2014年8月16日 星期六

Samsung 計劃收購 SmartThings,Mircosoft 與 QualComm 合組聯盟,物聯網戰爭進入聯盟之競爭 ( Samsung acquire SmartThings to step in IOT, Mircosoft and QualComm combined group alliance, IOT war enters league competition )

持續進軍物聯網市場 Samsung 計劃收購 SmartThings 

根據路透社報導,Samsung 正在計劃收購美國知名的家電通訊廠商 SmartThings,希望透過該公司的技術,增加 Samsung 旗下產品相互連接的能力,收購價格可能會超過 2 億美元。

SmartThings 是一家家用智慧型裝置的開發商,該公司推出一系列可以用手機 APP 進行控制的家用設備,包括保全防護、燈光控制、電器開關控制等,透過額外加裝控制器的設計,讓一般家庭也能擁有智慧化的家庭環境。

不過目前在物聯網的發展狀況上,仍然呈現各大科技廠商各自發展標準的態勢,Apple 推出了自己的 HomeKit,Google 則是買下了 Nest Labs Inc.,並且與家電、照明廠商聯合,Samsung 則是加入了 Intel 與 Dell 的陣營,Mircosoft 則是與 QualComm 合組聯盟,以目前這麼複雜的情況來看,要等到連接標準統一的那天,恐怕還有得等。


福布斯中文網消息,讓自己的房子會說話,亞歷克斯·霍金森(Alex Hawkinson)就是這麼想的。2011年2月,在科技創業公司ReachLocal擔任高管的霍金森和家人前往他們在美國科羅拉多州落基山脈的偏遠木屋,結果發現屋裏全濕透了。幾個月前,這間木屋停電,一根管子破裂。濕氣鑽入了每條縫隙。修理費花了10多萬美元。



  在科羅拉多州之旅一年後,他創建了公司SmartThings。現在,這家公司出售一種硬體集線器,價格為100美元,生意很紅火。這種集線器帶有智慧手機應用和雲服務功能,可以將數千種電子設備連接起來。SmartThings還銷售更加昂貴的工具包,裏面塞滿了包括各種第三方感測器和設備,用於居家安全、溫度控制和水探測。這家公司位於華盛頓特區,已經有5,000名開發者利用該公司的軟體,打造可在各種硬體組合上運作併發揮實用功效的應用程式。例如,當你早上醒來時,你的健康追蹤器會通知咖啡機為你準備一杯鮮咖啡。或者,當水管漏水時,濕度感測器會通過智慧手機提醒你關水。SmartThings計劃在明年推出多款付費應用,就像蘋果(Apple)的App Store。

  SmartThings聯合創始人和首席技術官傑夫·哈金斯(Jeff Hagins)認為,他們的模式類似于雲計算巨頭Salesforce。“他們之所以為開發者建立這個平臺,是因為他們不具備面向所有可能應用的專業知識和技能。”他解釋道,“我們面對看著智慧家居領域,也會說同樣的話有同樣的感慨。我們並不掌握所有的答案。”

  戰略分析公司(Strategy Analytics)的數據顯示,今年智慧家居行業的硬體和服務營收預計將達到179億美元,到2019年將增長至400億美元。各公司競相爭奪市場蛋糕,很多創業初創公司和科技巨頭開始採取整合不約而同地都把方向對準了設備整合策略。蘋果在近期的開發者大會上發佈了HomeKit平臺,承諾用一種服務來同步所有的iOS設備。谷歌(Google)在今年1月以32億美元的價格收購了Nest,並在6月份開放了其軟體介面,讓開發者可以與Nest的恒溫器及其煙霧和二氧化碳探測器實現連接。

