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顯示具有 Apple 產品策略 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2013年12月31日 星期二

2014 專利戰及行銷戰仍是科技產業重頭戲 ( 2014 the patent war and selling strategy is still the major strategy to win the market )

Google 反擊,尋求法院判定 Android 未侵害 Rockstar 專利

Microsoft 、Apple、BlackBerry、Sony 和 Ericsson 等公司在去年合組了 Rockstar 公司,和 Google 競爭北電(Nortel)專利,最後以 45 億美元(約新台幣 1,349 億 6,180 萬元)從 Google 手中搶走北電專利,Google 則轉以 12 億美元(約新台幣 359 億 8,980 萬元)收購 Motorola 和其專利。

Rockstar 在上月底向 Google 和其夥伴提起訴訟,控告其侵害 Rockstar 的 7 項專利,這些專利和網路搜尋詞如何與廣告配對相關。而根據 TechCrunch 的說法,被控告的 Google 夥伴包含 Samsung、LG、ASUS、HTC、Pantech、ZTE 和 Huawei。

而 Google 也不是好惹的,在 25 日則向加州聖荷西法院提交確認判決(declaratory judgment)申請,讓法院決定 Android 是否侵犯了 Rockstar 的 7 項專利。Google 並指控 Rockstar 讓烏雲籠罩了整個 Android 生態環境,並騷擾一大部分的科技企業。通常確認判決是用來確保早期的勝利,以進行專利戰的下一步,Google 應該還有隱藏的絕招尚未使出。





後續Google雖然在專利競購失利,則是轉以美金125億元天價收購 Motorola Mobility 及旗下持有專利,不過卻由Rockstar以收購北電專利內容提告,指Android平台侵害旗下專利,近期也進一步在提出相關告訴。

剪不斷理還亂的專利問題一直讓各廠商頭疼着,也難怪各大廠商都需要成立龐大的律師團隊來應對來自競爭對手的專利訴訟,Google 作為業界領頭企業,Android 目前作為使用最廣的智能手機操作系統,也毫不例外地成為訴訟的對象。

由於 Android 是開放系統,因而使用 Android 系統的製造商也經常被牽連其中。

Rockstar 的大名想必許多人聽過,除了那個做遊戲的 Rockstar Games 之外,還有一個 Rockstar Bidco 專利聯盟,聯盟背後的財團包括蘋果、微軟、索尼、黑莓和愛立信等大企業,其中 Rockstar 前年以 45 億美元的價格收購了破產的北電網絡(Nortel)的 6000 余項專利,45 億美元收購費中,蘋果出資 25 億美元。

於是這 6000 余項來自北電網絡的專利就成了 Rockstar 起訴 Google,還有 Android 廠商的利器。不僅是 Google,製造 Android 設備的廠商華碩、HTC、華為、LG、泛泰,三星和中興在 10 月底被 Rockstar 起訴。它指控 Android 廠商侵犯了七項專利,其中一個專利是導航工具圖形用戶界面,還有更常用的是移動熱點功能、VPN 管理和消息通知等功能,侵權產品包括了智能手機和平板,。

為了應對這場訴訟,Google 近日對 Rockstar 也提出訴訟,暗指 Rockstar 是專為從專利中牟利的專利流氓:

「Rockstar 不生產產品,也不使用其擁有的專利。相反,它在加拿大安大略省雇傭了工程師來研究其他公司的產品,用以發現其他公司產品中可以發起專利訴訟賺取專利授權費的地方。」

Google 稱,不僅僅是 Google 和眾 Android 廠商,另有超過 100 家公司都是 Rockstar 盯上的目標,像是 Facebook、LinkedIn 和思科都也被 Rockstar 認為侵犯其購下的北電網絡專利。

雖然 Google 自家的 Nexus 系列產品被是涉及的產品,Google 也要求法庭判決 Google 的產品並未侵犯專利,但是 Google 同時也表示,Google 此次反訴訟 Rockstar 也是為了保護眾 Android 廠商的利益。

Google 認為,Rockstar 的起訴明顯是衝著 Android 來的,因為 Rockstar 所列出的專利可以起訴更多的產品,但是這些廠商的非 Android 產品卻沒有劃在起訴範圍之內。因此,Google 指責 Rockstar 的起訴讓 Android 廠商頭上陰雲密布,也破壞了 Google 和 Android OEM 廠商的關係。

