2013年3月13日 星期三

由蘋果 Apple TV 及 iPad Mini 策略看 Tim Cook 在後賈伯斯時代之方向 ( What is Tim Cook must know on his strategy? )

Latest Apple TV has a die-shrunk A5 chip, not an A5X after all 
縮小 Apple TV CPU 的 die size 是 Tim Cook 策略?

The current Apple TV refresh contains a die-shrunk version of the single-core A5 system on a chip rather than the rumored A5X, reports MacRumors. We first heard about the new Apple TV from FCC documents in late January, but quickly found out from Apple that the refresh would only contain a "minor" component change. It turns out that wasn’t an exaggeration. ( 目前蘋果電視刷新包含在一個芯片上,而不是的傳聞A5X而是 MacRumors 報告之縮小版的單核A5系統。我們第一次聽到從FCC的文件在一月下旬新的蘋果電視,但很快就發現,從蘋果的刷新將只包含一個“小”的成分變化。事實證明,這是不誇張。)
Tim cook needs to brave himself to invest and acquire many,
create more innovative

The MacRumors team cracked open one of the newly-released Apple TVs (model number A1469), and found that the A5 inside was nearly 50 percent smaller than the last generation's already-shrunken chip, measuring roughly 36 square millimeters (0.06 square inches). MacRumors points out that it’s unknown who is manufacturing the new chips — both longtime partner Samsung and rumored successor TSMC are transitioning to chips with smaller, 28nm feature sizes. If TSMC is indeed behind the new chips, it will make the latest Apple TV the first iOS device with a non-Samsung processor. ( MacRumors 團隊破解一個新的蘋果電視(模型號A1469)新聞,並發現,在A5裡面是將近比上一代50%更小的縮小芯片,測量大約36平方毫米(0.06平方英寸)。 MacRumors 指出,是誰製造了新的芯片,它是未知的 - 雙方的長期合作夥伴三星和傳聞中的繼任合作夥伴台積電來生產這更小晶片,28nm工藝特徵尺寸的芯片。如果台積電確實落於新的芯片,將最新的蘋果電視的第一個 iOS 設備與非三星處理器。)

:Apple TV 最大衝擊之產業是 Android smart TV 及 Smart TV HDMI dongle,如果 Apple TV box  是 59 美元,Android smart TV 及 Smart TV HDMI dongle 馬上就受威脅嗎?

新款iPad mini將引發平板電腦價格戰
299$ iPad mini 是 Tim Cook 策略?

摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)分析師馬克‧莫斯科維茨(Mark Moskowitz)今天表示,第二代iPad mini將會迫使平板電腦廠商繼續降低產品價格。

  在今天發佈的投資建議中,莫斯科維茨基於iPad mini和其它低價平板電腦的銷量增長對2013年平板銷量做出了預測,他預測今年平板電腦銷量將會增加65%,超過了之前預計的53.5%,由平板電腦帶來的收入將增加32.3%,而之前這一數字為32.5%。

  莫斯科維茨稱, Apple 將是高銷量的主要受益者,其它廠商還沒有能與iPad相抗衡的產品,最終,這些廠商將被迫展開價格戰。

  “在我們看來,2013年對其它平板電腦至關重要,因為 Apple 將發佈第二代iPad mini,這將會促使競爭者進一步降低產品售價,我們預計其它平板廠商會將價格拉低至199美元以下,但我們懷疑它們是否能夠建立可持續發展的銷售渠道”。


  莫斯科維茨預計, Apple 將繼續引領平板電腦市場,但 Samsung 會依靠擴大自己的產品陣容獲得更多關注。 Google 會依靠提供大量Android平板電腦來提高Android的市場份額,同時會投放更多電視廣告。

799$ iPad Pro 是 Tim Cook 策略?
“得益於價格優勢, Google 的低價Nexus 7平板將會獲得很高的銷量,我們認為Nexus設備銷量將會超過亞馬遜Kindle Fire”。至於Windows 8平板,莫斯科維茨並不認為未來平板電腦的高銷量能為微軟Surface設備提供太多幫助。至今Surface並沒有在市場上獲得消費者足夠的認可,他認為微軟去年第四季度僅賣出了大約60萬台Surface平板電腦。