  SmartThings只是其中的一個小小參與者,但其“平臺”策略正引發關注。據報道,三星(Samsung)擬出價2億美元收購這家創業初創公司。另外,有關該公司與勞氏(Lowe’s)商討合作事宜的傳聞也不絕於耳。2012年9月,SmartThings通過Kickstarter網站上的募資眾籌活動籌得募集到120萬美元,此後其集線器開始出貨,據該公司說,目前已進入數萬個美國家庭,用戶數每月增長10%至20%。去年11月,該公司從格雷洛克風投合夥公司(Greylock Partners)、高地資本(Highland Capital Partners)和部落格思集團(BoxGroup)手中獲得1,250萬美元投資。

硬體銷售的增長十分可觀,但未來的利潤並不來自於售價這種100美元的集線器。就連SmartThings的競爭對手們,例如以300美元價格出售集線器的Revolv(但缺乏面向應用開發者的開放平臺)也承認這一點。“目前沒人靠出售集線器掙到錢。”Revolv聯合創始人邁克·蘇西(Mike Soucie)說,“很多人押注于長遠的未來,願意承受目前的損失虧損。這就是該市場的情況這個市場的就是如此——押注于未來。”

  對於Smart Things和整個物聯網行業來說,更大的機遇在於出售服務。保險公司希望根據從你家中發出的生活數據,制定設計更加“智慧”的保險單。老年護理公司希望能夠通過智慧手機監控跟蹤老年人的身體狀況,藉此收取費用。像SmartThings這樣的公司可以從通過其系統內進行的每筆銷售中獲得提成。

  在這方面,SmartThings第一筆真正的商業交易是與美國第二大住房保修提供商全國住房服務公司(Cross Country Home Services)的合作。預計這次合作將於今年晚些時候在全國範圍內展開,屆時將把SmartThings用戶與該住房保修提供商的15萬個承包商聯繫起來,協助用戶安裝SmartThings系統或者在智慧家居發出警報時前來修理破損電器。每當SmartThings用戶雇傭使用全國住房服務公司的承包商的服務時時,SmartThings都能獲得提成。



  保險公司正採取積極行動,而不是坐以待斃。SmartThings 目前正與美國十大保險公司中的四家開展合作項目。美國家庭保險公司(American Family Insurance)近期與微軟(Microsoft)合作,在西雅圖建立一個智慧家居創業項目孵化器,而SmartThings將為該孵化器出謀劃策。


為物聯網建立標準 Intel、博通、三星合作

在新的聯盟加入後,Internet of Everything 標準看來要更混亂了。或許是回應 Qualcomm 主導的 AllSeen 聯盟,Intel、Broadcom 與 Samsung 等宣布成立開放互聯聯盟(Open Interconnect Consortium, OIC)。

OIC 重點會先放在家居以及辦公室場的互聯網設備上,然後產品將擴展至汽車與其他領域。

目前除了 Intel、Broadcom 與 Samsung 外,創始成員還包含了 Atmel、Dell 與 Wind River,相信在接下來的數月內,還會有更多成員加入 OIC 這個聯盟。作為 OIC 的主要對手,成立於 2013 年 12 月的 AllSeen 聯盟擁有 LG、Sharp、Haier 以及 Panasonic 等超過 50 位成員。在上星期,重量級的 Micrsoft 也宣布加入,讓 AllSeen IoT 聯盟的成員更具分量。

Internet of Everything 若要更接近消費者,需要擁有一套完整的標準。眼前 Intel 與 Qualcomm 各擁有一個聯盟的情況下,IoT 市場要如何提供劃一標準讓消費者願意買單,可能是這些大佬應該去思考的問題。

Linux 基金會成立 AllSeen 聯盟推動物聯網發展

Linux基金會聯合多家廠商成立AllSeen聯盟,該聯盟將致力於建設一個讓不同類別的裝置連接的開源平台,以推動全球物聯網的發展,參與AllSeen聯盟的廠商有高通、思科、LG、 Panasonic、 Haier、 Si​​licon Image、 TP-LINK等。

物聯網是科技產業發展的一大趨勢,未來除了電腦、手機、平板電腦之外,汽車、家用電器都會智慧化,美國高通公司多年來致力於研發實現不同類別裝置之間的數據傳輸解決方案,由高通創新中心開發的 AllJoyn 技術可在近距離實現兩個裝置點對點的數據傳輸,並且這是一個開放源代碼的技術,通過 AllJoyn 技術不同的裝置之間可通過 wifi 或是 bluetooth 進行連接和傳輸。