這也不是 Google 第一次因 Android 專利問題走上法庭,之前 Google 收購摩托羅拉就被認為是更看重其擁有的大量專利。

而根據彭博社的消息,Rockstar 計劃將出售自己購下的專利,如 Google 指出的那樣,Rockstar 不依靠購下的專利生產產品,因而沒有經濟來源,但是通過訴訟后收取專利授權費的路子也並不是一帆風順,當然也有成功的例子,微軟每年就可以因專利授權向 Android 廠商收取數十億美元的授權費。

「米粉」滿天下,將是小米手機的行銷新利器?《華爾街日報》報導,小米全球副總裁巴拉(Hugo Barra)表示,小米手機在中國攻城掠地後,現在將借助海外粉絲的力量,達到擴展海外業務的目標。






不過,仍有分析師表示,這一方法或許不適用於海外,因小米手機在國外並不知名。雖然最近台灣、香港開賣後,消費者反映不錯,但因台、港都是講中文,故也較好推銷。Forrester分析師Bryan Wang預估,在其他國家「米粉」較少,「粉絲行銷」恐怕較難推行,唯一的希望就是以低價切入。

小米在台灣的行銷模式,是先讓消費者在小米台灣網站上登記,然後直接出貨。接下來,再成立批貨中心並舉辦「米粉見面會」,和粉絲同樂。本(12)月7日,小米於台北國際會議中心舉行台灣第一場「爆米花」同樂會,推出多種遊戲與米粉們同樂,現場同時送出送出一台小米電視、小米 3 手機、紅米手機、小米配件大禮包、羊駝米兔,並送每個與會的米粉紅米手機的 F 碼。



不過,分析師Bryan Wang認為,小米朝海外市場發展所需成本高昂,可能提高手機售價以賺取更多利潤,才能回收在該國開發業務的成本。目前,小米仍然堅持薄利多銷策略,並同時販賣遊戲、應用程式等賺取額外營收。


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2013年11月2日 星期六

2013 ~ 2014 專利核戰,蘋果微軟聯手告 Google - 由於 Google Android 市占率大幅提升,蘋果微軟不得不聯手 ( Android leads smart phone 71% market, this lead a patent nuclear war )

專利打群架 蘋果微軟聯手告Google
Nortel LTE/4G patent


雖然微軟與蘋果之間也算是敵對關係,但是面對Google率領的Android大軍,他們選擇聯手打擊主要敵人。據路透社報導,Rockstar在訴狀中指控,Google 沒標到北電的專利,卻繼續使用,將對 Google 加重求償。

Rockstar 是一家專門儲存專利的公司,由蘋果、微軟、黑莓、愛立信(Ericsson)與索尼(Sony)等科技業巨頭共同組成,2011年收購北電旗下的網路、通訊相關的專利技術約 4,000件。
LTE/4G patents will continue to be the main focusing on selling

宏達電是微軟的盟友、也曾與蘋果簽下專利授權的和解協議,還是免不了與 Google 同列被告。宏達電昨日回應,由於全案已經進入司法程序,因此,公司針對這件事情不予評論。



Patent war goes nuclear: Microsoft, Apple-owned “Rockstar” sues Google
Android covers 71% smart phone market is the key to stimulate this war

Canada-based telecom Nortel went bankrupt in 2009 and sold its biggest asset—a portfolio of more than 6,000 patents covering 4G wireless innovations and a range of technologies—at an auction in 2011.

Google bid for the patents, but it didn't get them. Instead, the patents went to a group of competitors—Microsoft, Apple, RIM, Ericsson, and Sony—operating under the name "Rockstar Bidco." The companies together bid the shocking sum of $4.5 billion.

Patent insiders knew that the Nortel portfolio was the patent equivalent of a nuclear stockpile: dangerous in the wrong hands, and a bit scary even if held by a "responsible" party.

This afternoon, that stockpile was finally used for what pretty much everyone suspected it would be used for—launching an all-out patent attack on Google and Android. The smartphone patent wars have been underway for a few years now, and the eight lawsuits filed in federal court today by Rockstar Consortium mean that the conflict just hit DEFCON 1.

Google probably knew this was coming. When it lost out in the Nortel auction, the company's top lawyer, David Drummond, complained that the Microsoft-Apple patent alliance was part of a "hostile, organized campaign against Android." Google's failure to get patents in the Nortel auction was seen as one of the driving factors in its $12.5 billion purchase of Motorola in 2011.

