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2009年6月1日 星期一

Laura Pausini - Yo Canto ( Blog Lyrics 西洋情歌 )

Lyrics : Yo Canto ( I sing )

La niebla que se posa en la mañana
Las piedras de un camino en la colina
El ave que se elevará
El alba que nos llegará
La nieve que se fundirá corriendo al mar
La almohada aun caliente guarda vida
Inciertos pasos lentos de una niña
Los pasos de serenidad
La mano que se extenderá
La espera de felicidad por esto y por lo que vendrá

Yo canto
Tranquilamente canto
La voz en fiesta y canto
La banda en fiesta y canto
Corriendo al viento

La vida entera canto
La primavera canto
Rezando también canto
Alguien me escuchará
Quiero cantarle
Siempre cantarle

El aroma del café en la cocina
La casa que se llena de alegría
El ascensor que no va
El amor a mi cuidad
La gente que sonreirá son de mi calle
Las ramas que se cruzan hacia el cielo
Un viejo que camina en solitario
El verano que nos dejará
El trigo que madurará
La mano que lo acogerá por esto y por lo que será

Yo canto
Tranquilamente canto
La voz en fiesta y canto
La banda en fiesta y canto
Corriendo al viento

La vida entera canto
La primavera y canto
Rezando también canto
Alguien me escuchará
Quiero cantarle
Siempre cantarle

La voz en fiesta y canto
La vida entera y canto corriendo al viento

Yo canto
La vida entera canto
Yo canto alguien me escuchará
Alguien me escuchará
Alguien me escuchará

Laura Pausini 唱出 "Yo Canto" 追求快樂心聲。

Enhanced by Zemanta

2009年1月4日 星期日

Laura Pausini Most Famous Female Pop Star

    Laura Pausini was born in the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna.She started to sing in local piano bars with her father Fabrizio,
a musician and singer, when she was only eight years old. At the age of thirteen, Laura had her first recording experience with the album I sogni di Laura (Laura's Dreams), a semi-professional release produced by her father in 1987. In 1993 her career was launched when she won the prestigious Italian Sanremo Music Festival with one of her best known songs, "La solitudine". As a natural consequence, she signed a contract with Warner Music Italy to release her first professional album, Laura Pausini (1993), which was a big success in Italy, France, as well as in The Netherlands. Her second album, Laura, was released in 1994 and was such a big hit that her recording company offered her a deal to record in Spanish.
    At the end of 1994, Pausini released her first Spanish album, Laura Pausini, a compilation of ten adapted versions of hits from her first two Italian albums. The album was so successful that made her a household name in the Spanish-speaking world. Her song "Se fue" was one of the most played songs of 1995 according to the Hot Latin Tracks chart of Billboard. Following this success, Pausini simultaneously released Spanish editions of her native Italian language albums: Le cose che vivi (1996), La mia risposta (1998) and Tra te e il mare (2000), were released in Spain and Latin America as Las cosas que vives, Mi respuesta and Entre tu y mil mares, respectively. She also recorded three bonus tracks in Portuguese for a special edition of her album Le cose che vivi in 1996.

Laura Pausini 於1993年在義大利當地的Snaremo音樂祭中以一首「La Solitudine」勇奪新進藝人競賽的首獎,同時也為自己贏得華納音樂的唱片合約,同年起,Laura Pausini 開始發行專輯,她的每一張專輯都會灌錄義大利 文、西班牙文等兩種版本。她在1993年所發行的首張專輯“Laura Pausini”便在義大利排行榜TOP 10中展現超強人氣,停留長達1年。90年代後期,Pausini 持續以義大利文、西班牙文專輯締造驚人銷售。2002年,Laura Pausini 發行了首張英文專輯& ldquo;From The Inside”,專輯中的「Surrender」、「If That’s Love」等單曲雙雙攻佔全美舞曲榜冠軍后座。2004年的專輯“Escucha”為Laura Pausini 贏得兩座大獎,首先 是在2005年的拉丁葛萊美獎中贏得“最佳流行女藝人演唱專輯”獎,隨後再於2006年的葛萊美獎中勇奪 “最佳拉丁流行專輯”獎,後者的成就讓她成為首位勇奪葛萊美獎的義大利女歌手。之後普西妮藉著2006年的專輯 “Yo Canto”將音樂事業火力全開,專輯首周在義大利賣出近30萬張、也讓她再度贏得2007年拉丁葛萊美獎“最佳流行女藝人演唱專輯”獎,並贏得世界音樂獎;最暢銷義大利女歌手”獎,如今,Laura Pausini 已經是在全球銷售高達3千5百萬張的義大利首席歌后。

2008年10月26日 星期日

La Oreja de Van Gogh Songs On 1000 Love songs blog

I love Your sweet voice!