蘋果推128GB大容量iPad 硬是比Surface Pro便宜200美元

網路上才開始傳出蘋果(Apple)要推出128GB的大容量iPad,週二蘋果公司就跳出來證實,公司即將推出容量加大的新款 iPad。新的128GB iPad會在2月5日開賣,有黑色與白色版本,Wi-Fi機種為799美元,Wi-Fi加上行動通訊版為929美元。消費者可以在蘋果商店、蘋果網站以及蘋果授權經銷商買到產品。

蘋果全球行銷資深副總裁Philip Schiller在聲明稿中表示:「iPad問世至今在全球市場已經賣出1.2億台,這顯示iPad受到全球消費者歡迎,而且現在他們每天都能從iPad中發現驚奇,讓他們更有動力在iPad上工作、學習、與玩樂,這比傳統PC有趣太多。」

Mac Pro、Mac 已經無法成長

128GB iPad會比微軟(Microsoft)的Surface Pro提早四天上市;64GB版的Surface Pro要價899美元,而128GB版為999美元。

在發表128GB iPad的同時,蘋果同時討論到iPad對於企業市場的衝擊,這個市場過去可是微軟的天下。蘋果表示:「幾乎所有Fortune 500公司、以及超過85%的全球前500大公司,目前都已經開始使用或正在測試iPad。有些公司經常會用到大量資料,例如3D CAD檔案、X光、影片剪輯、音樂檔案、專案藍圖、訓練影片以及服務手冊等,現在他們有了有更多iPad選項。」

蘋果引用了Autodesk、WaveMachine Labs、以及Global Apptitude的說法,這些公司都對 iPad 讚譽有加。

除了擴大容量之外,這款iPad沒有其它明顯變化。螢幕仍是9.7吋的Retina螢幕,使用蘋果A6X晶片,配備FaceTime HD相機,產品將內建剛亮相的iOS 6.1作業系統。第四代iPad仍有16GB、32GB以及64GB等機種,價格從499美元到829美元不等。

:Forrester predicts that 200 million workers will be lining up for a Windows tablet. Apple may want to take a bite out of that market with an iPad Pro. ( Forrester 預測,200萬員工將排隊買Windows平板。蘋果公司可能要採取專業級 iPad咬一口市場。)

Tim cook will face a very difficult situation in 2013?

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2013年3月12日 星期二

Google 已經將 Google Translate 及 Google voice 整合成 Youtube 自動字幕服務,下一個將是自然語言雲端

YouTube's automatic captions service adds six additional languages 

Building upon the work Google began in 2009, YouTube is now extending its automatic captioning reach to six additional languages. Previously, the transcription service was only available to speakers of English, Japanese, Korean and Spanish, but as of today, German, Italian, French, Portuguese, Russian and Dutch have also been added to the fold. Auto-caps, as the company calls it, works by employing the same voice recognition algorithms used within Google Voice, but as anyone familiar with that speech software can attest, it's not always error-free. So, expect some things to be (unintentionally and somewhat amusingly) lost in translation. ( 谷歌於2009年的自動字幕翻譯工作開始,目前,YouTube正在擴展它的的自動字幕到達6個其他語言的。在此之前,轉錄服務只提供給講英語,日語,韓語和西班牙語,但到今天為止,德國,意大利,法國,葡萄牙,俄羅斯和荷蘭也添加了對折。自動大寫的,因為該公司稱它的工作原理是採用了相同的範圍內使用谷歌語音的語音識別算法,但,作為語音軟件與熟悉的人都可以證明,它並不總是無差錯。因此,預計一些事情,(無意有點可笑)迷失在翻譯。)

Speaking of which, with the site's recent inclusion of the search giant's translation software, users will also have the option take their captioned vids and make them readable across a variety of languages. YouTube: building linguistic bridges across the internet's borders. ( 說到這,最近加入該網站的搜索巨頭的翻譯軟件,用戶還可以選擇自己的標題VIDS,使他們在各種語言中讀取。 YouTube的:語言的橋樑橫跨互聯網的邊界。)

YouTube announces paid professional translation option for videos YouTube宣布開啟付費之專業翻譯服務選項

Looking to grow your YouTube following in non-English-speaking countries?