Rockstar, meanwhile, was pretty unapologetic about embracing the "patent troll" business model. Most trolls, of course, aren't holding thousands of patents from gigantic technology companies. When Rockstar was profiled by Wired last year, about 25 of its 32 employees were former Nortel employees.

The suits filed today are against Google and seven companies that make Android smartphones: Asustek, HTC, Huawei, LG Electronics, Pantech, Samsung, and ZTE. The case was filed in the Eastern District of Texas, long considered a district friendly to patent plaintiffs.

The lawsuits

The complaint against Google involves six patents, all from the same patent "family." They're all titled "associative search engine" and list Richard Skillen and Prescott Livermore as inventors. The patents describe "an advertisement machine which provides advertisements to a user searching for desired information within a data network."

The smartphone patent wars have been underway for a few years now, and the conflict just hit DEFCON 1. The oldest patent in the case is US Patent No. 6,098,065, with a filing date of 1997, one year before Google was founded. The newest patent in the suit was filed in 2007 and granted in 2011.
竟告到 search engine server 專利

The complaint tries to use the fact that Google bid for the patents as an extra point against the search giant. "Google subsequently increased its bid multiple times, ultimately bidding as high as $4.4 billion," wrote Rockstar's lawyers. "That price was insufficient to win the auction, as a group led by the current shareholders of Rockstar purchased the portfolio for $4.5 billion. Despite losing in its attempt to acquire the patents-in-suit at auction, Google has infringed and continues to infringe the patents-in-suit."

The suits against the six manufacturing companies each assert the same patents—either six or seven of them, depending on the target. The patents cover a variety of innovations and have different inventors. One patent filed in 1997 for a "navigation tool for graphical user interface" describes a way of navigating through electronic documents. Another describes an "Internet protocol filter," and a third patent describes an "integrated message center."

The manufacturer lawsuits name the targets' whole array of smartphones and tablets. The lawsuit against Huawei, for instance, claims the infringing products include "the Huawei M865 MUVE, Huawei Ascend II, and Huawei Premia 4G M931, and Huawei’s family of tablets, including but not limited to the Huawei MediaPad and Huawei IDEOS S7 Slim."

Rockstar has employed two different law firms to file the suits; both firms have patent experience and experience litigating in the Eastern District of Texas. The Google search suit is being handled by Susman Godfrey, which has taken on other sue-the-world patent cases, like Paul Allen's lawsuits against Facebook, Google, and others.

The manufacturer suits, meanwhile, are being handled by McKool Smith, a formidable Texas law firm that has probably wrung more massive verdicts out of tech companies than any other firm. It scored $368 million from Apple for VirnetX, $290 million from Microsoft over i4i's XML patent, and most recently notched a $173 million verdict against Qualcomm.

The ultimate “patent privateer”

When Wired visited Rockstar's Ontario headquarters, it found 10 reverse-engineering experts, working daily to take apart products and find patent infringement. With just a few dozen employees, Rockstar is hoping to convince more than 100 technology companies to pay it patent licensing fees for a huge array of products. "Pretty much anyone out there is infringing," said Rockstar's CEO, John Veschi.

The Rockstar Consortium may be the ultimate example of patent "privateering"—when big companies hand off their patents to small shell companies to do the dirty work of suing their competitors. Essentially, it's patent trolling gone corporate.

The "privateering" phenomenon has long irked Google. In February, when Google filed a patent lawsuit against British Telecom, it said one of the reasons for the suit was that BT had not only sued Google directly, but it had also gone around "arming patent trolls."

Part of Rockstar's strategy is avoiding a patent countersuit by not having any operating businesses. Essentially, the company wants to enjoy the same advantage patent trolls have, even though it's owned by direct Google competitors like Apple and Microsoft.

"The principals have plausible deniability," said Thomas Ewing, an IP attorney who spoke to Wired about Rockstar. "They can say with a straight face: ‘They’re an independent company. We don’t control them.’ And there’s some truth to that."

And Rockstar's CEO was quite straightforward about his belief that whatever promises Microsoft and Apple might have made about how they'll use their patents, those promises don't apply to Rockstar. “We are separate,” he says. “That does not apply to us.”

Rockstar may want to keep the patent conflict as a kind of "proxy war" between Google and its competitors. But Google has plenty of patents, and this new attack seems assured to bring a counterattack.