一年多以前高通公司副總裁 Rob Chandhok 表達了高通對於對於全球物聯網發展緩慢的失望,他認為這是因為生產不同類別裝置的廠商缺乏合作,僅為自家的智慧型手機、平板電腦、電視開發兼容的程式,而沒有構建一個可以兼容所有裝置的平台。

2013年12月10日 Linux 基金會宣布成立 AllSeen 聯盟,旨在建設一個可讓不同尺寸和類別的裝置互相連接的開源平台,這一聯盟吸引了手機廠商、電視廠商、網絡通信裝置廠商、晶片廠商的參與,其中高通公司是最重要的參與者之一,AllJoyn技術所有權已經轉讓給了AllSeen 聯盟,AllJoyn有望成為不同廠商開發產品的統一技術標準。

AllSeen 聯盟有望在2014年CES上展出基於AllSeen協議的首批產品。

Google strategy is to push IOT from Nest and Dropcam

Google旗下Nest 成為新平台,廣招開發商打造智慧家庭

已經簽定合作的業者包括賓士車Mercedes-Benz, 運動腕帶廠商 Jawbone、家電商 Whirlpool、燈泡業者 LIFX、簡訊應用 IFTTT(IF This Then That) 及羅技。這些業者也都已推出與Nest整合的應用。


Nest執行長Matt Rogers指出,Nest長久以來都在開發可和人與家庭互動的智慧產品,以確保居家的安全與舒適。Working with Nest開發商計畫將可和全世界開發商一起創造更有智慧的居家環境。Nest希望透過開發商計畫讓不同軟、硬體業者都能連結 Nest 恆溫控制器及其 Protect 煙霧偵測器資料,產生多種應用方式。他並強調,Nest要做的不只是一個可以遠端開關家中裝置的數位面板,而是要能安全連結所有日常事物,包括電燈、家庭、運動腕帶甚至車輛等等。 .... 持續閱讀
IOT will push big data service have a huge growth


2014年8月15日 星期五

QE結束時,LIBOR 將成為美元利率、債市、股市及金融風暴觀察指標 ( As QE end, LIBOR will become quite important index to watch US interesting rate trend )


LIBOR 利率 ( 自動更新 ) ,引用:libor rates history chart graph

Libor-OIS Spread: 倫敦銀行間三個月期美元拆放款利率與隔夜指數交換 (OIS)利率之間的利差。主要衡量銀行現金緊張程度和放款意願

在信貸緊縮發生之前,2007年7月31日之前12個月的平均美元三個月Libor-OIS展期為8個基點。在美國雷曼兄弟宣布破產前的9月12日,Libor-OIS價差為87個基點;2008年10月10日,Libor-OIS價差曾創下365個基點的新高水準。美國聯準會前主席Alan Greenspan 2008年曾表示,Libor-OIS價差回落至50左右將是金融風暴平息的訊號

泰德利差(TED Spread): 三個月歐洲美元Libor利率與三個月美國國庫券殖利率的利差,也就是所謂的“泰德利差”(TED spread)。由於Liber是倫敦金融業間拆款利率,隱含金融機構間拆款的風險貼水,美國國庫券利率則常當作無風險利率,因此價差常用來當作衡量金融市場信貸風險程度,亦可用來衡量美元的流動性。利差越高,代表信用市場波動性越大,利差越小,代表信用市場波動性越小。一般而言,泰德價差如果超過100bps,則代表金融機構的資金緊俏。2008年9月29日上升至322個基點的歷史新高,高于1987年10月20日上觸的300個基點,當時全球股市崩盤,號稱“黑色星期一”。泰德價差在07年美國次貸風暴爆發前的5年均值僅27個基點。