YouTube this week made it a little easier to get your video translated into another language, but you'll have to pay. The video sharing site announced it has teamed up with two vendors, Gengo and Translated.net, to offer paid, professional translation services for YouTube videos.

The new professional translation option arrives after YouTube last September launched a tool to help users request a translation from a bilingual friend or colleague, or create one themselves using Google's machine translation technology. Now, when you request a translation, the site will also display a list of professional vendors along with their estimated pricing and delivery date for easy comparison. ( 新的專業翻譯選項服務在去年9月YouTube推出的工具,以幫助用戶請求從一個的雙語朋友或同事,或建立一個自己使用谷歌的機器翻譯技術翻譯。現在,當你請求一個翻譯,該網站也將顯示一個列表的專業廠商,以及與他們的估計定價和交貨日期為便於比較。)
你可實際操作 Youtube caption 功能,讓自已更快了解內容

Getting a professional translation will still involve some work on your end. Before requesting a translation, you'll first need to manually create and add a "caption track" to the video.

 The easiest way to do this is to listen to your video and manually type out raw transcript, which typically takes about three times the length of the video. Once your transcript is complete, YouTube will automatically sync your transcript with the video and create time codes to generate the caption track.

From there, you can request a translation in the YouTube Video Manager and compare the rates for translation services. If a professional estimate seems reasonable, simply can click the blue "Start order" button next to the vendor you'd like to use. This will create an order and direct you to the vendor's website to complete the payment.

When the translator completes the job, they will send the translated captions directly back to YouTube. From there, you'll need to approve the captions before they become available for all your viewers.

According to Gengo, there are more than 800 million unique users on YouTube very month. Gengo said it will translate captions into more than 33 languages. ( 據 Gengo表示,YouTube 一個月有超過8億的獨立用戶上面。Gengo 表示,將翻譯成超過33種語言字幕。)

由 Google 研發之技術與人才招募方向,不難發現自然語言處理 ( nature language processing ) 正是下一個將與 Google Translate、Google voice、雲端、Search engine 整合成新技術,創意的 Google 正以高速整合這些技術應用在 Search engine、Android、Youtube、Google glass 等等,你可以試一下 Youtube 自動字幕翻譯功能,這將將大幅影響人類語言學習。


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2013年3月10日 星期日

Burberry 是怎樣的成功社群企業? 社群企業基礎是什麼? ( Social business success of Burberry : a customer company )

In today's case study we look at luxury brand Burberry, who has developed a far-reaching vision of being the first company to be "fully digital end-to-end." ( 在今天的案例研究中,我們看奢侈品牌公司 Burberry,是第一家公司產生深遠眼光的 “全數字終端到終端的發展。” )

Burberry's social business story was famously highlighted during last year's Dreamforce event, where their CEO Angela Ahrendts explained how they strategically partnered with Salesforce to create a true social enterprise. Founded in the mid-1800s, Burberry has had its ups and downs but is currently performing quite well as a worldwide luxury goods designer. They rang up $1.5 billion in sales last year and have over 6,600 employees working in over 200 locations, creating a geographic challenge for creating a truly global culture for which I find many companies look to social media as a potential solution.
( 在去年的的 Dreamforce 事件,解釋了他們如何與 Salesforce 的戰略合作夥伴關係,建立一個真正的社群企業著名的首席執行官Angela Ahrendts Burberry 強調社會的創業故事。巴寶莉公司成立於19世紀中葉,有其跌宕起伏,但目前作為全球奢侈品設計師的表現相當不錯。他們又響了起來$150億美元的銷售額去年有超過6,600名員工,在超過200個地點工作,建立一個地緣性挑戰,創造一個真正的全球性的行銷文化,我覺得很多公司都希望以社交媒體作為一個潛在的解決方案。)

