2009年1月4日 星期日

Laura Pausini Most Famous Female Pop Star

    Laura Pausini was born in the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna.She started to sing in local piano bars with her father Fabrizio,
a musician and singer, when she was only eight years old. At the age of thirteen, Laura had her first recording experience with the album I sogni di Laura (Laura's Dreams), a semi-professional release produced by her father in 1987. In 1993 her career was launched when she won the prestigious Italian Sanremo Music Festival with one of her best known songs, "La solitudine". As a natural consequence, she signed a contract with Warner Music Italy to release her first professional album, Laura Pausini (1993), which was a big success in Italy, France, as well as in The Netherlands. Her second album, Laura, was released in 1994 and was such a big hit that her recording company offered her a deal to record in Spanish.
    At the end of 1994, Pausini released her first Spanish album, Laura Pausini, a compilation of ten adapted versions of hits from her first two Italian albums. The album was so successful that made her a household name in the Spanish-speaking world. Her song "Se fue" was one of the most played songs of 1995 according to the Hot Latin Tracks chart of Billboard. Following this success, Pausini simultaneously released Spanish editions of her native Italian language albums: Le cose che vivi (1996), La mia risposta (1998) and Tra te e il mare (2000), were released in Spain and Latin America as Las cosas que vives, Mi respuesta and Entre tu y mil mares, respectively. She also recorded three bonus tracks in Portuguese for a special edition of her album Le cose che vivi in 1996.

Laura Pausini 於1993年在義大利當地的Snaremo音樂祭中以一首「La Solitudine」勇奪新進藝人競賽的首獎,同時也為自己贏得華納音樂的唱片合約,同年起,Laura Pausini 開始發行專輯,她的每一張專輯都會灌錄義大利 文、西班牙文等兩種版本。她在1993年所發行的首張專輯“Laura Pausini”便在義大利排行榜TOP 10中展現超強人氣,停留長達1年。90年代後期,Pausini 持續以義大利文、西班牙文專輯締造驚人銷售。2002年,Laura Pausini 發行了首張英文專輯& ldquo;From The Inside”,專輯中的「Surrender」、「If That’s Love」等單曲雙雙攻佔全美舞曲榜冠軍后座。2004年的專輯“Escucha”為Laura Pausini 贏得兩座大獎,首先 是在2005年的拉丁葛萊美獎中贏得“最佳流行女藝人演唱專輯”獎,隨後再於2006年的葛萊美獎中勇奪 “最佳拉丁流行專輯”獎,後者的成就讓她成為首位勇奪葛萊美獎的義大利女歌手。之後普西妮藉著2006年的專輯 “Yo Canto”將音樂事業火力全開,專輯首周在義大利賣出近30萬張、也讓她再度贏得2007年拉丁葛萊美獎“最佳流行女藝人演唱專輯”獎,並贏得世界音樂獎;最暢銷義大利女歌手”獎,如今,Laura Pausini 已經是在全球銷售高達3千5百萬張的義大利首席歌后。

2009年1月3日 星期六

Australia Movie With Elton John Selection Songs

From Journal Of Life On Pictures
    Australia is a movie stated the love story relative to how Australia becomes independent country during world war II, Nicole Kidman act as a very brave lady to travel for her marrage and run a brave story in Australia with Hugh Jackman; I like Nicole her special gift from Lord to brave her love in pure original and wild of north of Australia. Nicole act as a beautiful, brave lady, just like what the movie shows us "if you don't have love,
you are nothing in earth"; I like to watch the movie with an amazing lady like Nicole, it may be the main reason I like to enjoy the movie with life.

但是沒有愛情且無子嗣的婚姻,讓馬廄裡的馬匹成了唯一對她有意義的事物。莎拉因為深信丈夫外遇,不遠千里從倫敦來到澳洲達爾文市,要向丈夫興師問罪,卻發現丈夫遭人殺害,心懷不軌的牧場經理尼爾弗雷契(大衛溫漢飾),與卡尼男爵密謀加速產權轉讓,欲將「遠方之丘」的莊園房產佔為己有。 為了捍衛「遠方之丘」,莎拉心不甘情不願的與粗野無禮的放牧人(休傑克曼飾)踏上一千五百哩的路程,將上百頭牛隻送到碼頭裝船。他們帶著一名土著與白種人混血的孤兒努拉(布蘭登華特斯飾)同行,被當時實行種族隔離政策的社會視為異類。
整部電影深入澳洲北部原始大地,在被稱之為Top End的北領地達爾文、西澳金柏利地區、昆士蘭海岸線及雪梨市郊小鎮等地拍攝,完美呈現澳洲美麗風光,一場2000頭野牛橫越澳大利亞內陸的浩大場面也是影片的賣點之一。看了 AUSTRALIA 這電影還蠻喜歡。

2008年12月31日 星期三

"Fool's Gold" With Latin Love Songs

From Journal Of Life On Pictures

    I like to watch DVD movie and collect a lot of DVD movie to enjoy it everytime I like, one of movie I like is "Fool's Gold", it been translated as 『傻愛成真』in Chinese.

    It is a movie story fill with a lot of adventure, love and wonderful scenery; I think the life is full with adventure, wonderful thing for us to look forward.

    Some music inside movie is also very romantic with dance rhythm, that is why I like it; you can stream the introduction of the DVD below via Youtube video clip;

    I also combine it with latin love song from Reik band and Deigo Torres to tune the mood of your heart to a romantic, dance with adventure beat.