芝加哥期貨交易所波動率指數VIX(CBOE VOLATILITY INDEX),又稱為恐懼指數
是市場的情緒指標,CBOE商品副總裁 Joe Levin說,「VIX 可以讓你了解,市場上投資人的情緒有多緊繃。」當2008年10月16日VIX飆高來到 81.13,是過去一年平均數的將近 4倍,創下歷史新高,市場已經領向了恐慌的境界。該指數前一波高點為近 46,時值10年前俄羅斯貸款與長期資本管理公司(LTCM) 危機。VIX是量度市場預期未來30天標普500期權價格的波幅(Implied Volatility)。又稱為恐懼指數,當股票市場受到壓力的時候, VIX就傾向上升. VIX超過30通常表示市場非常波動。除了 VIX期權外,也有Nasdaq波動指數(VXN-US) 或Dow Jones 波動指數(VXD-US),不過 VIX指數是其中最活躍、流動性最好的一種。

倫敦同業拆放利率, 簡稱 LIBOR( London InterBank Offered Rate )
LIBOR 是英國銀行同業之間的短期資金借貸款的成本,利息率,由英國銀行家協會(British Banker's Association)按其選定的一批銀行,於倫敦貨幣市場報出的銀行同業拆借利率,再以抽樣本的方式,計算出平均指標利率。 此指針利率,每個銀行營業日都可能不同的。


UK and US fine Lloyds group £218m for manipulating the Libor rate

It also manipulated submissions for another short-term rate linked to the value of UK government debt.Bank of England Governor Mark Carney called such misconduct “reprehensible”.

Lloyds said it “condemns the actions of the individuals responsible”.

The fines were issued by the UK-based Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and a US-based trading commission. A “novel” development, setting the bank aside from competitors that have already been fined for Libor-rigging, was its abuse of the government-backed Special Liquidity Scheme, said the FCA.

The FCA fined Lloyds £105m. It said the fine was the “joint third-highest ever imposed” by the organization or its predecessor, the Financial Services Authority.Bank of England Governor Mr Carney said in a letter dated 15 July to Lloyds' chairman Lord Blackwell that the attempted manipulation could lead to criminal action against those involved.

“Such manipulation is highly reprehensible, clearly unlawful and may amount to criminal conduct on the part of the individuals involved,” Mr. Carney wrote. Lord Blackwell replied on 16 July: “This was truly shocking conduct, undertaken when the bank was on a lifeline of public support.” In the US, the Commodity and Futures Trading Commission fined the group, which is responsible for Lloyds Bank and the Bank of Scotland, 105m dollars, while the US Department of Justice fined it 86m.

The agreement is the seventh joint penalty handed out by US and UK regulators in connection with Libor and other benchmarks, used to price around 450trn of financial products around the world.Barclays and the Royal Bank of Scotland have previously paid 453m and 612m in fines related to the scandal. Part of the FCA's fine for Lloyds, was for serious misconduct over a program introduced during the financial crisis to help the banks.

The Special Liquidity Scheme (SLS) was set up in 2008 by the Bank of England to let banks temporarily swap assets that were difficult to trade.In a statement, the watchdog said the “manipulation of the repo rate benchmark in order to reduce the firms' SLS fees” was misconduct of a type “not seen in previous Libor cases”.

The lower the repo rate of a bank the lower the fees for using the SLS program. Lloyds was also by far the biggest user of the scheme, said the BBC's Business correspondent Simon Jack.

Tracey McDermott, the FCA's director of enforcement and financial crime, said that Lloyds and Bank of Scotland was a “significant beneficiary” of financial assistance from the Bank of England through the SLS.
紐約頂級 Hotel ( I remember one top meeting happen with world wide
top manager there )

“Colluding to benefit the firms at the expense, ultimately, of the UK taxpayer was unacceptable. ”This falls well short of the standards the FCA and the market is entitled to expect from regulated firms,“ she said adding other banks needed to learn lessons from and avoid the mistakes of their peers for trust to be restored in financial services. The US trading commission said the ”unlawful conduct“ of Lloyds ”undermined the integrity“ of Libor, which it said was a critical global benchmark.