In their social business effort, Burberry was clearly thinking big: A true digital company must use digital channels through and through for all interaction. Said Ahrendts for the customer-centric vision: The experience would be that a customer would have total access to Burberry, across any device, anywhere. And they would get exactly the same feeling of the brand, feeling of the culture, regardless of when, where, how they were accessing the brand. Everyone now can come into Burberry World the journey and mission that Burberry is on. And for any CEO that is skeptical at all: You have to create a social enterprise today. You have to be totally connected with everyone that touches your brand. If you don't do that, I don't know what your business model is in five years. ( 他們社群事業的努力,巴寶莉顯然是想法很偉大:一個真正的數字必須使用數字渠道,並通過所有的交互。阿倫德的以客戶為中心的願景:將客戶總訪問巴寶莉,在任何設備,任何地方的經驗。他們會得到完全一樣的感覺的品牌,文化的感覺,無論何時,何地,他們是如何進入的品牌。現在大家都可以進入 Burberry 的世界的旅程和使命,巴寶莉已是開啟社群事業。任何CEO是持懷疑態度的:你必須建立一個社群企業。你有你的品牌接觸的每個人都完全連接。如果你不這樣做,我不知道你的商業模式五年內要如何。)

Not withstanding the obvious kool-aid, the message for Burberry's effort was clear: The future of business is "borderless, agnostic, and it's in the new universal language: social media." Perhaps more importantly, unlike the Cemex social business story, which had to deal well with a significant percentage of older workers, in sharp contrast, over 70% of Burberry's workers are under 30, making the fast rapid embrace of social media, internally and externally, potentially much easier. What's more, instead of just Enterprise 2.0, Burberry wanted a truly integrated end-to-end vision. The full spectrum of social business in other words. Not for them was a set of social "islands": Isolated workforce collaboration, a separate Social CRM effort, and standalone social branding, marketing, and online experience. They wanted everything social in the company to be connected together seamlessly from a business and technology perspective. ( 巴寶莉的努力是明確的:企業的未來是“無國界的,無關的,它是在新的通用語言:社交媒體。” Burberry的70%以上的工人都在30歲以下,社會媒體,內部和外部,可能更容易快速快速的懷抱。更重要的是,而不是只是企業2.0,巴寶莉想要一個真正集成的終端到終端的願景。換句話說,全方位的社會事業。不是社會的“孤島”,它們不是一組隔離的員工合作,不是一個單獨的社交型CRM的努力,以及獨立的社會品牌,營銷和在線體驗。它們是從業務和技術角度無縫連接在一起,該公司希望一切社會。 )

Citing it as one of the fastest efforts they've ever put together and dubbed Burberry Community, the vision was to connected back-end, to front-end, to workers, to customer experience in a unified way using the various capabilities of Salesforce, from its CRM capabilities to its increasingly sophisticated Chatter social networking services.

In contrast to some of the other stories, the internal adoption numbers for Burberry's efforts are less clear (and not public), but the business result bottom line seems to be a bit clearer. Press reports are giving their social business strategy a good chunk of the the credit for a 21% jump in profits in the fourth quarter of 2011. Burberry has been extremely effective at building a social customer experience and has over 10 million Facebook fans as they've situated Chatter and other technologies such as IM for workers to engage with each other and customers to drive better results. As their CEO says: "The social enterprise has got to drive economic value." And if early results are any indication, that is starting to happen for them. ( 巴寶莉一直是非常有效的,在建立社會客戶體驗,並有超過千萬 Facebook 粉絲,因為他們已經位於如 IM聊天、其他技術員工與和客戶帶來更好的溝通結果。由於他們的CEO說:“社群企業推動了經濟價值。”如果早期的結果是任何跡象顯示,這種情況正在開始發生。)

就是讓企業運用 social network 產生『社群企業基礎』並成為一個『客戶驅動的企業』與傳統市場、品牌、行銷企業在競爭:
  • 互聯網社會聽力
  • 互聯網社會溝通力
  • 互聯網社會行銷力
  • 互聯網社會內容力
  • 建立信任
  • 建立客戶與整個企業團隊合作

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