La Oreja de Van Gogh is one of my most favorite latin artist, specially, during the moment I need more relax and no one talk to me, so I select several web2.0 players with her song and her samiliar for all of you to taste; I like her songs with my fruit and simple fish breakfast, it is another kind of feeling of taste, may be, you can try it too;

Quiero sus canciones con mi fruta y el desayuno sencillo de pez, son otra clase de sentimiento de sabor, pueden ser, usted lo puede tratar también

La Oreja de Van Gogh 是我最喜歡 Latin 歌星之一, 特別是在沒有人聊天又需要心情放鬆時。這一篇許多 La Oreja de Van Gogh 透過不同之 web2.0 音樂撥放器讓大家享用;通常她的歌聲配合 魚排水果早餐很是ㄊ別,你也可以這樣嘗試。

2008年10月17日 星期五

Lara Fabian, Laura Pausini, Dima Bilan ... selective romantic songs on 1000 love songs blog

Browse my love songs into my heart!

    After a long trip around Asia, I begin to get interesting from Europe and Russia pop star and their music video; I found Lara Fabian, Laura Pausini, Dima Bilan, Tokio Hotel, Julia Savichiva become a mixing playlist of Classical Pop, Pop rock, Soft Metal and Russia rock;

    I like this playlist and it inspire my heart much when I study the document and finance analysis; It combine Europe multi-laguage, English different culture and singing style into the list; finally, I also selected several male classic singing artist to let my heart fill fully with inspiration and enjoyment of musical grace.

Lara Fabian - La Mama

A lovely voice from Lara Fabian!

Ils sont tous là
Dès qu'ils ont entendu ce cri
Elle va mourir, la mamma
Ils sont venus
Ils sont tous là
Même ceux du sud de l'Italie
Y a même Giorgio, le fils maudit
Avec des présents plein les bras
Tous les enfants jouent en silence
Autour du lit ou sur le carreau
Mais leurs jeux n'ont pas d'importance
C'est un peu leurs derniers cadeaux
A la mamma

On la réchauffe de baisers
On lui remonte ses oreillers
Elle va mourir, la mamma
Sainte Marie pleine de grâces
Dont la statue est sur la place
Bien sûr vous lui tendez les bras
En lui chantant Ave Maria
Ave Maria
Y a tant d'amour, de souvenirs
Autour de toi, toi la mamma
Y a tant de larmes et de sourires
A travers toi, toi la mamma

Et tous les hommes ont eu si chaud
Sur les chemins de grand soleil
Elle va mourir, la mamma
Qu'ils boivent frais le vin nouveau
Le bon vin de la bonne treille
Tandis que s'entrassent pêle-mêle
Sur les bancs, foulards et chapeaux
C'est drôle on ne se sent pas triste
Près du grand lit et de l'affection
Y a même un oncle guitariste
Qui joue en faisant attention
A la mamma

Et les femmes se souvenant
Des chansons tristes des veillées
Elle va mourir, la mamma
Tout doucement, les yeux fermés
Chantent comme on berce un enfant
Aprés une bonne journée
Pour qu'il sourie en s'endormant
Ave Maria
Y a tant d'amour, de souvenirs
Autour de toi, toi la mamma
Y a tant de larmes et de sourires
A travers toi, toi la mamma
Que jamais, jamais, jamais
Tu nous quitteras...

    I like the female voice of Lara Fabian, specially, from her frence songs; her song is an angel voice I ever taste; it is a wonderful, amazing with a little bit classical tune plus deeply heart - inspiration, this is why I love her songs and voice;

When I found some songs is quite amazing, I search its music video for everyone to enjoy the heart of light.

2008年2月28日 星期四

Merche, Malu's Best Video And Web Radio

Merche, Malu's Best Video Collection


Merche - Distancia
Merche - Cal y Arena - Actuación Fama
Merche - Dos extraños
Merche - Me han vuelto loca
Merche - No me pidas mas amor

Merche - Ya No Me Digas Lo Siento (new)

As I go to Spain, I will try to collect several CDs of them, I already collected several of them; Merche is a beautiful and passional girl, I like to enjoy her MTV show.