The smartphone market is more valuable than ever, and the $4.5 billion Rockstar purchase shows that Google's competitors will spare no expense to put a damper on Android, and they hope to make money while they do it. Patents have become the arena in which tech companies have chosen to do battle. Six years after the iPhone and five years after the launch of Android, the stakes keep getting raised.

  • Microsoft 及 Apple inc., 主導的專利核戰,將導致 LTE/4G 專利激戰,也將導致台廠 LTE/4G 平板電腦、智能手機都將付出較多的專利費;
  • Microsoft 及 Apple inc., 主導的專利核戰是否導致另一輪 LTE/4G 專利搶購將是另一個應注意的交點;
  • 由智能手機市場占有率,2014 將超過 10 億支智能手機,將近每年 100 億美元的專利收入,將成為大廠戰略重心;
  • Google 需要仔細思考 LTE/4G 專利策略,是否聯合 InterDigit 形成另一波專利生意?
  • 這專利戰是否讓 Microsoft 市場持續擴大或萎縮值得觀察;
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2013年10月16日 星期三

Apple Inc., 將走精品行銷路線? 艾倫茲(Angela Ahrendts)將領導蘋果零售事業部 ( Apple Inc., Marketing will be walking into the luxury fashion style? Angela Ahrendts will lead Apple's retail division )

蘋果挖角 英時尚大咖:很榮幸

艾倫茲(Angela Ahrendts)成功擦亮有157年歷史的英國時尚名牌 Burberry,擔任執行長7年來營運成績斐然,她接受蘋果公司邀請,將出任零售與網路商店資深副總裁,轉戰科技界。


  艾倫茲的新職是蘋果新設的職位,她預定明年春天正式走馬上任,主要負責蘋果零售店及網路店的策略方向、擴大及運作,直接向蘋果執行長庫克(Tim Cook)報告。艾倫茲加入Burberry前,曾在時裝品牌Liz Claiborne任職執行副總裁,並擔任Donna Karan International總裁。

  庫克表示,非常高興艾倫茲加入蘋果的團隊,艾倫茲之前的工作已充分顯示,她是一位十分傑出的領導人。艾倫茲說,她選擇Burberry在很好的經營情況下離開,執行長一職將由與她合作多年的Burberry創意總監貝里(Christopher Bailey)接任。


Apple Hires Burberry CEO Angela Ahrendts to Head Retail Efforts
Apple store will change the style ?

Apple said late Monday that it has hired Burberry CEO Angela Ahrendts to serve as head of its retail efforts.Ahrendts, who will join in the spring, will serve as senior VP and will report to CEO Tim Cook. She was among a list of people seen as top candidates for the position.

“I am profoundly honored to join Apple in this newly created position next year, and very much look forward to working with the global teams to further enrich the consumer experience on and offline,” Ahrendts said in a statement. “I have always admired the innovation and impact Apple products and services have on people’s lives and hope in some small way I can help contribute to the company’s continued success and leadership in changing the world.”

Apple has had some key vacancies in its retail operations since Ron Johnson left the company to run J.C. Penney. Johnson was replaced by former Dixons head John Browett, who was ousted by Cook a year ago. Another retail executive, VP Jerry McDougal, resigned in January.

Ahrendts, 53, has been CEO of Burberry since July 2006. From 1998 to 2006, she was an executive VP at Liz Claiborne, and also served at Henri Bendel and Donna Karan International.

Apple and Burberry collaborated in September, with Apple giving the retailer early access to the iPhone 5s to photograph the company’s London runway show.

Burberry 換設計師當家
Apple Inc., think about to join wearable computing market

  英國精品業龍頭Burberry集團(Burberry Group Plc),15日任命貝里(Christopher Bailey)接替艾倫茲(Angela Ahrendts)擔任執行長,讓一位經驗尚淺的設計師率領Burberry度過產業趨緩的難關。Burberry宣布,讓Burberry化身時尚界數位先驅的艾倫茲,將在2014年期間跳槽蘋果公司(Apple Inc.),由現年42歲的貝里接下執行長棒子,兼任他原本創意長的職務。

  倫敦桑福德伯恩斯坦公司(Sanford C. Bernstein)分析師歐特里(Mario Ortelli)說,貝里接棒之際精品業正在極化,他必須決定是要朝更高檔發展,挑戰普拉達(Prada)與路易威登(Louis Vuitton)等品牌,還是以沒那麼貴的產品鎖定更廣的客群。