It said Lloyds had acted to benefit its trading positions and protect its reputation by manipulating the rate when it was in the process of buying HBOS during the crisis. The commission released a transcript detailing examples of requests to manipulate the sterling and US dollar Libor rate. They include an employee from Lloyds telling their counterpart at HBOS: ”Oh mate, I always have loads of loans going out at the end of the month so I always try to fix it higher“. The trader added: ”They keep calling it lower... I can't work out why it is going down all the time... I will leave it at 67 and I won't go any lower, right?“

A sterling submitter at HBOS responded with: ”Yeah“.

And a Lloyds TSB junior trader asked a sterling submitter at HBOS: ”Do you want us to keep the Libor higher?“ The submitter answered: ”Yeah, I have a big liability fix, so as low as possible please.”

  • LIBOR 早已發展成全球數十兆甚致近百兆之抵押貸款、各類債卷、商業票據、信用卡、石油及糧食拆借交易,也就是說它是百兆美元利率指標,反映美元全球需求,連美聯儲也憾動不了它
  • 因此,QE結束時,LIBOR 將成為美元利率、債市、股市重要觀察指標;
  • 另一觀察指標是:以美元為主之三大 債卷 ETF美國不動產證卷商品 ( US real Estate ETF ) 、天然氣之股票及ETF;這些指標讓大家往前觀差,當QE結束時發生利率暴衝之前兆訊號,事實上,美國長期國債 ETF ( US treasure ETF )已經上升過,QE接近結束時反而又下降,表示全球仍對美元有信心,由貨幣 ETF 表格統計出美元仍是最強,美元仍比歐元強,就看出來;因為,

2014年8月9日 星期六

原始人飲食法瘦身秘訣 ( Paleo Diet ) 及 Megan Fox 照片 ( Paleo Diet with Megan Fox picture )

原始人飲食法 梅根福克斯瘦身祕訣

在大約300多萬年前的石器時代,人類的祖先住在洞穴,過著吃新鮮蔬果、肉類等不能長期儲存,無加工天然食品的生活,而近來在美國就掀起了一股新的減肥潮流「原始人飲食法( Paleo Diet )」,主張回到石器時代的原始人飲食方式,可以補充身體所需營養,也能有效減重。美國NBA熱火隊老將射手艾倫( Ray Allen )日前就靠這招從94公斤降為89公斤;梅根福克斯( Megan Fox )產後快速恢復身材,也透露是藉由這套減肥方式。

根據美國「Live Strong」健康資訊網站內容指出,運動科學博士羅倫.寇狄恩( Loren Cordain )歷時20年研究數百萬年前舊石器時代人類,順著人類基因的飲食方法,提出符合現代人的健康飲食計畫,就是拒絕所有經過加工的精緻食物,並多吃瘦肉與海鮮,排除穀類、乳製品、豆類、鹽等農業社會才有的食物。








Paleo Foods To Eat & Avoid

What food to eat?

Eating the Paleo Diet means no counting calories, portion control, keeping a food diary or eating at set times of the day. You eat when you are hungry and enough to sustain you (not until you are so full you can’t move) and you feel satisfied.

By imitating as best we can the diet of our Paleolithic ancestors ( the caveman diet ) with foods either purchased at the supermarket or grown in our very own backyard, you will begin to experience the many health benefits in no time. Freedom from obesity, increased energy levels and optimal health.

