MakerBot - and 3D Systems have plummeted as those companies focused on the consumer market. That recent history is one reason why HP wants to focus exclusively on the commercial market, Lesjak said.

GE buys two 3D printing companies at $1.4 billion

A Swedish and a German company join the fold to make industrial components. On Tuesday, General Electric announced that it would spend $1.4 billion (~£1 billion) to acquire two European 3D printing companies—Arcam AB from Sweden and SLM Solutions Group from Germany. According to the Associated Press, GE spent $1.5 billion (~£1.1 billion) on 3D printing investments since 2010, meaning the acquisitions will double what the company has invested in the last five years.

In a press release, GE noted that Arcam “invented the electron beam melting machine for metal-based additive manufacturing and also produces advanced metal powders.” SLM Solutions, on the other hand, “produces laser machines for metal-based additive manufacturing.” Both companies have histories of doing business in the aerospace and healthcare industries, and SLM Solutions also has customers in the energy and automotive industries.
3D printing parts for GE

Speaking to The Wall Street Journal, GE’s CEO of Aviation David Joyce said that GE’s jet engine business has been the primary outlet for so-called additive manufacturing at the company, but it plans to use 3D printing more frequently in its power turbine and medical equipment businesses.

“GE said it expected to purchase about 1,000 new 3-D printing machines over the next decade,” the WSJ notes. “By bringing the two firms in-house, GE says it could cut costs by $3 billion to $5 billion across the company, since the technology could reduce design and material costs.” Eventually, GE could potentially become a supplier of industrial 3D printing machines and materials with these acquisitions.
3D printing is favored in certain kinds of industrial production—it can be used to create parts that are much lighter than molded or cast parts. At the same time, it can also take longer for a 3D printer to make parts than a more traditional process would take, meaning that many companies employ 3D printing at a prototyping stage but dispense with it for production-ready items. GE has said it hopes to make 3D printing faster by at least two to three times over the next few years, according to the WSJ.


  • 由於3D列印技術大幅進步,3D列印技術將至應用成長期,各產業應用將產生革命;
  • 研究機構IDC最新全球3D列印市場支出追蹤半年報指出,2016年相關市場支出將達159億美元(約合新台幣4977億元),並以24.1%的年複合成長率增加,2020年將達到354億美元(約合新台幣1.11兆元)。
  • 對台灣產業影響很大,因為台灣小量多樣產業產值是超過 3000億以上,台灣需抓住這機會產生新的業產創新與成長,如3D列印機器人、客製3D列印產品等等。

2016年10月6日 星期四

2016年全球最佳的健身追踪器:Fitbit、Garmin、Misfit ,,, ( How to understand wearable growth ? from fitness tracker )

Best fitness trackers 2016: Fitbit, Garmin, Misfit and more

Best fitness tracker

Our Garmin Vivosmart HR+ review broke the record for an all-time high score for fitness trackers and for good reason: it's all singing, all dancing and packed with tech, although that still might not make it the perfect choice for everyone.

The Vivosmart HR+ offers a great mix of activity, heart rate and GPS tracking, which makes it a no-brainer for those thinking about a Fitbit, but non-plussed by the idea of taking a phone along for a run.

While the band is still a little chunky for some and the screen is nowhere near as attractive as the Blaze, it offers up around a week of battery life, is devilishly good when it comes to notifications and it's water resistant to about 50m – although the lack of a swimming mode is a bitter disappointment.

Run stats are a little light – if you want more than pace, distance or basic HR data then you'll need to head into proper GPS running watch territory.

( Garmin Vivosmart HR+ 是全世界最佳的健身追踪器,它提供 GPS、心跳監視、睡眠追踪、記步器等功能 )
Feature check: Steps, sleep monitoring, 24/7 heart rate monitoring, GPS.

Best general fitness tracker

Fitbit raised the bar with the Charge 2, in spite of the device falling slightly short of its own expectations. As well the usual steps and sleep tracking – all logged within Fitbit's superb app – the Charge 2 tracks heart rate continuously, monitors resting heart rate and now rates VO2 Max, a scientific gauge of fitness. New breathing training to combat stress adds to a stellar line-up of wellness features – so why isn't it topping the table?

Teething issues with screen responsiveness, a fiddly interface and flaky heart rate tracking during very intense workouts make for an experience that falls short for the more active user. It will accurately track runs, but you need to take your phone out with you.

However, if general wellbeing is more important to you than getting sweaty at the gym, the Charge 2 is one of the strongest devices on the market.

( Fitbit Charge 2 是全世界最流行的健身追踪器,它提供 心跳監視、睡眠追踪、記步器、呼吸訓練、最高血氧測試等功能 )
Feature check: Steps, sleep monitoring, 24/7 heart rate monitoring, breathing training, VO2 Max.

Best for sleep tracking

We talked and Jawbone listened. After receiving mediocre reviews for the Jawbone UP3, the San Francisco company went live with new firmware addressing a number of the key concerns – and automatic sleep tracking is now on offer. That's great news because the UP3 is incredibly in-depth when it comes to tracking your zzzz's. By monitoring a user's bpm, respiration rate, body temperature and galvanic skin response, it can give you your REM, light and deep sleep stats.
( Jawbone UP3 是全世界最流行的健身睡眠追踪器,它提供 心跳監視、睡眠追踪、記步器等功能 )
Feature check: Heart rate (resting and passive), steps, sleep.


  • 健身追踪器將是 IOT 成長最快產品,將會結合各種健康訊息感測器成為個人健康追踪的主要產品。
  • 它的 Apps 及 web 也將成為 Health social network 的另一種結合營養、健康、運動、瘦身、健康廚藝生意模式。