  這位曾在Donna Karan任職的得獎設計師,將在接任執行長時繼續掌管Burberry的創意部門。身為2009年接下的創意長,他也負責Burberry包括廣告和店面設計的整體形象。

  匯豐(HSBC)分析師蘭姆柏(Erwan Rambourg)表示,雖然貝里已證明是位非凡的設計師,但以執行長之姿經營公司的表現還有待觀察。

  • 艾倫茲(Angela Ahrendts)將領導蘋果零售事業部是 Apple Inc., 很好的佈局;
  • 若能將精品風格結合穿載式裝置、價格策略,會讓 Apple Inc., 走出自已的成長路線;
  • 以 Apple Inc., 產品,iPhone、iPod 、 iPad 、 Mac 、 pple TV box、iCould、Apple store 及 iTune 來看 ,沒有 Apple smart HDTV 將使 Apple Inc., 減少相當多營收,獲利也會減少;
  • 由 Microsoft、Apple、Chrome 搜尋趨勢看,Apple Inc., 只要再多開放一些 iOS 功能且增加 office 常用之軟體,是可以再度增加市場占有率;
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2013年8月2日 星期五

蘋果雲端儲存服務領先群雄 ( Apple lead media cloud business ) - Dropbox 、Google Drive 將緊追 ( Apple Inc. iCloud is a most amazing growth of Cloud service in world wide )

調查:美國雲端媒體服務 蘋果居領先地位
iCloud became world wide top cloud storage service

蘋果 (Apple)(AAPL-US) 在眾多科技領域中,都維持領先地位。一份由 Strategy Analytics 所做的調查顯示,在雲端媒體服務,蘋果也是美國榜首, iCloud 及 iTunes Match 市占達 27%,遙遙領先其他競爭者。

據《ZDNet》報導, Strategy Analytics 調查發現,2012 年第 3 季的雲端媒體服務,iCloud 及 iTunes Match 用戶占 27%為最高,其次是 Dropbox 的 17%,Amazon Cloud Player 以 15% 緊追其後,其次才是 Google Drive 的 10%。

蘋果能取得領先的關鍵之一,是他們自 iOS 5 以來,就力推 iCloud 媒體同步,而他們在 MP3 及平板和智慧型手機,都有強大的市占,帶來雲端服務的優勢。

Strategy Analytics 數位媒體部主任 Ed Barton 表示,雲端領域中,「音樂」是最重要的戰場。包括蘋果、Amazon 及 Google,約 90% 利用雲端儲存音樂。即使 Dropbox 比例不是這麼高,也仍有 45% 比例儲存音樂。
iCloud is still a big market share among Cloud service

一如預期, 年輕人最常使用雲端媒體服務,這次的調查中,20-24 歲美國人使用的頻率最高。不過另一方面,多達 55% 受訪者並不使用雲端媒體服務,也顯示這個領域還需要更長期的經營發展。

Mailbox Cost Dropbox Around $100 Million ( Dropbox 併購 Mailbox )
Dropbox + Mailbox aim at platform service as iCloud

Disrupt alumnus Dropbox made the second in a series of super-savvy, super-early stage acquisitions today, picking up hyped-up email management app Mailbox in an acquisition that we’re calling “DropMail.”

We had been hearing that Mailbox was raising money, piquing the interest of Andreessen Horowitz among others, which is why today’s news that the company sold to the harmoniously named Dropbox didn’t come as a surprise. Sometimes an acquisition is the easiest way to raise resources for growth — especially when you’re tackling as expensive a problem as email. And have a six-figure wait list.

And we’re hearing that this particular acquisition was not cheap — The post-pivot startup cost the storage company “well over” $50 million, according to multiple sources. And we’ve heard that that the price was around $100 million in cash and stock.

Yahoo had also made inroads with the email platform, founded by IDEO veteran Gentry Underwood, which makes sense considering the brand decline of Yahoo Mail as well as the latter company’s dismal mobile traction. But Dropbox’s allure and sympatico vision made more sense for the fledgling startup, whose impressive numbers gave co-founders Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi the courage to take a swing at email.

In any case, we can probably expect to see Dropbox handling email attachments real soon.

Dropbox Acquires Snapjoy And Puts Photos Into Its Focus ( Dropbox 併購 Snapjoy )

Less than one week after Dropbox aqui-hired Audiogalaxy to beef up its cloud music ambitions, today comes news of another acquisition, this time focused on another form of media, photos: the cloud-storage giant is buying Snapjoy – like Dropbox, a Y Combinator-alum — which lets users aggregate, archive and view all of their digital photos from their cameras, phones and popular apps like Flickr, Instagram and Picasa, and then view them online or via an iOS app.