The Paleo Diet means largely consuming the following;
  1. Eating lots of grass feed lean meat, free range poultry or wild fresh caught seafood, without adding lots of added fat while cooking.
  2. Eat moderate amounts of eggs as they are relatively high in fat more so than protein.
  3. Enjoy eating plentiful amounts of fresh vegetables and fruit, aim for 50% of your food intake daily to consist of these nutrient dense foods. Initially it may be beneficial to eat more berries as part of  your fruit intake as they are lower in natural sugar, if weight loss is not an issue for you, than eat as much fruit as you desire.
  4. Eating nuts and seeds in moderation is advised, as they are a rich source of monounsaturated fats, again if you are actively losing weight you should eat only 4 ounces a day until your metabolism increases (concentrated sources of fat has the potential to slow metabolism).
  5. Eat only the healthy fats and oils that are good for us, such as olive oil, macadamia nut oil, avocado oil, coconut oil (my favourite), tarrow, butter or ghee (it’s clarified)
( 優質肉類 + 蔬果 + 堅果、種子 + 健康的食用油 )

It is important to remember the high protein content of the Paleo Diet is the key to many of it’s weight loss benefits. Protein helps you loose weight faster by boosting your metabolism while simultaneously blunting your hunger. The above image is ideally what the Paleo food pyramid would look like, entirely different to the one our authorities recommend.

Beverages that are best kept to a minimum or to be consumed in moderation are tea and coffee, and of course with no added sugar. Drink black preferably, however I’m sure the odd ‘dash’ of milk won’t hurt you greatly if you enjoy a cappuccino like me. The other beverage we all like to enjoy on the odd occasion is alcohol,  there is nothing to suggest enjoying an occasional beer or glass of wine is detrimental to our health, unless abused in large quantities. There are many scientific studies suggesting a glass or two of red wine per week has been shown to have many health benefits such as lowering the risk of dying from heart disease and there is no evidence that our Paleolithic ancestors didn’t drink any form of alcoholic beverage. However less is always best!

Make sure  you drink plenty of water, it always taste nice with a squeeze of lemon or lime. Freshly squeeze your own orange juice and make delicious smoothies with all natural fruit right from your own blender at home.

Additionally foods to eat only in moderation are dried fruits or nuts mixed with dried fruit particularly if you are wanting to actively loose weight.  While Olive Oil, Avocado Oil, Walnut and Flaxseed oils are the better oils for you, they are also fats and it is best to keep all fat consumption to moderate levels.

What foods to avoid?

The following foods are what you should ultimately avoid all together while on the Paleo Diet. In planning to begin a Paleo Diet and eliminating the following foods you may like to try doing so one at a time instead of going cold turkey, gradually wean them from your diet.

  1. Processed foods it is important to note almost all products contain a mix of added sugars, some form of starch, trans fats, dairy products, added preservatives, colouring and flavourings, it is some of these additives that are questionably dangerous to consume. Processed food to avoid are your processed meats and salamis, ham, sausages, deli meats,
    canned foods including fish and meat, commercially processed salad dressings and condiments, tomato and BBQ sauce (ketchup). Whilst initially it may seem daunting to give up processed food think of the money you will save and ultimately the affect it will have on your health to not purchase these items in your next grocery shop.
  2. Dairy foods such as cheese, yoghurt, ice-cream, whole milk, skim milk, low fat milk and cream should be eliminated from your diet including all processed foods made with any dairy products i.e. dips and spreads.
  3. Cereals and grains found in so many foods are not a part of the Paleo diet, barley, corn (corn syrup, corn tortillas, corn chips), millet, oats, rice (all rice including wild, rice noodles, rice cakes, rice flour), rye (bread, crackers), sorghum.
  4. Wheat, all forms of bread products, muffins, noodles, pasta, pastry sweets, crackers, biscuits.
  5. Legumes should be avoided, all beans, chickpeas, black-eyed beans, lentils, peas, snow peas, soybeans and all soybean products.
  6. Starchy vegetables (tubers) should be very limited in you diet if at all, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava root, manioc, tapioca pudding and yarns.
  7. Sugar and one so many of us may find the hardest to eliminate from our diet due the sweet tooth we have developed over time. This mean no more soft drinks, commercially produced fruit juices, sports drinks, candy, chocolate, caster sugar, raw sugar, white and brown sugar and honey.
So while there is a long list of foods to avoid, there is equally a long list of foods you can enjoy. And the Paleo diet in my opinion is not as restrictive as I first thought.