We first got wind of this deal via an anonymous tip — and then tracked down what was happening. The news has also been confirmed by Dropbox and Snapjoy themselves.
Dropbox will learn Pinterest to aim at Photo platform service?

The financial terms of the deal were not disclosed — or, more precisely, in the words of co-founder Michael Dwan, the price was “A furlong of sunshine or a bucket of rainbows, whichever is less.” Dwan says other companies were also knocking on Snapjoy’s door — but declined to say who. Other investors in addition to Y Combinator included SV Angel, Quotidian and the Start Fund, along with Jawed Karim, Yael and Noam Shazeer and Garry Tan.

I asked Dwan why he decided to sell. The simple answer is scale. “The user experience we always wanted was limited by our development capacity and the economics of scale,” he told me in an email exchange. “Dropbox has some of the best talent in the world and is operating at incredible scale, so a lot of the barriers are removed. The equation in my mind is simple: (Mac + Windows + Android + iOS + Linux + Web clients) * rock solid infrastructure * 100 million users = infinite possibilities.”

Dwan declined to give any details on how many users Snapjoy has signed up, or any other usage metrics, or how many people have been subscribing to its paid tier versus only using the free service.

The move is a sign of how Dropbox continues to “move up the value chain,” extending its touchpoints and service offerings to customers beyond simple storage facilities. The move opens Dropbox up into being more of a full-service digital photo center, rather than just a place to store your jpegs as backup or when your own hard drive runs out of space.

It’s an interesting time in the world of photos — with companies like Instagram under the microscope over what it may or may not decide to do with its users’ data; services like Flickr extending its functionality as a place to create pictures as much as it is a place to store and share them; and Twitter also entering the fray. Snapjoy potentially gives Dropbox its own oar to dip into the stream. It will also put it into closer competition with Facebook Photo Sync. Right now the two partner on filesharing in Facebook Groups, but with moves like this into photos, a bread-and-butter area for Facebook, we could see that relationship changing.

Dwan tells me, and Snapjoy also notes in a blog post, that it will continue to serve its existing customers — a possible sign that the service will live on in another form as part of Dropbox — but for now it’s closing itself to further sign-ups. It looks like Dwan, who co-founded the company with JP Ren, and others are relocating from Boulder, Colorado, to San Francisco. Whether that will be the full, existing team of six people or only a part is still being worked out.

Just as the Audiogalaxy acquisition played to Dropbox’s existing popularity as a place to store music, this, too, could give Dropbox a chance to expand how its users make use of photos stored in Dropbox’s cloud — already a popular use of the service. Dropbox, interestingly, had previously extended its photo capabilities on Android; Snapjoy’s iOS focus, therefore, is complementary to that.

Apple buys Locationary, a startup building a Wikipedia for location

Apple has acquired a Canadian startup called Locationary, which uses crowdsourcing and game mechanics to create a database of up-to-date location and business information data, reports AllThingsD.

Apple will no doubt use Locationary’s location data services to make its maps much more accurate.

  • 在雲端媒體服務,蘋果也是美國榜首, iCloud 及 iTunes Match 市占達 27%,遙遙領先其他競爭者,其次是 Dropbox 的 17%,Amazon Cloud Player 以 15% 緊追其後,其次才是 Google Drive 的 10%;這分析發現 Microsoft 的 Skydrive 提供更大雲端儲存空間,但市占卻是最低,因此,雲端儲存媒體是以方便性及其他平台實用性為生意為主;
  • 由雲端儲存媒體服務延申至雲端儲存媒體及應用平台生意模式,Dropbox 併購 Mailbox 及 Snapjoy 往應用服務平台生意模式發展,Google Drive 早已將已將 Google docs、Google music 與第三方應用服務軟體結合直接攻向雲端應用服務平台模式來提升市占率
  • 依 Apple iCloud 雲端媒體應用服務平台生意模式,未來 Dropbox 及 Google Drive 最能跟上 Apple ,台廠仍須思考那一種雲端媒體應用服務平台生意模式適合台灣,否則,tablet 及 smart phone 持續低價化時代,台灣電子產業要往那裡走?
  • 同時值得注意 AAPL 並購 Locationary,同時正仔細看一些 social apps 公司,讓雲端媒體應用服務平台更完整;
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